20 test bank - Fluid and Electrolyte Balance MCQ test bank with answers PDF

Title 20 test bank - Fluid and Electrolyte Balance MCQ test bank with answers
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Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach, 7e, (Silverthorn) Chapter 20 Integrative Physiology II: Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 1) The primary route for water loss from the body is the ________ system. A) respiratory B) urinary C) digestive D) integumentary E) cardiovascular Answer: B Section: Fluid and Electrolyte Homeostasis Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 2) The primary route for ion loss from the body is the ________ system. A) respiratory B) urinary C) digestive D) integumentary E) cardiovascular Answer: B Section: Fluid and Electrolyte Homeostasis Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 3) Cell volume (and therefore cell function) in most cells is dependent upon careful regulation of A) volume of extracellular fluid. B) blood pressure. C) osmolarity of extracellular fluid. D) permeability of cell membranes. E) resting membrane potential. Answer: C Section: Fluid and Electrolyte Homeostasis Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 4) The two organ systems that work together to regulate most aspects of the body's water balance are A) digestive and respiratory. B) urinary and respiratory. C) cardiovascular and respiratory. D) urinary and cardiovascular. E) digestive and cardiovascular. Answer: D Section: Fluid and Electrolyte Homeostasis Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 1 Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd.

5) Kidneys respond relatively ________ to changes in blood volume. A) slowly B) quickly Answer: A Section: Fluid and Electrolyte Homeostasis Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 6) Shrinkage of hepatocytes in the liver causes them to cause which of the following? A) glycogen production only B) glycogen breakdown only C) protein synthesis only D) both glycogen production and protein synthesis E) both glycogen breakdown and protein breakdown Answer: E Section: Fluid and Electrolyte Homeostasis Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 7) Most body water is located in A) plasma. B) interstitial fluid. C) cells. D) lumens of organs open to the outside. Answer: C Section: Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 8) Kidneys regulate A) water loss only. B) water gain only. C) both water loss and gain. Answer: A Section: Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 9) When a body is dehydrated, water in the urinary bladder A) can be returned to the circulation directly. B) can be returned to the circulation after moving back into the kidneys. C) will still be expelled from the body in the urine. Answer: C Section: Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Analysis 2 Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd.

10) Water reabsorption by the kidneys is a result of A) both passive and active transport processes. B) cotransport with ions. C) exchange with ions. D) osmosis. Answer: D Section: Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 11) The hormone that directly controls water reabsorption by the kidneys is A) vasopressin. B) aldosterone. C) epinephrine. D) ANP. E) angiotensin. Answer: A Section: Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 12) The hormone that regulates water reabsorption by the kidneys A) decreases water permeability throughout the kidney tubules. B) increases water permeability throughout the kidney tubules. C) only decreases water permeability in certain portions of the kidney tubules. D) only increases water permeability in certain portions of the kidney tubules. Answer: D Section: Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 13) Why do patients taking loop diuretics need to take supplemental potassium? A) They cause active secretion of potassium in the loop of Henle. B) They inhibit the reabsorption of potassium as well as sodium in the loop of Henle. C) They inhibit intestinal absorption of potassium. D) They cause active reabsorption of potassium in the distal convoluted tubule. Answer: B Section: Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

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14) The primary osmoreceptors are located in the A) pons. B) kidney. C) stomach. D) hypothalamus. E) medulla. Answer: D Section: Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 15) Osmoreceptors depolarize after they ________ in response to ________ plasma osmolarity. A) shrink, decreased B) shrink, increased C) swell, decreased D) swell, increased Answer: B Section: Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 16) The hormone vasopressin A) is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland in response to changes in blood osmolarity. B) stimulates the kidneys to retain sodium ions. C) stimulates the kidneys to conserve water. D) stimulates the kidneys to produce a large volume of urine. E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: C Section: Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 17) When venous return is increased, stretch receptors in the atria of the heart are activated. This results in A) secretion of vasopressin. B) inhibition of vasopressin secretion. C) increased glomerular filtration. D) decreased urine production. E) increased thirst. Answer: B Section: Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

