13-Senses-Questions - senses questions PDF

Title 13-Senses-Questions - senses questions
Author Shandon Pendleton
Course Human Anatomy
Institution Brigham Young University
Pages 2
File Size 49.7 KB
File Type PDF
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senses questions...


1. The tongue has multiple cranial innervations. Which nerve is responsible for taste innervation of the anterior 2/3 of the tongue? a. Cranial Nerve V b. Cranial Nerve VII c. Cranial Nerve IX d. Cranial Nerve XII 2. Which of the following cells is classified as a chemoreceptor, and can sense thousands of different chemical stimuli? a. Olfactory Supporting Cell b. Gustatory Supporting Cell c. Olfactory Receptor Cell d. Gustatory Receptor Cell 3. A middle-aged man comes into your clinic complaining of eye problems. He explains his symptoms as difficulty discerning colors, blurriness in vision, floaters, as well as certain darkened areas of vision. What most likely is the disorder this man has? a. Macular Degeneration b. Cataracts c. Hyperopia d. Diabetic Retinopathy e. Glaucoma f. Myopia 4. When talking about light entering the right eyeball, Light coming from the _________ of vision will cross the ________, while light coming from the ________ of vision will not. a. Right Field, Optic Chiasm, Left Field b. Left Field, Optic Chiasm, Right Field c. Nasal Part of right temporal field, optic tracts, Temporal Part of right temporal field d. Nasal Part of right temporal field, optic chiasm, Temporal Part of right temporal field 5. The middle ear bone structures listed from medial to lateral would be: a. Malleus, Incus, Stapes b. Stapes, Incus, Malleus c. Malleus, Stapes, Incus d. Stapes, Malleus, Incus 6. A patient comes into your clinic with severe Osteopetrosis. You run a full electromyography test on facial function, and the results come back showing normal amplitude, CV and duration. However, a major conduction block is found with signals passing through the stylomastoid foramen. Among other symptoms this would cause, what specific special sense would be affected? a. Audition b. Olfaction c. Equilibrium d. Touch e. Gustation

7. The vestibular membrane in the Cochlea separates which two structures, which each respectively contain which fluid? a. Scala Tympani – Endolymph, Cochlear Duct – Perilymph b. Scala Vestibuli – Endolymph, Cochlear Duct – Perilymph c. Scala Tympani – Perilymph, Cochlear Duct – Endolymph d. Scala Vestibuli – Perilymph, Cochlear Duct – Endolymph e. Scala Vestibuli – Perilymph, Scala Tympani – Endolymph f. Scala Tympani – Perilymph, Scala Vestibuli – Endolymph 8. Damage to the inner ear or nerve pathways is most accurately described as: a. Sensorineural Hearing Loss b. Conductive Hearing Loss c. Anosmia d. Mixed Hearing Loss 9. What structure of the eye ensures that contact lenses cannot slide to the posterior side of the eyeball? a. Cornea b. Palpebrae c. Conjunctiva d. Tarsal Glands 10. Many of the different general sense skin receptors (Mechanoreceptors, Thermoreceptors, Nociceptors, etc.) are found in what later of the integumentary system? a. Stratum Spinosum layer of the Epidermis b. Stratum Basale layer of the Epidermis c. Reticular layer of the dermis d. Papillary layer of the dermis...

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