135 10- Speakout Upper-Intermediate 2nd. Audio scripts PDF

Title 135 10- Speakout Upper-Intermediate 2nd. Audio scripts
Author Manolo Fernandez Carrillo
Course Inglés I
Institution Universidad de Almería
Pages 87
File Size 2.5 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 58
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Audios de ingles...


Upper Intermediate Lead-in audio script LEAD-IN

Recording 1

1 /ɪ/























2 /ɪ:/ 3 /ə/



4 /æ/ 5 /ʌ/ 6 /ʊ/

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Upper Intermediate Unit 1 audio script UNIT 1

Recording 1

Conversation 1 A:

What would you say?


Erm, for me, an important question is ‘Do you keep yourself to yourself, or do you tend to be around a lot?’


Hmm. What are you trying to find out?


I suppose I’m looking for a balance, because the last thing you want is a person who comes in and goes straight up to their room and you never see them again till the morning. You know, antisocial. I’m quite sociable, you know, I like having friends around. I suppose I’m a people person.




… but on the other hand, you don’t want a flatmate who’s always there, so you never get any privacy. And especially in the morning. I’m not a morning person – I can’t stand people who are all bright and cheerful first thing. You know, when I haven’t woken up yet. So yeah, I’d like someone who is quite sociable, but not too sociable.


Mm, yeah, I agree. I s’pose another question is about housework and cleaning.


Yes, something like ‘Who cleans the place where you live now?’


How would you answer that question?


Who cleans my flat now? I do.


Yeah, me too.


And I’d also ask ‘Are you tidy?’


What answer do you want the person to give?


I’d want the answer to be ‘Oh yes, extremely.’ I don’t know. I’d hate to live with someone who was really untidy all the time, that never did the washing-up, someone that left their stuff just lying all over the place. Someone who doesn’t do their fair share of the housework. No, that would just drive me crazy. I suppose I’m quite tidy myself.


Yeah, yeah. Um, and what about money?

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Upper Intermediate Unit 1 audio script B:

Yeah, it can be a big problem. I had a flatmate once and she used to say ‘I know I have to pay the electricity bill, but can I pay it next week?’ She promised to pay and then never did. Really unreliable.


Oh yeah. It doesn’t matter how nice people are if they’ve got money problems. You need to know they can afford the rent.


But I wouldn’t ask ‘Could you tell me how much you earn?’ I think I’d say the rent and the bills have to be paid in advance so I’d ask ‘Can you pay three months in advance?’ and see what they say.

Conversation 2 A:

Ooh that’s really difficult to answer … I would like to think: ‘handsome’, ‘witty’, ‘cool’.


Well, at least you’re witty. You’re quick and you make me laugh. And you’re good with words.


No, but I don’t think they’d describe me like that. I dunno. Let me think. Erm. I suppose they’d say I’m good at coming up with new ideas … yes ... So I think people would describe me as quite creative.


And the second one?


Erm ... well, people know I like doing new things, things that are out of the ordinary.


Such as?


Oh well, like last week I was by the sea with some friends and it was a lovely warm evening. And we decided to go for a midnight swim. I mean, we hadn’t planned to, it just seemed like a great idea at the time. I like doing new things, different things. So I suppose that means I’m adventurous … or maybe a better word is spontaneous. Yeah, that’s more like it. I get an idea and I do it, no hesitation, so I’m spontaneous. That’s useful in my job, too.


Can I ask what you do?


I work for a web design company. We design websites for new businesses.


Mmm, sounds interesting.

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Upper Intermediate Unit 1 audio script A:

Most of the time!


So that’s two very positive words so far. What’s your third one?


Well, I think people that know me would say I’m quite messy and disorganised. You should see my desk – papers everywhere – and my bedroom! And I’m always losing things. So yes, my friends would say ‘creative’, ‘spontaneous’ and ‘disorganised’.


I’d be interested to know if you agree with them. What words do you think describe you best?


Now that’s an interesting question. Actually, I’d like to think that I’m fair, you know, non-judgmental.


What do you mean by non-judgmental?


Well, I try not to make up my mind about people until I get to know them, so yes, non-judgmental. But I’d stick with ‘spontaneous’ and ‘disorganised’. I think they describe me quite well. What about you?


Erm. Well, people say I’m fun to be with, a good laugh, if you know what I mean. Erm, I’m very practical and down-to-earth.


What do you do?


I train people in advanced computer software. But don’t worry, I’m not a computer geek. I don’t sit in front of my computer for hours.


