Exam 2017, questions and answers PDF

Title Exam 2017, questions and answers
Author dano .1
Course Computer science
Institution York University
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Buy and Sell notes on BreakStudy CSE1520 Sample Final Examination For each question select the best answer and code it on the Scantron Sheet. 1. Charles Babbage created both the Analytical Engine and the: A. Card Reader Engine B. Difference Engine C. Digital Processing Engine D. Internal Combustion ...


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Sample Final Examination

For each question select the best answer and code it on the Scantron Sheet. 1. Charles Babbage created both the Analytical Engine and the: A. Card Reader Engine B. Difference Engine C. Digital Processing Engine D. Internal Combustion Engine E. Search Engine 2. This person played a key role in formulating the notion of programming the Analytical Engine to perform different functions. A. Ada Byron B. Blaise Pascal C. Herman Hollerith D. Lord Byron E. Rene Descartes 3. Hexadecimal numbers use these symbols: A. 0 through 9 and A through F B. 1 through 9 and A through G C. 0 through 10 and A through E D. 0 through 15 E. 0 through 16 4. Using an 8-bit 2’s complement representation, the decimal integer –101 has a bit pattern A. 01011100 B. 10011011 C. 11000111 D. 11100101 E. 11101100 5. The decimal equivalent of 01101010 interpreted as a 2’s complement number is A. 22 B. –86 C. 106 D. –110 E. 150 6. If the binary fractional numbers 1001.111 and 11.111 are added the result as a decimal fraction is A. +13 1/4 B. +13 3/4 C. –13 1/4 D. -13 3/4 E. none of the above

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7. Using 8 bits to store a floating point number with the leftmost bit as the sign bit and the next 3 bits as excess notation for the exponent, the pattern 11101101 represents: A. – (1 1/2) B. – (3 ¼) C. – (3 ¾) D. – (7 15/16) E. +(3 5/8) 8. Using 8 bits to store a floating point number with the leftmost bit as the sign bit and the next 3 bits as excess notation for the exponent, which of the following is the best approximation to the value of one tenth (1/10)? A. 00101000 B. 00111000 C. 01100110 D. 10101000 E. 11000110 9. If the hexadecimal number 4C represents the letter L in the ASCII table what letter is represented by the hexadecimal 49? A. H Note to self: B. I …HIJKL C = 12 C. J 40+12 = 3 letters back D. K 52 from L is I. 52 49 = E. N 10. How many different things can be represented with five bits? A. 5 B. 10 C. 31 D. 32 E. 33 11. Using Excess 256 notation, what proportion of the resulting bit patterns can be used to represent only negative values? A. 1/2 B. 1/4 C. 1/8 D. 1/10 E. none of the above 12. The four operations of the computer are called the: A. computer network B. information processing cycle C. input devices D. interactive processing cycle

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13. This enables people and machines to solve problems without requiring a lot of intelligence or skill. A. algorithm B. attribute C. memory D. program 14. This is more technologically advanced than computer hardware. A. CPU B. memory C. pipeline D. software 15. Access to main memory is much faster than access to mass storage because A. access is purely electronic B. disk drives tend to overheat C. none of the above D. of bus design issues E. the machine instructions are simpler 16. These show the results of processing operations. A. application devices B. execution devices C. information devices D. output devices 17. Formatting a disk determines the exact size of A. all of the above B. files C. folders D. logical records E. sectors 18. This is a collection of computers connected together so that they can exchange data. A. infrastructure B. multiuser C. network D. terminal 19. All the programs that help the computer to function properly are included in __________ software. A. application B. operation C. shell D. system

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20. In interactive processing, these are used to give commands to the computer and to respond to the computer’s messages. A. input devices B. output devices C. processing devices D. storage devices 21. An antivirus program is an example of a(n): A. kernel component B. operating system C. shell program D. utility program 22. This software enables a user to request a specific resource from the server. A. client B. gateway C. router D. schema E. server 23. The basic unit of information in a computer is the: A. bit B. bite C. character D. flip-flop E. two 24. Which of the following terms is NOT used to describe rapid data transfer rates? A. digibits per second B. gigabits per second C. kilobits per second D. megabits per second 25. This stores the programs and data that you are working with and is the computer’s most important type of memory. A. cache B. L3 C. random access memory D. registry 26. This processing technique feeds a new instruction into the CPU at every step of the processing cycle so that more than one instruction are worked on simultaneously. A. benchmarking B. heat sinking C. hot swapping D. pipelining

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27. CD-ROM drives are: A. random-access storage devices B. read/write media C. read-only D. write-only 28. Mass storage devices provide this type of storage for programs and data. A. flexible B. nonvolatile C. temporary D. volatile 29. Programs and data are stored in units called: A. fields B. files C. folders D. records E. sectors 30. This refers to all the various media on which a computer system can keep data. A. compilation B. registers C. storage D. virtual memory 31. A tape backup unit is a type of: A. random-access storage device B. read-only storage device C. sequential storage device D. volatile storage device E. non-volatile storage device 32. The description of an entire database structure is categorized as a: A. database management system B. flat file C. genetic algorithm D. heuristic E. schema 33. To access your bank account information, your bank must be able to go directly to your account, without going through record by record. This type of storage would be termed: A. direct-read B. random-access C. read/write D. sequential

