12 Types of Leadership Styles (And Where To Use Each) PDF

Title 12 Types of Leadership Styles (And Where To Use Each)
Author Ana Adame
Course  American Higher Education
Institution University of Houston
Pages 17
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12 TYPES OF LEADERSHIP STYLES (AND WHERE TO USE EACH) The more leadership styles you can play, the more inuential you are. This article lists a number of them. Along with each style, you’ll nd a short denition. byMurray Johannsen. Feel to connect on LinkedIn or by email.

What’s on This Page What is a LeadershipStyle ? Two Fundamental Questions 1. How Many Leaderships Styles Are There? 2. How Many Leadership Styles Do I Need To Be Effective as a Leader? 12 Types of Leadership Styles

1. The Transformational Leadership Style Best Use 2. The Charismatic Leadership Style 3. The Autocratic Leadership Style The Authoritarian Style The Facilitative (Democratic/Participative) Leader Where and When To Use The Bureaucratic Leadership Style When To Use Paternalistic and Maternalistic Leadership Situations Of Use  The Coaching Style Situations of Use Transactional Leadership Basses Continent Reward Denition. The Psychological Denition Emergent Leadership Situational Leadership Military Leadership Servant Leadership Conclusion Resources

What is a LeadershipStyle ? Aleadershipstyle is dened as, “A set of behaviors that one consciously chooses to use that BEST FITS the situation. When the situation changes, so shouldthe style.” Using aleadership style means that you are role exible — we can shift from one style to the next, like wearing a set of clothes. You are not locked into a particular one, but can change yourleadership style depending.  A leadership style is a very different beast than a leadership trait. A leadership trait, like a personality one, is something that is stable and tends to be active across many situations. For example, if you are an extrovert, that behavior pattern shows up across many different situations. Likewise, the autocratic leader tends to be autocratic in most situations. And that is the problem with traits — the lack of exibility. But to make use of the theories mentioned, one has to be adaptable, willing to change styles and adapt one the works.

Two Fundamental Questions 1. How Many Leaderships Styles Are There? “The best way to have a good idea, is to have a lot of ideas.” — Dr. Linus Pauling (Two times winner of the Nobel Prize).

Some who say there are ve orseven common styles, or eight, or eventwelve leadership styles(as suggested here).For example, Kurt Lewin suggested that there were just three leadership styles: autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire. You might prefer the laissez-faire style since your people tend to just do things without your direction. So you have lots of time for the golf course. If you think about it, three styles doesn’t make a lot of sense. On the other hand, 15 is probably many to remember. This relates to the next question.

2. How Many Leadership Styles Do I Need To Be Effective as a Leader? It dependson how many difcult situations you nd yourself and whether you have positional inuence. Plus you will nd that some styles overlap (i.e. charisma and transformational); some can be used together (facilitative and team leadership); others areused less frequently (strategic and cross-cultural); and some are polar opposites (autocratic & participative).

12 Types of Leadership Styles 1. The Transformational Leadership Style “Nothing so needs reforming as other people’s habits” — Mark Twain

How to be a Transformational Leader (ANIMATED) | What is Transformational L…

This short video is about the research model used by Bass and many others

The primary focus of the transformational leadership style is to induce change in oneself and others. It requires that one learn a number of different skills sets and is closely associated with the charismatic leadership style and acting as a visionary leader. Transformational leadership is partly based on having a clear role model you can identify with. But they also have a lofty vision, set high expectations, encourage others, get people to reach further than they believe they should, and provide support and recognition.And of course, they tend to be inspirational.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QChoZ9VecNg&feature=youtu.be This is a model of how, how to evolve to become a great transformational leader. This is a style that is important when it comes to change—and who doesn’t need to change? This is a leadership style that is incredibly important in both organizational change and personal transformation. Discover four key competencies—four catalysts—for change.

This is a leadership style that applies to many of the most famous leaders in history. If fact, you might say if you want the words great next to your name, you better be one.

Best Use The style has one great advantage in today’s world — it facilitates you change. Because of it’s dening characteristics, it doesn’t require the use of use of rewards or even short-term goals.

2. The Charismatic Leadership Style Steve Jobs Introducing The iPhone At MacWorld 2007

So how do you introduce a product no one has ever seen before? Jobs is a showman a charismatic CEO (I know, they are rare) and a transformational leader. Note the reaction of the audience and the use of humor.

So what is charisma and what is the charismatic leadership style? Charisma (in the male) and charm (in the female) has an ineffable quality — you know it when you experience it. It is sometimes related to the ability to form a positive rst impression. When you meet them, you like them. Charismatic leadership is basically the method of encouraging particular behaviors in others by way of communication, persuasion and force of personality.It’s a set of nonverbal body language that transmits strength, warmth, and likability This is a related style to the transformational leadership one. The major difference is between the charismatic leader and the transformational one involves style and nonverbal communication pattern. In fact, many feel that charisma is really something that is best experienced, although researchers like House have described the charismatic style. There is no universal set of charismatic characteristics.

