10. Inferential Statistics. Analysis of Variance ( Anova) – One Way Anova PDF

Title 10. Inferential Statistics. Analysis of Variance ( Anova) – One Way Anova
Course Statistics
Institution Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
Pages 8
File Size 246.6 KB
File Type PDF
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This lecture discussed inferential statistics, including the analysis of variance (ANOVA), and one way ANOVA....


Inferential Statistics: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) – One Way ANOVA Multiple Tests  Why is that so bad? o When we reject the null, we have no idea whether or not the null is actually false! That's not what the NHST tells you! o So for any given rejection, I don't know if it was a correct decision or a Type I error!  This is why we want to minimize Type I error rate.  In the field of psychology, we say we're okay with falsely rejecting the null 5% of the time, but we don't want to make that wrong decision more than that!  Multiple tests "inflate" Type I error rate o i.e., reject the null when the null is true o Alpha = 0.05…for a SINGLE TEST or per comparison C  Alpha less than or equal to p(at least 1 Type I error) less or equal to 1 - (1 alpha)^C less than or equal to Ca  Error rate for a single test  Mid-case/likely scenario  Worst case scenario o If you run 6 tests, what is the worst case scenario for at least one Type I error rate?  C * Alpha  6 (0.05)  0.30 0.05 or p < 0.05, so write that (whichever goes with the decision) o You can leave effect size and descriptive stats blank  F(2,6) = 10.66  F(crit) = 5.14 o "We the null hypothesis that null hypothesis here, test-statistic (degrees of freedom) = _____, p = _____, effect size name = _____, (interpret what the conclusion means using descriptive stats, your verbal hypothesis, and "significant" or "not significant"> o We reject the null hypothesis that there is no effect relatability on ratings of purchasing LaCroix, F(2,6) = 10.66, p < 0.05, effect size = _____. There is a significant effect of relatability on ratings.  The ratings are significantly different between relatability conditions.  Relatability significantly affect the ratings of how likely participants are to purchase LaCroix Where 's the difference, thought? Do I go with both savvy social media AND traditional? Is savvy social media greater than traditional? o ANOVA does not tell you that! According to a post-hoc analysis called Schaffa's test, the only significant difference is between the influencer and savvy social media.  


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