193.214 Past Exam 2017, questions and answers PDF

Title 193.214 Past Exam 2017, questions and answers
Author Shanelle Soothill
Course Pharmacology and Toxicology for Veterinary Technologists
Institution Massey University
Pages 16
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This is the exam paper for the year 2017 which I used to practice for my final exam in 2019. I have written my answers on the paper for study purposes....


1702/193.214 MAN Internal



Time Allowed: THREE (3) hours. Answer ALL questions in the blue answer books provided. SECTIONS A-H and SECTIONS I-K should be written in SEPARATE answer books.


TWENTY TWO (22) marks TWENTY THREE (23) marks


TWENTY ONE (21) marks


EIGHT (8) marks


EIGHTEEN (18) marks FORTY FIVE (45) marks


FIFTEEN (15) marks EIGHT (8) marks


TEN (10) marks FIVE (5) marks


FIVE (5) marks


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SECTION A: PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACOKINETICS Answer SECTIONS A-H in the SAME blue answer book. A1. A dog with a urinary tract infection is prescribed a course of amoxycillin. The dog weighs 19kg. The dosage for amoxycillin is 15 mg/kg bid. Amoxycillin (Moxylan 200) is available as 200 mg tablets in your clinic. SHOW YOUR WORK. a)

How many mgs of amoxycillin should this dog r

eive per dose? (2 marks)

19kg x 15mg/kg = 285mg per dose BID (twice per day)


How many tablet(s) will you give this dog per treatment? (2 marks)

285mg = 300mg So 1.5 200mg tablets per dose


How many tablets do you need to dispense for two weeks worth of treatment? (3 marks) 1.5 tablets per dose x 2 doses per day x 14 days = 42 tablets


List any adverse effects associated with amoxycillin administration. Allergic reactions (2 marks) Procaine toxicity Superinfections, but not applicable in dogs

A2. Taurus, a 3-year-old male guinea pig is prescribed oral enrofloxacin (Enrotril) for a respiratory tract infection. List the advice, including warnings and legal responsibilities, given to the owner, when dispensing enrofloxacin. Small mammal medications are often off label use because they are not liceneced for that species (3 marks) Tell owners about this and the possibilty that it may have adverse effects

A3. List THREE (3) factors that influence the plasma concentration of a medicine when it is administered orally. Perfusion to the GIT (parasympathetic tone) (3 marks) Hypermotility Amount of food in the stomach or given with the medication pH of the medication Surface area of the medication in the stomach First pass effect where liver metabolises some of the drug before its gets dispersed to the body

A4. Morphine is stocked in your veterinary hospital. responsibilities in regards to stocking a controlled drug. Any drug used must be recorded in the ledger with the amount and the patient Only a vet can get the drug out of the safe Audit twice a year to ensure that numbers add up properly

Discuss your legal (3 marks)

A5. Dexamethasone is used to induce parturition in cows with metabolic disorders. Upon administration, several cows stagger and become recumbent minutes after the injection. Is an adverse event report (AER) required? Explain your answer. Yes Any adverse effect that occurs due to a drug should be sent to the AVCM group and the manufacturer so this effect can be investigated and put on the packet to inform other users. (4 marks) Send to manufacturer as they are obligated to send to AVCM.

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SECTION B: ANTIMICROBIALS Answer SECTIONS A-H in the SAME blue answer book. B1. You are working in a rural practice. Dr Bright is going to treat some lame pregnant ewes. The ute carries both oxytetracycline and procaine penicillin G. a)

Which would be the appropriate antibiotic choice in this situation, oxytetracycline or procaine penicillin G? Procaine penicillin G (2 marks)


Explain your answer. Oxytetracycline causes yellow bones and teeth in unborn foetuses of pregnant animals

(3 marks)

B2. Select the TRUE statement(s). Superinfections in animals: a) b) c) d)

are the result of using oral enrofloxacin in rabbits Not associated with superinfections are the result of overgrowth of E. coli in the gut Clostridium are associated with oral amoxycillin in rabbits Hind gut fermenters are associated with amoxycillin in rats Rats are not hind gut fermenters (2 marks)

B3. Select the TRUE statement(s). Enrofloxacin: a) b) c) d)

is registered for use in guinea pigs is not recommended for use in young growing animals is effective against gram positive aerobic and anaerobic bacteria Not anaerobes should not be used with penicillins (2 marks)

