8. POLS 301 Wk 2 Chapter 6 Quiz 6 Study Guide PDF

Title 8. POLS 301 Wk 2 Chapter 6 Quiz 6 Study Guide
Course Introduction to Government: United States
Institution Sacramento City College
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MULTIPLE CHOICE AND TRUE OR FALSE: 15 of the following will be randomly chosen.

1. The 2008 presidential election was important because it _______. a. demonstrated that African Americans are still not taken seriously as presidential candidates b. split the nation along racial lines c. demonstrated that a woman could not run for the presidency unless she stressed “women’s issues” d. demonstrated that the white power structure still controls the political parties e. demonstrated that women and African Americans can be serious contenders for the presidency 2. Social and economic statistics tend to show that _______. a. African Americans have completely overcome the effects of systematic discrimination b. African Americans are now greatly advantaged over whites because of civil rights laws c. African Americans have gotten no benefit from recent civil rights policies d. inequality still pervades the American system e. whites have benefited from recent civil rights policies more than African Americans 3. The concepts of strict scrutiny and suspect classification are used by the Supreme Court to answer what question? a. When is torture of suspected terrorists permitted? b. When can we suspect minorities of taking advantage of civil rights laws? c. When can the police act on their suspicions that someone is an illegal alien? d. When can the law treat people differently? e. When can the president act on suspicions that another country is going to attack the United States? 4. Which of the following combinations is incorrect? a. race, suspect class b. gender, quasisuspect class c. age, nonsuspect class d. sexual orientation, quasisuspect class e. social class, nonsuspect class 5. The significance of suspect classification is that it _______. a. allows the government to call into question whether a group requires protection from discriminatory laws b. is crucial in a group’s struggle for civil rights


c. requires the police to read a suspect his or her rights before questioning d. was the sole basis for the decision in Brown v. Board of Education e. requires courts to apply a minimum rationality standard of review to laws affecting a group 6. A suspect classification is one that _______. a. makes a group’s claims of discrimination suspect b. treats people differently because of a classification such as race; laws that include suspect classifications are subject to strict scrutiny c. is a classification used to place suspected racists on a watch list, and they are subsequently scrutinized d. is a method of classifying suspects as to whether their crimes are hate crimes e. is used for situations involving handicapped persons 7. The Supreme Court designated race a suspect class in the _______. a. 1870s b. 1890s c. 1950s d. 1980s e. 1930s 8. Attempts by the U.S. government to ensure that blacks enjoyed equal citizenship in fact as well as in theory after the Civil War _______. a. were generally successful with few exceptions b. were blocked by Republicans in Congress c. essentially ended by the time Reconstruction was completed and were not reinitiated until the civil rights era d. were not successful until the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment e. were not successful until the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment 9. Blacks were kept from exercising their rights in the South after Reconstruction by all of the following methods EXCEPT this one: a. grandfather clauses b. Jim Crow laws c. poll taxes d. literacy tests e. civil suits 10. The rights given to African Americans in the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments did not really help African Americans following the Civil War because _______. a. the amendments did not apply to all the states b. the nation was slow to ratify these amendments c. African Americans were not allowed access to courts d. the wording of rights in these amendments did not specifically mention African Americans


e. Congress, the president, and southern state governments made little effort to enforce them 11. In the first half of the twentieth century, the status of blacks was that _______. a. they had no rights in law or practice b. Congress tried to protect their rights, but it was blocked by the Supreme Court c. the president tried to protect their rights, but he was blocked by Congress d. no branch of government was willing to enforce the laws giving rights to blacks e. the national government wanted to enforce the rights of blacks but was blocked by state governments 12. The legal methods used to deny African Americans the right to vote, such as literacy tests and poll taxes, were overcome by _______. a. passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Twenty-Fourth Amendment to the Constitution b. an executive order issued by President Lyndon Johnson c. changes in the political leadership of the southern states d. passage of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution e. Reconstruction 13. Which of the following cases did NOT help to overturn the “separate but equal” doctrine? a. Missouri ex rel. Gaines v. Canada b. Sweatt v. Painter c. Korematsu v. United States d. Dred Scott v. Sandford e. Brown v. Board of Education 14. Korematsu v. United States _______. a. held that the poll tax violated the Fourteenth Amendment b. limited the civil rights of Japanese Americans in the interest of national security c. granted voting rights to Japanese Americans d. ended the doctrine of “separate but equal” e. declared immigration restrictions on Japanese Americans to be unconstitutional 15. The decision in _______ overturned Plessy v. Ferguson. a. Sweatt v. Painter b. Missouri ex rel. Gaines v. Canada c. Korematsu v. United States d. Brown v. Board of Education e. Smith v. Allwright 16. In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that _______. a. school districts had to integrate within exactly five years b. segregated schools were inherently unequal because the very fact of segregation made blacks feel unequal c. busing would be used as the sole method to integrate schools


d. all segregated facilities, whether they were schools or not, were unconstitutional e. school integration was the responsibility of state governments only 17. The major, nationwide impact of the Brown v. Board of Education decision was that it _______. a. motivated African Americans to align themselves with Mexican Americans to bring about school desegregation b. instituted busing to overcome de facto discrimination c. caused school desegregation in the South to move ahead rapidly d. caused many southern whites to move to the North e. served as a catalyst for the civil rights movement 18. The NAACP chose education as the issue over which to fight segregation because _______. a. segregation was widespread only in education b. segregated education was particularly disastrous for blacks because it limited their potential c. the Supreme Court had already suggested segregation in education was suspect d. it was one of several subjects they brought to the Supreme Court but the only one on which they won e. it was suggested to them by a member of the Supreme Court 19. The civil rights movement of the 1950s–1960s was most successful in eliminating ______ but was far less successful in eliminating ______. a. de jure discrimination; de facto discrimination b. de facto discrimination; de jure discrimination c. economic differences among the races; political differences among the races d. differences in levels of educational attainment among the races; differences in levels of social attainment among the races e. underrepresentation of African Americans among office holders; underrepresentation of African Americans in the professions 20. ______ discrimination is discrimination in fact. a. De facto b. De solis c. Ad hoc d. De jure e. Ex post facto 21. Which of the following is an example of a procedural policy? a. Title IX b. Busing c. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 d. Universal health care e. Affirmative action


22. The significance of the Regents of the University of California v. Bakke case is that it _______. a. declared busing unconstitutional b. led to the integration of schools c. solidified the use of quotas in college admissions d. signaled the approval of affirmative action e. upheld segregated educational facilities 23. The argument for affirmative action is that _______. a. people who have been discriminated against deserve positions, even if they are not qualified b. there is no other decisive evidence for proving that discrimination has ended c. if businesses and universities do not use it, they will be sued d. politicians like it e. the public overwhelmingly supports it 24. Which of the following is not constitutional? a. the use of affirmative action programs to hire more minorities b. busing to bring about racial desegregation across school districts c. economic boycotts d. restricting the right of felons to vote e. fulfilling quotas of minorities in school admissions 25. Segregation has been harder to overcome in the North than in the South because _______. a. segregation in the North is de facto segregation b. segregation in the North is de jure segregation c. northerners opposed segregation more strenuously than southerners d. northerners are politically more powerful than southerners e. blacks were reluctant to challenge their northern allies in the civil rights struggle...

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