10th 1st language sanskrit in English PDF

Title 10th 1st language sanskrit in English
Author Sakshi Singhal
Course Judicial Review as Defined Under Article 13
Institution Karnataka State Law University
Pages 184
File Size 12.8 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 10
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Theinsnsjak eieikwmake iske ek wowww a s shehueiwkwmwnejheueiwkans. D rveuejwkans s dvejiskananakoehebe akaoishebw nsmakaisurhe snanskosiehebsbanaalskeieubebe. S snkakaiehebe. S anamak sudha a anammaisibs s s smslalaoaijsnab. This small...



g§ñH¥$VZpÝXZr - 3 Xe_H$ú`m

àW_^mfm g§ñH¥$V_² (Revised)

10 SAMSKRITHA NANDINI-3 Tenth Standard First Language - Sanskrit KARNATAKA TEXTBOOK SOCIETY (R) 100 Feet Ring Road, Banashankari 3rd stage, Bengaluru- 560 085.

PREFACE The Textbook Society, Karnataka has been engaged in producing new textbooks according to the new syllabi which in turn are designed on NCF – 2005 since June 2010. Textbooks are prepared in 12 languages; seven of them serve as the media of instruction. From standard 1 to 4 there is the EVS, mathematics and 5th to 10th there are three core subjects namely mathematics, science and social science. NCF – 2005 has a number of special features and they are: • connectingknowledgetolifeactivities • learningtoshiftfromrotemethods • enrichingthecurriculumbeyondtextbooks • learningexperiencesfortheconstructionofknowledge • makingexaminationsflexibleandintegratingthemwith classroom experiences • caringconcernswithinthedemocraticpolicyofthecountry • makingeducationrelevanttothepresentandfutureneeds. • softening the subject boundaries- integrated knowledge and the joy of learning. • thechildistheconstructorofknowledge The new books are produced based on three fundamental approaches namely, Constructive approach, Spiral approach and Integrated approach. The learner is encouraged to think, engage in activities, master skills and competencies. The materials presented in these books are integrated with values. The new books are not examination oriented in their nature. On the other hand they help the learner in the all round development of his/her personality, thus help him/her become a healthy member of a healthy society and a productive citizen of this great country, India.


The most important objectives of teaching language are listening, speaking, reading, writing and reference work. These skills have been given a lot of importance in all the language textbooks. Along with the inculcation of these skills, fundamental grammar, opportunities for learners to appreciate beauty and imbibe universal life values have been integrated in language textbooks. When learners master these competencies, they would stop studying textbooks for the sake of passing examinations. In order to help learners master these competencies, a number of paired and group activities, assignments and project work have been included in the textbooks. It is expected that these activities would help learner master communicative skills. Ultimately, it is expected that students master the art of learning to learn and make use of these competencies in real life. Textbooks for studentsXhaveaspecialsignificance.Asanyothernewtextbook they help learners’ master skills and competencies and at the same time there is going to be a public examination based on them. The Textbook Society expresses grateful thanks to the chairpersons, writers, scrutinisers, artists, staff of DIETs and CTEs and the members of the Editorial Board and printers in helping the Text Book Society in producing these textbooks. A few works of some writers and poets have been included in these textbooks. The textbook society is extremely grateful to them for giving their consent for the inclusion of these pieces in the textbooks.

Prof G. S. Mudambadithaya

Sri Nagendra Kumar

Co-ordinator Curriculum Revision and Textbook Preparation Karnataka Textbook Society® Bengaluru, Karnataka.

Managing Director Karnataka Textbook Society® Bengaluru, Karnataka.