Recording 2

1 Can you tell me why you’re studying English? 2 Do you have any idea how long you plan to study? 3 Can I ask what you do in the evenings? 4 Do you mind me asking if you have a full-time job? 5

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Upper Intermediate Unit 1 audio script I’d be interested to know which countries you’ve visited. 6 Could you tell me where you got that watch? 7 Do you know if there’s a good café anywhere near here? 8 I was wondering if you’d like to come for a coffee. UNIT 1

Recording 3

1 frustrated 2 wished the earth would swallow me up 3 over the moon 4 made my stomach turn 5 relieved 6 fascinated 7 shaking like a leaf 8 scared out of my wits

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Upper Intermediate Unit 1 audio script 9 impressed 10 Awkward UNIT 1

Recording 4

1 you tried it before? 2 I’ve thought about it a lot. 3 Has he seen my last email? 4 She’s changed her address. 5 My kids have gone out. 6 Has she phoned anyone yet? UNIT 1

Recording 5

1 frustration


2 embarrassment



3 creativity



4 awkwardness


5 anger worry

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Upper Intermediate Unit 1 audio script UNIT 1

Recording 6


Hello, English Language College. Can I help you?


Yes, I’d like to enquire about a course.


OK. Have you seen the information on our website?


Well, actually the situation is that I booked myself onto a course through your website yesterday, and now I’d like to change.


Uh-huh. Could you tell me your name?


Maria Hidalgo.


And which course was it?


A general English course, pre-advanced.


Bear with me a minute. Yes, I’ve got it. What would you like to change to?


I’ve just noticed this morning that you have an advanced course in business English starting next week.


That’s right.


I was wondering if it would be possible for me to change to that group.


OK, let me just check. There are still a few places in that group, but you’ll have to do a level test.


But I’ve already done an online test for the other course.


Mmm, I appreciate that, but for this course you need to do a level test in person.


Erm … Can you tell me why I have to do it in person?


It’s because it’s a specialised course and there’s an oral component to the level test.


I see. Would there be any chance of doing the level test on the phone?


Hold on, let me check … sorry to keep you. No, I’m afraid it has to be in person.


I see. Do you mind me asking what it involves?


There’s a written task that you have to do under timed conditions, and preparation materials for the oral interview.

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Upper Intermediate Unit 1 audio script B:

I see. Sorry to be difficult, it’s just that I’m really busy this week and can’t make it up to the school for the level test.


That’s going to be a bit of a problem. I’m not sure what we can do about that.


I’d really appreciate your help.


Hmm … You couldn’t come in on Thursday evening, could you?


No, I’m afraid not. But I tell you what. I could come in on Saturday to do the level test.


The problem is, that’s leaving it very late and we might have other applicants.


I’d be really grateful if you could hold a place for me till Saturday morning.


Can you hold on a minute? I’ll just see … OK, we can do that. We’ll provisionally transfer the course fee over as a deposit.


That’s great. Oh, I’ve got one more question, if I’m not keeping you.


No, go ahead.


If I don’t get into this group, do I lose my course fee?


I’m afraid we can’t refund the deposit, but you could transfer it to another course.


Oh, that’s a relief. Would you mind putting that in an email for me?




Thanks. Could you tell me when the school opens?


We’re open from nine on Saturday. I won’t be here myself, but I’ll tell my colleague to expect you.


Thank you very much for your help.


You’re welcome. Thank you for calling.

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Upper Intermediate Unit 1 audio script UNIT 1

Recording 7

1 I’d like to enquire about a course. 2 I was wondering if it would be possible for me to change to that group. 3 Can you tell me why I have to do it in person? 4 Would there be any chance of doing the level test on the phone? 5 Do you mind me asking what it involves? 6 I’d be really grateful if you could hold a place for me till Saturday morning. 7 Would you mind putting that in an email for me? 8 Could you tell me when the school opens? UNIT 1

Recording 8

I’m not the kind of person who likes to be a daredevil or do anything too exciting. But the most incredible thing I think I’ve ever done was when I went skydiving. So we went up in a tiny plane. I mean it’s so small so it was quite scary. And the build-up was just epic. I was attached to another guy, an expert, by a harness. And I was sitting in front of him in this sort of, it was like a, a tiny tube little plane. And we went higher and higher and higher. And um, the suspense was building up. And then suddenly they just open this door and you’re flying through the sky, and you can just see for miles. And it’s freezing cold and the thing I’ll remember most is the cold air hitting my teeth, ’cos it was just absolutely freezing. And er, we sort of scuttled out to the edge and our legs were dangling through the

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Upper Intermediate Unit 1 audio script door of the plane. And erm, he just said, I remember him shouting, he just said ‘Smile!’ ’Cos there was a camera guy as well, so you can film it. And we just, we sort of fell forward and we were just spinning, until he sort of levels you out. It was like I was completely weightless. And it didn’t feel like you were falling at all, you were just sort of hovering. And it was still freezing cold on my teeth as well like that. And then the parachute, I remember lifting out. And it just sort of pulled me all up – I was like Oh! Ugh!, like that. And we started spinning round, you know he was doing all these kind of tricks and stuff. And that’s when I started feeling sick, ’cos it was spinning so fast. But it was just so much fun, it was hilarious, I was laughing, you know even though I felt sick it was just the experience of it all and the adrenaline rush. It was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had in my life. And it’s an activity I’d like to recommend to all my friends because I know they’d absolutely love it, it’s hilarious.

