1-3 Linear Regression on the TI-83, 84 or 89 PDF

Title 1-3 Linear Regression on the TI-83, 84 or 89
Author Jeremy Dodson
Course Elements Of Calculus
Institution University of Louisville
Pages 2
File Size 60.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 49
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Linear Regression on the TI-83 or TI-84 Calculator Press the STAT key, select Edit, and enter the data points, placing the xcoordinates in the list L1 and the y-coordinates in list L2. If these lists have numbers in them already, press the up-arrow key until L1 is highlighted. Press CLEAR and then ENTER. The numbers in the list should now be gone. Do the same with L2. Press Y=, use up-arrow to highlight Plot1, and press ENTER. If there are any functions listed in Y1, Y2, etc., clear them. Now go to ZOOM and select ZoomStat. This will graph the scatter plot. Go to STAT, move to CALC, and select LinReg (ax+b). This will now show up on the home screen. Enter Y1 by going to VARS, moving over to Y-VARS, selecting Function, and Y1. Press ENTER. You should now see y=ax+b, followed by values for a, b, r2, and r. a and b give you the values needed to get the line of best fit. r is the correlation coefficient. Go to Y= and you will notice that the line of best fit is entered into Y1. Press the GRAPH key and you will see the line graphed on the scatter plot. When finished with linear regression, turn off Plot1 by going to the Y= menu and using the up-arrow to Plot1. Hit ENTER. First time use only: Go to STAT PLOT, select Plot 1, turn on Plot 1, be sure Type is scatter plot, Xlist is L1, and Ylist is L2. You can select the Mark of your choice. This only needs to be done the first time you set it up. From now on you can turn Plot 1 on from the Y= menu. Now you can prepare to do the linear regression by going to CATALOG and selecting DiagnosticOn.

Linear Regression on the TI-89 Calculator Press the APPS button, select the Data/Matrix Editor, and then select Current. You will see a matrix, or spreadsheet. Place the x-coordinates in column c1 and the y-coordinates in column c2. If there are some numbers already in c1 and c2, you can clear them out by pressing F1 (Tools), pressing 8 (Clear Contents), and pressing Enter. Press F5 (Calculate). Press the right-arrow key and select LinReg. Press the down-arrow key and type in c1 to designate you want the x-values to come from column c1. Press the down-arrow key again and type in c2. Press the downarrow key, then the right-arrow key, and select y1(x). Press ENTER. You now have the information for the linear regression line. Write it down. Press ENTER. Now select Y=. Note that the regression line is entered into y1. Also, note that y1 has a check mark to the left signifying that it is ready to be graphed. Use the uparrow key until Plot1 is highlighted. If there is not a check mark to the left, press F4 to place one there. Press F2 (Zoom) and select ZoomData. You should now see the scatter plot of the data points and the regression line. The window has automatically been adjusted to hold all the data points. ! Initial Setup (first time use only): When you have selected Y= and used the uparrow to highlight Plot1, hit ENTER. This menu allows you to set up Plot 1 to your liking. Plot Type should be Scatter. If not, press the right-arrow key and select Scatter. Use Box for the Mark. Enter c1 for x and c2 for y. Press ENTER to save these settings. Plot1 should now be set up for scatter plots....

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