àmñVm{dH$_² gagm gw_Ywam g§ñH¥$V^mfm ^maVr`^mfmUm§ OZZr& Añ`m§ ^mfm`m_od ^maVr` VÎdkmZ§ gm{hË`-g§“ rV-H$bm{XkmZ§ M {Z{hV_pñV & H$Um©Q>H$gd©H$mañ` nmR>çnwñVH${ZX}eZmb`ñ` {ZX}emZwJU w § NCF-2005 nmR>çH«$_mZwJU w § M nmR>çnwñVH${_X§ a{MV_pñV& {H«$.e. 2014-2015 e¡j{UH$df©V… ZyVZnmR>çnwñVH{_X§ `mo{OV§ ^{dî`{V& ZyVZnmR>çH«$_ñ` g_mÝ`m§emZ² _Z{g {ZYm` àmMrZ-Adm©MrZ{df`mUm§ g_VmobZ§ H¥$Ëdm a{MV{_X§ nwñVH$_²& N>mÌmUm§ ñVamZwJwU§ {da{MVo@pñ_Z² nmR>çnwñVHo$ `mo½`Vm{dñVmañ` gd©Vmo_wIm{^d¥Õo… M àmYmÝ`§ àXÎm_²& nmR>çnwñVH$ñ`mñ` {Z_m©UH$m`} _mJ©Xe©Z§ H¥$VdX²ä`… {ZX}eZmb`ñ` gd}ä`… dÝXZm{Z& g{_{VgXñ`m… A{n n[al_oU gwMmé nwñVH${Z_m©UH$m`ª gH$mbo H¥$VdÝV…& Vofm§ ghH$ma§ H¥$VkVmnyd©H§$ ñ_am{_& nwñVH${_X§ N>mÌoä`… AÜ`mnHo$ä`… M AÜ``Z-AÜ`mnZo M _wX§ OZ`{V VWm `mo½`Vm{dñVma§ M H$amo{V B{V ^md`o &

S>m&& gVre Xodé hoJS>o AÜ`j… nmR>çnwñVH$aMZmg{_{V…


nR²`nwñVH$aMZmg{_{V… 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ·

1. 2. · · · ·

AÜ`j… [dÛmZ².S>m.gVre Xodé ho>JSo>, E§.E., (g§ñH¥$V_²), E_². E. ({hÝXr), [~.ES²>., [n.EM².[S>. g§ñH¥$V CnÝ`mgH$…, EZ².E_².Ho$.Ama².[d. [n.`w. H$mboO², O`ZJa², ~|Jiÿ>é-11. gXñ`m: [dÛmZ².S>m.lrYa ho>JSo>,[~.E., [~.ES²>., E_².E. [n.EM².[S>. g§ñH¥$V AÜ`mnH$…,Ý`mfZb² h¡>ñHy$b², ~gdZJw[S>, ~|Jiÿ>é-4. [dÛmZ². d|H$Q>a_U ^Q²>, E_².E.,(g§ñH¥$V, [hÝXr, H$ÞS>) [~.ES²>., g§ñH¥$V AÜ`mnH$…, emaXm[dbmg² h¡>ñHy$b², _¡gyé-4. [dÛmZ². _mYd A[S>J, [~.H$m_²., E_².E., [~.ES²>., Ama².[~.[n. g§ñH¥$V AÜ`mnH$…, gH$m©ar [n.`w.H$mboO², Hw$ÝXmnwa, CSþ>[n-01. [dÛmZ². Za[g§h ^mJdV², E_².E., [~.ES²>., g§ñH¥$V AÜ`mnH$…, OZgodm [dÚmH|$Ð_², MoÞoZh>[ùi>., ~|Jiÿ>é. lr_Vr. _yH$m[å~H$m. [g. ho>JSo>, E_².E., [~.ES²>., g§ñH¥$V AÜ`m[nH$m, g.[n.`w.H$mboO,² _mJ[S>. lr. E_². am_MÝÐ amd², {MV«H$bm {ejH$:, gH$m©ar h¡>ñHy$b², Mm_amOnoQo>, ~|Jiÿ>é-18. n[aerbH$m… [dÛmZ². S>m. d|H$Q>a_U Xodé ^Q²>, E_².E., [~.ES²>., [n.EM².S>r., g§ñH¥$V AÜ`mnH$…, gH$m©ar [n.`w. H$mboO²,dVy©a², ~|Jiÿ>é-87. n[aîH$Vm©am¡ S>m. am_MÝÐ.[O.^Q²>, [ZX}eH$…, doX[dkmZ JwéHw$b_², Hw$bn[V… Eg².ì`mg `moJ [dœ[dÚmb`…, ~|Jiÿ>é. S>m. lr[Zdmg daIo[S>, S>rZ², H$Zm©Q>H$ g§ñH¥$V [dœ[dÚmb`:, ~|Jiÿ>é. à_wIg§`moOH$… lr [O.Eg². _wS>å~[S>Îmm`, H$.n.nw.g”>…, [a. ~|Jiÿ>é. à_wI _mJ©Xe©H$m¡ lr, ZmJoÝÐ Hw$_ma², ì`dñWmnH$ [ZX}eH$:, H$.n.nw.g”>…, [a. ~|Jiÿ>é. lr_Vr [g.ZmJ_[U, Cn[ZX}[eH$m, H$.n.nw.g”>…, [a. ~|Jiÿ>é. g§`mo[OH$m lr_Vr Eg².EZ². brbmd[V, Á`ooð gh>m`H$ [ZX}[eH$m, H$.n.nw.g”>…, [a. ~|Jiÿ>é. v