3. The Autocratic Leadership Style

David and Ingres, before 1815: Portraits of Napoleon I. Notice the symbols of authority in each portrait.

One leadership style dimension has to do with control and one’s perception of how much control one should give to others. For example, the laissez faire style implies low control, the autocratic style requires high control while the participative one lies somewhere in between. Kurt Lewin (1939) called these styles: authoritative, participative (democratic) or delegative (Laissez Faire). Take an on-lineQuiz on these Leadership Styles

The Authoritarian Style

When Authoritarian Leaders Outperform Transformational Leaders

Authoritarians are control freaks. They don’t trust others so many decisions cannot be delegated.

If you were a personality psychologist, you would say that the style is simple an expression of dominance and submissiveness. Also, authoritarians and autocrats are similar in their personality structure. Uses The style has its advocates (see the Academy of Management: When Authoritarian Leaders Outperform Transformational Leaders), but it is falling out of favor due to it’s many weaknesses (see The Autocratic Leadership Style: Four Strengths and Seven Weaknesses). For example, authoritative works well in a crisis where a decision must be madeSome people have argued that the style is popular with today’s CEO’s; who, a cynic would say, have much in common with the feudal lords of Medieval Europe.

The Facilitative (Democratic/Participative) Leader What is the facilitative leadership stye? The participative leadership style (also known as the facilitative leadership style) means the leader gives more control to subordinates. In a large organization, one set-up profit centers or decentralized divisions that can function pretty well without Sometimes this style is called the laissez faire leadership style. It’s a style that’s largely “hands off.” This is a special style that anyone who runs a meeting can employ. Rather than being directive, one using the facilitative leadership style uses a number of indirect communication patterns to help the group reach consensus. It’s hard to order and demand someone to be creative, perform as a team, solve complex problems, improve quality, and provide outstanding customer service. The participative style presents a happy medium between over controlling (micromanaging) and not being engaged and tends to be seen in organizations that must innovate to prosper.

Where and When To Use The facilitative leadership is really important in certain types of leadership situations where the leader wants to appear to not to lead. It requires a lot of skill. the amount of direction and face time required. Works well if you have highly trained, highly motivated direct reports. Likewise, use it when one connect get a concensus or you lack the time to do so.

The Bureaucratic Leadership Style “Any one can hold the helm when the sea is calm.” — Publilius Syrus.

Tabulating Machine Co., December 1917; Picture by Marcin Wichary

An autocrat doesn’t require a bureaucracy, but the autocrat and the bureaucracy goes together like a hand and glove. One reason? Obedience to authority. In fact, one can make an argument that in large groups, such as the multinational corporations and government agencies, authority is the most common type of influence used. But if you are in a large bureaucratic organization, you can use your authority and the power associated with the position. Therefore, both charisma and transformational leadership styles tend to be rare.

When To Use This one is pretty clear, one just needs a large bureaucratic structure such as a multinational corporation or a government agency. Those who excel don’t necessarily have to have a large degree of personal power, they tend to be very good at positional power. Most are skilled at using “the rules” to their advantage. And it doesn’t hurt to have a some political savvy as well. References

Paternalistic and Maternalistic Leadership

Fresco with coat of arms of Pope Pius VII. Essentially, all Popes are expected to look after Catholics, just a shepherd will look after a flock of sheep. Image by: Livioandronico2013

Paternal suggests a male while maternal suggests a female in the staring role of the authority figure. Whether you have an XX or an XY, the key variable is that of care for others. This style focuses more on work, but still pays attention to the people aspect. This style can take advantage of the “family” mentality. It allows one to act ethically (in the best interest of others) by demonstrating care for employees in a work setting. Some Good Reads: A Paternalistic Leadership Guide

From Paternalistic To Maternalistic

Situations Of Use While it’s not a democratic style, people like it because the leader has the best interests of their group at heart. This can play out in a national-state or a corporation. For example, Singapore is sometimes known as a “nanny state” because government tends to provide policies for its citizens that start at womb and end at tomb and policies in-between. In fact, it also applies to family owned business. It would not apply to executives of public corporations since the executives by law only care about one group of stakeholders — the stockholders.

The Coaching Style “A groom used to spend whole days in currycombing and rubbing down his Horse, but at the same time stole his oats and sold them for his own profit. “Alas!” said the Horse, “if you really wish me to be in good condition, you should groom me less, and feed me more.” — Aesop’s Fables. Most people would not consider to coaching to be a leadership style. However, it is one of the most important an effective of all leadership behaviors when it comes to: Enhancing employee motivation (engagement in HR speak), Dealing with performance problems, and Increasing individual performance skills. What’s not to like. Coaches possess unique talents — especially the ability to train and develop the people around them. They can groom people to improve both both expertise and skill.

Situations of Use Organizations tend to waste money in training without development so a managerial and supervisory elite that knows how to build skills is truly a source of competitive advantage. Also, the coaching leadership style might be able to so something about the truly dismal engagement numbers seen in most organizations.

Transactional Leadership The transactional leadership style has two major characteristics: it supports the status quo (in contrast to the transformational leadership style) and it tends to be (as its name suggests) about the transaction.

