Worlds Apart Movie - BB H 302 Diversity and Health- Examine the relationship of diverse personal PDF

Title Worlds Apart Movie - BB H 302 Diversity and Health- Examine the relationship of diverse personal
Course Diversity And Health Xlist Aaa S 302
Institution The Pennsylvania State University
Pages 3
File Size 43.8 KB
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Download Worlds Apart Movie - BB H 302 Diversity and Health- Examine the relationship of diverse personal PDF


BBH 302 Worlds Apart Movie: Alicia Mercado’s Story

Born in Puerto Rico

Came to US with mother, son and nephew

Lived in building for 18 years and raised her children there o evicted by manager who took cash from prospective tenants

Manager told her she was going to make sure she ended up homeless

Alicia became depressed and did not care about her medications, did not test herself, she wanted to die

She went to a psychiatrist and psychologist she was crying all day and felt she was drowning

Missed a lot of her appointments because she wants to stay home and does not want to go anywhere

She missed appointments that were more important because she had other problems that came up that are more important than her health o She changed her number o She had to move out of her apartment

Checked sugar in the morning and it is low but then it rises throughout the day

Diabetes killed her mom and now she has diabetes and she suffered a lot o There a lot of complications and it is hard to control

o It affects her vision and she does not see as well as she used to which makes her worried 

Uncontrolled diabetes, controlled diabetes, depression, asthma (controlled) o Undergoing disjointed care

Numb in her feet and toes sometimes o Perhpiral nerophy pin  she’s afraid of sharp things 

Does not want needle stuck in her

Close eyes and gets stuck to see if she can feel thins

Feet burn when her sugar is high but nothing happens when the sugar is low

Lime juice or water controls the rising sugar

On blood pressure pills to control it o Garlic also controls blood pressure o She couldn't do it with Just pills or Just garlic she needs both

Home remedies o Try them because sometimes they work and sometimes they don't

Medicine o Consider all forms of medication and therapies o Western medicine, oriental medicine, homeopathic medicine o Used in combination works best

Glucophage made her hair fall out and her stomach hurt

Alicia worries about side effects o Her mom got sick from too much medication

o She died of cancer as well o Mass in the dueodemom 

Mass was pile of medication and it did not go where it was supposed to instead of an actual mass o Doctor in Puerto Rico told her this

Take sugar before and after eating in order to adjust medication

Judge ruled to allow Alicia to move back into her old apartment

She feels better now that she is going back home

Blood sugar better, asthma is controlled with inhaler once a day

We don't ask why they are non-compliant o Just put in chart there is non-compliant o Doctors must ask why things are happening 

Talk and figure out why things are not working is a good thing

Memories good and bad in her old home and she never wants to leave it

It is important to be consistent and to care for a home


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