170 - Practice Exam Questions PDF

Title 170 - Practice Exam Questions
Course Introduction To Criminology And Policing
Institution Queensland University of Technology
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WEEK 2 QUIZ 1. What does the word criminology refer to the study of A. Society B. Crime C. The Criminal Justice System D. Culture 2.______ ______, an 18th century Italian, is recognised as being one of earliest people to write about criminology. A. Raffaele Garofalo B. Paul Topinard C. Cesare Beccaria D. Cesare Lombroso 3.Which one of the following disciplines is related to criminology? A. Sociology B. Economics C. Political science D. All of these 4.What offenses are not considered inherently evil, but are crimes because there is a law proscribing them? a. Mala in se offenses b. Mala prohibita offenses c. Felonies d. Misdemeanors 5. Which of the following would be most likely to attribute violent offending to personality features, situations, and developmental experiences? A. Evolutionary biologists B. Neuroscientists C. Psychologists D. Sociologists

WEEK 3 QUIZ 1. Victim surveys can be regarded as valuable. This is so because they provide information on which of the following? a) Police Statistics b) Crime Statistics c) The dark figure d) Self-report crimes 2. _____________________ is the statistical data compiled by police, courts, and corrections and routinely published by governments as indices as the extent of crime. a) Crime trends

b) Crime patterns c) Official crime statistics d) Crime list Self-report surveys aim to?


a) identify and predict future criminal behaviour b) measure attitudes, values, behaviour and personal characteristics c) analyze and correlate data to create detailed visuals of crime patterns d) explain and influence policy and events 4. as:

Crime data collected by asking people what has happened to them is known

a) Self-reports b) National youth survey c) Victimization surveys d) SHR data 5.

What is the "dark figure" of crime?

a) the disparity between the amount of crime that occurs, and the number of crimes reported to or discovered by the police b) the amount of crime that is committed at night c) the difference between the number of offenders who are apprehended by the police and the number of offenders who are ultimately convicted of a crime d) the police estimate of the amount of crime that is committed in a community Week 4 practice quiz 1. Kate admitted committing a crime but said that she did it to help out a close friend. According to Sykes and Matza, what technique of neutralization is represented? a. Denial of responsibility b. Denial of injury c. Condemnation of the condemners d. Appeal to higher loyalties 2.

According to Hans Eysenck, impulsive thrill seekers would be called a. Neurotics b. Psychotics

c. Extreme extroverts d. Schizophrenic 3.

When a person is labelled deviant and then commits a second crime because of this label, the series of behaviors is termed? a. the dramatization of evil b. primary deviance c. secondary deviance d. evilization


Sutherland's Differential Association theory emphasizes that crime and deviance are basically _______________. a. the result of being labelled b. due to poor parenting c. biological d. learned


Cesare Lombroso identified physical abnormalities that he called _____ that he claimed represented the primitive features of a biological throwback. a. atavisms b. abnormalities c. malformations d. altruisms

Week 5 Quiz 1.

Which one of the following is not Technique of Neutralization according to Sykes and Matza? a.The denial of the victim b. Condemnation of the condemners c. The appeal to higher loyalties d. The denial of the law 2. Which of the following is posited about crime according to Strain Theory? a. Crime is an alternative means to success b. Crime is a cry for help c. Crime is an expression of happiness d. Crime is widely accepted behavior 3. According to most contemporary feminists, what is gender? a. A natural behaviour linked to someone’s sex b. One’s biological sex c. An identity one can choose at will d. A learned performance that organises social, political and economic relations

4. What was the focus of the Chicago School of Criminology? a.The way society influences criminal behavior. b.The way criminals influence society. c. The way internal morals influence criminal behavior. d.The way criminals influence internal morals.


