13Portrait d-une Femme - Ezra Pound PDF

Title 13Portrait d-une Femme - Ezra Pound
Course Survey of American Literature II
Institution University of Lethbridge
Pages 1
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2550a, Survey of American Literature II, Spring 2014, Benzen...


Ezra Pound He was a promoter of his fellow artists; among the “Lost Generations”, though sp of time in London and New York Good friends with T.S Eliot Helped him edit some of his long poems, and helped him to cut out a lot of language from “The Wasteland" H.D was his high school sweetheart, and he helped transform her into her poetic “H.D” He was not only an artist producing work, put put his hand into the works of his contemporaries. Had a radio programme in Italy that had overtones of pre-nationalist rhetoric. He fascist overtones. Portrait d'une Femme In a sense, it’s an allusion to James, and conducing it to a very short poem. He ta something very long and baggy and turns it to this. Pound is speaking to “you” (a woman) who has a place win the culture, and he is critiquing the culture through this women, saying that this is a problem. It also sug remedy for a social illness. You are your mind; what you think is who you are. The examination of the mind of this woman is compared to the Sargasso Sea, which is bunch of seaweed. “Your” mind is a bunch of see weed, and nothing more. Boats and out of it; people coming in and out of her life, with no intimate connection. Is very similar to The Love Song of JF Prufrock. “In the room women come talking of Michelangelo” The women are interested in Michelangelo, and JF Michelangelo. He is not a desired male for women. There is also the pretentiousness of women. There is a lot of pent-up misogamy, because he ignored by them. “London has swept about you this score years/and bright ships left you this or tha fee:/Ideas, old gossip, oddments of all things” Greats ideas are all mixed together, and is on the same level of gossip. You’re popular and smart people like to be around you when there is no on talk to Darkness of character increases; she would almost prefer to have superficial inter with intelligent people, than dull interactions with average people. “Oh, you are patient, I have see you sit/hours, where something might have floate She is passively waiting for things to appear; not because she had created anything, its just because ships pass by with their wares. She doesn't crea herself. This lifestyle is only made possible because of her wealth, and she activates these experiences, simply because she has money. The lists of things goes on in this poem; everything is mashed together, useless a desperate. “these are your riches, your great store”...

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