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18) When baroreceptors in the carotid and aortic bodies register increased blood pressure, this results in A) secretion of vasopressin. B) inhibition of vasopressin secretion. C) increased glomerular filtration. D) decreased urine production. E) increased thirst. Answer: B Section: Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 19) Why is sodium actively reabsorbed in the nephron? A) to decrease osmolarity inside the nephron B) to make urine less concentrated C) to increase passive reabsorption of water D) to decrease blood pressure Answer: C Section: Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 20) Granular cells secrete A) angiotensinogen. B) angiotensin I. C) aldosterone. D) renin. E) angiotensin converting enzyme. Answer: D Section: Sodium Balance and ECF Volume Learning Outcome: 20.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 21) ACE converts A) renin to angiotensinogen. B) angiotensinogen to angiotensin I. C) angiotensin I to angiotensin II. D) angiotensin II to aldosterone. E) renin to aldosterone. Answer: C Section: Sodium Balance and ECF Volume Learning Outcome: 20.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

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22) Stimuli for the activation of the RAS pathway include A) low blood pressure in arterioles in the nephron only. B) a decrease in fluid flow through the distal tubule only. C) high blood pressure in the renal artery only. D) low blood pressure in arterioles in the nephron and a decrease in fluid flow through the distal tubule. E) low blood pressure in arterioles in the nephron, a decrease in fluid flow through the distal tubule, and high blood pressure in the renal artery. Answer: D Section: Sodium Balance and ECF Volume Learning Outcome: 20.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 23) Angiotensin II stimulates A) thirst only. B) vasoconstriction only. C) synthesis and release of aldosterone. D) thirst and vasoconstriction. E) thirst, vasoconstriction, and synthesis and release of aldosterone. Answer: E Section: Sodium Balance and ECF Volume Learning Outcome: 20.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 24) Which of the following is NOT true about angiotensin II? A) increases cardiac output B) activates parasympathetic output C) is a potent vasoconstrictor D) elevates blood pressure E) stimulates thirst Answer: B Section: Sodium Balance and ECF Volume Learning Outcome: 20.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 25) Drugs that treat hypertension by preventing Angiotensin I from becoming Angiotensin II are called A) ACE inhibitors. B) beta blockers. C) calcium channel blockers. D) diuretics. Answer: A Section: Sodium Balance and ECF Volume Learning Outcome: 20.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

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26) Aldosterone A) is secreted in response to elevated levels of sodium in the blood. B) promotes sodium retention in the kidneys. C) helps decrease blood volume. D) increases the concentration of sodium in urine. E) functions in pH regulation. Answer: B Section: Sodium Balance and ECF Volume Learning Outcome: 20.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 27) Atrial natriuretic peptide A) increases GFR. B) inhibits release of renin. C) stimulates release of renin. D) increases GFR and inhibits release of renin. E) increases GFR and stimulates release of renin. Answer: D Section: Sodium Balance and ECF Volume Learning Outcome: 20.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 28) An increase in plasma potassium levels is properly called A) hypernatremia. B) hyperpotassemia. C) hyperpotasseplasmia. D) hyperkalemia. E) hypercalcemia. Answer: D Section: Potassium Balance Learning Outcome: 20.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 29) Excess potassium ions are eliminated from the body by the A) sweat glands. B) kidneys. C) liver. D) digestive system. E) spleen. Answer: B Section: Potassium Balance Learning Outcome: 20.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

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30) Thirst is A) controlled by centers in the hypothalamus. B) triggered by decreased osmolarity. C) relieved only when plasma osmolarity is increased. D) controlled by centers in the hypothalamus and triggered by increased osmolarity. E) controlled by centers in the hypothalamus, triggered by increased osmolarity, and relieved only when plasma osmolarity is decreased. Answer: D Section: Behavioral Mechanisms in Salt and Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.10 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 31) A hormone that helps to regulate the sodium ion concentration of the blood is A) cortisol. B) parathormone. C) thymosin. D) somatotropin. E) aldosterone. Answer: E Section: Sodium Balance and ECF Volume Learning Outcome: 20.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 32) Which of the following concerning the hormone atrial natriuretic peptide is FALSE? A) produced by cells in the heart B) promotes sodium loss at the kidneys C) reduces blood pressure D) suppresses vasopressin secretion E) increases aldosterone secretion Answer: E Section: Sodium Balance and ECF Volume Learning Outcome: 20.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 33) The enzyme renin is responsible for the activation of A) angiotensin I. B) cortisol. C) erythropoietin. D) atrial natriuretic peptide. E) adrenaline. Answer: A Section: Sodium Balance and ECF Volume Learning Outcome: 20.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