A convicted sexual offender is released on parole and arrested two weeks later for repeated sexual crimes. How would labelling theory explain this? a. The offender has been labelled deviant by society and has accepted this master status. b. The offender has returned to his old neighbourhood and so re-established his former habits. c. The offender has lost the social bonds he made in prison and feels disconnected from society. d. The offender is poor and coping with conditions of oppression and inequality. Week 6 Quiz 1. Who lobbied for the establishment of a formal Police force in England? a. Cesare Beccaria b. Cesare Lombrosso c. Sir Robert Peel d. Robert Merton 2. In which year was Queensland Police established? a. 1990 b. 1890 c. 1861 d. 1863 3. Which one of the following statements is false? a. A police officer's duty is to take necessary steps to keep the peace, prevent crime, or protect people from criminal injury or their property from criminal damage. b. Police officers have rules and procedures concerning stop and search, entry, search and seizure of property, arrest, detention, and treatment of suspects. c. Police officers are not, in principle, subject to the law which applies to private citizens. d. At Common Law a police officer's duty is to detect crime and bring offenders to justice. 4. The idea of adhering to a social contract mean? a. complete freedom for all citizens. b. an exchange of some freedom for more security. c. We are all selfish and should all agree to be governed, to sacrifice some of our rights, so that the greatest happiness of the greatest number can be realised d. a chaotic society. 5.

Which one of the following statements is true about the police and indigenous communities? a. historical and other factors and contemporary issues have shaped police– indigenous community relations b. The police–indigenous community relations are perfectly fine c. The indigenous communities do not need the police like other communities d. The police are meant for urban areas


In the recommended reading, Chapter Eight by Tim Prenzler (2010) considers the evolution of Australian policing and identifies which of the following tensions? a. The tensions that existed between the more aggressive frontier-style based on the Irish Constabulary model and the preventive ideal of the English New Police. b. The tension that existed between senior officers and junior officers c. The tension that existed between academic researchers and the English New Police d. The tension that existed between commissioners in various states of Australia


Use of foot patrols, neighborhood watches, and decentralization are key features of a. Team-oriented policing b. Community policing c. Compstat d. Response-oriented policing


Which of the following statements is NOT true about community policing? a. The global adoption of community policing was reflective of a paradigm shift within many policing organizations from the professional era to the community era. b. Community policing is firmly ensconced in the lexicon of Australian policing. c. In its purest form, community policing can simultaneously be defined as a philosophy and an organizational strategy with emphasis on effective working partnerships with the community d. A policing strategy where the community must obey and allow the police to run their community affairs and report back to the state


Which era of policing was characterized by the ability to buy and sell positions and a general lack of professionalism? a. Political era b. Professional era c. Community era d. Control era


Which term or phrase means that the police have freedom to decide what should be done in any particular policing situation? a. Professionalism in policing b. Police ethics c. Police integrity d. Police discretion Week 8 Practice Quiz

WEEK 8 1.

Which of the following is not part of the QPS mission? a. protecting life and property b. preserving peace and safety c. tell people what to do and punish those who do not listen d. preventing crime and upholding law


The police in Queensland get its authority from all of the following except____? a. Police Service Administration Act 1990 b. Police Powers and responsibilities Act 2000 c. The Pelican principles like Royal Ulster Constabulary & London Met. d. Their personal capacity to do things


Organization and management of Queensland Police involves the following except___? a. Senior Executive Council (SEC) b. Board of Management (BOM) c. Network establishment & protests d. Operational Performance Review (OPR)


Which of the following describes the unbroken line of authority that extends through all levels of an organization, from the highest to the lowest? a. Span of control b. Chain of Command c. Line operations d. Staff operations


Which of the following area of policing activity recognizes the need for the community and police to work together effectively and is based on the notion that the police derive their legitimacy from the community they serve? a. Strategic policing b. Team policing c. Police-community relations d. Problem-solving policing Week 9 Practice Quiz WEEK 9 QUIZ


Which of the following is correct from the Art and Change video in your learning materials? a. Every third young person in detention in Australia is Indigenous. b. Every fourth young person in detention in Australia is Indigenous. c. Every second young person in detention in Australia is Indigenous. d. Every fifth young person in detention in Australia is Indigenous.


What was the aim of industrial schools? a. Industrial schools aimed to reform through harsh disciplinary regimes b. Industrial schools aimed to support youth through provision of food c. Industrial schools aimed to deter adults from committing crimes d. Industrial schools aimed to punish criminals no matter their age


As per the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) report on your readings, which of the following statement is NOT correct about youth justice? a. In Australia, youth justice is the responsibility of state and territory governments, and each state and territory has its own youth justice legislation, policies and practices. b. The youth justice system is the set of processes and practices for dealing with children and young people who have committed or allegedly committed offences c. Youth justice is not as important as we think, when courts deal with adult crimes severely, young people will learn from it and be deterred from criminal behaviour d. Each year, the state and territory government departments responsible for youth justice supply data to the AIHW under a memorandum of understanding between the Australasian Juvenile Justice Administrators (AJJA) and the AIHW.


