WYSK WK4 Class 1 - All the study guides for Adult Health2 and some for Leadership and Management PDF

Title WYSK WK4 Class 1 - All the study guides for Adult Health2 and some for Leadership and Management
Author Pablo Casillas
Course Leadership and Management
Institution Oak Point University
Pages 5
File Size 118.1 KB
File Type PDF
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All the study guides for Adult Health2 and some for Leadership and Management...


Class 1 Week 4: What You Should Know 1. Define communication and discuss its importance in healthcare Communication is “the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior” (Marquis & Huston, 2021). Communication is important in healthcare for the effective and correct transfer of information from person to person and provider to patient. 2. Name three variables that can affect organizational communication—assign their impact on outcomes Three variables that can affect organizational communication are gender, power, and status. Gender impacts organizational communication as men and women communicate using language differently which can create barriers to communication in a profession where men are typically in administrative positions. Power and status impact organizational communication when workers feel unimportant or ignored thus job satisfaction and teamwork decline (Marquis & Huston, 2021). 3. What are some channels of communication in an organization? Why is this important to know? Some channels of communication in an organization are upward, downward, horizontal, diagonal, and grapevine these are important for ensuring proper and effective communication within large complex organizations. 4. What are the various communication methods? Is one better than another? The various communication methods are written, face-to-face, telephone, and nonverbal. Certain communication methods are better than others dependent upon the situation because “the

clarity of a message is significantly affected by the mode of communication used, the more direct the communication, the greater the probability of clear communication” (Wolters Kluwer, 2021). 5. What are the elements of non-verbal communication? Which of these are you aware of and use in your relationships? The elements of non-verbal communication are space, environment, appearance, eye contact, posture, facial expression and timing, and vocal expression (Wolters Kluwer, 2021). Elements of nonverbal communication in everyday conversation are eye contact, facial expression, posture, and vocal expression. 6. Name 4 types of communication—strengths and weaknesses of each? Four types of communication are passive, aggressive, indirectly aggressively (passive aggressive, and assertive (Wolters Kluwer, 2021). Assertive communication reduces stress, improves productivity, and contributes to a healthy workforce. Passive communicators avoid conflict often at the risk of bottling up feelings that can lead to eventual explosion. Aggressive communication is oriented toward winning at all costs and can be condescending in nature. Passive aggressive communication can damage relationships and undercut mutual respect over time (Marquis & Huston, 2021). 7. SBAR—What does this mnemonic stand for? SBAR is a communication tool that stands for situation, background, assessment, and recommendation. 8. What are the main points of importance about the ANA/NCSBN Principles for Social Media/Social Networking use? The main points of importance about the ANA/NCSBN principles for social media/social networking use are nurses must not transmit or place online individually identifiable patient

information; nurses must observe ethically prescribed professional patient–nurse boundaries; nurses should understand that patients, colleagues, institutions, and employers may view postings; nurses should take advantage of privacy settings and seek to separate personal and professional information online; nurses should bring content that could harm a patient’s privacy, rights, or welfare to the attention of appropriate authorities; and nurses should participate in developing institutional policies governing online conduct (Wolters Kluwer, 2021). 9. Name one way you will adapt your current usage of social media as you become a professional nurse One way I will adapt my current usage of social media as I become a professional nurse is by keeping my professional and private life separate, and not sharing pictures or stories from work on social media. 10. What does HIPAA stand for? What is its importance in healthcare? HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is it important because it allows for “protection and privacy of medical information, including any information about a patient, whether oral or recorded in any form or medium, that is created or received by a health-care provider, health plan, public health authority, employer, life insurer, school or university, or health clearing house” (Wolters Kluwer, 2021). 11. Name 5 ways a nurse can violate HIPAA Five ways a nurse can violate HIPAA are sharing patient information with a coworker that is not assigned to the patient, leaving the patients EHR open in the nurses’ station, accessing information for a patient that is not in their specific care, improperly destroying/discarding patient information, and sharing patient information on social media. 12. What is the EHR—and what are risks nurses must be aware of?

The EHR is the electronic health record which is a digital record of a patients health history which can be made up of records from many locations and/or sources such as hospitals, providers, clinics, and public health agencies (Marquis & Huston, 2021). The risks nurses must be aware of are patient confidentiality issues whether intentional or accidental. 13. What are the 4/5 phases of group formation? The 4/5 phases of group formation are forming, storming, norming, and performing (Wolters Kluwer, 2021). 14. Name and define 3 group building and maintenance roles in groups 3 group building and maintenance roles in groups are the encourager who accepts and praises all contributions, viewpoints, and ideas with warmth and solidarity; the harmonizer who mediates, harmonizes, and resolves conflicts; and the compromiser who yields his or her position in a conflict situation (Marquis & Huston, 2021). 15. Define the generational diversity that is present in the nursing profession. The generational diversity that is present in the nursing profession is can be seen in the different generational cohorts found in todays nursing workforce from veterans, baby boomers, millennials, and generation Xer’s. An example of one difference among age cohorts would be millennial and generation Xers being more “tech savvy” than their baby boomer or veteran cohorts.

References ATI Testing. (2019). Nursing Leadership and Management Review Module Edition 8.0. ATI Testing. https://student.atitesting.com/Home Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2021). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: theory and application (10th ed.). Wolters Kluwer. Wolters Kluwer. (2021). Chapter 19 Organizational, Interpersonal, and Group Communication in Team Building. [PowerPoint slides]. https://resu.brightspace.com/d2l/le/content/14005/viewContent/244566/View...

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