1178 Class 10 Laryngeal Physiology and Disorders PDF

Title 1178 Class 10 Laryngeal Physiology and Disorders
Author Dominika Pasternak
Course Speech-Language And Hearing Science: Anatomy And Physiology
Institution Brooklyn College
Pages 36
File Size 2.3 MB
File Type PDF
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Download 1178 Class 10 Laryngeal Physiology and Disorders PDF


Laryngeal Physiology

1178 Class 10

Laryngeal Physiology • In speech production, the structures of the larynx modify airflow from the respiratory system: • Voicing: Adducting VFs • Voiceless Sounds: Abducted VFs

• Intonation: Changing VF vibration rate changes the perceived pitch of the speaker’s voice Vocal Folds = VFs


Laryngeal Physiology Movement of the Arytenoid Cartilages

• Rocking of Arytenoids: Significant • Upward & Outward • Moves arytenoids father apart (abducts)

• Downward & Inward • Moves arytenoids closer together (adducts)

Laryngeal Physiology Movement of the Arytenoid Cartilages

• Gliding/Sliding of Arytenoids: Limited • Upward & Inward • Arytenoids approach one another (adduct)

• Downward & Outward • Arytenoids recede from one another (abduct)


Laryngeal Physiology Movement of the Internal Larynx • Adduction of the VFs • Interarytenoid Muscles • Transverse pulls the arytenoids together • Upward & Inward gliding movement

Laryngeal Physiology Movement of the Internal Larynx • Adduction of the VFs • Interarytenoid Muscles • Oblique pulls one arytenoid toward the other • Downward & Inward rocking motion


Laryngeal Physiology Movement of the Internal Larynx • Adduction of the VFs • Lateral cricoarytenoid (LCA) • Moves arytenoids toward midline • Downward & Inward rocking motion

Laryngeal Physiology Movement of the Internal Larynx • Abduction of the VFs • Posterior Cricoarytenoid (PCA) • Moves arytenoids away from midline • Upward & Outward rocking motion • Also active during physical exercise to permit movement of a greater volume of air


Laryngeal Physiology Movement of the Internal Larynx • Lengthening/Stretching the VFs • Cricothyroid • Rocks thyroid cartilage forward • Decreases distance between the cricoid and thyroid cartilages • Elongates the VFs, increasing tension

• Only muscle in larynx whose primary function is lengthening

Laryngeal Physiology Movement of the Internal Larynx • Tensing the VFs • Thyroarytenoids • Isometric contractions of both TV and TM portions will tense medial and lateral aspects, respectively


Laryngeal Physiology Movement of the Internal Larynx • Decreasing VF Length/Shortening • Thyroarytenoids • Isotonic Contraction of longitudinally oriented fibers • Shortens the muscle by reducing the distance between the thyroid and arytenoid cartilages (relaxes the VFs) • Forward pull on arytenoids, rocking them medially

Laryngeal Physiology Movement of the External Larynx • Positioning of the larynx • • • •

Up and back Up and forward Down and back Down and forward

• Decrease distance between hyoid and thyroid (stabilize)


Laryngeal Physiology What do the movements lead to? • 5 Control Variables of Laryngeal Function: Laryngeal opposing pressure Laryngeal airway resistance Glottal size and configuration Stiffness of the vocal folds Effective mass of the vocal folds

Laryngeal Physiology Control Variables • Laryngeal Opposing Pressure (LOP) • Opposition provided by the larynx to translaryngeal pressure • Air pressure difference between the trachea and pharynx


Laryngeal Physiology Control Variables • Laryngeal Opposing Pressure (LOP) • Variables • 1) *Muscular Pressure:* “squeezes” the larynx closed and holds the VFs together • 2) Surface tension between moist apposing surfaces • 3) Gravity: Holds down the VFs

Laryngeal Physiology Control Variables • Laryngeal Airway Resistance (LAR) • Opposition provided by the larynx to airflow through it • Main constriction site: level of vocal folds (secondary, ventricular folds)

• LAR is dependent on effective/sufficient LOP and expiratory airflow


Laryngeal Physiology Control Variables • Glottal Size and Configuration • Main contributors: Abduction and Adduction of the VFs

Task Examples: A. __________________ B. __________________ C. __________________ D. __________________ E. __________________

Laryngeal Physiology Control Variables • Stiffness of Vocal Folds • Varies by location on the fold: • Stiffer near points of attachment • Increased tension is accomplished by: • Stretching VFs • Contraction of internal VF muscles


Laryngeal Physiology Control Variables • Effective Mass of Vocal Folds • Mass of the VFs being vibrated • When fully adducted, all of the VFs are vibrating • When in a different glottal configuration, the effective mass is the portion that is adducted (vibrated)

Laryngeal Physiology Control Variables • Effective Mass of Vocal Folds • Full mass = Effective mass • VFs fully adducted, maximally elongated, free margins along the length

• Full Mass ≠ Effective mass: • Full mass partitioned by action that encumbers VFs at some point


Sound Generation at the Level of the Larynx How are different sounds produced?

