Chapter 04 Test Bank - Test Bank with answers PDF

Title Chapter 04 Test Bank - Test Bank with answers
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Test Bank with answers...


Chapt er04Tes tBank St udent :___________________________________________________________________________

1. The study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs is known as

A. market development. B. cognitive dissonance. C. sensory marketing. D. consumer behavior. E. strategic planning.

2. Compare the following definitions and select the one that accurately describes consumer behavior.

A. factors that serve as an interface between the consumer and his or her decision-making process B. the five stages a consumer goes through to decide which product or service to buy C. the attributes a consumer considers important about a certain product D. the process a consumer engages in when evaluating a marketing message E. the study of how individuals make decisions about how to select, secure, use, and dispose of products to satisfy needs

3. Which of the following represents B2B marketing?

A. a high school club selling water bottles at a football game B. a store owner buying the fall clothing line for his store C. a cell phone company opening a retail store D. a restaurant owner selling food to his customers E. a steel company selling its product to auto manufacturers

4. The selling of goods and services to end-user customers is referred to as

A. B2B marketing. B. C2C marketing. C. C2B marketing. D. B2C marketing.

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5. Which of the following is the focal point of all marketing efforts?

A. stakeholder interests B. customer satisfaction C. company profits D. the buying decision E. company recognition

6. Daniel Kahneman's mode of thought referred to as System 1 can be described as

A. an automatic, nonconscious way of thinking. B. a systematic, effortful way of thinking. C. a calculating, complex way of thinking. D. a slow, controlled way of thinking. E. a calculating, conscious way of thinking.

7. Which of the following is an example of a System 2 way of thinking?

A. understanding a simple sentence B. focusing on the voice of a particular person in a crowded, noisy room C. detecting hostility in a voice D. completing the phrase "peanut butter and ..." E. driving a car on an empty road

8. Janie buys a pack of gum each time she is at the checkout line in the grocery store. This is an example of what type of decision making?

A. habitual decision making B. high-involvement decision making C. sensory decision making D. extended problem solving E. derived demand

9. The five stages most consumers go through when engaged in extended problem solving is called the

A. alternative evaluation process. B. consumer decision-making process. C. purchase decision process. D. product evaluation timeline. E. want vs. need appraisal.

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10. The first stage in the consumer decision-making process is

A. postpurchase processes. B. problem recognition. C. outlet selection. D. information search. E. alternative evaluation.

11. Marketers must realize that the consumer is unlikely to engage in any of the subsequent steps of the buying process if he or she

A. is not a savvy consumer. B. is unaware of how the decision process works. C. fails to complete a thorough information search. D. makes a purchase decision hastily. E. is not aware of a problem or does not recognize a need.

12. A consumer searching for information will create a list of brands or products that he or she will evaluate as options for the solution of a particular problem. This list is referred to as

A. the essential set. B. the evoked set. C. consumer criteria. D. the information set. E. evaluative criteria.

13. In the consumer decision-making process, searches for information fall into which two main categories?

A. internal and external B. lengthy and brief C. meaningful and trivial D. extensive and limited E. wanted and unwanted

14. Which of the following scenarios would most likely require an extensive external search for information?

A. Isabel wants to replace her coffee maker with the same brand she currently owns. B. Janet went to the mall to find a new dress for this weekend's party. C. Dustin and Janelle are looking to buy their first home. D. Jake is going to the pet store to buy dog food for his puppy. E. Brandi went to the Apple store to upgrade her existing iPod.

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15. Which of the following has led to the growth of search-engine marketing?

A. the desire to be at the top of the search results page B. the desire to use smartphones for information searches C. the use of sites like Facebook and Twitter as information sources D. the decrease in the number of company-sponsored websites E. the increase in habitual decision making

16. The attributes a consumer considers important about a certain product are referred to as

A. product standards. B. the information set. C. the evoked set. D. consumer criteria. E. evaluative criteria.

17. When evaluating choices, a consumer who asks the question How do I feel about it? is using which evaluative criteria choice?

A. attribute choice B. affective choice C. attitude choice D. alternative choice

18. Which type of purchase occurs due to retailers' prompts to consumers while consumers are in the store?

A. habitual purchases B. planned purchases C. reminder purchases D. impulse purchases

19. Trevor went to the store to get a new pair of running shoes but the store was temporarily out of the brand he normally buys. What is the term for this situation?

A. a stockout B. derived demand C. a backorder D. cognitive dissonance

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20. How does the ability to pay for a purchase on credit affect the buying situation?

A. Buying things on credit links the consumption experience with the payment for that same purchase. B. Paying with credit activates the pain centers of the brain in a negative way. C. The ability to pay with credit decreases the amount consumers are willing to pay for an item. D. Using credit to pay for purchases takes away the "pain" of paying for something.

21. You finally decided to purchase an e-reader and selected the Amazon Kindle. After returning home, you see an advertisement for the Barnes and Noble Nook and now are wondering if you made the right decision. This is an example of

A. cognitive dissonance. B. postpurchase stress. C. problem recognition. D. an internal information search. E. product indecisiveness.

22. Warren opened a new computer store in town. When customers purchase a computer from his store, they automatically receive an extended warranty, free in-home installation, access to Warren's 24-hour technical support team, and in-store software training classes. By offering all these things, Warren is most likely trying to

A. encourage an internal information search. B. increase a new customer's cognitive dissonance. C. stimulate problem recognition. D. reduce a new customer's cognitive dissonance. E. discourage ritual consumption.

