1303 fall20 MWF Online - syllabus PDF

Title 1303 fall20 MWF Online - syllabus
Author Anonymous User
Course Wildlife Ecology
Institution Baylor University
Pages 9
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ENV 1303: Principles of wildlife ecology Fall 2020 ONLINE Professor: Heidi Marcum ([email protected]) Synchronous Class Meeting Day/Time: 01: MWF 11:15-12:05 02: MWF 12:20-1:10 Office: BSB A428; 710-4051 Office hours: Virtual meetings by appointment Required Texts: Introduction to Wildlife Ecology: Wildlife Interactions With Their Environment and Each Other. Michael Jiles (e-Textbook and 1303 eCourse Pack) COURSE OBJECTIVES (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

to introduce students to ecological principles involving wildlife to examine how populations behave and interact with their environment to understand various conditions necessary for wildlife survival to examine the influence of human land use on wildlife to introduce the students to wildlife problems and management

ONLINE COURSE INFORMATION (1) Classroom preparation: Online courses are, by their very nature, different than in-person instruction. This semester, I will work very hard on helping you navigate the class, but I also need you to take an active role in your learning. We will use Zoom and Canvas for the vast majority of this class, and we will also use Tophat for interactive activities. All work will be turned in via Canvas. This online class consists of these materials on Canvas: 1. Powerpoint lectures a. Synchronous lectures will be available before our Zoom meeting b. Asynchronous lectures will be narrated and available, and I will go over the highlights during our Zoom meetings 2. Before class activities that are designed to stimulate your thinking about the topic we will cover 3. Homework 4. Extra materials, such as videos or newspaper articles for you to access 5. Tests will be given online

You are expected to come to each Zoom class prepared. This means you will have read the assigned chapter before coming to class, so that you will be familiar with the basic material and be ready to discuss it. Pop quizzes over the reading material may be given if you are not reading the material and coming to class prepared! You are expected to spend as much time as necessary to be prepared for our online synchronous classes. This means you will have read the assigned chapters before attending online classes, so that you will be familiar with the basic material and be ready to discuss it. Pop quizzes over the reading material will be given throughout the semester before synchronous class meetings. (2) Zoom meeting behavior We will meet synchronously online through most of the semester using Zoom and Tophat. At times, you will also be asked to access powerpoints and other online materials asynchronously (on your own) – Consult frequently with Canvas to be sure you are not missing anything! During our Please turn all cell phones off during our synchronous meetings. DURING EACH ZOOM MEETING, YOU MUST HAVE YOUR CAMERA TURNED ON – It is hard enough to teach an online course, and I must be able to see your face. Please turn all cell phones off before class starts. Anyone caught using a phone (including text messaging) during our Zoom meetings will be excused from class, counted absent and given a warning. Further cell-phone use will result in additional disciplinary action. Any student falling asleep in class, reading a newspaper, doing homework for another class, text messaging, etc. will be counted absent for the day. If these behaviors continue, you will be referred to the appropriate Baylor office. (3) Online Attendance Policy: During this unprecedented time of a global pandemic, class attendance must be approached differently from the way it would in a standard semester. If you are sick or have any symptoms (even if they are slight) that might relate to COVID-19, please stay home to protect yourself, your classmates, and your professors. As your instructor, I will expect that you work with me to enable you to receive any necessary course content (including classroom lectures) and complete any assignments, quizzes, or exams that you may miss due to being sick or having COVID-19-related symptoms. I also expect you to notify me prior to class if you will be missing for COVID-19 or any other health-related reason. (4)

Office hours

One of the best ways to take full advantage of learning in my course is by having a virtual meeting with me through Zoom, and by emailing me. I look forward to guiding you in your academic pursuits. Take advantage of virtually meeting or chatting with me – I look forward to interacting with you.



