14179018-The Complete Cancer Prevention Plan-Part2 PDF

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Practise Notes...


Dr. Frank Shallenberger’s

Vol. 7, No. 9

September 2008

The Complete Cancer Prevention Plan (Part 2) Last month, I showed you the difference

I also gave you the four steps. But I didn’t

in two different cancer cases. One used con-

have space to give you all the details. So

ventional therapy alone. The other used my

that’s what I’m going to do this month. This

four-pronged approach to battling the dis-

approach is so successful because it attacks

ease. Of course, the four-pronged approach

the cancer from every angle while building

was much more successful. And I’ve seen it

up and strengthening the body.

work time and time again.

give you some details on this approach and

So let me

how it works.

In this Issue Q



This cancer treatment is so simple to use, costs nothing, and can cure many cases of cancer, but most doctors never consider it ............ p. 4

Part 1: Kill the Cancer Some die-hard “natural doctors” say that the best way to beat cancer is to boost the immune system. Well, I wish it were that simple. But the

Fruit has a chemical in it that can cause serious health problems — but only if you do this to it ........ p. 6

fact is, cancer cells are very resistant to get-

The nutrient that can cause cancer, heart attack, and stroke — and most people take it every day.... p. 8

hard for your immune cells to destroy them.

Coming Next Month

• This routine test is a great tool for helping you maintain great health. Unfortunately, most doctors don't do the test right. I’ll show you why.

• If you injure your shoulder, especially your rotator cuff, many doctors will recommend surgery. But this simple treatment can heal the injury without surgery.

• You can buy this “nutrient” at any health food store, but it’s really a drug and can cause serious health problems. I’ll show you how to use it safely.

ting killed.

First of all, they have a protec-

tive coating around them which makes it

Second, healthy cells are programmed to die at a certain point so they can be replaced by new cells. But cancer cells aren’t programmed that way. Third, cancer cells have angiogenic factors that create new blood vessels so the cancer can spread. For all these reasons, just boosting your immune system isn’t enough to kill cancer. So what does kill cancer? Chemotherapy. Now, I know a lot of naturally-minded doctors won’t like to hear this, but chemotherapy really does work. Chemotherapy kills cancer better than anything we’ve ever seen. The problem is, it doesn’t just kill can-

cer. It also kills the patient! That’s why I use

Step 2: Protect Your Body From

a safer, gentler form of chemotherapy called

the Effects of Chemotherapy

Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT). IPT Many oncologists tell you not to take

allows me to use smaller doses of chemotherapy and get the same results.

any antioxidants or supplements while you’re

Plus, it has fewer side effects. (More on IPT

doing chemo. This baffles me, because pub-

in a moment.)

lished studies show patients who combine nutritional therapies with chemo do better

In addition to chemotherapy, I often prescribe pancreatic enzymes in order to dis-

than patients on chemo alone. In fact, a recent study in Cancer

solve the protective coating on the cancer cells. These enzymes have a long history of

Treatment Reviews looked at 845 articles

use in cancer treatment. In one recent study,

published on taking antioxidants such as

patients suffering from advanced, inoperable

glutathione, melatonin, vitamin A, vitamin

stage II-IV pancreatic cancer received large

C, N-acetylcysteine, vitamin E and ellagic

doses of enzymes, along with nutritional

acid while undergoing chemotherapy.

therapies. The patients taking the enzymes and nutritional therapies lived more than 3 times longer than what would be expected

Researchers found that in many cases, patients taking antioxidants had increased survival times, increased tumor responses,

for patients in their condition!

or both. They also had reduced toxicity from the chemo when compared to patients not

That’s why for solid cancers like pancreatic, colon, lung and gastric cancers, I

taking supplements. That’s why I use plenty

give my patients high doses of proteolytic

of supplements and nutraceuticals in my


cancer treatment. I also give my patients a number of

I also give my patients Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP). Modified Citrus Pectin is a

treatments to boost the effectiveness of

fiber made from the peel of citrus fruits. It

chemo and radiation. For patients like Paul,

has been altered so it’s easier to absorb by

who received radiation treatment, one of the

the digestive tract. Studies show that MCP

best ways to reduce the side effects is to

keeps cancer cells from attaching to one

combine it with intravenous hydrogen per-

another or to the walls of blood vessels. This

oxide (H202) along with DMSO (Dimethyl

prevents cancer cells from forming into


tumors, and keeps them from spreading.

I use hydrogen peroxide IVs immedi-

MCP also starves tumors by preventing

ately before or after radiation treatments.

them from growing new blood vessels. But

The literature shows that hydrogen

that’s not all.

peroxide increases the effectiveness of

Studies show that MCP also

is good for removing toxins like heavy met-

radiation therapy.

als, pesticides, and other pollutants.