About the Revision of Textbooks Honourable Chief Minister Sri Siddaramaiah who is also the Finance Minister of Karnataka, in his response to the public opinion about the newtextbooksfromstandardItoX,announced,inhis2014-15budget speechofconstitutinganexpert-committee,tolookintothematter.He also spoke of the basic expectations there in, which the textbook experts should follow: “The textbooks should aim at inculcating social equality, moral values, development of personality, scientific temper, critical acumen, secularism and the sense of national commitment”, he said. Later, for the revision of the textbooks from class I to X, the Department of Education constituted twenty seven committees and passed an order on24-11-2014.Thecommitteessoconstitutedweresubjectandclasswise and were in accordance with the standards prescribed. Teachers who are experts in matters of subjects and syllabi were in the committees. There were already many complaints, and analyses about the textbooks.So,afreehandwasgivenintheorderdated24-11-2014tothe responsible committees to examine and review text and even to prepare new text and revise if necessary. Eventually, a new order was passed on 19-9-2015 which also gave freedom even to re-write the textbooks if necessary. In the same order, it was said that the completely revised textbookscouldbeputtoforcefrom2017-18insteadof2016-17. Many self inspired individuals and institutions, listing out the wrong information and mistakes there in the text, had sent them to the Education MinisterandtotheTextbookSociety.Theywererectified.Beforerectification we had exchanged ideas by arranging debates. Discussions had taken place with Primary and Secondary Education Teachers’ Associations. Questionnaires were administered among teachers to pool up opinions. Separate meetings were held with teachers, subject inspectors and DIET Principals. Analytical opinions had been collected. To the subject experts of science, social science, mathematics and languages, textbooks were sent in advance and later meetings were held for discussions. Women associations and science related organisations were also invited for discussions. Thus, on the basis of inputs received from various sources, the textbooks have been revised where ever necessary. vi

Another important aspect has to be shared here. We constituted three expert committees. They were constituted to make suggestions after making a comparative study of the texts of science, mathematics and social science subjects of central schools (NCERT), along with state textbooks. Thus, the state text books have been enriched based on the comparative analysis and suggestions made by the experts. The state textbooks have been guarded not to go lower in standards than the textbooks of central schools. Besides, these textbooks have been examined along side with the textbooks of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra states. Another clarification has to be given here. Whatever we have done in the committees is only revision, it is not the total preparation of the textbooks. Therefore, the structure of the already prepared textbooks have in no way been affected or distorted. They have only been revised in the background of gender equality, regional representation, national integrity, equality and social harmony. While doing so, the curriculum frames of both central and state have not been transgressed. Besides, the aspirations of the constitution are incorporated carefully. Further, the reviews of the committees were once given to higher expert committees for examination and their opinions have been inculcated into the textbooks. Finally, we express our grateful thanks to those who strived in all those 27 committees with complete dedication and also to those who served in higher committees. At the same time, we thank all the supervising officers of the Textbook Society, who sincerely worked hard in forming the committees and managed to see the task reach it’s logical completion. We thank all the members of the staff who co-operatedinthisventure.Ourthanksarealsotothesubjectexperts and to the associations who gave valuable suggestions.

Prof. Baraguru Ramachandrappa Chairman-in-Chief Textbook Revision Committees Karnataka Textbook Society (R) Bengaluru.

