15 - Lab - 2015 1112 171200 PDF

Title 15 - Lab - 2015 1112 171200
Course Anatomy and Physiology I
Institution Long Island University
Pages 3
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Page 1

APPENDICULAR MUSCLES Objectives: - Identification of the muscles in the models - Know one action per muscle (only for the muscles that are highlighted) The numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of the muscle on the models *= Large brown model; **= Upper limb model; ***= lower limb model; ****=Small man model; *****= pink torso



Lab Book Chapter 13 pages 209, 215-219, Anatomy and Physiology Revealed A. Muscles acting on the scapula. Fig 13.6 p. 209, Fig 13.9 p. 213, Muscle Trapezius **** (no number); *(119) Rhom id major *****(35) Pectoralis minor *(156) Serratus anterior *(158)

1. 2. 3. 4.

Action Superior part: ________ the scapula; Inferior part ___________ the scapula It ____________the scapula. It ____________ the scapula => It is an ___________ of rhomboid major. It protracts the scapula => it is a ____________ of pectorals minor.

B. Muscles acting on the shoulder (=acting on the arm = acting on the ___________) Fig 13.10 p. 216 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Muscle Deltoid **** (no number); Biceps brachii Pectoralis major *(165); Latissimus dorsi *(179) Teres major *(152) Supraspinatus *(148) Infraspinatus *(150) Teres minor *(151)

**(3) **(1) **(2) **(4)




**(7) **(9) **(8)

Action 3 actions: __________, __________ and abduction of the shoulder. Flexes the shoulder and also flexes and supinates the elbow Arm flexion, adduction and medial rotation (as in ____________) Arm ________, adduction and medial rotation (as in ____________)

Lateral rotation of the humerus

Note: Supraspinatus also abducts the shoulder; Supraspinatus is the most commonly injured muscle of the rotator cuff.

Medial rotation of the humerus

The muscles of the rotator cuff (“SITS”) are: _______________, _______________, _______________, ________________. C. Muscles acting on the forearm. Fig 13.10 p. 216 Muscle 1. Biceps brachii **(9) 2. Brachialis **(10) 3. Brachioradialis **(20) 4. Triceps Brachii **(11) 5. Pronator and supinator (not studied in the lab) D.

E. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Forearm (elbow) __________ . They are ___________ of biceps brachii. Forearm (elbow) __________ => It is an ___________ of biceps brachii.

Extrinsic muscles of the hand (muscles acting on the wrist and fingers). Fig 13.11 p. 217, 219 Muscle Flexor carpi radialis **(13) Flexor carpi ulnaris **(15) Palmaris longus **(14) Extensor carpi radialis longus **(19) Extensor carpi radialis brevis **(18) Extensor digitorum **(17) Flexor digitorum (not studied in the lab)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Action Forearm (elbow) __________ and supination;

Action ______________ the wrist. The agonist (prime mover) of wrist flexion is flexor carpi radialis ______________ the wrist ______________ the digits

Intrinsic Muscles of the Hand (muscles that move the fingers). Fig 13.11 p. 219 Muscle Thenar muscles of the thumb **(28,29) Hypothenar muscles (5th digit) **(33) Dorsal Interossei muscles **(36) Lumbricals **(35)

Action Thumb _____________; ______________; _____________ Abduct fingers ________ metacarpophalangeal joints; but _______interphalangeal joint

Also identify: Flexor retinaculum **(37), Extensor retinaculum **(27), median nerve ** (no #) The carpal tunnel is a tight space in the wrist between the 8 carpal bones and the ____________ retinaculum. In carpal tunnel syndrome there is compression of the ______________ nerve

Page 2


MUSCLES ACTING ON THE LOWER LIMB *= Large brown model; ***= Lower limb model A. 1.

Muscles acting on the hip/thigh Iliopsoas formed by 2 muscles: Iliacus (2)***, psoas major (1)*** ec Tensor fasciae latae Sartorius Gluteus maximus Gluteus medius Adductor longus Adductor magnus Gracilis

2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B.

Action Iliopsoas is the ______________ of hip _______ (12)*** (9)*** (10)*** (3)*** (4)*** (13)*** (14)*** (15)***

Hip _____________, hip adduction and _________ rotation of the thigh. Hip ________________ and also knee flexion as in crossing the leg Hip _____________________. => Iliopsoas and gluteus muscles are __________ ____________ of the hip

Muscles acting on the knee (leg) Action

1. 2. 3. 4.

Rectus femoris Vastus lateralis Vastus medialis

(11a)*** (11c)*** (11b)***

___________________ of the knee

s Rectus femoris, Vastus medialis, Vastus lateralis, Vastus intermedius and Rectus femoris are known as the ___________________ femoris


Biceps femoris: Long head(18a)***, short head (18b)*** Semitendinosus (16)*** Semimembranosus (17)***

6. 7.

Knee _________________ and also hip _______________. Knee flexion

Biceps femoris, Semitendinosus and semimembranosus are known as the ________________. The muscles of the quadriceps femoris and the muscles of the hamstrings are _________________ because the quadriceps _____ _______ the knee while the hamstrings _____________ the knee.

C. 1. 2. 3 4.

Muscles acting on the ankle and foot


Tibialis anterior (19)*** Extensor digitorum longus (21)*** lucis Gastrocnemius: medial head(24 a); lateral head (24b )*** Soleus (24c)***


Fibularis longus (=peroneus longus) (22)***


Lumbricals, interossei, Flexor digitorum brevis and adductor hallucis will not be studied in the lab

Action ___________________ and ______________ of the foot.

Plantar flexion and also flexion of the knee. Plantar flexion. Soleus is ___________of gastrocnemius in plantar flexion. Soleus is ___________ of tibialis anterior in plantar flexion. Eversion of the ankle. => Fibularis longus and tibialis anterior are ______________.

Also identify: Inguinal ligament***(No #) ; Femoral artery ***(45); Patellar tendon*** (No #), Fascia latae or iliotibial band (no #), Calcaneal tendon***(No #)...

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