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34) Angiotensin I is converted to angiotensin II by enzymes primarily located in the A) kidneys. B) liver. C) heart. D) lungs. E) blood vessels. Answer: E Section: Sodium Balance and ECF Volume Learning Outcome: 20.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 35) The osmolarity in the deepest part of the loop of Henle is ________ mOsM. A) 1200 B) 100 C) 300 D) 900 E) None of these answers are correct. Answer: A Section: Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 36) Decreased ECF volume causes A) sympathetic output from the cardiovascular control center to increase. B) parasympathetic output from the cardiovascular control center to increase. C) the force of ventricular contraction to decrease. D) arteriolar vasodilation. E) sympathetic output from the cardiovascular control center to increase and arteriolar vasodilation. Answer: A Section: Integrated Control of Volume and Osmolarity Learning Outcome: 20.11 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 37) Symptoms of low plasma pH may include A) CNS depression only. B) confusion and disorientation only. C) numbness, tingling, or muscle twitches only. D) CNS depression and confusion and disorientation. E) CNS depression; confusion and disorientation; and numbness, tingling, or muscle twitches. Answer: D Section: Acid-Base Balance Learning Outcome: 20.12 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

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38) The most important factor affecting the pH of plasma is the concentration of A) lactic acid. B) ketone bodies. C) organic acids. D) carbon dioxide. E) hydrochloric acid. Answer: D Section: Acid-Base Balance Learning Outcome: 20.12 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 39) The primary role of the carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system is to A) buffer stomach acid. B) buffer carbonic acid formed by carbon dioxide. C) prevent pH changes caused by organic and fixed acids. D) buffer the urine. E) increase the amount of carbonic acid during ventilation. Answer: C Section: Acid-Base Balance Learning Outcome: 20.12 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 40) Which of the following is most likely to be observed in a patient with compensated respiratory alkalosis? A) respiratory rate increases B) tidal volume increases C) kidneys conserve bicarbonate D) kidneys secrete fewer hydrogen ions E) body retains less carbon dioxide Answer: D Section: Acid-Base Balance Learning Outcome: 20.15 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 41) Prolonged vomiting of the stomach's contents can result in A) respiratory acidosis. B) respiratory alkalosis. C) metabolic acidosis. D) metabolic alkalosis. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Section: Acid-Base Balance Learning Outcome: 20.15 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

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42) A person who suffers from emphysema will exhibit signs of A) respiratory acidosis. B) respiratory alkalosis. C) metabolic acidosis. D) metabolic alkalosis. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Section: Acid-Base Balance Learning Outcome: 20.15 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 43) A person who suffers from hyperventilation will exhibit signs of A) respiratory acidosis. B) respiratory alkalosis. C) metabolic acidosis. D) metabolic alkalosis. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Section: Acid-Base Balance Learning Outcome: 20.15 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 44) If sodium increases in the ECF, water will move from A) cells to the ECF, and cells will swell. B) the ECF to cells, and cells will swell. C) cells to the ECF, and cells will shrink. D) the ECF to cells, and cells will shrink. Answer: C Section: Fluid and Electrolyte Homeostasis Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 45) A buffer A) moderates changes in pH. B) always increases pH. C) always decreases pH. D) binds or releases bicarbonate ions. Answer: A Section: Acid-Base Balance Learning Outcome: 20.15 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

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46) The normal pH range for most body fluids is ________. A) 7 to 8 B) 7.5 to 8 C) 7.25 to 7.75 D) 7.38 to 7.42 Answer: D Section: Acid-Base Balance Learning Outcome: 20.14 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 47) When the pH rises above 7.42, a state of ________ exists. A) acidosis B) alkalosis C) equilibrium D) homeostasis Answer: B Section: Acid-Base Balance Learning Outcome: 20.12 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 48) Abnormal fat and amino acid metabolism may lead to the condition called A) ketoacidosis. B) lactic acidosis. C) metabolic alkalosis. D) respiratory acidosis. Answer: A Section: Acid-Base Balance Learning Outcome: 20.15 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 49) The enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of H2O and CO2 to H2CO3 is called A) carbonic anhydrase. B) bicarbonate ion. C) carbonic acid. D) renin. Answer: A Section: Acid-Base Balance Learning Outcome: 20.12 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

