Wuthering Heights Study Guide PDF

Title Wuthering Heights Study Guide
Course English
Institution University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Pages 14
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Wuthering Heights Study Guide Chapter 1 Questions 1.Who is the narrator? 2. Why does Mr. Lockwood visit Heathcliff at Wuthering Heights? 3. Whom does Heathcliff ask to take Mr. Lockwood's horse and bring the wine? 4. What did Mr. Lockwood do when, at the seaside, a young woman tried to return his affection? 5. Why does Mr. Lockwood have to call for help when Heathcliff and Joseph are in the cellar?

Answers 1. Mr. Lockwood 2. Because Mr. Lockwood is renting Thrushcross Grange from Heathcliff. 3. Joseph, the very old servant 4. He retreated into himself and caused her to believe she had been mistaken. 5. The dogs start to attack him.

Chapter 2 Questions 1. Who leads Mr. Lockwood into the house when Jacob won't let him in? 2. What does Mr. Lockwood (incorrectly) assume is Heathcliff's relationship to the young girl? 3. What does Mr. Lockwood join Heathcliff, Mrs. Heathcliff, and Hareton in doing? 4. Why can't Mr. Lockwood return home that night? 5. Who takes care of Mr. Lockwood after the dogs jump on him?

Answers 1. Hareton Earnshaw 2. He assumes that they're married 3. Drinking tea and eating 4. There's a violent snowstorm 5. The servant Zillah

Chapter 3 Questions 1. What was written on the window ledge next to the bed Mr. Lockwood sleeps in? 2. According to the diary written in the margins of one of the books that Mr. Lockwood finds, who behaves cruelly toward Heathcliff? 3. Where is the real-life version of the chapel that Mr. Lockwood dreams about? 4. Who does Mr. Lockwood dream is at the window? 5. What does Heathcliff do after hearing of the dream, once Mr. Lockwood has left the room?

Answers 1. Catherine Heathcliff, Catherine Earnshaw, Catherine Linton 2. Hindley 3. In a hollow nearby; he sees it on his walks 4. Catherine Linton 5. He goes to the bed by the window and calls for Cathy to come back.

Chapter 4 Questions 1. According to Mrs. Dean, why does Heathcliff rent out Thrushcross Grange? 2. How did Heathcliff come to be in the Earnshaw household? 3. What event led Mrs. Dean to be more sympathetic toward the young Heathcliff? 4. How did Mr. Earnshaw behave toward Heathcliff? 5. What did Heathcliff demand Hindley give to him?

Answers 1. To make more money, even though he already has plenty 2. Mr. Earnshaw brought him back from Liverpool when he was very young. 3. She took care of him when he had the measles, and helped him survive it. 4. He treated Heathcliff as the favorite. 5. His colt from the fair, since Heathcliff's was lame

Chapter 5 Questions 1. Where does Hindley leave for? 2. What was the "greatest punishment" that Catherine could be given for her bad behavior? 3. How does Mrs. Dean feel about Joseph's religious feelings? 4. What is Catherine doing when her father, Mr. Earnshaw, dies? 5. Upstairs in their room, how do Heathcliff and Catherine react to Mr. Earnshaw's death?

Answers 1. He leaves for college. 2. To be kept away from Heathcliff 3. She finds him annoying and difficult to deal with, because he's so self-righteous. 4. She is singing to him. 5. They comfort each other innocently and calmly.

Chapter 6 Questions 1. Whom does Hindley bring back with him from college? 2. In rearranging the household, what does Hindley tell Heathcliff he must do? 3. Why does Catherine have to stay with the Lintons? 4. How do the Lintons treat Heathcliff? 5. What does Mr. Linton tell Hindley after the incident with Catherine and Heathcliff?