Visit and review the Online Student Quickstart that is on your Canvas Dashboard page in order to familiarize yourself with technology needed this semester. Topics covered in the “Online Student Quickstart” orientation include:

  

Strategies for success in online courses Guides to using key Baylor technologies successfully in your coursework Quick links and information about valuable Baylor resources that will help you with your online courses

CLASS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES (6) Book and course pack To get the materials (book and course pack): 1. Buy the ENV 1303 voucher from the Baylor Bookstore) or from www.sentiapublishing.com 2. You will then be able to download the book and course pack through Canvas (7) Homework and quizzes: You will be assigned homework throughout the semester. Unless prior arrangements have been made, or you have a University excuse, I DO NOT accept late assignments. If you will be absent from class, have someone deliver the assignment to me, personally, or deliver it to the faculty assignment box, located in the Goebel building, on the day the assignment is due. Please check Canvas frequently (at least 2x/day) for announcements, notifications and important information. PLAN ON PARTICIPATING IN ALL DISCUSSIONS!! THEY WILL HELP YOU WITH YOUR GRADE!

You are responsible for all material covered in class when absent, and if you were absent when an assignment was made, you are responsible for obtaining information regarding that assignment and handing the assignment in on time. You will be allowed to make up class work and/or tests missed because of serious illness, accident, or death in the family only if you bring a doctor’s excuse, with the telephone number, to the next class you attend in order to make up any missed work. Any instances of cheating on exams, essays, or papers will result in an automatic F for the course and the incident will be reported to the University Honor Council. If you have a question over an assignment or test grade, please set up a Zoom meeting to discuss your grade within 5 class days of receiving the graded assignment. I will not change any grades after the 5 day grace period!

(8) Exams and Essays Three 100 point exams will be given in this course - 2 exams and a final. Each exam may include multiple choice, identification, short answer and analysis of subject material. If you miss an exam, including the final, you will not be able to make the exam up, unless you have a University approved absence. If you have a University excuse, you may take a make-up test, which will be a comprehensive essay test, on the last make-up exam day, which is set by Baylor University. Sleeping through an exam, or private problems are not an accepted excuse (unless you bring in a University excuse); if you miss the test, you will NOT be able to make it up and you will receive a “0” for that test. Test 3 is the final, and is given during finals week; DO NOT ask for permission to take the test early so you can leave Baylor early. The exam schedule for is available online. Exams are listed by class days and hours in the first schedule, and then by each exam day in the second list. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog for Baylor’s policy regarding final exams. Any essays you write during the semester will be either turned in to me through Canvas OR through TurnItIn; the assignment type will determine which option is used. Regarding TurnItIn, “Students agree that by taking this course, all required papers, exams, class projects or other assignments submitted for credit may be submitted to turnitin.com or similar third parties to review and evaluate for originality and intellectual integrity. A description of the services, terms and conditions of use, and privacy policy of

turnitin.com is available on its web site: http://www.turnitin.com. Students understand all work submitted to turnitin.com will be added to its database of papers. Students further understand that if the results of such a review support an allegation of academic dishonesty, the course work in question as well as any supporting materials may be submitted to the Honor Council for investigation and further action." (9)

Academic Success

I believe every student who has been admitted to Baylor can be successful and I want to partner with you to help you thrive academically. Be sure to take advantage of the many resources available for academic success, including coming to see me during my office hours. Students who regularly utilize the great resources in the Paul L. Foster Success Center (http://www.baylor.edu/successcenter/) are among my most successful students. If your academic performance in this class is substandard, I will submit an Academic Progress Report to the Success Center so that the team of coordinated care professionals can ensure that you get the help you need. (10)

First Generation College Students

Baylor University defines a first-generation college student as a student whose parents did not complete a four-year college degree. The First in Line program at Baylor is a support office on campus for first-generation college students to utilize if they have any questions or concerns. Please contact First in Line at [email protected], call 254710-6854, or visit www.baylor.edu/firstinline to learn more about the services available. (11)

Academic Integrity

Plagiarism or any form of cheating involves a breach of student-teacher trust. This means that any work submitted under your name is expected to be your own, neither composed by anyone else as a whole or in part, nor handed over to another person for complete or partial revision. Be sure to document all ideas that are not your own. Instances of plagiarism or any other act of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Honor Council and may result in failure of the course. Not understanding plagiarism is not an excuse. As a Baylor student, I expect you to be intimately familiar with the Honor Code at: http://www.baylor.edu/honorcode/ (12)

Students Needing Accommodations

Any student who needs academic accommodations related to a documented disability should inform me immediately at the beginning of the semester. You are required to obtain appropriate documentation and information regarding accommodations from the