It also helps your cells use oxygen more efficiently. Why is oxygen important? Because healthy cells use oxygen to produce

Real Cures (ISSN 1062-4163) is published monthly by

energy, while cancer cells do not.

Soundview Publishing, LLC. Publisher: Wallis W. Wood;

Editor: Frank Shallenberger, MD. Subscriptions $49 per

Other oxidative therapies flood your

year; foreign addresses add $13 U.S. per year. Send new

cells with oxygen, too. Exercise is an oxida-

subscriptions or changes of address to our Business Office:

tive therapy. Especially when it’s combined

P.O. Box 8051, Norcross, GA 30091-8051, 800-728-2288 or 770-399-5617. Real Cures is a newsletter containing gen-

with breathing 100% oxygen from a mask

eral comments on health, nutrition, and medicine. Readers

(this is known as Multi-Step Therapy or

are advised to consult with their own physician before implementing any health idea they read about, whether

Exercise With Oxygen Therapy). Ozone is

here or in any other publication. Copyright © 2008 by Soundview Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.

another method. Infusing ozone into the

Unauthorized reproduction of this newsletter or its con-

bloodstream stimulates hemoglobin mole-

tents by xerography, facsimile, or any other means is illegal.

cules to release more oxygen into your cells.

— 2 —

All of these oxidative therapies can further

produce energy.

weaken cancer cells while strengthening

up to 95% of the glucose they take in.

healthy ones.

In fact, cancer cells waste

Because cancer cells waste so much glucose, they are constantly hungry for

As for DMSO, it works like a solvent, helping the hydrogen peroxide penetrate


the cells better. Plus, there’s evidence in

the healthy cells around them. And when

the medical literature that DMSO, once

they’ve stolen all the glucose they can, they

absorbed by cancer cells, inhibits the devel-

start turning the protein in your body into

opment of tumors. To test this, scientists

glucose so they can burn that, too. That’s

experimented with a special colored dye that

why your muscles start to waste away,

showed DMSO being absorbed by cancer

because your body starts converting muscle

cells. Then they saw that the cancer cells

protein into glucose.

didn’t grow as fast.

So they start “stealing” glucose from

As a result, the normal cells around the tumor can literally starve. This leads to

Step 3: Boost Your Overall

malnutrition, wasting away and death.

Health and Vitality

Fortunately, there’s a way to block this As I mentioned earlier, I tell all my

wasting away. And that’s to make sure your

cancer patients that you have to become

body is getting enough protein and fat.

the “healthiest person on your block.”

When you give your body enough protein, it replenishes whatever muscle protein is lost

Becoming the healthiest person on

to cachexia.

your block means three things: 1) your

And when you give your body

enough fat, the healthy cells burn fat for

immune system is strong enough to fight off pathogens that might attack while you’re


(Cancer cells cannot burn fat, only

healthy cells can. I’ll tell you more about

fighting cancer; 2) you have plenty of antioxidants that neutralize free radicals; 3)

that in a moment.)

your body is able to cope with the physical

There are other ways to maximize your

and emotional stress of battling cancer.

health and vitality as you fight cancer. And

If you’re going to beat cancer, you can’t

that’s to use everything from supplements

afford to have anything but all 3 of these

to hormones to detoxification and diet. All

building blocks in place.

these therapies are every bit as important as killing the cancer itself.

Unfortunately, by the time most

I use supplements to rejuvenate the

cancers are diagnosed, you are already in a state of health that is way below your

adrenal glands and strengthen the immune

potential. It is this state of poor health

system. These include pantothenic acid

which usually accounts for poor outcomes.

(vitamin B-5), adrenal gland extract, DHEA, and others.

Indeed, most cancer patients don’t die from the cancer itself.

body’s response to stress. Prolonged expo-

worn out and wasted. This condition is

sure to stress can deplete your body’s

called cachexia. Cachexia is the gradual

resources and weaken your immune system.

wasting away of a cancer patient’s body,

You also need to get enough sleep and

often to just skin and bones.

cut down on stimulants like coffee to

Cachexia occurs because cancer cells produce energy very differently than normal cells. As I mentioned before, while normal

strengthen your adrenals. You can read more about helping your adrenal glands recover from stress in my Special Report,

cells use oxygen to burn fuel, cancer cells do it without oxygen.

Your adrenal glands regulate your

They die from being

This process is called


How I Cured My Allergies for Good and How You Can Too.

Fermentation is a very wasteful way to

— 3 —

The other nutrients I give to patients

Clinica • In one study, patients who felt depressed

One More Cancer-Fighting Step

and helpless and who didn't take an active role There’s one more thing I’d like to tell you

in fighting their cancer had poorer outcomes.

about and it's vitally important. Why? Because

• In another study, researchers found that

this one single thing does triple duty: It boosts

women who felt isolated (even if they had lots of

your immune system — strengthens your over-

friends and social contacts) were 2-1/2 times

all health and well-being — and even gets down

more likely to die from breast, uterine, and

to the causes of cancer.

ovarian cancers.

