2 Theories Chapter 3 Flashcards Quizlet PDF

Title 2 Theories Chapter 3 Flashcards Quizlet
Course Health Psychology
Institution Chung Yuan Christian University
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Personality Psychology...



Theories Chapter 3 Flashcards | Quizlet

Theories Chapter 3 Terms in this set (40) Jung's theory is concerned with

inherited primal experiences

Carl Jung's childhood

personal loneliness plus the marital conflicts and

experiences included:

mental instability

How did Carl Jung overcome

Through the exploration of his dreams and fantasies

his neurotic disturbance, which later influenced his personality?

Identify an area of

The nature of libido

disagreement between Jung and Freud

Jung considered libido as:

What is the term given by Carl

a broader and more generalized form of psychic energy


Jung for "personality"?




All of the following are

Theories Chapter 3 Flashcards | Quizlet


principles explaining the functioning of psychic energy except: a. differentiation principle b. opposition principle c. equivalence principle d. entropy principle

What best describes Jung's principle of opposites?

The conflict between polarities is the primary motivator of behavior and generator of psychic energy

Jung broke from Freud's

he decided to follow his own ideas and viewpoints

concepts because:

on personality

In the principle of equivalence,

psychic energy is continually redistributed within a

Jung argued that:


Jung applied the principle of


_____ to psychic energy by proposing that there is a tendency toward maintaining a balance or equilibrium in the personality

According to Jung's principle


of ____, its two desires or beliefs differ greatly in intensity or psychic value, energy will flow from the more strongly held to the weaker




According to Jung's principle

Theories Chapter 3 Flashcards | Quizlet

the personality would have no psychic energy

of entropy, if a perfect balance of psychic energy energy is attained over all the aspects of a personality

According to Jung, the _____ is


the conscious aspect of personality

According to Jung, all of the


following are distinct aspects of the total personality except: a. ego b. collective conscious c. personal unconscious d. collective unconscious

Which of the following best

a person typically has a dominant attitude toward

describes Jung's beliefs on

either introversion or extraversion

introversion and extraversion




Which of the following applies

Theories Chapter 3 Flashcards | Quizlet


to the mental attitudes of extraversion and introversion? a. The dominant attitude directs a person's consciousness and behavior b. Only one of the attitudes becomes dominant in a person's personality c. The non dominant attitude becomes part of a person's personal unconscious c. The nondominant attitude becomes part of a person's personal unconscious d. all of these are correct

According to Jung, all of the


following are functions of the psyche except: a. thinking b. intuiting c. imagining d. sensing

Which of the following is


grouped as rational psychological functions? a. imaging and hoping b. intuiting and sensing c. Thinking and feeling d. thinking and sensing




Theories Chapter 3 Flashcards | Quizlet

Sensing and intuiting are

they do not use the processes of reason to evaluate

grouped together as non-


rational psychological functions because:

Jung proposed eight

two psychological attitudes and four psychological

psychological types, based on


the interactions of the:

According to Jung, the ____

extraverted sensing

personality types tend to be outgoing, pleasure seeking, and adaptable.

According to Jung, which of

Extraverted thinking types

the following personality types tend to be logical and objective and live strictly by society's rules?

Based on Jung's psychological

creative, able to inspire others, and able to seize

types, the extraverted intuiting


type of person would be:

According to Jung, the

a reservoir of material that was once conscious but

personal unconscious is:

has been forgotten or suppressed

According to Jung, a _____ is a


core or pattern of emotions, memories, perceptions, and wishes in one's personal conscious organized around a common theme




Theories Chapter 3 Flashcards | Quizlet

Which of the following is true

Complexes that are not under conscious control

of Jung's concept of

can interfere with consciousness


According to Jung's belief,


which of the following is responsible for the formation of complexes in the personal unconscious of an individual? a. childhood experiences b. adult experiences c. ancestral experiences d. all are correct

According to Jung, which of

collective unconscious

the following is the deepest and least accessible level of the human psyche?

Jung believed that humankind

collective unconscious

collectively, as a species, store the experiences of all our human and pre-human ancestors in the _____.

The ancient experiences


contains in the collective unconscious are manifested by recurring themes or patterns,which Jung termed ______.

According to Jung, the persona

public face or role a person presents to others

archetype refers to the: https://quizlet.com/338782900/theories-chapter-3-flash-cards/



The anima and animus express

Theories Chapter 3 Flashcards | Quizlet


Jung's idea that all human are essentially ______

Which of the following

The shadow

archetypes contains the basic, primitive animal instincts and has the deepest roots among all?

Which of the following is true

the behaviors that society considers evil and

of the shadow archetype?

immoral reside in the shadow

According to Jung, the self-

unity, integration, and harmony of the total

archetype refers to the:


Jung believed that the self

all the other systems of the psyche have developed

archetype does not emerge until:

According to Jung's view on

early childhood

personality development, the ego begins to develop in:

Jung believed that dreams are

prospective; compensatory

____ and ____ in nature

Jung's use of _____ and _____ is the

the occult; the supernatural

source of most of the criticism directed at his theory



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