B4. Select the TRUE statement(s). Tetracyclines: a) b) c) d)

are reported to cause renal failure if used after their expiration date cause fatal arrhythmias if accidentally injected into a person Tomococin cause dry eye in large breed dogs Sulphonamides cause crystals to form in the urine Sulphonamides (2 marks)

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B5. Select the TRUE statement(s). Potentiated sulphonamides and sulphonamide combinations: a) b) c) d)

cause an elevation in liver enzymes in dogs are teratogenic in dogs cause blindness in cats cause keratoconjunctivitis sicca (2 marks)

B6. Select the TRUE statement(s). Cephalosporins: a) b) c) d)

have a beta lactam ring similar to penicillins are bacteriostatic antibiotics Bactericidal inhibit DNA in the bacteria cause photosensitivity (2 marks)

B7. Select the TRUE statement(s). Aminoglycosides e.g.(gentamicin, neomycin): a) b) c) d)

are well absorbed after oral administration are nephrotoxic and ototoxic have a long withholding time in dairy cows cause fatal aplastic anaemia (2 marks)

B8. Zeke, a 5-year-old male neutered Great Dane has a urinary tract infection. The veterinarian decides to put the dog on trimethoprim and sulfadiazine (Trimethotab) for three weeks. Sulphonamide a)

List the adverse effects that would be of concern in Zeke. Hypersensitivity autoimmune reactions Drug fever Allergic reactions Vitamin K deficiency


Keratoconjunctivitis Kidney damage and crystals

(3 marks)

List the advice that you would give to the owner, given the potential for adverse effects in Zeke. Tell them about the adverse effects (3 marks) Get in touch if they are worried about anything

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SECTION C: ANTI-INFLAMMATORIES Answer SECTIONS A-H in the SAME blue answer book. C1. Select the TRUE statement(s). Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): a) b) c) d)

inhibit the enzyme phospholipase in the Arachidonic Acid Cascade inhibit the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX) in the Arachidonic Acid cascade. block the production of leukotrienes in the Arachidonic Acid cascade. inhibit lipoxygenase in the Arachidonic Acid Cascade (2 marks)

C2. Select only ONE (1) CORRECT statement. NSAIDs and corticosteroids should not be used concurrently because: a) b) c) d)

both are highly bound to plasma proteins both suppress the HPA axis both suppress the immune system both are ulcerogenic (2 marks)

C3. Describe how the use of corticosteroids can lead to a hypoadrenal (Addisonian) crisis. Corticosteroids mimic the effects of adrenal gland hormones which results in less production of the actual hormone from the adrenal gland. This means that when teh drug is taken away the adrenal gland will be producing less hormone than the body requires. Therefore (3 marks) animals should be weaned off the medication to allow the adrenal gland to start to make enough of the hormone naturally.

C4. Explain why prednisolone should be administered to dogs in the morning. Cats get it in the evening because they produce steroids at this time so give the drug to mimic the natural peak (3 marks) Dogs get it in the morning because their natural sterouid peak is in the morning like humans C5.

Which corticosteroid has more anti-inflammatory activity - cortisol or prednisone? (1½ marks) Prednisolone

C6. Which corticosteroid is longer acting, prednisolone or dexamethasone? (1½ marks) Dexamethasone is longer acting than Prednisolone

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C7. Which ONE (1) of the following is NOT an effect of cortisol on the body? a) b) c) d)

decreases red blood cell longevity causes muscle atrophy increases blood sugar causes thinning of skin (2 marks)

C8. Which ONE (1) of the following is NOT an effect of NSAIDS? a) b) c) d)

reduces pain kidney damage in dehydrated dogs atrophy of adrenal gland reduces inflammation (2 marks)

C9. Which ONE (1) of the following is a contraindication for corticosteroid use? a) b) c) d)

lymphoma addisonian crisis pain corneal ulceration (2 marks)

C10. Which ONE (1) of the following is a contraindication for NSAID use? a) b) c) d)

corneal ulceration chronic renal disease endotoxaemia fever (2 marks)

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D1. List the benefits of using eye ointments over eye drops in a dog. (2 marks) Ointment stays around longer, eye drops need to be given more frequently

