1 - Graves PDF

Title 1 - Graves
Course Introduction to the Social and Cultural Environment
Institution University of California Santa Barbara
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Global Warfare and Environmental Response: May 24th, 2016 Today’s Music: Wooden ships, crosby, stills, and Nash,!Don’t let you!nobody, steve miller band, out in the country, three dog night. • H Bomb:! -Atomic cafe, 83!minutes long, congress passed freedom of information act which!allows people to go in and access archival information that was classified at one time, so historians went in and found all kinds of footage that!showed the gov was trying to protect us in the event of a nuclear attack from Russia.! -There is also stints of coverage about civil defense, this became very important after WW2, in every town they created civil defense shelters, this was where you were supposed to go in the event of an attack, the government thought it was bound to happen so people had to get behind it. -Out of CD movement came fall out shelters, until late 1960s many homes were built with fallout shelters, they were steel rooms buried 18 feet underneath the ground, you!would go there with your family and wait until it fallout levels were safe, thousands and millions of fallout!shelters were put in place; the soviets were testing is Siberia, the US in islands, in the period between 1949-1963. -People just started going about their business and accepting the fact there was going to be another war with the soviets, then Dr. Strangelove came around,!“How I learned to stop worrying about war and love the!bomb,” the narrator says that one of the B-52s in the early 1960s would carry two!hydrogen bombs each 20 million megatons,!“equal to 16 times the explosive force of all the shells and bombs used by all the armies in WW2." -helped people to realize the impact of an all out nuclear war.! -Fail safe, 1965, theres an accident and the failsafe!doesn’t work, one of our cities is destroyed. -A lot of nuclear testing going on, people were beginning to see what were happening with!these blasts in the pacific, fish were dying, fallout could blow hundreds of miles, at the height of the cold war they banned atmospheric testing. (nuclear test ban-1963). -Early environmentalists began to call in to question these nuclear tests, and the!survivability of these bombs, part of the ban the bomb movement, they carried signs and demonstrated and made people!aware of the devastation. -The environmental!movement began here, ban the bomb led to environmentalism, they knew!their industrial activities would be destroying the planet, nuclear!fatalism-reflected in the writings of the day, rachel carson and paul erhlich, both write of a fatalistic view of whats going to happen to!the Earth, we can!destroy the world with nuclear weapons,!fatalistic view that its going to happen and let me tell you about it.! -Increasing number of people in the US say that they!don’t believe in science,!if you!don’t, take a look at the H-bomb. -Fission is the fissioning of heavy!metal elements such as uranium, this was the beginning of nuclear power and the splitting of the atom, fusion causes a chain reaction were the hydrogen atom goes to seek another electron, H-bomb greatest environmental threat of all. • Post-War Shockers:!

-On going thing but really came out post WW2, Cleveland, Ohia, 1965, mouth of Cuyahoga river in!from of Mt. Eerie, they mined oil, made steel, and other industrial!activities, in the 60s it was still going, was a very important industrial city, this had been going on since the mid-1800s, was one of the first places oil was refined. -There was an oil spill into lake cuyahoga that!drained into lake eerie, a normal thing to stop oil spills back then was just to set the slick on fire, however, this time the fire on cuyahoga riverdid not stop, it lasted for 9 days, just the time news was getting big, there was so much pollution in river to keep the fire burning, there was no!aquatic life alive at the mouth of the cuyahoga river,!Cleveland was a wasteland, was a huge shock, got people attention environmentally, caught!fire two more times, burned for another 8 days straight. -1965 SB oil spill,!California’s outer continental shelf is oil rich, in the 1950s the state of Ca tried to make money, leased out land to oil companies, drilled for oil, these!platforms!yield 1000s of barrels of oil, everything was fine until 1969. -Union oil was drilling at platform A just off the coast of SB, the pressure was too high and costs the drill pipe to rupture, 3 million gallons of oil spilled out, the CEO of union oil said he!didn’t see what the big deal was over a few dead birds, the rich ppl of SB were angry over their ruined yachts, CEO said SB was an area of bitchers, SB lost money from cleaning and loss of tourism, the public was shocked. -Incidentally it led to the beginning of the UCSB environmental studies program, today there is hardly any evidence, it!wasn’t a big oil spill but an oil spill heard around the world.! -Exxon Valdez, a supertanker, oil companies built transatlantic pipeline, to bring oil to Valdez port, hundreds of!thousands of barrels of oil per year were carried down pipeline and taken to SF, Exxon was the head of it, was solving Ca’s energy problems and helping economies. -One of the Exxon!Valdez ran into a reef in 1989 due to ice in water, and was leaking oil out into!the ocean, before the leak stopped, 11 million gallons of oil spilled into prince williams sound, response was huge, Exxon took full responsibility as well as gov, everyone tried to clean up Alaska, tried to clean with steam which worked but killed marine life, at that time the biggest oil spill in world history. -Prudhoe Bay: -Bhopal, India, took a chance and put a plant in india try to make india industrialized, plant made cyanide and other!deadly chemicals, in 1984 plant!managers decided to cut corners which led to massive gas leak of cyanide into atmosphere, killed a lot of people, 3,000 people!immediately, 2000 others died within a few days/weeeks,!tremendously shocking. -Created!backlash for Union carbide because they were regarded as nice guy of oil company.! -In 2010 we got the!biggest oil spill in all of history, it was called the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, BP was responsible, they were drilling there, pressure got too high, and they!couldn’t get gas out fast enough, 3 miles of!pipeline completely, there was a massive fire/blowout way out in the gulf of mexico, the oil slick is just heading straight for the coast, tar balls!appeared anywhere, the cleanup used dispersants which caused the oil to break up in smaller portions, the whole thing was trying to use tech to solve tech, it burned for 4 months, completely spilling oil into the ocean, before they finally got the spill capped it spilled 172 million gallons of oil into the ocean, this is one of the biggest seafood industries of the world, so tourism/seafood was disrupted, likely to happen again because there are 31 thousand oil rigs in the gulf of mexico. • Post-war shockers II:!

-20% of the worlds energy is produced by nuclear power today, they!don’t know how to deal with the waste, theres accidents, huge proliferation of plants when they first went online.! -Powerplant in Pennsylvania near the capital, Harrisburg, called the Three mile Island went up to 370 degrees and the top half of the reactor core melted, they realized there was a problem when steam started to come out of the reactors, the release of the steam was a good things because it kept reactors from exploding, they evacuated the area fast, got it under control, people were very!worried to go back to their homes. -People scared to go back even after!Metropolitan news reported they could. -Edison: -Kiev, Ukraine, north of there was a nuclear power plant,!Chernobyl, it was old, used graphite containment system, was an old plant, bad!maintenance, people doing the!maintenance caused an absolute meltdown of reactor number 4 in 1896, blew the top off and sent a plume of!radioactive steam around the!world, two people were killed. -Mikhail -Gorbachev wanted to modernize!soviet union and keep it their problem, but people eventually found out. -In 2012 there was earthquake in Japan, caused!tremendous Tsunami, 90 foot waves hitting coasts of Japan, since they have no oil they really got into nuclear, there are 21 in operation in Japan, it was operated by Fukushima Daiichii, it caused the plant to meltdown, people evacuated from 50 miles around it, they still have to go in and use robots to do work because its so!radioactive, power plant was working fine until tsunami/earthquake hit, the The next shocker is a!matter of when not if.!...

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