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50) Normal removal of excess water in urine is known as A) diuresis. B) diuretics. C) osmotic diuresis. D) filtration. Answer: A Section: Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 51) ________ interstitial osmolarity allows urine to be concentrated. A) High medullary B) Low medullary C) High cortex D) Low cortex Answer: A Section: Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 52) AQP2 water pores are added to the cell membrane by ________ and withdrawn by ________ in a process known as ________. A) exocytosis, endocytosis, membrane recycling B) endocytosis, exocytosis, membrane recycling C) membrane recycling, exocytosis, endocytosis D) membrane recycling, endocytosis, exocytosis Answer: A Section: Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 53) The anatomical arrangement of the kidney that allows transfer of solutes from one blood vessel to another is called the A) countercurrent exchange system. B) portal system. C) capillaries. D) countercurrent heat exchanger. Answer: A Section: Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

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54) Paracrine feedback from the ________ in the distal tubule to the granular cells stimulates release of ________. A) sympathetic neurons, epinephrine B) granular cells, renin C) liver, angiotensinogen D) macula densa, renin Answer: D Section: Sodium Balance and ECF Volume Learning Outcome: 20.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 55) The ________ cells of the distal nephron are interspersed among the principal cells and contribute to acid-base regulation. A) endothelial B) intercalated C) endocrine D) granular Answer: B Section: Acid-Base Balance Learning Outcome: 20.14 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 56) How do kidneys alter urine concentration? Answer: Kidneys alter urine concentration by varying the amounts of water and sodium reabsorbed in the distal nephron. Section: Water Balance Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 57) A rise in angiotensin II levels would result in increased A) blood pressure. B) retention of sodium ions at the kidney. C) water retention. D) blood volume. E) All of these effects. Answer: E Section: Sodium Balance and ECF Volume Learning Outcome: 20.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

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58) The RAS pathway begins with secretion of A) angiotensin converting enzyme. B) renin. C) angiotensinogen. D) aldosterone. E) vasopressin. Answer: B Section: Sodium Balance and ECF Volume Learning Outcome: 20.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 59) Renal tubule cells in the kidney medulla are constantly exposed to high extracellular osmolarity. How do they maintain normal cell volume? A) They synthesize organic solutes as needed to match the osmolarity. B) They synthesize water molecules through increased metabolism to offset volume loss. C) They maintain a water-impermeable membrane. D) They add or remove aquaporins as needed. Answer: A Section: Fluid and Electrolyte Homeostasis Learning Outcome: 20.12 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 60) When the pH of body fluids begins to fall, proteins will A) become more active. B) lose three-dimensional structure. C) fold into tertiary structures. D) not be affected. Answer: B Section: Acid-Base Balance Learning Outcome: 20.12 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 61) When the pH of the extracellular fluid declines, the kidneys A) excrete more sodium ions. B) excrete more bicarbonate ions. C) reabsorb more potassium ions. D) reabsorb more hydrogen ions. E) reabsorb less water. Answer: C Section: Acid-Base Balance Learning Outcome: 20.14 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension

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62) Two hours before major surgery is to begin, the patient experiences "jitters," an elevated heart rate and blood pressure. These symptoms are the result of A) sympathetic activation. B) decreased levels of epinephrine in the blood. C) decreased activity of sympathetic centers in the hypothalamus. D) increased parasympathetic activity. E) All of these mechanisms. Answer: A Section: Integrated Control of Volume and Osmolarity Learning Outcome: 20.11 Bloom's Taxonomy: Application 63) An explorer has been lost in the desert for two days with very little water. As a result, you would expect to observe A) elevated vasopressin levels. B) decreased blood osmolarity. C) normal urine production. D) increased blood volume. E) cells enlarged with fluid. Answer: A Section: Integrated Control of Volume and Osmolarity Learnin...

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