Author Danica Kong
Course Interprofessional Organizational and System Leadership
Institution Walden University
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Running head: NURSING INFORMATICS PROJECT PROPOSALNursing Informatics Project Proposal Danica Kong College of Nursing, Walden University NURS-6051-4, Transforming Nursing & HC Dr. Cheryl Reilly 09/28/1Nursing Informatics Project Proposal The purpose of this paper is to describe the project p...



Nursing Informatics Project Proposal Danica Kong College of Nursing, Walden University NURS-6051-4, Transforming Nursing & HC Dr. Cheryl Reilly 09/28/2020


Nursing Informatics Project Proposal Nursing Informatics Project Proposal The purpose of this paper is to describe the project proposal to the leadership of one healthcare organization. This proposing nursing informatics project develops the aim of improving patient care and outcomes. The first part will be a detailed description of the proposed project. The second part will be to identify the stakeholders. The paper will also discuss how this project will impact the stakeholders and how they are related to this project. The next part is the patient outcome or patient-care efficiencies that this project is aimed to improve, and how this improvement would occur. Technology that requires to implement in the project will be discussed. The last part is the project team and their roles. Most importantly, the role of nurse informaticists will contribute to this project team. Description of the Project The project that is proposed is about utilizing telehealth technology, such as portable laptops and smartphones. All healthcare staff should be getting the wearable monitored smartphone when starting the shift, and also each nursing station should be getting portable laptops. This tool enables healthcare providers and clinicians to record and analyze the information and use this information in making informed clinical decisions that ensure the best quality and safe patient cares (Tuckson et al., 2017). Clinicians and healthcare providers can also communicate with other healthcare team members through a wearable monitor smartphone regarding patient care. For example, medical laboratory staff can send a text message to alert health care providers regarding a critical lab result. Any implementation can be acted right away to avoid death or complications. With wearable monitor smartphones, nurses can make a quick phone call to providers when there is a sudden change in a patient's condition without going to the nurse station to make a phone call. A brief video phone call can be made to the other

Nursing Informatics Project Proposal hospital's specialty when there is none available onsite through the portable computer. Nurses on the unit can have an easy access to electronic health record system on their finger-tip Stakeholders Patients, nurses, doctors, therapists, specialists, IT department team, nurse informaticists, nursing director and hospital administrator, and other supporting staffs on the unit are identified as stakeholders. The patient is involved in the care and received care through telehealth technologies and impacted the most by its outcome. Nurses, doctors, therapists, specialists, and other supporting staff are the people who will be utilized the devices in providing care for patients. IT team is responsible for establishing an appropriate internet line to support the chosen hardware and software. They are also the main vital stakeholders in this project. Nurse informaticists have clinical expertise and technical knowledge that will help determined and selecting technology that meets the needs of the organization and patients. The hospital administrator is responsible for managing staff and budgets between departments. The funds need to be determined in the project on how much devices can be purchased for each unit. The Director of Nursing is overseeing all nursing staff and developing policies, training, and procedures as necessary. DON is involved in this project on creating training for all current teams and new employees about new devices to meet the rule and regulations. Patient Outcomes or Patient-Care Efficiencies Today technology has changed the way healthcare services deliver. It has become a significant role in the healthcare field. Technology is also evolving healthcare in the form of improving the quality of care and outcomes. An emerging technology, such as Telehealth, has allowed the patient to access care more efficiently. “Telehealth offers patients and providers significant benefits as a lower cost, easier way to access quality care (MANOCCHIA, 2020).

Nursing Informatics Project Proposal Smartphone and portable computers are an example of telehealth technology that can reduce healthcare costs, limit excessive utility resources, and improve care quality (Sullivan, 2014). “Many payers are shifting rising costs of care to patients, meaning that telehealth options can save them from expensive out-of-pocket costs” (Sullivan, 2014). Portable computers and wearable monitor smartphones also aim to prevent patient mortality rates in the hospital and complications and increase patient’s and healthcare worker’s satisfaction. More importantly, during this COVID-19 pandemic, patients in isolation will be able to connect to family members or love ones. Some challenges that most healthcare workers during the pandemic are to minimize PPE. When communicating with patients, one nurse can bring a portable laptop that the provider can do a face time call with a patient who is in stable condition (Fang et al., 2020). “For example, live interactive video and the transfer of electronic information can enable providers to consult with patients, provide diagnoses, and recommend treatment plans” (Kvedar et al., 2014). Technologies Required for the Project Technologies required for the project is the wearable monitor smartphones and portable laptop and will need a standard server to integrate with the rest of the health facility system. The wearable monitor smartphones can be an iPhone. A portable laptop should be mac OS if iPhone is chosen to make sure both are compatibles. Orientation and training for this usage of new devices can be conducted by the IT department and nurse informatics. The Project Team The project team will involve the nurses, charge nurse and nurse managers, supporting staff (CAN, coordinator, EMT, scheduling representatives), nurse informatics, IT team, doctors, therapists (ST, OT, RT, PT), and nutritionist team. Everyone should be on board starting right from the patient check-in, admission, and discharge from the hospital. Nurses, therapists,

Nursing Informatics Project Proposal doctors, and other supporting staff are the people who will be using the devices to provide patient care. Those will be going through the education and training process. The nurse informaticist's role is to gather data and interpret information. Any orientation and training are needed from each department; nurse informaticists will be responsible for this. They are also the ones to reach out to the IT team for any system change and upgrade to improve service quality (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017).

Nursing Informatics Project Proposal References Fang, J., Liu, Y. T., Lee, E. Y., & Yadav, K. (2020). Telehealth Solutions for In-hospital Communication with Patients Under Isolation During COVID-19. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health, 21(4), 801– 806. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.5811/westjem.2020.5.48165 Kvedar, J., Coye, M. J., & Everett, W. (2014). Connected health: A review of technologies and strategies to improve patient care with telemedicine and Telehealth. Health Affairs, 33(2), 194-199. https://doi.org/10.1377/hlthaff.2013.0992 MANOCCHIA, August. (2020). Telehealth: Enhancing Care through Technology. Rhode Island Medical Journal, 103(1), 18–20. McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2017). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Sullivan, K. (2014, July 17). Stakeholders see benefits with the use of Telehealth. AJMC. https://www.ajmc.com/view/stakeholders-see-benefits-with-the-use-of-telehealthTuckson, R. V., Edmunds, M., & Hodgkins, M. L. (2017). Telehealth. New England Journal of Medicine, 377(16), 1585-1592. https://doi.org/10.1056/nejmsr1503323...

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