The emergence and enlargement of juvenile delinquency is attributed to all of the following except? a. Addition of more crimes on penal codes b. Policing of public space and criminalisation of youth subcultures c. Rises in teenage consumerism, fashion, style, music d. Growing social control over family life and governance of childhood


State, national and International data show a consistent trend that _____? a) the gender gap is growing b) Indigenous youth are under-represented in the juvenile justice system c) As per the AIHW report (2012), in 2010–11 young men are less likely to be to be proceeded against by police d) Boys still dominate but girls contact with the juvenile justice system is growing Week 10 practice quiz WEEK 10 QUIZ 1. a. b. c. d.

Which of the following is not an element of street crime? Occurs in a public space Only done by males Can result in injury to persons Includes damage to property

2. a. b. c. d.

What constitutes a street gang? A group of young people who regularly engage in criminal acts. A group of youngsters who like hanging on the streets A group of juveniles under the age of 18 Youth who knock on people’s houses in the neighbourhood to sell merchandize and buy drugs

3. Which of the following is not associated with graffiti? a. Vandalism b. Public disorder c. Willful damage to private or public property d. Homelessness 4. What CPTED strategy makes use of doors, gates, shrubbery, and plants to limit who can enter the area? a. Entrance monitoring b. Territorial behavior c. Locking doors d. Access Control 5. Below are some of the ways in which street crime could be reduced except__? a. Neighbourhood Watch and Business Watch programs b. Public education and awareness programs c. Responsible drinking programs and other community based initiatives d. Execution of those who those who commit such crimes no matter the age Week 11 practice quiz WEEK 11 QUIZ: WHITE COLLAR AND ENVIRONMENTAL CRIME 1.

Which of the following statements is not true according to Sutherland (1944). a. White collar crime is similar to juvenile delinquency in respect to the differential implementation of the law. b. The effects of a white collar crime upon the public are diffused over a long period of time with no person suffering much at a particular time c. It is sometimes asserted that white collar crimes are merely technical violations and involve no moral culpability d. There is a lot of stigma attached to white collar crimes


Green criminology refers to? a. The exploration of those harms against humanity, against the environment (including space) and against non-human animals committed by both powerful organisations and individuals

b. those harms caused by planting greeneries c. Harms on the natural environment caused by citizens from rearing cattle and planting their crops d. Actions that threaten and compromise vegetarians and fruitarians lifestyle 3.

White-collar crime refers to a group of nonviolent crimes that generally involve deception or abuse of power and include the following: a. The newly emerging areas of high-technology crime b. All of the above c. Some aspects of organized crime d. Business-related crimes and abuse of political office


In the case of Bean v South-western Waste Management Corporation, which term was used to describe the discriminatory corporate practice of dumping hazardous and toxic waste in landfills abutting the homes of ethnic minorities in the U.S in 1979? a. Environmental criminology b. Environmental criminality c. Environmental racism d. Environmental toxicity


Ecological justice emphasizes the following except? a. Human existence is sustained and enhanced through the wellbeing of the natural environment b. Human existence requires that global commons such as animals, plants and non-living objects be preserved c. Human existence to recognize that all living things in existence share an equal status of importance, hence there is no hierarchy of existence. d. Humans can develop the natural environment for housing, leisure or business as it is their right to do so Week 12 practice quiz 1. ______________________ takes many forms, ranging from emotional abuse by family and caretakers to sexual and other forms of physical abuse, and includes financial scams as the victims are physically weaker to fight back. a. Elder abuse b. Domestic violence c. Reckless assault d. Heat-of-passion crimes 2. The term family violence is used because: a) It relates to the definition in the Family Law Act b) It relates to a broad range of controlling behaviours which involve fear, harm, intimidation and emotional deprivation c) It indicates that violence can occur in a range of relationships (eg. parent to child)

d) All of the above 3. Women are most at risk of violence generally, in: a) Dark streets b) Hotels and pubs c) Their homes d) Cities 4. Early and repeated exposure of children to parental conflict may result in: a) Chronic emotional and behavioural problems b) familiarity with and acceptance of violence c) Withdrawn and isolated child d) All of the above 5. Proportionally, the rate of hospitalisation as a result of interpersonal violence is greater for: a) People with a disability b) Indigenous people c) Immigrants/refugees d) Younger women


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