D2. a)

Describe the effect of a miotic drug (pilocarpine) in the eye. (2 marks)

Constricts pupils


Describe the effect of a mydriatic drug (atropine) in the eye. (2 marks)

Dilates pupils

D3. Which ONE (1) of the following drugs would be the most appropriate drug to use to examine the retina? a) b) c) d)

atropine (Atropt®) Dilates eye, long lasting effects so not recommended tropicamide (Mydriacyl®) trifluridine (Viroptic®) proparacaine HCl (Alaicaine®)Topical anaesthetic (2 marks)

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SECTION E: VACCINES Answer SECTIONS A-H in the SAME blue answer book.

E1. Explain the reason for a manufacturer’s requirements for a vaccination booster every year. Immunity memory decreases (3 marks) E2. To prevent clostridial infections in lambs, the manufacturer of a clostridial vaccine recommends that the ewe is vaccinated during the last three weeks of gestation. Explain why the manufacturer advises vaccinating the ewes rather than the newborn lambs. Ewe will give passive transfer of immunity to the lamb by colostrum (4 marks) Lamb may not be able to react well and gain good immunity while so young, better to be protected by mothers antibodies until at an age where vaccination is possible

E3. Explain to a client why two to three booster injections are required for their 9week-old puppy. (4 marks) Need to catch the period when mammary antibodies have decreased but not too late that puppy becomes susceptible E4. Define anamnesis. Recalling information, in the case of vaccines this is finding the memory of a previous reaction and using that information to protect the body against the disease this time.

(2 marks)

E5. Explain the purpose of using Freund’s Complete Adjuvant in a vaccine. To cause a reaction at the site so more blood comes to the area and the immune response is enhanced (3 marks) E6. Define antitoxin. (2 marks)

Binds to a toxin so it can be removed from the body

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SECTION F: TOXICOLOGY Answer SECTIONS A-H in the SAME blue answer book. F1. An owner’s dog ate snail bait from a box in the garden shed. The vet tells you the LD50 of snail bait is 25 mg/kg. The product contains 20 g/kg of methiocarb (the rest is fillers that make it attractive to snails). a)

Calculate the amount of snail bait that the dog which, weighs 16 kgs, has to eat in order to get a toxic dose. Show your work. 16kg x 25mg/kg = 400mg is LD50 dose (3 marks) 20,000mg/kg of toxin 400mg / 20,000mg/kg = 0.02kg = 20g


List the clinical signs of methiocarb poisoning caused by the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase in the parasympathetic nervous system. (2 marks) Anxiety, grimacing, blindness, metabolic acidosis, excitation to narcosis, tachcardia, tachypnoea, convulsions

F2. One of your best equine clients calls to ask for advice. Patrick, a Connemara pony, ate some Talon that was in a bait station in a fenced off shelter belt. The owner thinks Patrick ate about 2kgs of the Talon, which contains brodifacoum at 0.05grams/kg. he LD50 of brodifacoum is 0.25mg/kg and Patrick weighs 325kgs. a)

Calculate the amount of brodifacoum in 2kgs of Talon. calculations. 0.05g/kg x 2kg = 0.1g brodifacoum


Show your (2 marks)

C culate the amount of brodifacoum needed for Patrick to receive the LD50. Show your calculations (2 marks) 0.25mg/kg x 325kg = 81.25mg = 0.08125g 0.08125g / 0.05g/kg = 1.625g is the LD50 of Talon


Given your calculations, discuss the advice you would give this owner. Patrick has eaten a lethal dose of brodifacoum and should be brought straight (3 marks) into the clinic. Horses cannot vomit so vomiting up the toxin is not an option but the horse should be given AC and laxative to try to clear it from his system.

F3. You are working in a rural veterinary practice when a farmer turns up with his dog while the vet is out on a call. The dog ingested 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate) bait dropped in nearby bush. The dog is not showing any clinical signs of toxicity. It has been one hour since the dog ate the bait. Explain your treatment for this dog, given the veterinarian is out on a call. The dog should be given an emetic such as apomorphine to remove as much of the 1080 from the body(4 marks) as possible as clinical signs have not begun. He should also be given AC and laxatives to clear as much of the toxin from his body as possible before it is absorbed. The dog should be given anticonvulsants and sodium to correct metabolic acidosis if clinical signs begin.

