William Blake Critic quotes PDF

Title William Blake Critic quotes
Course English Literature - A2
Institution Sixth Form (UK)
Pages 3
File Size 58 KB
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William Blake Critic quotes (critical perspectives)...


William Blake Critic quotes William Blake "Man has the essence of God in himself" Raymond Williams Blake "criticised his materialistic society for blunting imagination." Evans In Blake's simpler poems "wisdom speaks with the voice of a child" Coote (MOHAH) is "the first sustained example of free verse in English suggests how the tyranny of rhyme and metre is only one of the many constricts now to be thrown off." Oliver Punsal "(Innocence) is a state which can be obtained again following a period of experience." David Punt 'London' is "the most concisely violent assault on 'Establishment thinking' that English poetry has produced." T.S.Elliot the poems suppress "explanatory or connecting matter." Baldwin 'The Tyger'- "what the hand dare seize the fire" = "who will dare overthrow our terrible creator." Grevel Lindrop (first few stanzas of ALGL) mean "men must put aside their fear and hesitation and accept the God in themselves as Lyca accepts her lover." William Blake #2 "I must create my own system or be enslaved by another man's" T.S.Elliot #2 "It is merely a peculiar honesty, which, in a world too frightened to be honest, is peculiarly terrifying." William Blake #3 "Without contraries (there) is no progression...all are necessary to human existence" Timothy Vines "Blake's poems can be analysed as a response to a collapse in human innocence" Margaret Bottrall

"Their apparent simplicity has been their chief passport to popularity" "They repay pondering, investigation and analysis" A.Gilchrist "divine child" "whose playthings were the sun, moon, the stars, the heavens and the earth." When Blake died in 1827, obituaries in papers and magazines described him as a designer and illustrator... NOT a poet. H.G. Hewlett “imperfect genius” Margaret Bottrall “isolated dreamer.” M.H. Abrams “phoenix among poets” David V. Erdman “a poets interpretation of the history of his own time. Northorp Frye Experience; “Contempt and Horror have never been more clearly spoken in English poetry” Rossetti his poems were “cryptic” Bottrall “What you find in Blake depends largely on what you expect to find” Hazard Adams “[They] evoke a vast world of particulars, shading and shifting into one another” Hazlitt Songs were “beautiful” Coleridge “genius” but found himself being “perplexed” by some poems, such as ‘The Blossom’ and ‘A Little Girl Lost’ Caroline Bowles “Mad though he might be, he was gifted.”

James Thomson “Blake was always poor in world’s wealth, always rich in spiritual wealth”

T.S. Eliott Blake’s philosophy “resembles an ingeneous piece of home-made furniture” Catherine (His wife) “I have very little of Mr. Blake’s company; he is always in paradise” Wordsworth “unfortunate lunatic”...

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