H.N. Gopalakrishna Managing Director Karnataka Textbook Society (R) Bengaluru.


n[aîH$aUg[_[V: gdm©Ü`j… 1. àmo. ~aJyé am_MÝÐßn…, amÁ`nR>çnwñVH$n[aîH$aUg{_{V…, ~|Jiyé. AÜ`j… 2. àmo. [edamOßn…, àmÜ`mnH$…,_h>mamO H$mboOw, _¡gyé [dœ[dÚmb`…, _¡géy . gXñ`m… 1. S>m. Z§OwÊS>æ`…, àm§ewnmb… lr H$mb^¡adoœa g§ñH¥$VdoXAmJ_[ejU _h>m[dÚmb`. lr Am[X Mw#mZ[J[a joÌ_², ZmJ_§Jb Vm„Hwy $. 2. lr EM².E_².gwYra…, g§ñH¥$V [ejH$…, g.~m.n.ny. H$mboO², AaH$bJyS>þ , h>mgZ _ÊS>b_². 3. lr JOmZZ Zmam`U ^Q²>, g§ñH¥$V [ejH$…, BpÝXam [à`X[e©[Z ~m[bH$m àm¡T>embm, Oo.[n. ZJa, ~|Jiÿ>é. 4. S>m.amKdoÝÐ ^Å>: Š`mX{J, g§ñH¥$V [ejH$…, gd©H$mar` àm¡T>embm, gma{¸$, ~|Jbyé. 5. lr h>OaV² Abr. `w, CnÝ`mgH$…, b[bV H$bm [d^mJ. Vw_Hy$é [dœ [dÚmb`, Vw_Hy$é. n[aîH$aUmoÞVg[_[V: 1. S>m. Oo.lr[Zdmg_y[V©…, [Zd¥Îm àm§ewnmb… E§.B.Eg².H$mboO², _„oœa§, ~|Jiÿé> . à_wI_mJ©Xe©H$m¡lr hoM².EZ². JmonmbH¥$îU…, ì`dñWmnH${ZX}eH$:, H$.n.nw.gL>²K:([a), ~|“byé.

lr Eg².{O. ZmJoe…, Cn{ZX}eH$:, H$.n.nw. g§K… ([a) ~|“byé. g§`mo{OH$m lr_Vr Eg².EZ².brbmdVr, Á`oð> ghm`H${ZX}{eH$m, H$.n.nw.g”:([a), ~o“byé.


nmR>mZwH«$_{UH$m H«$.g§. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

nmR>m… Cn{ZfÛMZ_² Ë`mJYZ… {dgJ©gpÝY… ^maVr`{dkmZ_² kmZXrn… g_mg… A^`Xm{`Zr - AmYw{ZH$ZmQ>H$_² {ddoH$moX`… H¥$XÝV… _ÝWam {Z_©_ÝW à`moJ… H$U©^ma_² ^maVr`^mdZm _méVo… _{h_m Ab‘>ma… gw^m{fVm{Z -H$ÊR>nmR>… H$aUr`… N>ÝX… ZmQ>çm§em… ^rî_moº$`… nÌboIZ_² à~ÝY… ix

(doXmÝVdmUr) (Zr{VH$Wm) (gå^mfU_²) (ì`{º$n[aM`…) (draZmar) (JÚ_²) (MånyH$mì`_²) (àmMrZZmQ>H$_²) (ZdrZnÚ_²) (àmMrZnÚ_²)

(ZmQ>çemó_²) (CnXoeH$mì`_²)

n¥ð> g§»`m 1 4 12 16 27 35 38 49 56 62 68 76 88 94 106 109 117 119 125 133 137

22. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 3. 5. 7.

nyaH$nmR>m… (àmMrZH$Wm) Y«wd… 140 Amamo½`gyÌm{U (ñdmñÏ`_²) 142 ZJm{YamO… (joÌn[aM`…) 145 ^JdmZ² a_U_h{f©… (_hmnwéf n[aM`:) 149 153-174 n[a{eï>_² 2. AZwdmX… An{R>VJÚ^mJ… dmŠ`aMZmH$m¡eb_² 4. nXH$mof… àýn{ÌH$mñdê$n_² 6. _mJ©X{e©Zr àýn{ÌH$m nmR>`moOZm