The style is important and it’s commonly used — much more than the transformational leadership style. There are two major definitions in common use: one more common to psychology, the other more common to management. Use This leadership style can work pretty well in business situations where one is using rewards (money) and punishment. Transactional leadership emphasizes results, stays within the existing structure of an organization, and measures success according to that organization’s system of rewards and penalties. This styleworks for large organizationsbecause most objectives and outcomes are tangible/quantiable (i.e., assignments, rubrics, grades) and their is a reward or punishment for it. Under transactional leadership, goals and objectives used and tend to be the short term. This makes them easier to accomplish. Transactional leaders motivate by using rewards such as money. According to Chris Hughes in the article, “Leading With Transactional Leadership,” you have four types of rewards you can use. That makes it an easy style to use if you happen to be a billionaire. It’s also an easy style of use if you happen to work in a protable organization full of greed minded individuals.

Basses Continent Reward Definition. To a management professor, the transactional leadership style is based on Bernard Bass concept of transactional leadership. One aspect is the tendency for an individual to exist within the status quo. Another aspect focuses is contingent reward done within the context of an organizational structure. CEOs tend toward the transactional. That person generally has little interest in making big changes to the way things are because they benefited immensely from the system. You might say the c-level rarely want to change the business model. We are likely to see Exxon-Mobile exist as an oil company, not an energy company.

The Psychological Definition This definition stresses that individuals exist within an organizational structure and use organizational rules as a way get things done. For most people, structure includes both a nation-state and a place of work such as a corporation. As such, the transactional leader exists in a world of conformity and compliance quo. Those exercising transactional leadership style would rarely change norms. It’s sometimes captured in the famous worlds of advice that, “You can’t fight city hall.”

Second, agreements take the structure of if A then B. If you meet contract requirements, you get the deal. If you meet my expectations, you will be rewarded as a quid pro quo – or “this for that.” That means, there is a relationship, a relationship that must include trust. It’s one thing to trust that customer will pay for the candy at the counter. Another thing entirely about the marriage vows. Inherent in this is this is understand the nuances of what social psychology calls, “The Law of Reciprocity.”. Third, you create a rule or expectation and associate some type of positive reinforcement to it The really smart ones will also say what they don’t want and then have some type of punishment. This is a common form of operant conditioning, more popularly known as behavior modification. Fourth (and this is really important), there must be trust. If not, this whole things falls apart.

Emergent Leadership “The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell.” – Confucius Contrary to the belief of many, groups don’t automatically accept a new “boss” as leader. Emergent leadership is what you must do when one taking over a new group. One way to emerge so involves the exchange of favors. An exchange can be hierarchical between the boss and subordinate or occur between two individuals of equal status. But for this leadership style to work, you must know how to develop, maintain and repair relationships.

Situational Leadership In the 1950s, management theorists from Ohio State University and the University of Michigan published a series of studies to determine whether leaders should be more task or relationship (people) oriented. The importance of the research cannot be over estimated since leaders tend to have a dominant style; a leadership style they use in a wide variety of situations. In this case, the fundamental question related to the situational context related to task and relationship issues. Which works best? Surprisingly, the research discovered that there is no one best style: leaders must adjust their leadership style to the situation as well as to the people being led. In fact, choosing the right style, at the right time in the right situation is a key element of leader effectiveness. But that’s not what most people do—they have one style used in many situations.

It’s like having only one suit or one dress, something you wear everywhere. Of course, all of us would agree that having only one set of clothes is ridiculous. But then, so is having only one leadership style. And so today, the term situational leadership means can mean something quite different than what you think it does.

Military Leadership University of Texas at Austin 2014 Commencement Address - Admiral William …

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The military services stress that importance of leadership all levels and have extensive programs designed to develop leadership skills in the officers and noncommissioned officers. The context is war and peace as practiced by the military services such as the US Army and US Air Force.

Servant Leadership Rule #4: Become a Servant Leader - The Sandler Rules for Sales Leaders

While servant leadership is more commonly associated with religious organizations, there are other contexts it can be used.

“The Roots Of Our Problems Are: Wealth Without Work, Pleasure Without Conscience, Knowledge Without Character, Commerce Without Morality, Science Without Humanity, Worship Without Sacrifice, Politics Without Principles.” – Mohandas K. Gandhi Some leaders have put the needs of their followers first. For example, the motto of the Los Angeles Police Department, “To Protect and Serve.” reflects this philosophy of service. But one suspects servant leaders are rare in business. It’s hard to imagine a CEO who puts the needs of employees first before the needs of the stockholders and the bankers. Since transformational leaders to take their followers into the light or into the darkness, its helpful to have a set of values that uplift, rather than destroy. One such set of values known as servant leadership. While this leadership style has been around for thousands of years, the American Robert Greenleaf coined the term servant leader in 1970 in his book The Servant as Leader. This style rests on a set of assumptions (Greenleaf, 1983). In this case, it is not the leader who benefits most, it is the followers. We have leaders not acting selfishly, but socially. A second aspect to this is an orientation toward...

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