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34. When a floppy disk is formatted for use the circular magnetic bands are called: A. arms B. clusters C. tracks D. wedge 35. This characterizes the fourth generation of hardware development. A. digital video disk (DVD) B. high-level programming language C. Large-scale integration D. solid state technology 36. This is perhaps the least reliable storage medium in your computer system. A. Flash B. RAID C. RAM D. ROM 37. These storage devices have no moving parts, but instead consist only of semiconductors. A. DVD B. magneto-optical C. PC card D. solid state 38. This is a field of study that involves efforts to endow computers with the ability to understand the meaning of speech. A. artificial intelligence B. ergonomics C. linguistics D. Turing Testing 39. Monitor manufacturers usually state screen resolution by specifying the: A. amount of surface area B. amount of viewing area C. number of megabytes D. number of pixels E. width from corner to corner 40. To display a maximum of 16 colors, how many bits of data are required for each screen pixel? A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 E. 16

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41. This led to the computer becoming a mass-marketed item. A. application software B. browser software C. GUI D. modem software 42. Normally, your account on a multiuser system consists of your user name, a home directory, and A. a home account B. a preemptive record C. a primary file D. your password 43. The process of working with two or more programs at once is called: A. multimanaging B. multiprocessing C. multisystem D. multitasking 44. This is a method of using the computer’s hard disk as an extension of RAM. A. expanded memory B. interrupt request C. multithreading D. virtual memory E. zero page addressing 45. These are specific instructions about a particular brand and model of input/output devices. A. device drivers B. device ports C. device readers D. device sockets 46. This refers to the process of transferring a document from the computer’s volatile memory to a nonvolatile storage device. A. formatting B. reassigning C. saving D. updating 47. The Internet works on this principle. A. analog-switching B. circuit-switching C. digital-switching D. packet-switching

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48. ARPANET was initially restricted to A. military personnel B. MIT C. research scientists D. universities or research centers with U.S. Defense Department contracts 49. This is the most popular application on the Internet. A. chat rooms B. e-mail C. newsgroups D. world wide web 50. Lengthy, but frequently used data patterns, are replaced with a short code in A. encryption B. file compression C. hyperlinks D. online services 51. You can normally tell how a file was compressed by looking at the file’s A. attribute B. extension C. name D. size 52. The two most important Internet protocols are A. FTP and TCP/IP B. HTTP and FTP C. IRC and FTP D. TCP and IP 53. This is NOT an arithmetic operation. A. comparison B. division C. multiplication D. subtraction E. none of the above 54. The acronym HTML is short for: A. Hyper-Tag Machine Language B. Hyper-Tag Markup Language C. Hyper-Text Machine Language D. Hyper-Text Markup Language E. none of the above

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The next 5 questions make reference to the following Internet Explorer Window:

55. Refer to D above: The part of this address which refers to the sub-domain is: A. ca B. cs C. htm D. www E. yorku 56. Refer to A above: Pick the line of HTML code that would have put this graphic on the screen: A. B. C. D. image=”YLogo.jpg” E. place YLogo graphic here 57. Refer to B above: Pick the line of HTML code that the designer would have used to turn “Alumni” into a link. A. Alumni B. /graduates/alumni.htm C. Alumni D. Alumni E. Alumni

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58. Refer to C above: Pick the line of HTML code that the designer would have used to create this line. A. B. C. D. E. none of the above 59. Refer to D above: the entry following “http://” is: A. the default document B. the domain name for this site C. the file path for this site D. the protocol E. none of the above The user jqUser has an account on a machine known as turing.cs.yorku.ca. Her homepage is /home/jqUser/public_html/index.html. ~jqUser is an alias for /home/jqUser/public_html. Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the appropriate letter from the list of completions given. 60. [email protected] is a(n) ________ A. directory path B. email address C. file name D. host E. internet domain F. URL G. none of the above 61. http:// turing.cs.yorku.ca/~jqUser/public_html is a(n) _______ A. directory path B. email address C. file name D. host E. internet domain F. URL G. none of the above 62. yorku.ca is a(n) ________ A. directory path B. email address C. file name D. host E. internet domain F. URL G. none of the above

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63. /home/jqUser/public_html is a(n) ________ A. directory path B. email address C. file name D. host E. protocol F. URL G. none of the above 64. index.html is a(n) ________ A. directory path B. file name C. host D. internet domain E. protocol F. URL G. none of the above 65. turing.cs.yorku.ca is a(n) _________ A. directory path B. email address C. file name D. host E. protocol F. URL G. none of the above 66. http is a(n) _______ A. browser B. directory path C. file name D. protocol E. internet domain F. URL G. none of the above From the list below, choose the Boolean expression that describes each of the following circuit diagrams. A. (A+B)(B+C) B. (AB + C)D C. (AB)' + (CD)' D. A'B + (B+C)' E. AB + (C + D)

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A 68.

B 69.

D 70.


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From the list below, choose the Boolean expression that describes each of the following truth tables. A. B. C. D. E. F. G.