AÜ`mnHo$ä`… gyMZm… * * * * * * * * *

{ejH¡$… OyZ_mgo Amaå^o goVwnmR>m… ~moYZr`m…& nmR>ñ`mÝVo AÜ``Z§ Hw$éV, AdYo`em: VWm {H«$`mH$bmn… B{V H$íMZ ^mJ… àXÎm…& A`§ H$ú`m`m§ nmR>Zr`…, {H$ÝVw àíZn{ÌH$m`m§ V{Ûf`o àíZm… Z àï>ì`m…& JÚnmR>mÝVJ©Vm… íbmoH$m… narjm`m§ íbmoH$VmËn`ª {bIV BË`Ì àíZê$noU Z¡d Xo`m…& nmR>mÝVo {dÚ_mZm… {deofm§em A{n àíZê$noU ^{dVw_² Ah©pÝV & ì`mH$aUnmR>mÝVJ©Vm… A§em… A{n àíZê$noU ^{dVw_h©pÝV & nyaH$nmR>oä`… Aä`mgo {dÚ_mZm… àíZm… Ed àíZn{ÌH$m`m§ Xo`m… & AZwdmXnmR>m… Ho$db§ _mJ©Xe©ZmW©_od& narjmgw gab§, n#m-fQ²> dmŠ``wº$§ M n[aÀN>Xo § XmVw_h©pÝV & nmR>çgå~pÝY{df`m… Ed {H«$`mH$bmnñ` (Activity) VWm n[a`moOZmH$m`©ñ` (Project Work) H¥$Vo Xo`m…& H$ú`m`m§ `mdV² gmÜ`§ g§ñH¥$V_mÜ`_oZ¡d ~moYZr`_²& N>mÌoä`… g§ñH¥$Vo é{M_² CËnmX{`Vw§ gå^mfU§ H$Vwª M AÜ`mnH¡$… àoaUm Xo`m& x

àW_… nmR>…

Cn{ZfÛMZ_² Y_©-AW©-H$m_-_mojm… MVw{d©YnwéfmWm©…& Vofm§ àm{áaod _mZdOrdZñ` ApÝV_§ bú`_² B{V ^maVr`mZm§ ÑT>{dœmg…& Vofw ApÝV_ñ` _mojñ` àm{á… AmË_kmZmXod ^d{V& AmË_kmZàmám¡ doXm…, Cn{ZfXü gmYZm{Z ^dpÝV& EVm… Cn{ZfX… eVm{YH$m… gpÝV& Vmgw àmoº$m… Ho$MZ _ÝÌm… AÌ {Zê${nVm…& B©emdmñ`{_X§ gdª `pËH$#m OJË`m§ OJV²& VoZ Ë`ºo$Z ^wÄOrWm… _m J¥Y… H$ñ`pñdÕZ_² &&1&& B©emdmñ`mon{ZfV²&& `ñVw gdm©{U ^yVm{Z AmË_Ý`odmZwní`{V& gd©^yVofw MmË_mZ§ VVmo Z {dOwJwßgVo &&2&& B©emdmñ`mon{ZfV²&& EH$mo Xod… gd©^yVofw JyT>… gd©ì`mnr gd©^yVmÝVamË_m& H$_m©Ü`j… gd©^yVm{Ydmg… gmjr MoVm Ho$dbmo {ZJw©Uü &&3&& ídoVmídVamon{ZfV²&& `Wm ZÚ… ñ`ÝX_mZm… g_wÐo@ñV§ JÀN>pÝV Zm_ê$no {dhm` & VWm {dÛmZ² Zm_ê$nm{Û_wº$… namËna§ nwéf_wn¡{V {Xì`_² &&4&& _wÊS>H$mon{ZfV²&& ***** AÝd`mW©… 1. OJË`m_² = n¥{Wì`m§, `pËH$#m OJV² = MamMa§ OJV², VoZ = ñdoZ ê$noU, B©em dmñ`_² = na_mË_Zm AmÀN>mXZr`_², (ì`má_²) gdª Ë`ºo$Z = Ë`mJoZ, ^wÄOrWm… = ^moJ§ Hw$é, H$ñ` pñdV² = nañ`, YZ§, _m J¥Y… = J¥{Y_² (AmH$m¬m§) _m H$mfu… 1