Answers 1. His wife 2. Work on the farm, not take lessons, and essentially be one of the servants 3. Because she gets bitten by their bulldog 4. Badly; they throw him out, because of his appearance and his cursing 5. That he's doing a poor job raising the family, and needs to control them better

Chapter 7 Questions 1. How long does Catherine spend at Thrushcross Grange? 2. Describe Catherine's appearance and attitude upon returning to Wuthering Heights. 3. What insecurities does Heathcliff express to Nelly, after missing dinner the night before? 4. What does Heathcliff do when Edgar's remark about his hair angers him? 5. What feelings about Mrs. Dean's class and education does Mr. Lockwood express?

Answers 1. Five weeks 2. She is dressed very well, behaves very properly, and avoids getting her clothes dirty 3. He says he wishes he were more handsome, better dressed, and had better manners, like Edgar Linton. 4. Heathcliff throws a bowl of hot applesauce at him. 5. He says that she seems more cultivated and intelligent than other servants.

Chapter 8 Questions 1. Who dies in the beginning of the chapter? 2. Whose portrait does Mr. Lockwood observe on the wall at Thrushcross Grange? 3. Why is Catherine nervous when Heathcliff takes the day off from work while Hindley is away? 4. Which two actions of Catherine's toward Nelly does Edgar find repulsive and offensive? 5. What does Edgar do that leads Mrs. Dean to say that "there will be no saving him," and that Edgar is "doomed"?

Answers 1. Frances, Hindley's wife 2. Edgar Linton's portrait 3. Because she has invited Edgar Linton over 4. Catherine pinches her and then lies about it. 5. Instead of leaving after Catherine upsets him, Edgar comes back into the house and they admit that they're lovers.

Chapter 9 Questions 1. What was Nelly trying to hide in the cupboard?

2. What reason does Nelly give for why she doesn't want Hindley to put the carving knife in her mouth when he threatens her? 3. Who saves Hareton from being injured in his fall? 4. How does Catherine fall ill? 5. How do Mr. and Mrs. Linton die?

Answers 1. Hareton 2. Because it was being used to cut red herrings, so it tastes bad 3. Heathcliff 4. From waiting outside in the storm for Heathcliff to come home 5. They catch Catherine's fever after they invite her to convalesce at Thrushcross Grange.

Chapter 10 Questions 1. What does Nelly believe Heathcliff did for a living while he was away? 2. Where does Edgar want Catherine to receive Heathcliff as a guest? 3. Where does Heathcliff find a room to rent? 4. Who develops a liking for Heathcliff? 5. Why does the idea of marrying his new admirer appeal to Heathcliff?

Answers 1. She believes he was a soldier. 2. The kitchen 3. At Wuthering Heights, renting from Hindley 4. Isabella Linton 5. Because if Catherine and Edgar have no male heirs, Isabella would be their heir

Chapter 11 Questions 1. How does Hareton behave toward Nelly? 2. How does Edgar find out that Heathcliff is trying to seduce Isabella? 3. Who does Catherine believe would come out ahead, if Heathcliff and Edgar were to fight? 4. What does Nelly tell Heathcliff to convince him to leave, instead of fighting back? 5. If Isabella encourages Heathcliff's advances, Edgar says, what consequence will she face?

Answers 1. Very rudely; he doesn't remember her 2. Nelly tells him 3. Heathcliff 4. She says that Edgar has sent his men ahead of him and will be watching, but not fighting. 5. Edgar will no longer have any sort of relationship with Isabella; he will disown her.

Chapter 12

Questions 1. How many days does Catherine spend shut alone in her room? 2. Where has Edgar been during this time? 3. Why does Catherine believe that her room is haunted? 4. How does Edgar react when he learns Catherine is so sickly? 5. Where has Isabella gone, according to one of the servant girls?

Answers 1. Three days 2. Among his books 3. Because she sees her own face in the mirror and doesn't recognize it 4. He gets very angry that he didn't know about it before, and dotes on her. 5. She has run off with Heathcliff, and was seen in Gimmerton.