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Upper Intermediate Unit 2 audio script UNIT 2

Recording 1

1 A report out today says that over 800 million people in the world don’t have enough to eat. The report, which was published … 2 Twenty people have died in an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus. The virus, which has resulted in over … 3 If you’re travelling to the city centre today, be careful of pickpockets especially around the central square. Our reporter Will Nakama is there in ... 4 The government has promised that their changes to income tax will help the poorest people in the country. A spokesperson said ... 5 The number of people out of work has risen in the last quarter to seven percent and is now reaching three million. The situation is worst ... 6 After four days of smog, only cars with even number plates can enter the city today. It is hoped that this move will improve the air quality after the levels of ...


Recording 2

1 rural



2 ethical 3 domestic 4 political


5 economic

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Upper Intermediate Unit 2 audio script UNIT 2

Recording 3

Conversation 1 A:

How long have you been working here?


I’ve been here for over ten months now.

Conversation 2 A:

How many chocolates have you eaten?


I’ve only had three!

Conversation 3 A:

What have you been doing? You’re filthy!


I’ve been running.


Recording 4

1 The environmental group Ocean Project has projected that sea levels will rise one metre in the next fifty years. 2 Fortunately, malaria has decreased in recent years, and the decrease is due to the use of nets and pesticides. 3 When a major charity appealed for donations to help the deaf, their appeal was broadcast mainly via radio. 4 Bonnie Tyler recorded her song Total Eclipse of the Heart in 1983, and in 2008 it set a record for the most popular karaoke track ever. 5 Tourists in a well-known site were given permits to take photos, but they were not permitted to take in their cameras.

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Upper Intermediate Unit 2 audio script UNIT 2

Recording 5


Have you read this article?


Which one?


This is really shocking. This, look, look at this about surveillance techniques, on page three.


Oh yeah, yeah, I did have a look.


There's gonna be absolutely no privacy for anyone.


What you mean like C, the CCTV camera bit?


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly that.


Well, I’m glad they're there actually.




Well, not long ago a friend of mine, he was, um, he was robbed at a bus stop, and, um, they got the guy because of, um, CCTV, they captured his image and, um, all the people who did it were arrested.


OK ...


So I think it’s, I think it's a good thing in the end.


Well it's good if it’s used for that, but don't you feel nervous about the fact that whatever you do, wherever you go, whatever you're doing, someone is watching you and recording what you're doing?


But I haven't got anything to hide so it’s not really a problem.


Anyway, that's not the point though, is it? It’s an invasion of privacy.


Look, I think statistically more crimes are solved because of CCTV than not.


Right, what about that, that, look – this one on page two – CCTV facial recognition. Did you see that bit there at the bottom?


Yeah, I didn't really get that bit.


Right, so basically, just imagine you're walking down the road and a camera, a CCTV camera, takes your picture, yeah. And then a computer programme can then find your name, all your personal information, based on recognising your face. So where you shop,

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Upper Intermediate Unit 2 audio script where you live, what you, what you like, what you buy, who your friends are. And there's nothing you can do about it. B:

That can only be a good thing, ’cos it’s gonna catch criminals, isn't it? And if you've got nothing to worry about, then you know it’s never really gonna be an issue for you.


If it’s for that, yeah, I get your point. But …


If you haven't done anything wrong.


No, no, absolutely, but …


The thing that really bothers me, though, is, um, is the way that marketing, marketing companies can target you, um, because of microchips in, in food packaging and stuff, so people get an idea of, of your shopping habits. I don't want to be sent adverts from companies that I don’t know.


But we're being sent stuff all the time anyway, from companies, that we don't know. I wouldn't mind being sent adverts from, you know, uh, companies that I don't know if it’s something that I want to buy.


Yeah. It’s a little confusing really, the way I, I feel about the whole thing, because you know, on the one hand I’m, I’m, I’m pro, uh, using the technology to, you know, catch criminals or whatever. I mean serious criminals. But then, on the other hand, I occasionally, er, drive, a little bit over the, the speed limit.


Right, OK.


Occasionally. And you know I, I’ve been, er, given quite a few fines over the years because my number plate gets recogni...

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