X = (A + B)' X = (A B)' X = (A B)' X = A' X=A+B X=A B X=A B

A 0 0 1 1

B 0 1 0 1

X 0 0 0 1

A 0 0 1 1

B 0 1 0 1

X 0 1 1 1

A 0 0 1 1

B 0 1 0 1

X 0 1 1 0





73. G

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A 0 0 1 1

B 0 1 0 1

X 1 1 1 0

A 0 0 1 1

B 0 1 0 1

X 1 0 0 1

74. B



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76. In relational databases, a table is referred to as a/an A. attribute B. relation C. schema D. tuple E. workbook 77. A well designed table will A. avoid storing calculated fields B. include all necessary data C. store data in its smallest parts D. all of the above E. (A) and (B) only 78. What is the best way to store an individual's name in a table? A. As a single field consisting of the first name, last name, and middle initial in that order. B. As a single field consisting of the last name, first name, and middle initial in that order. C. As three separate fields for first name, last name, and middle initial. D. As two fields, one for the last name, and one for the first name and middle initial. E. The same way as it was entered. Examine the following table and the list of SQL queries to answer the next 3 questions:

A. B. C. D. E.

delete from ForSale where Owner = 'Jim Smiley' insert into ForSale values (203, '14 New Dr.', 1800, 250000, 'Nubbie Block') select ID, Owner from ForSale where Price < 200000 select * from For Sale update ForSale set Price = 200000 where ID = 155

79. Which of the above queries returns all attributes of all records in the ForSale table? D 80. Which of the above queries returns the house ID and Owner of all houses that have a Price less than 200,000? C 81. Which of above queries changes the price of house 155 to 200000? E

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82. This is automatically assigned to a Excel document filename in Microsoft Windows. A. .exl B. .exs C. .xls D. .xlx 83. Every field in a table has A. A field name and a data type B. A field name and a field number C. A field name, a field number, and a data type D. A field number and a data type 84. Which of the following is the most likely explanation if you see the error message "Field 'Books.Title' can't contain a null value" while entering data in an Access table? A. You didn't follow the proper input mask B. You entered a letter in a numeric field C. You left a required field blank D. You pressed the space bar instead of the Enter key 85. Which of the following is an example of a calculated control? A. address B. age C. Social Insurance Number D. all of the above E. none of the above 86. Which of the following would be returned by Access if you type H*ll in a text field of a select query? A. Hall B. Hiell C. Hill D. all of the above E. none of the above 87. An Access database you are working on contains a table, form, query, and report. How many files are needed to store these elements? A. one B. two C. three D. four 88. How many primary keys can a table have? A. at least one, but not more than two B. between one and five C. depends on available memory D. one only

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An Excel worksheet contains information about a sheep rancher’s sheep including genders, birth dates, colors and weights. 89. If a formula is required to calculate the number of all the black sheep in the herd, which function(s) are best applicable? A. COUNT B. COUNTIF C. FREQUENCY D. SUM E. SUMIF 90. Excel’s LOOKUP function is often used to replace the use of A. the COUNTIF function B. the FREQUENCY function C. the IF function D. the SUMIF function E. none of the above

Consider the graphic below. A company gives its employees bonuses based on their sales. As a bonus, they get a percentage of their sales. SalesRange $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000

BonusAwarded 1% 2% 5% 10%

Employee 999888 888777 777666 666555 555444 444333

Sales $50,000 $30,000 $90,000 $20,000 $10,000 $80,000


91. The values in the Bonus column are calculated using the following formula: A. =LOOKUP(Bonus, SalesRange, BonusAwarded) * Sales B. =LOOKUP(SaleRange, Sales, BonusAwarded) * Sales C. =LOOKUP(Sales, SalesRange, BonusAwarded) D. =LOOKUP(Sales, SalesRange, BonusAwarded) * Sales E. =LOOKUP(SalesRange, BonusAwarded) * Sales

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Refer to the Excel worksheets and the information given below to answer the next 2 questions.

These ranges have been named: Wholsale!$B$5:$B$10 Wholsale!$C$5:$C$10 Wholsale!$D$5:$D$10

Pricing!$A$3 Pricing!$B$4:$B$6 Pricing!$C$4:$C$6

Energy Discount Charge

UnitPrice Factor Level

If the energy used by a municipality exceeds the average energy usage of all municipalities by a factor of 1.1 then the UnitPrice is discounted by 8% and if it exceeds the average by a factor of 1.2 then the UnitPrice is discounted by 12% as shown in the Pricing parameter table. Make use of the defined names wherever applicable. 92. Select the best formula for Discount A. LOOKUP(Energy - AVERAGE(Energy), Factor, Level) B. LOOKUP(Energy / AVERAGE Energy, Factor, Level) C. LOOKUP(Energy / AVERAGE(Energy), Factor, Level) D. LOOKUP(Energy / AVERAGE(Energy), Level, Factor) E. none of the above 93. Select the best formula for Charge A. Energy*1000*UnitPrice*(100-Discount)/100 B. Energy*1000*UnitPrice*-Discount/100 C. Energy*Uni...

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