WP3 Final Draft Op-Ed - Grade: A PDF

Title WP3 Final Draft Op-Ed - Grade: A
Author Anna Balcerek
Course Writing For A Liberal Education
Institution Towson University
Pages 6
File Size 72.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Op-Ed, ENGL 102, Dr. Kerri Slatus...


1 AB Anna Balcerek 11/13/17 Dr. Kerri Status ENGL 102-047 iPhone X Facial Recognition and Privacy A brand new feature of the new iPhone X that everyone is talking about is Face ID. On previous generation iPhones, the phone was unlocked through a passcode, or “touch ID”, but now Apple has introduced facial recognition technology to unlock the iPhone X. iPhone X users can now unlock their cellphones by simply putting the device in front of their face. The phone’s “True Depth camera” creates a depth map of your face and also captures an infrared image of your face. This technology sounds very innovative and interesting, but raises some concerns for privacy. The privacy concerns associated with the facial recognition technology don’t have to do with the government spying on us or Apple watching us, but rather app developers using this data for their benefit. As a result, consumers should be cautious about using facial recognition technology in the new iPhone X. With Face ID, Apple is normalizing and encouraging the use of face mapping and facial tracking for all sorts of other purposes. Some of the uses may be risk-free and entertaining such as animoji, another new feature on the iPhone X. However, other apps may have different intentions when using facial recognition. Release of any facial recognition data should only be enabled with the consent of the consumer, but this may not always be the case. A significant privacy concern is the possibility of companies and developers accessing individual’s facial data. These developers may want to start using the facial recognition technology for real-time tracking

2 AB of consumer’s facial expressions. They may evaluate how different types of images make a user feel and react based on their facial expressions. Using the obtained data, developers will display expression-based advertising on a users iPhone. Companies may have data on what interests you and what doesn’t. This is a great infiltration of consumer’s privacy that should never be allowed. In addition to companies, consumers may be contributing to their lack of privacy. For example, a common issue is that people do not read terms and conditions they agree to when allowing an app to gain access to data or a feature on their device. Users often overlook these rules which they are accepting without much thought. This is an easy way for app developers to take advantage of consumers. Users may be blindly agreeing to something that is invading their privacy. So, even though these developers need user consent to access and use face ID of iPhone X users, consumers may not be completely aware of this and what they have agreed to. Apple has introduced many policies on face data which protect iPhone users, however, app developers can be hard to control and they may still find a way around these rules. App developers may find it irresistible to find out how consumers react to ads and other content even if this means breaking their agreement with Apple. Apple threatens to kick apps out of the App Store if they do not abide with Apple’s policy however, Apple has never removed an app off the App store for sharing consumer’s personal data with third parties without user consent. With so many apps being available, not all of them can be individually reviewed. Apple tends to rely on random spot checks or complaints. Even though apps may be punished for disobeying policy, it won’t happen until the damage is done. Apple mostly has a good track record on enforcing its policies, but that doesn’t mean it will put an end to the invasion of privacy to multitudes of consumers.

3 AB Consumers should be concerned about the privacy risks and concerns that new facial recognition technology can bring about. Even with strict policies and regulations, app developers may attempt to find their way around and gain access to consumer’s personal data especially their facial data. Users shouldn’t have to think about their data being shared or even sold without their knowledge or permission. In addition, users lack of attention to agreements should also be taken into consideration since they often do not know the details of what they agree to when they allow access to personal data. iPhone X users should not have to be concerned about their privacy if they want to use facial recognition to unlock their iPhone, but no one can be sure whether or not they are being watched. Consumer’s can only ensure their privacy and security if they do not set up face ID on their new iPhone X and do not use apps that may be infiltrating their privacy.

Works Cited

4 AB

Lomas, Natasha. “A Closer Look at the Capabilities and Risks of IPhone X Face Mapping.” Tech Crunch, 4 Nov. 2017, techcrunch.com/2017/11/04/a-closer-look-at-the-capabilities-andrisks-of-iphone-x-face-mapping/ Nellis, Stephen. “App Developer Access to IPhone X Face Data Spooks Some Privacy Experts.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 2 Nov. 2017, www.nytimes.com/reuters/ 2017/11/02/business/02reuters-apple-iphone-privacy-analysis.html. "privacy, n." OED Online, Oxford University Press, June 2017, www.oed.com/view/En try/151596.

Reflection Essay

5 AB I chose the topic of facial recognition technology on the iPhone X because it is relevant and popular amongst many technology lovers recently. However, people may not be discussing the privacy concerns that go along with this new technology. For my Op-Ed, the audience I had in my mind while writing was technology users which includes many people, especially since millions of people have an iPhone. Additionally, anyone who plans to buy an iPhone X in the future may want to read this article so that they are informed about the new feature that may do more harm than good. The purpose of my essay was to inform readers of the potential privacy risks that come with Face ID and explain why the iPhone X may not be the right new phone to buy. Additionally, I wanted to get rid of people’s incorrect misconceptions about Face ID. Some people may think that Face ID is a just a cool feature on the iPhone X that can unlock your phone simply by putting it up to your face, but many may not be aware of the privacy issues that may occur with Face ID. Also, a misconception some may have is that if everyone has an iPhone then it means we are all safe. I wanted to eliminate this misconception by mentioning that even though, Apple places strict regulations on their app developers and threatens to kick them off the app store if they do not abide, the enforcement of these regulations may be not strong enough. Throughout my essay, I mainly used logos to persuade the reader. By providing information on the potential privacy intrusions that may occur with the new facial recognition technology. Knowing how facial recognition technology can be taken advantage of by app developers can make people feel scared, which appeals to pathos. The issue of privacy can make people feel unsafe and worried for themselves and for those who are close to them. For example, parents who recently got their child the brand new iPhone X may be affected by this op-ed and as a result, change their mind about the type of phone their child has.

6 AB During my writing process, one of the challenges I faced was having to do new research. Even though my topic was still related to privacy, which I defined in my argument essay for writing project 2, I did not mention the iPhone X in that essay. Also, finding a variety of sources that were credible was difficult because the topic was so new. When drafting, I tend to ignore some details such as style, mechanics, and transitions so that I can initially get all my information down. Later, I go back in to make sure that the essay flows and that each sentence is connected. I especially focused on the transitions between paragraphs and made sure I connected the previous idea to the new one that I was introducing. Overall, I focused on keeping my Op-Ed newsworthy, to the point, and informative. The iPhone X is a new product so an article on it may grab the readers’ attention and make them want to know more. My Op-Ed was short and concise as I laid out the truth about how Face ID can be used in a negative way. I intended to make people possibly re-think buying the new iPhone X after reading this Op-Ed....

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