Chapter 13 Questions 1. What does Edgar bring to Catherine's room as a pleasant gesture? 2. According to Isabella's letter, how does she feel about being married to Heathcliff? 3. Why does Hindley Earnshaw tell Isabella to be careful to bolt Heathcliff's door every night? 4. What does Isabella think about when she's holding the pistol? 5. Whose room does Isabella finally sleep in?

Answers 1. A bunch of golden crocuses, the first flowers at the end of winter 2. She regrets it, and is afraid of him. 3. Because every night, Hindley checks to see if it is open, so that he can shoot Heathcliff 4. She thinks about how powerful she would be if she had a weapon like that. 5. Hareton's room

Chapter 14 Questions 1. What does Isabella request that Nelly bring when she visits, but that Nelly is unable to get? 2. According to Nelly, what is the one thing that looks decent in Wuthering Heights? 3. Who hung up Isabella's dog? 4. After much argument, what does Nelly agree to do for Heathcliff? 5. Whose appearance brings an end to this section of Mrs. Dean's telling of the tale?

Answers 1. A note from Edgar 2. Heathcliff 3. Heathcliff 4. She agrees to take a letter to Catherine from him 5. Kenneth, the doctor

Chapter 15 Questions 1. Why does Nelly give Catherine the letter from Heathcliff at this particular time? 2. How has Catherine's gaze changed? 3. Why does Nelly have to explain the content of the letter to Catherine? 4. What prompts Heathcliff to leave the room? 5. Where does Heathcliff plan to go when he leaves the house?

Answers 1. Because Edgar and almost everyone else are gone, at church 2. Now, she always looks like she's seeing beyond things, rather than focusing on the objects around her. 3. Because Catherine isn't well enough to be able to read and understand it herself 4. Edgar's arrival 5. Into the garden, to wait for news of Catherine's condition

Chapter 16 Questions 1. How does the household treat Catherine's newborn baby? 2. Why does Mrs. Dean think that Edgar's love is selfish? 3. Why doesn't Heathcliff want Catherine to rest in peace? 4. What does Nelly do when she finds that Heathcliff has replaced a lock of Edgar's hair with his own, in the locket around Catherine's neck? 5. Which of her family members attended Catherine's funeral?

Answers 1. Everyone ignores the baby for the most part, since it is a girl and is unwanted. 2. Because he's upset that Catherine is dead, when really she is finally at peace 3. Because he doesn't want to be apart from her, and would prefer that she haunt him 4. She takes Edgar's lock of hair and wraps it around Heathcliff, putting them both back in the locket. 5. Only her husband

Chapter 17 Questions 1. How does the weather change after Catherine's funeral? 2. What does Isabella demand of Nelly when she arrives at the Grange? 3. How did Isabella get the cut under her ear? 4. What does Isabella name her son? 5. Under whose care is Hareton placed after Hindley's death?

Answers 1. It goes from being summer to being snowy and stormy 2. She demands that a coach be made ready for her, so she can go to Gimmerton and escape Heathcliff. 3. Heathcliff threw a dinner knife at her.

4. Linton 5. Under the care of Heathcliff, because Edgar won't challenge him

Chapter 18 Questions 1. Describe Cathy's appearance and personality. 2. Why does Edgar leave the house suddenly? 3. When Cathy sets off by herself and doesn't return, where does Nelly believe she has tried to go? 4. What does Cathy say to Hareton that offends him? 5. And what does Cathy learn from the servant that offends her?

Answers 1. She is beautiful; she has Catherine's eyes but the rest of Edgar's features; she is gentle, but spoiled 2. Because Isabella has written that she is sick and will probably die, so she wants Edgar to come get her son Linton and raise him 3. To Penistone Crags 4. She calls him a servant. 5. She learns that Hareton is her cousin.

Chapter 19 Questions 1. What item related to Linton does Cathy already have before he arrives? 2. Which of his family members does Linton resemble most strongly? 3. How does Cathy cheer up Linton? 4. How does Edgar react to Joseph's insistence that Linton come live at Wuthering Heights? 5. According to Joseph, who will come to get Linton tomorrow?

