11. POLS 301 Wk 3 Chapter 9 Quiz 9 Study Guide PDF

Title 11. POLS 301 Wk 3 Chapter 9 Quiz 9 Study Guide
Course Introduction to Government: United States
Institution Sacramento City College
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MULTIPLE CHOICE AND TRUE OR FALSE: 15 of the following will be randomly chosen.

1. According to the textbook, bureaucracies are often the only meeting ground for citizens and politics because they ______. a. must maintain public support in order to succeed b. are often the only contact citizens have with government c. were set up to check the executive branch and protect citizens’ rights d. often make law through bureaucratic legislation e. dominate decision making in the federal government 2. Bureaucracy is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT this: a. merit-based advancement b. hierarchy c. worker specialization d. explicit rules e. flexible goals 3. The value of explicit rules in bureaucratic institutions is that they ______. a. facilitate individually tailored treatment of citizens b. allow for flexibility c. encourage creativity d. create standardization and predictability e. reduce uniformity of behavior 4. A clear chain of command with all employees knowing who their supervisors are as well as whom they are responsible for is an example of a(n) ______. a. issue network b. merit system c. hierarchy d. spoils system e. iron triangle 5. The ultimate purpose of depoliticizing government bureaucracies is to create ______. a. a spoils system b. a merit system c. neutral competence d. bureaucratese e. patronage 6. Bureaucracy is useful for all of the following tasks EXCEPT ______. a. tasks that require a great deal of coordination b. tasks that require a great deal of planning


c. tasks that require a great deal of expertise d. tasks that can be handled on an ad hoc basis e. tasks that require a great deal of routine work 7. The practice in which successful party candidates reward supporters with jobs or favors is known as ______. a. patronage b. pandering c. pay-for-play d. lobbying e. nepotism 8. The civil service replaced the ______ as a method of choosing government workers. a. merit system b. hereditary inheritance c. optional service d. spoils system e. presidential appointment system 9. The lower levels of the bureaucracy are held accountable through ______. a. rules b. close supervision c. public scrutiny d. party bosses e. scrutiny by the news media 10. Bureaucracies are ______. a. found in both the public and private sectors b. useful only in democratic countries c. always independent from partisan control d. located only in governments e. always less efficient than markets 11. At the highest levels, the bureaucracy is responsible to ______. a. only one supervisor b. Congress c. the department heads d. several bosses who may have conflicting goals e. no one 12. The goal of the Pendleton Act and the Hatch Act was to ______. a. increase presidential control over the executive branch of government b. reduce political influence over federal government employees c. increase political participation by federal government employees d. increase congressional control over federal government employees e. increase party influence over federal government employees


13. The fundamental difference between most private bureaucracies and public bureaucracies pointed out in the text is that ______. a. most private bureaucracies have the explicit goal of making money, so accountability is straightforward b. most private bureaucracies are more efficient at serving the public than are public bureaucracies c. employees of private bureaucracies are less concerned with the pursuit of selfinterest d. employees of public bureaucracies are less likely to be chosen for their competence e. bureaucracy is a rare form of organization in the private sector, but it is dominant in the public sector 14. Bureaucracy is preferable to democracy in making decisions when ______. a. we can afford the time to deliberate b. we require expertise and dispatch c. a decision is of minor importance d. it is essential that a decision be popular e. a decision is too important to be left to the people 15. The bulk of the federal bureaucracy is ______. a. not covered by civil service protections b. concerned with foreign policy matters c. located in New York City d. composed of ethnic and racial minorities e. found in the executive branch 16. All of the following statements concerning the formation of the federal bureaucracy are true EXCEPT this one: a. It was created piecemeal over time. b. The greatest period of growth of the bureaucracy was in the 1800s. c. Some of the agencies were created to serve essential government functions. d. Some of the agencies were created in response to changing national needs. e. Some of the agencies were created in response to the demands of clientele groups. 17. The single largest program of the civilian federal bureaucracy today is ______. a. foreign assistance b. highway funding c. agricultural subsidies d. Social Security e. welfare 18. Groups of citizens whose interests are affected by an agency and who work to influence its policies are called ______. a. grassroots organizations


b. c. d. e.

clientele groups constituencies political parties public interest groups

19. The fifteen departments that make up the major subdivisions of the federal government also represent ______. a. government corporations b. government organizations c. the president’s cabinet d. the civil service rather than the bureaucracy e. independent agencies 20. The Department of Justice enforces the laws and represents the American government before the U.S. Supreme Court. Therefore, it was created to ______. a. help the president deal with the Cold War b. respond to changing national needs c. respond to the demands of clientele groups d. serve an essential government function e. help the president respond to the Great Depression 21. To respond to clientele groups, some departments and agencies were formed to ______. a. swallow up the profits of particular industries b. better address America’s interests as a nation c. better represent particular states in Washington, D.C. d. make America more competitive on the world stage e. serve and regulate particular organized and unorganized groups 22. Which of the following is an example of a government agency designed to serve a distinct clientele group? a. State b. Agriculture c. Justice d. Homeland Security e. Defense 23. Which of the following is NOT a type of organization within the federal bureaucracy? a. citizen advisory councils b. regulatory agencies c. cabinet-level departments d. independent agencies e. government corporations 1. Ans: A 24. The president has the least power over ______. a. a cabinet department


b. c. d. e.

an independent agency any agency with cabinet-level status an independent regulatory agency a bureau in a cabinet department

25. Congress sets up most regulatory agencies as boards or commissions, with members having fixed terms, in order to ______. a. ensure that members do not stay in their positions for too long b. make them independent of political pressure, particularly from the president c. water down the effects that would be created by having a single head d. reduce the prestige they would achieve from being directly responsible to the president e. increase control of the agencies by business...

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