Laryngeal Physiology Sound Generation • Transient Sounds • Voiceless Stop-Plosive

• Production: • Full VF adduction • Subglottal air pressure builds up • Abrupt release


Laryngeal Physiology Sound Generation • Sustained Utterance • Turbulence Noise Production • Production: • Some constriction of the glottis (medial movement of VFs) • Agitated air Æ frication

Laryngeal Physiology Sound Generation • Sustained Utterance • Voice Production • General Production: • Adducted posturing of glottis • Sufficient subglottal pressure • Sustained airflow thru VFs


Laryngeal Physiology • Myoelastic-Aerodynamic Theory • Components: • Phonation Threshold Pressure (PTP) • Opening – Positive pressure • High concentration of air rushing Myo-elastic: properties of the out

• Closing – Bernoulli effect and elasticity

muscle and tissues Aerodynamic: motion of air around obstacles

Laryngeal Physiology • Myoelastic-Aerodynamic Theory • Bernoulli effect • Constriction of air through a tube causes faster airflow, but decreases pressure • Lower pressure in the passage (between the VFs)

• VFs are sucked together instead of being forced apart


Laryngeal Physiology • Myoelastic-Aerodynamic Theory • Bernoulli effect

Supraglottal cavity

Supraglottal cavity VFs VFs

Subglottal cavity Subglottal cavity

Laryngeal Physiology • Myoelastic-Aerodynamic Theory • Sustained Voiced Utterance • VFs are appropriately postured • Subglottal pressure is built up below the VFs • Reach a Phonation Threshold Pressure Æ blows VFs apart

• Folds repeatedly open and close because of repeated pressure build-up, drop, etc.


Laryngeal Physiology • Voice Production: • VFs do not open and close during phonation due to a separate muscle contraction for each opening/closing movement • VFs open and close “automatically” as long as: The folds are in the appropriate position and

There is sufficient buildup of pressure below them

Laryngeal Physiology • Vocal Fold Motion • Wavelike opening and closure • Both horizontal and vertical movements

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsFtDdd3emE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Tlpkdq8a8c


Regulating Voice • Vocal Adjustments: • Fundamental Frequency (F 0) “Pitch” • Reflects the vibratory rate of the vocal folds. • Intensity “loudness” • Power from respiratory system, shape of glottis, shape of vocal tract, lip opening

• Quality • Perceptual characteristics

Vocal Folds and Acoustics • Basics on Sound Patterns: • Aperiodic/Quasiperiodic Sounds: • Do not have repeating pattern/waves • Noisy • Periodic Sounds: • Repeating pattern/waves • Intense, clear

Top Panel: periodic Bottom Panel: aperiodic https://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/courses/spsci/iss/week2.php


Vocal Folds and Acoustics • In normal voice production • VF Abduction = aperiodic sound • Aperiodic sounds are noisy • VF Adduction = periodic sound • Vibrating VFs affect the fundamental frequency (F0) of the resulting sound wave

Vocal Folds and Acoustics • Adduction results in vibration = periodic sound waves • VF vibration creates recurrent waveforms • Rate is defined as: cycles/second (Hertz, Hz)


Vocal Folds and Acoustics • Vibration Rates: • Extremely slow VF vibration • ~60 vibrations per second, produces a low pitch • Extremely fast VF vibration • ~2000 vibrations per second, produces a very high pitch. • Note: Only the highest sopranos can attain these extremely high pitches

Averages by Sex: Men: Range: 90 - 500 Hz Mean = 115 Hz. Women: Range: 150 -1000 Hz Mean = 200 Hz

Vocal Folds and Acoustics • Factors that affect rate change: • VF Tension (stiffness): Major determinant of vibratory rate

• Increased tension = increased vibrations • VF Mass (thickness): • Increased mass = decreased vibration


Vocal Folds and Acoustics • Factors that affect rate change: • VF Length: • Increased length = decreased vibration • Male VF are longer and vibrate less

• Volume of airflow • Increase in subglottal pressure = higher rate of vibration

Vocal Folds and Acoustics • Vocal Fold Mass • What is the effect of mass on the rate of vocal fold vibration?


Vocal Fold Registers • Voice Registers • Reflect different modes of vibration resulting from different mechanical conditions • Differ in range of F0 and pattern of VF vibration

Vocal Fold Registers • Glottal Fry/Pulse: • Lowest F0 • VF’s close quickly, long closed phase of the cycle • VF’s are tightly closed (high LOP) • “Bubbles of air” escape, give voice “popcorn” quality.

