Writing Assignment answer sheet Final PDF

Title Writing Assignment answer sheet Final
Author Chloe Huang
Course General Psychology
Institution Baruch College CUNY
Pages 6
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This is a mandatory assignment for PSY 1001 if you are taking Professor Yochi Cohen Charash...


Writing Assignment Answer Sheet When answering these questions, please use your own words. Do not copy and paste and do not cite verbatim from the article. Part 1: Article summary Make sure to answer only in the space provided. If you go beyond it, only part of your text will be visible and this will be the only part we will grade. DO NOT change the font size to fit more into the allotted space. DO NOT change the size of the text box to increase the allotted space. EACH SUCH ATTEMPT WILL BE CONSIDERED A BREACH OF ETHICAL GUIDELINES AND WILL RESULT IN A GRADE OF 0 (ZERO) IN THE ASSIGNMENT and additional repercussions as I see fit. 1. (a) What is the major goal of the researchers in this study? (b)What gaps in the literature are they trying to fill? (c) Why is this research important? The main objective of this study is find out how the workloads in both school and work impact students’, who are working part time, performance in both fields. There has been many research done on the impact of work on family for full time workers however, there hasn’t been much said about how this demand and resource in both school and work affect students who are working part time. To fill this gap of understanding, researchers designed a study specifically targeting students who are working part time. This research is important because it casts light on the group of people who were, at many times, neglected. 2. What are the three research questions the researchers examined?

3. Three research questions that this study focused on are first, if the work load and supply from school have impacts on students’ part time job performance. Secondly, does balancing between school and work lead to certain work performances. Lastly, does the workload from both school and work lead to a more predictable, desired, or undesired performance in both fields. (a) Define the Job-Demands-Resources (JD-R); (b) What are the major demands and resources in the JD-R? (c) What are the major tenets of the model? Job- Demands- Resources (JD-R) is one of the two ways researchers approach the relationship between work and school of part time working students. JD-R is comprised of job demand and job resource. The major job demands are the job’s work load that the student have to put in time and effort to maintain. It is both spiritual and physical. The idea behind job demand is that it leads to a negative impact on job performance. On the other hand, the other part of the JD-R model is job resource. Unlike job demands, this sector of the model focuses on the benefits one can obtain from his/her job such as the emotional or physical support from coworkers or from a higher position. This leads to a positive impact on the job performance.

4. (a) Define the Work-Home-Resources (WH-R) model; (b) What are the major demands and resources in the WH-R? (c) What are the major tenets of the model? Work- Home- Resources not only includes JD-R but it also talks about the non-work forces that impact school and job performances. The demands and resources in the WH-R extends to both the job’s demand and resource and also school’s demand and resource. It examines how the demand and resource from both fields impact the performance of a part time working student. The major tenets of the model states that the imbalance between demand and resource, particularly more demand and less resource, both in the work and non-work related field can lead to negative impacts on the performance of work in general.

5. In short (focus on principles, not details), what are the two major differences between the two models? JD-R focuses on the demand and resource within the job environment while WH-R focuses on both work and non-work demand and resources. WH-R model can be extended from the work- home field to many other areas such as the school environment.

6. In your own words, what are the first two hypotheses based on the Job DemandsResources model? 1. High level of work load in the job field can have a negative impact on the work performance. 2. High level of work resources can lead to positive impacts on the work performance.

7. In your own words, what are the first two hypotheses based on the Work-HomeResources model? 1. High level of school related workload can have negative impacts on the overall performance at work. 2. High level of school resources can lead to positive impacts on work performance.

8. What was the FINAL sample? (how many participants? Who were they? Where they all employed? How many hours a week and for how long? Where they mainly studying or working?) There were 188 participants taking part in the survey. The participants are college students, around the age of 20, working part time jobs. On average, these participants work about 25 hours per week for 1.39 years. They are full time students attending college. 9. What were the six variables measured? Please specify who provided information on each variable and how were they measured. Six variables were measured in this survey and they are work demands, work resources, school demands, school resources, work performances, and well-being. Undergraduate college students who are studying psychology provide the information for each variable. They were first asked to fill out a questionnaire. Then upon completion, they were asked to bring to their supervisors at work, a survey that rates their work performances. The researchers then filter out the responses that contains untruthfulness in one way or another.

10. What were the major results – what was found and what was hypothesized but not found? (you do not need to discuss the analyses. Refer only to the variables indicated below). 1. Emotional exhaustion: Demands from both fields have a positive relationship associated with emotional exhaustion. The cross domain model leads to an increase of performance in both fields were hypothesized but results were no.t found 2. Work engagement: Work resources and work engagement have a positive relationship. No results were found for the effect of school resources on work. 3. Task performance: No results were found on the relationship to task performance.

11. Based on these results, which model (JD-R or WH-R) received more support? What does it mean in terms of the influence of attending school on work? Job- Demands- Resource received more support based on the results that researchers yield on the surveys. This indicates that school demands and resource, or at least school resource does not have any influence on work because there are no evidence proving their relationships.

12. What was the research design used in the study (descriptive, correlational, or experimental)? explain your answer: (a) why do you think this is the particular design? (b) why didn’t you chose the other two designs? (c) can you make causal inferences based on this study? Why? (make sure to refer to Chapter 2 when answering this question). The study utilizes a correlational research design to find out the relationship between the cross domain demand and resource and the performance of students in school and work. I think it is correlational studies because it measures the relationship between two or more variables. It also includes hypothesis and questionnaires from surveys. It is not a descriptive study because there is hypothesis and it is certainly not experimental because there is no placebo. You cannot however, make causal inferences saying how one leads to another based on this study because correlation does not mean causation.

In the next page, you will answer Part 2: Critical evaluation and conclusions. Remember it should not be longer than one page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font and 1” margins on all sides. When answering these questions, use the materials you have learned in the course that might be relevant to this type of research topic. See more details about this answer in the separate instructions sheet. Please make sure your answers are not taken from the discussion section of the article. In other words, your answers should be original and result from your understanding of the paper: a. At least one justified original critique. For example, are the conclusions of the researchers justified? Why or why not? b. At least one suggestion for future research c. At least one connection to class materials d. At least one practical or theoretical implication of this study e. Your overall impression of the article We suggest you also go back to the answers you gave in Part 1 to support your answers to this question.

Part 2 – A critical review of the paper After reading the article, I found the article to be very informative. Like the article states, there has been a lot of research conducted on the relationships between work and life on full time workers however there hasn’t been much research conducted on part time working students. This article casts lights on this group of part timers who are still attending. It provided a reasonable good amount of information on works impact on school. The conclusions of the researchers are somewhat justified however it is lacking as well. The researchers came to the conclusion that although there are little to no evidence found on the impact of school demand and resource to work performances, it is found that job demands and resources leads to, or have an impact to emotional exhaustion and work engagement. As I mentioned in my responses, correlation does not imply causation. One cannot infer just because the correlation of the two variables are high, that one causes another. This article connects chapter two of our class materials with real world problems. Chapter two of our class examines the different types of scientific methods, in particular, descriptive studies, correlational studies, and experimental studies. It went over terms like theory, hypothesis, replication, correlation, causation and much more. It compared the three studies and through this comparison I was able to identify the type of study the researchers were utilizing. One of the practical implications of this study is that students who has a large amount of work load and demanding job face negative impacts on their school career. One suggestion for future researchers is that they can sample a larger group of students. In this study, their sample participants are undergraduates who are studying psychology. In future studies, researchers can take samples from across universities to make sure it is random and fair enough....

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