Answers 1. A lock of his hair that Isabella sent 2. Edgar 3. By treating him like a baby: petting him, kissing him, and giving him tea from her saucer 4. He doesn't fight him at all, but says that he will have to wait until tomorrow since Linton is tired and already asleep. 5. Heathcliff himself

Chapter 20 Questions 1. How much had Linton learned about his father from Isabella? 2. Who takes Linton to Wuthering Heights? 3. How does Heathcliff plan to treat Linton, according to what he tells Nelly? 4. How does Linton react to the food Joseph brings him? 5. Why does Nelly have to sneak out of the house? Answers

1. Nothing at all 2. Nelly 3. Heathcliff plans to treat him well (educate him, etc.) since Linton will be inheriting his property. 4. He refuses to eat it. 5. So that Linton won't notice she has left him behind

Chapter 21 Questions1. What is Cathy looking for when Heathcliff finds her? 2. Why does Heathcliff want Cathy to come see Linton? 3. What does Cathy ask of Hareton that he is unable to do? 4. Where did Nelly find a key that would fit the lock on Catherine's drawer? 5. How does Nelly describe the Linton's writing style?

Answers 1. She is looking for eggs in the birds' nests. 2. He wants them to get married, so that he will also have control over Thrushcross Grange (since Cathy is the heir). 3. Read the letters on the house and explain why they're there; he cannot do so because can't read 4. Among all of her own house keys 5. She describes it as silly and unimpressive.

Chapter 22 Questions 1. What does Nelly ask Cathy to do on their walk, that she refuses? 2. According to what Cathy tells Nelly on their walk, what is the only reason she feels sad? 3. Why does Cathy jump down on the other side of the wall? 4. Who does Cathy meet on the road, on the other side of the wall? 5. How does Nelly manage to open the door to the other side of the wall?

Answers 1. Nelly asks her to pick the last blue-bell for her father. 2. Because her father is sick, and she is afraid that he and Nelly will both die and will then leave her alone3. Because she dropped her hat there

4. Heathcliff 5. She breaks the lock off with a stone, since none of her keys work.

Chapter 23 Questions 1. What is Linton calling for Joseph to do for him? 2. According to Linton, what is always true of wives? 3. What does Linton tell Cathy that upsets her? 4. What draws Nelly and Cathy back to Linton, right when they are about to leave? 5. What does Nelly believe caused her illness?

Answers 1. Put more coals on the fire 2. That people never hate their wives 3. He says that Cathy's mother loved Heathcliff, but not Edgar Linton. 4. He screams when he falls out of his chair onto the hearthstone. 5. Sitting at Wuthering Heights for such a long time while wearing cold, wet shoes and stockings

Chapter 24 Questions 1. How does Cathy behave when Nelly, recovering from her illness, asks Cathy to read to her in the evening? 2. How did Cathy bribe the servant Michael to prepare her pony 3. What did Cathy and Linton fight about, in a conversation at Wuthering Heights? 4. Why does Hareton become angry with Cathy and Linton? 5. What does Edgar decide to do when Nelly tells him that Cathy has been sneaking out?

Answers 1. Cathy is impatient and restless. 2. She lends him her books. 3. They fought about what their ideal hot July day would be – Linton wanted to be inactive, lying in the heath, and Cathy wanted to be active, climbing a tree.

4. Because Cathy scorns his reading and writing skills – he knows the letters of his name, but not any numbers or anything else 5. He forbids Cathy to go to Wuthering Heights (but says it's OK if Linton comes to the Grange).

Chapter 25 Questions 1. How long ago did these last events she has just told Mr. Lockwood about take place, according to Mrs. Dean? 2. Whose picture is now hanging above Mr. Lockwood's fireplace? 3. What is Edgar's health like at this time? 4. What does Edgar not do on Cathy's birthday that he usually does? 5. While Edgar won't allow Cathy to go to Wuthering Heights, what does he finally agree to allow her to do?