2. `…, gdm©{U ^yVm{Z = Aì`º$mXr{Z ñWmdamÝVm{Z, AmË_{Z Ed AZwní`{V = AmË_mZwgÝYmZ§ H$amo{V (AmË_ì`{V[aº$m{Z Z ní`{V) gd©^yVofw M AmË_mZ_² = ñdmË_mZ§ {Z{d©eof_² AZwní`{V, g… VV… = Vñ_mXod Xe©ZmV², Z {dOwJwßgVo = K¥Um§ Z H$amo{V & 3. EH$moXod… = A{ÛVr` : Xod:, gd©^yVofw = gd}fw Or{dfw, JyT> :ahñ`énoU pñWV : & (Aì`ŠV^mdoZ pñWV:) gd©ì`mnr = gd©Ì ì`má : gd©^yVmÝVamË_m = gd}fw Or{dfw AÝVamË_^yV:, H$_m©Ü`j :- gd©Or{dZm§ H$_©Um_² A{YîR>mVm, \$bXmVm M& gd©^Vy m{Ydmg :- gd}fw Or{dfw. g§pñWV :gmjr = gd©ÐîQ>m, MoVm - MoVZén : Ho$db :- Cnm{Ya{hV : (ewÕén:) M = VWm, {ZJw©U :- gÎdm{XJwUa{hV : ^d{V & 4. `Wm = `oZ àH$maoU, ñ`ÝX_mZm… = àdhÝË`…, ZÚ… = g[aV…, g_wÐo = gmJa§ àmß`, Zm_ ê$n§ M {dhm` AñV§ JÀN>pÝV = AXe©Z§ JÀN>pÝV, VWm = VoZ àH$maoU, Zm_ê$nmV² {d_wº$… = A{dÚmH¥$VZm_ê$nm{Û_wº$… gZ², {dÛmZ² = AmË_kmZr, namËna_² = na__², {Xì`§ nwéf_², (`Wmoº$bjU§) Cn¡{V = CnJÀN>{V &

Aä`mg: 1. EH$dmŠ`oZ CÎma§ {bIV & 1. _mojàm{á… Ho$Z ^d{V ? 2. MVw{d©YnwéfmWm©… Ho$ ? 3. BX§ gdª Ho$Z dmñ`_² ? 2

4. H$m… g_wÐo AñV§ JÀN>pÝV ? 2. [aº$ñWmZ§ nya`V & 1. `ñVw gdm©{U .............. AmË_Ý`odmZwní`{V & 2. JÀN>pÝV ............... {dhm` & 3. EH$mo Xod… .................. JyT>… & 3. MVwWª nX§ {bIV & 1. ZÚ… - g_wÐo@ñV§ JÀN>pÝV ; {dÛmZ² - ...................... & 2. BX§ OJV² - B©emdmñ`_² ; H$ñ`pñdÕZ_² - .....................& 4. aoIm{‘>VnX_² Adbåã` àíZdmŠ`§ Hw$éV & 1. ZÚ… g_wÐo AñV§ JÀN>pÝV & 2. Ëd§ Ë`ºo$Z ^wÄOrWm… & 3. Cn{ZfX… eVe… gpÝV & 5. {b“-{d^{º$-dMZm{Z {bIV & 1. Cn{ZfXm

2. H$ñ`

3. AmË_mZ_²

4. OJË`m_²

6. gpÝY¨ {d^Á` Zm_ {bIV & 1. {ZJw©Uü

2. AmË_Ý`od

3. Zm_ê$nm{Û_wº$… 4. MamMa_² *****


{ÛVr`… nmR>…

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Aä`mg: 1. EH$dmŠ`oZ CÎma§ {bIV>& 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

XYr{M_hf}… Aml_… Hw$Ì AmgrV² ? d¥Ìmgwa… ñd^mdV… H$W_² AdV©V ? BÝÐ… H$ñ` VnmodZ§ dd«mO? dO«m`wYoZ d¥Ì§ H$… OKmZ ? VnmoYZ… XYr{M… {H${_{V à{gqÕ àmn ?

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3. BÝÐ… XYrMo… AñWr{Z ñdrH¥$Ë` ................ {Z_m©U§ MH$ma& 4. XYr{MZm OJV… H$ë`mUmWª ................ Ë`mJ… H¥$V… & 3. MVwWª nX§ {bIV & 1. 2. 3. 4.

XYr{M… - _h{f©… :: d¥Ìmgwa… ............ & OJm_ - {bQ²> bH$ma… :: `mMÝVm_² ............ & Z_… `moJo - MVwWu {d^{º$… :: {~^o{V `moJo ............ & hÝVw_² - Vw_wÞmÝVmì``_² :: AZwg¥Ë` ............ &

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2. {eï>… 4. ñdmYrZ…

6. bH$ma nwéf dMZm{Z {bIV & 1. ``m¡ 3. ~^mgo

2. ~^ydw… 4. àmdV©V

7. {dJ«hdmŠ`§...

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