Office of Access and Learning Accommodation (OALA). Contact Information: (254) 710-3605 - Paul L. Foster Success Center, 1st floor on the East Wing of Sid Richardson. (13)

Title IX Office

Baylor University does not discriminate on the basis of sex or gender in any of its education or employment programs and activities, and it does not tolerate discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex or gender. If you or someone you know would like help related to an experience involving sexual or gender-based harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking, intimate partner violence, or retaliation for reporting one of these type of prohibited conduct, please contact the Title IX Office at (254)710-8454 or report online at www.baylor.edu/titleix. The Title IX office understands the sensitive nature of these situations and can provide information about available on- and off-campus resources, such as counseling and psychological services, medical treatment, academic support, university housing, and other forms of assistance that may be available. Staff members at the office can also explain your rights and procedural options if you contact the Title IX Office. You will not be required to share your experience. If you or someone you know feels unsafe or may be in imminent danger, please call the Baylor Police Department (254-710-2222) or Waco Police Department (9-1-1) immediately. For more information on the Title IX Office, the Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Interpersonal Violence policy, reporting, and resources available, please visit the website provided above. (14) Military Student Advisory Veterans and active duty military personnel are welcomed and encouraged to communicate, in advance if possible, any special circumstances (e.g., upcoming deployment, drill requirements, disability accommodations). You are also encouraged to visit the VETS Program Office with any questions at (254) 710-7264. (15) Grading policy: Canvas Grades will be posted electronically on “Canvas”, a grade management system that allows you to view grades as soon as they are available. This enables you to evaluate the accuracy of the score and your class standing at any point during the semester. If you feel that a grade has been posted incorrectly, you have 5 class days to request a review and possible change. After these days, no change will be permitted. If you do not know how to use Canvas, be sure to learn it ASAP.

You will be graded for the course and receive your final grade as follows: Homework and assignments Exam I Exam II Final

Overall Percentage 93-100 90-92 88-89 83-87 80-82 78-79 73-77 70-72 60-69 59 and below

140 points (tentative) 100 points 100 points 100 points 440 points Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD F

Rating Excellent Very good Good Above average Average Poor Unsatisfactory

The grade you make is up to you. You are responsible for keeping up with your grades, and making sure you have turned in all assignments. Do not come to me at the end of the semester and ask what you can do to make up assignments you missed. I will not give you points, or make work available for you, at the end of the semester. A note about grades: an “A” in class means you have done excellent work; few students do consistently excellent work. Good attendance alone does not mean you will get an A. I will not round grade scores. For example, an “A” is a 90.0%. If you get an 89.7%, it will be a B+. Please do not ask me to bump your grades up; the grade you earn is the grade you will receive; I will not raise your grade so you can be eligible for scholarships, athletics or so you can pledge a sorority/fraternity. DO NOT ASK me to change your grade!

Tentative Course Outline Date 8/24

ch. M

Assignment Introduction to class


INTRODUCTION TO WILDLIFE ECOLOGY An Introduction to the History of Wildlife Management in the United States

8/26, 28, 31

W, F, M


9/2, 4, 7

W, F, M


Species Extinction

W, F, M, W


BASICS OF ECOLOGY An Introduction to Ecology

9/18, 21, 23

F, M, W


Ecosystems and Biomes

9/25, 28

F, M


Animal Behavior

MODULE 2 9/9, 11, 14, 16

US Legislation

Species extinction data



TEST 1 MODULE 3 9/30; 10/2, 5

W, F, M




10/7, 9, 12, 14

W, F, M, W


Wildlife Populations

Life table




10/19, 21, 23

M, W, F






Wildlife and Soils

10/28, 30

W, F


Wildlife, Food and Cover


Water in the Desert essay Soil map

TEST 2 MODULE 5 11/2, 4, 6

M, W, F



11/9, 11

M, W


Wildlife and Diseases


11/13, 16





Wildlife and Farmlands.

Farm plan




Wildlife and Rangelands

Cliven Bundy

11/20, 23

F, M


Wildlife and Forests

Old Growth

11/25, 30

W, M


Wildlife in Parks and Refuges


12/5 12/4


1303-02 TEST 3: 9:00-11:00 PM 1303-01 TEST 3: 4:30-6:30 PM...

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