• Least flexible • Low airflow • *Frequency < 100Hz


Vocal Fold Registers • Modal register: • Widest range of F0 • Normal speaking voice

• Falsetto/Loft: • Highest F0 • Important role of tension • Often VFs do not close completely

Intensity Control • Sound pressure level (loudness) • Determined by glottal resistance (LAR) • Resistance = sufficient LOP/expiratory airflow • Increase resistance: • LOP Dominates at lower F0’s • Increased air pressure and prevent escape

• Expiratory airflow Dominates at higher F 0’s


Vocal Quality Objective Parameters • Acoustic parameters (e.g., F0, Intensity) • Open quotient • Speed quotient

Subjective Parameters • Hoarse • Breathy • Strained/Strangled • Rough • Male versus Female

Vocal Quality Subjective Parameters Quality Perceptual Description

Breathiness Audible air escape in the voice

Tense/Strained /Pressed Sense of effort in production

Roughness Perceived cycleto-cycle variability in voice Uneven, “bumpy” sound

Physiologic Factors

Diminished or absent closed phase

Longer closed phase

Vocal folds vibrate, but in an irregular way

Reduced airflow Increased airflow



Laryngeal Physiology Age, Sex and Laryngeal Function

Laryngeal Development • Laryngeal structure undergoes significant change between birth and adulthood • Relocation and remodeling process during development


Laryngeal Development • Location: • Larynx begins high in neck and there is downward migration • Infant: • Lower edge of Cricoid sits opposite C2-3

• Adult: • Lower edge of Cricoid sits opposite C7

Laryngeal Development • Glottis: • Cartilaginous portion accounts for 60 - 75% of the VF length in children women) • Epiglottis, corniculated, cuneiform and arytenoid cartilages

Age and Laryngeal Function • Joints and Articular Surfaces: • Abrasion/erosion, ossification and deformation influence the movements • Cricoarytenoid: reduced movement leading to reduced vocal fold approximation


Age and Laryngeal Function • Vocal Folds: • Nerve fiber loss • Muscle atrophy ( mass & strength) • Reduced elasticity, dehydration etc. • Changes to the lamina propria:


• E.g., Fiber densities, fluid retention • Bowed or surface irregularities along free margins

Sex and Laryngeal Function • Dissimilarities between males and females in structure and function • Infancy/Early childhood • Relatively similar • Later childhood/puberty sex differences begin to emerge


Sex and Laryngeal Function • Ossification: • Begins earlier in men (30s) than women (40s)

• Vocal Folds: • Males: • Lengthen • Full approximation

• Females: • Maintain relatively constant length • Often don’t have full approximation

Sex and Laryngeal Function • Fundamental Frequency (F0) : • Aging affects F 0 differently in males and females • Females: • Menopause and increased edema Æ lowering of F0

• Men: • Greater muscle atrophy, thinning of lamina propria, loss of mass Æ increase in F0


Sex and Laryngeal Function Frequency by Age and Sex

Laryngeal Instrumentation and Disorders


Instrumentation How do we see the vocal folds?

Problem: location

Instrumentation • Laryngoscopy (Endoscopy of the larynx) • Visualization of larynx via inserting a viewing device with a light source through the oral or nasal cavity • Rigid • Flexible


Instrumentation • Laryngoscopy • Rigid • Inserted into the oral cavity along the surface of the tongue • Pros: • Excellent imaging • Cons: • Awkward/uncomfortable • Interferes with movement of pharyngeal-oral structures

Instrumentation • Laryngoscopy • Flexible • Inserted through the nasal cavity, over the upper surface of the velum and into the pharynx. • Pros: • Excellent visualization • Does not encumber the pharyngeal-oral structures

• Cons: • Can be uncomfortable



Instrumentation • Laryngoscopic techniques can be coupled with videostroboscopic equipment • Mucosal waves are too fast for the human eye to appreciate • Strobe (brief flashes of light) “slows” this process by visualizing the mucosal wave across several cycles of vocalization


Helpful Study Note Disorders • For the exam: • You need to be able to discuss the difference between functional, organic and neurologic laryngeal disorders • Provide an example/s of each • You DO NOT need to be able to identify or define specific disorders


Functional Laryngeal Disorders • Functional disorders: • Arise from the way in which we use our larynx to produce voice • E.g., • • • •


nodules polyps Reinke’s edema hemorrhage Polyp

Functional Laryngeal Disorders Functional disorders:

Reinke’s edema – polypoid degeneration

Hemorrhage Reinke’s edema


Organic Laryngeal Disorders • Organic disorders: • Directly related to a medical or “primary” etiology • Detectable physiological or structural change • E.g.,


• malignant epithelial dysplasia • recurrent papilloma • presbyphonia/presbylaryng is

Neurologic Laryngeal Disorders • Neurologic disorders: • Occur when there is damage to the central or peripheral nervous system • E.g., • • • •

RLN or SLN Paralysis/Paresis Parkinson’s disease Multiple Sclerosis Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis


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