F4. An owner phones you to say that they observed their dog ingesting a slug and snail bait. List at least THREE (3) pieces of information you should obtain from the owner before giving them any advice. (3 marks) How long ago did they ingest it? How much did they ingest? Are they showing clinical signs?

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F4. An owner treats their cat with a topical flea product for large dogs containing permethrins. The owner calls you for advice because the cat has become unwell in the past hour. a)

Explain to the owner how the poison will affect their cat (clinical signs). Eat twicthing, muscle tremors, dyspnoea, hyperthermia due to muscle tremors (2 marks)


Give advice to the owner on their treatment options.

Any treatment in the cat should be washed off thoroughly and the cat should be given AC and laxatives to decontaminate the GIT. Body temperature should be monitored and altered accordingly, and methocarbamol should be given IV to treat convulsions.

(2 marks)

F5. List the cause and effects of facial eczema in sheep. Caused by the toxin sporidesmon produced by the fungus pithomyces chartarum. Effects include photosensitisation of the skin, peeling skin, liver damage, and reduced growth rates

(3 marks)

F6. List the cause and effects of Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) poisoning in a dog. (3 marks) Foxgloves contain the toxin digitalis which is used to make heart medicaton for chronic heart failure Effects include a strong pulse, bounding heart, anorexia, and decreased HR.

F7. List the cause and effects of Karaka (Corynocarpus laevigatus) poisoning in a dog. Karaka poisoning occurs due to the toxin karakin which is a neurotoxin found in the dried seed (3 marks) Effects of poisoning include convulsions, excitement, vomiting, and paralysis.

F8. A client observed their cat chewing on an Easter Lily. a) b)

Explain the toxic effects to the client. Contain oxalates which cause burning in the mouth and have milk fever like signs Oxalate crystals can lead to kidney failure if they get to the kidney.

(2 marks)

Bring the cat into the clinic for decontamination with AC and laxatives or symptomatic treatment if clinical signs have started.

(2 marks)

Advise the client on what they should do.

F9. List the effects of frusemide that are useful in cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) poisoning. (3 marks) Frusemide is a diuretic which keeps the kidneys flushing, removes calcium from the body, and remove excess fluids. However it can cause dehydration so this needs to be monitored and compensated for.

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F10. State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE: a)

Ryegrass staggers is caused by the mycotoxin lolitrem B.


Rhododendron (Rhododendron spp) poisoning causes hyperexcitability, terminal convulsions and death in cattle.


Ngaio (Myoporum spp) causes photosensitivity in sheep.


Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids that damage the liver.


Repeated doses of activated charcoal are beneficial in cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) poisoning.


Activated charcoal is recommended for corrosive chemical ingestions.


Sorbitol is an emetic used with activated charcoal.


Magnesium sulphate (Epsom Salts) has a laxative effect.


Washing soda causes emesis in dogs.


Paracetamol poisoning causes hyperthermia in cats.


Cattle with nitrate poisoning have bright red venous blood.


Nitrate is converted methaemoglobinaemia.

Hypothermia Brown







causes (6 marks)

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SECTION G: ENDOCRINE AND ANABOLIC PHARMACEUTICALS Answer SECTIONS A-H in the SAME blue answer book. G1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using radioactive iodine I131 compared to carbimazole (Neo-Mercazole®) in the treatment of hyperthyroidism in cats. Advantages = one off treatment, may work out to be less costly. (4 marks) Disadvantages = animal must be in quarantine during therapy and their wastes will be radioactive so need to be discarded appropriately. Carbimazole requires lifelong treatment and more side effects but no radioactive issues.

G2. List FOUR (4) uses, or benefits, of giving anabolic steroids to a dog. (2 marks)

Increased growth rates Increased muscle mass Promote healing Stimulates erythropoesis

G3. A client has a newly diagnosed diabetic cat starting on Caninsulin. a)

List the advice you would give the client when dispensing Caninsulin. This in an intermediate length acting insulin substitute which needs to be given SQ and not in (3 marks) the fat. It should be stored in the fridge at 2-8 degrees but not frozen, and should be rolled to mix it before using but thrown out if there is any discolouration.

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