Answers 1. The previous winter 2. Catherine Linton's 3. He's doing very poorly, and isn't getting any better. 4. He doesn't go visit his wife Catherine's grave. 5. He says that she and Linton can have a ride or walk together once a week, as long as Nelly accompanies them.

Chapter 27 Questions 1. Why does Linton insist that Catherine come to Wuthering Heights with him? 2. What action of Catherine's prompts Heathcliff to treat her violently? 3. Why does Linton refuse to drink his first cup of tea? 4. For how long does Heathcliff lock up Nelly? 5. Who is the only person to visit Nelly while she's locked up at Wuthering Heights?

Answers 1. Because Heathcliff has threatened him, saying he must bring Catherine back or not come at all

2. She tries to take the key from his hand so they can leave. 3. Because Catherine's tears have fallen in it 4. Five nights and four days 5. Hareton Chapter 28 Questions 1. What did the servants at Thrushcross Grange and the people in Gimmerton believe had happened to Nelly and Cathy? 2. What possession of Catherine's do Linton and Heathcliff destroy? 3. Which members of the Wuthering Heights household know where the key to Cathy's room is kept? 4. Why does Edgar want to change his will before he dies? 5. How did Catherine escape from Wuthering Heights?

Answers 1. They believed the two had sunk into the marshes. 2. A locket with images of her mother and father 3. Only Linton and Heathcliff 4. He wants to leave everything to trustees, who can give Catherine the money later, instead of having her inherit it at once (since it will be Linton's and, after he dies, Heathcliff's).5. She climbed out the window of her mother's old room. Chapter 29 Questions 1. Who lets Heathcliff into Thrushcross Grange? 2. Whose picture does Heathcliff want sent up to Wuthering Heights? 3. What did Heathcliff do at Catherine's gravesite the night she was buried? 4. How does Heathcliff feel about having seen Catherine's body? 5. Which of her possessions does Heathcliff not allow Cathy to take to Wuthering Heights?

Answers 1. No one does – he walks in himself 2. Catherine's picture (Edgar's wife) 3. He started digging up her grave, until he felt her presence beside him, and filled it in again. 4. He feels that it has put him more at peace. 5. Her pony Chapter 30 Questions 1. Why won't Heathcliff send for a doctor for Linton? 2. When Cathy comes to Zillah's room and tells her that Linton is dying, what does Zillah do? 3. By this time, both Zillah and Nelly have lived with Cathy; how do their opinions of her differ? 4. What does Hareton ask Zillah to ask Cathy to do? 5. Where does Mr. Lockwood plan to spend the next six months?

Answers 1. Because he says his life isn't worth the money 2. She ignores her and starts dozing again. 3. Nelly likes Cathy much more than Zillah does; Zillah believes Cathy has too much pride and is not very pleasant to be around. 4. Read aloud to them 5. In London Chapter 31 Questions 1. When Lockwood gets to Wuthering Heights, what is Cathy doing? 2. What does Mr. Lockwood try to secretly give to Cathy? 3. What is Cathy sad that Heathcliff has taken away from her? 4. Why does Mr. Lockwood think that Hareton is so affected by Cathy's scorn for his lack of learning?

Answers 1. Preparing vegetables for the next meal 2. A note from Mrs. Dean 3. Her books 4. Because he has been trying hard to avoid her scorn and gain her admiration

Chapter 32 Questions 1. Why does Mr. Lockwood stop by Thrushcross Grange? 2. How does the new housekeeper react when Mr. Lockwood appears at Thrushcross Grange? 3. When Hareton initially refuses Cathy's advances of friendship, what does she do? 4. What gift does Cathy ask Nelly to take to Hareton for her? 5. How does Mrs. Dean feel about the prospect of Hareton and Cathy getting married?

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