What is it? It’s dealing with the psychological and emotional aspects of cancer.

• And in still another study, people who were not as content and satisfied with their lives as their peers had 10 times the death rate

It’s probably no surprise to you that emo-

from all illnesses.

tions like depression and grief can put great

There may even be such a thing as a “can-

stress on your body. And it’s probably no surprise to you that stress can take its toll on your

cer personality.” Researchers have discovered

immune system. Well, recent research shows

that people with cancer tend to share certain

that this factor is even more important than

personality traits. These include: • Grief and loss

most people realize. For example:

depend on the type of cancer they have.

Unfortunately, iodine consumption by

The predominant ones I use are:

Americans has dropped by 50% since the 1970s. To make matters worse, iodine-

• Vitamin D: Vitamin D plays a

blocking bromides in flour, sodas, medica-

strong role in boosting immune function

tions and fluoridated drinking water also

and repairing damaged cells. A ground-

deplete iodine absorption. Today, many

breaking U.S. study revealed that supple-

of my patients are deficient in iodine.

menting with vitamin D cuts your risk of

Supplementing with iodine reverses this

cancer by an astounding 60 percent! The

imbalance and slows down the growth

study looked at many different types of

rate of cancer cells.

cancer, including breast, colon, and lung. • Fish oil: Long-chain EPA and DHA are polyunsaturated omega-3 fats found in

Step 4: Treat the Root Causes of the Cancer

fatty fish. EPA and DHA have been shown Okay, by this point, we’ve killed the

to inhibit the growth of breast and prostate cancer and reduce the risk and progression

cancer. We’ve protected the body from

of these tumors.

chemotherapy and radiation. We’ve boosted the immune system. Now there’s one more

• Resveratrol: Resveratrol comes

thing we need to do. It's something that

from the skin of grape, and it’s one of the

most doctors, even alternative doctors,

best all-purpose cancer fighters around.


Studies show that it fights the initiation,

And that’s to treat the root causes of

promotion, and progression of cancer.

the cancer. You can fight cancer all you

• Iodine: Iodine is essential to reduce

want. But if you’re not getting at the under-

the sensitivity of breast cells to estrogen.

lying causes, it’s going to come back.

Without iodine, estrogen can run wild, and

That’s because cancer rarely has just

estrogen is a well-known carcinogen. There is evidence that prostate cancers are also

one cause. It is often caused by a combina-

caused in part by iodine deficiency.

tion of factors, including genetics, carcino-

— 4 —

Pearls • Feelings of unworthiness

need to address them and ultimately let go of

• Avoidance of conflict


• Putting the needs of others before

So start being more attentive to your own

their own

needs. Let go of negative emotions like guilt, anger, bitterness, and greed. Find ways to lower

• Unfulfilled passion that has been suppressed for years

the stress in your life.

In one dramatic study, researchers gave a

The easiest way to lower stress is to

personality test on a large group of women,

engage in stress-reducing activities. These

some of whom had cancer and some who didn’t.

include prayer, meditation, exercise, or even

When the researchers picked out the women

watching funny movies. They all help.

who scored high on the above personality traits,

You also have to practice changing the way

they were able to detect who had cancer and

you react to stressful events. After all, we can't

who didn’t with an 88% level of accuracy!

always control what happens to us; but we can

Now please understand that I am in no way implying that if someone has cancer, it's

always control how we react to whatever hap-

their own fault. What I am saying is that if you


have any of these emotions or tendencies, you

References available upon request.

gen exposure, hormone imbalances, viruses,


radiation, dietary deficiencies, and decreased

adequate fat and no high-glycemic carbs,

energy production in your cells.

you feed your healthy cells while starving

So by eating a diet that provides

the cancerous ones!

Dangerous toxins like heavy metals, pesticides, pollutants and other chemicals

Another way to address the root cause

are one cause. They’re in the air we breathe,

of cancer is to make sure your hormones are

the water we drink, and the food we eat.

in balance. You probably know that estrogen

These toxins build up in your tissues and

imbalances can lead to cancer of the breast,

organs and slowly poison your body. So one

cervix, or prostate. But other hormones are

thing you must do is start a serious detoxifi-

important, too. Hormones like thyroid hor-

cation program. This can involve IV chela-

mone, cortisol, and melatonin.

tion, saunas, fasting, colonics, and Modified Citrus Pectin. Speak with a qualified health care professional before starting any detox

One of the reasons people get cancer when they get older is because their melatonin levels decline. So I give very substan-


tial doses of melatonin. Studies show that it


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