23. Cognitive dissonance occurs during which stage of the consumer decision-making process?

A. postpurchase processes B. problem recognition C. alternative evaluation D. outlet selection E. information search

24. The broad set of knowledge, beliefs, laws, morals, customs, and any other capabilities or habits acquired by humans as members of society is referred to as

A. perception. B. norms. C. consumer behavior. D. culture.

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25. What are norms?

A. the positive or negative evaluations that occur without conscious awareness toward an attitude object B. the psychological processes by which people select, organize, and interpret sensory information to form a meaningful picture of the world C. the formal or informal societal rules that specify or prohibit certain behaviors in specific situations D. the set of distinctive characteristics that lead an individual to respond in a consistent way to certain situations E. the organized pattern of knowledge that an individual holds to be true about his or her world

26. At the national level, the most pervasive difference in culture relates to

A. how societies view and enforce norms. B. whether a society focuses on individualism or collectivism. C. how societies interpret the behavior of young consumers. D. whether a society encourages or discourages consumer purchases.

27. Which subculture self-selects on the basis of a shared commitment to a particular product class, brand, or consumption activity?

A. an ethnic subculture B. a consumption subculture C. a product subculture D. a regional subculture E. a collective subculture

28. Country-of-origin effects are the

A. determinations used to classify a society as either individualistic or collectivist. B. misplaced beliefs that members of one society are superior to another. C. ways in which countries are ranked in terms of the number of goods they produce. D. beliefs and associations people in one country have about goods and services produced in another country.

29. According to your text, which of the following is one of the greatest influences on consumer behavior?

A. family members B. opinion leaders C. knowledgeable salespeople D. reference groups E. advertising messages

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30. The distinct family-related phases that an individual progresses through over the course of his or her life are called the

A. progression timeline. B. family life cycle. C. life stage continuum. D. family growth chart. E. life stage sequence.

31. Which of the following is likely to be the final stage in an individual's family life cycle?

A. unmarried survivor B. unmarried C. married with no kids D. married without dependent children E. married with teens

32. A membership reference group is defined as

A. a group whose members a consumer would like to be like. B. a group whose members a consumer would like to emulate. C. a group that must charge its members a fee or dues in order to join. D. a group to which a consumer actually belongs.

33. Sal has heard a lot about his town's country club. He heard it has a great golf course, tennis courts, and dining room. In addition, many of Sal's business partners belong to the club. Although he doesn't have the money to join the club now, Sal hopes to be able to in the future. What type of reference group would the country club be for Sal?

A. an unattainable reference group B. a dissociative reference group C. an aspirational reference group D. an exclusive reference group

34. The people that an individual would not like to be like make up his or her

A. isolation reference group. B. exclusive reference group. C. aspirational reference group. D. membership reference group. E. dissociative reference group.

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35. Individuals who exert an unequal amount of influence on the decisions of others because they are considered knowledgeable about particular products are called

A. company leaders. B. reference group leaders. C. marketing trailblazers. D. opinion leaders. E. product pushers.

36. The set of distinctive characteristics that lead an individual to respond in a consistent way to certain situations is referred to as that individual's

A. values. B. attitude. C. lifestyle. D. personality.

37. A person's typical way of life as expressed by his or her activities, interests, and opinions is referred to as

A. values. B. culture. C. motivation. D. personality. E. lifestyle.

38. A person's belief that a specific behavior is socially or personally preferable to another behavior reflects that person's

A. personality. B. values. C. attitude. D. lifestyle.

39. Which of the following is the best example of how one's personal value system influences his or her buying behavior?

A. Nick decided to buy a Mustang because it reflects his fast-paced way of living. B. Christy decided to buy an electric vehicle because she is concerned about the harmful effects of carbon dioxide emissions produced by gasoline fuels. C. Rick decided to buy a camper so the family could enjoy the outdoors together. D. Sue heard that cars made in Germany have a reputation for being well built, so she decided to buy a BMW. E. Kayla loves the outdoors, so she decided to buy a Jeep because it would portray her spirited personality to others.

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40. Attitudes, perception, learning, and motivation are all ______ processes that can influence consumer behavior.

A. environmental B. physiological C. psychological D. situational E. sociocultural

41. The perception process begins when a consumer

A. modifies his or her behavior due to a change in attitudes. B. recognizes that he or she has an unmet need. C. is exposed to either an internal or external stimulus. D. is motivated by an inward drive.

42. The tendency to interpret information in a way that fits our preconceptions is a process known as

A. sensory marketing. B. selective attention. C. selective distortion. D. selective retention.

43. The use of sensation and perception to influence consumer preferences and choice is the idea behind

A. selective distortion. B. sensory marketing. C. selective attention. D. selective retention.

44. Which of the following is not one of the need levels in Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

A. self-actualization B. esteem C. psychological D. safety E. love/belonging

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45. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, what need must be satisfied first before a person will seek to satisfy any other need?

A. esteem B. safety C. physiological D. self-actualization E. love/belonging

46. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, companies that offer home security systems or products focused on accident or disability insurance, are seeking to meet which level of need?

A. love/belonging B. safety C. self-actualization D. physiological E. esteem

47. Which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs deals with friendship, family, and sexual intimacy?

A. safety B. esteem C. self-actualization D. love/belonging E. physiological

48. The need all humans have to be respected by others as well as by themselves is referred to as

A. esteem. B. pride. C. motivation. D. humility. E. self-actualization.

49. Higher esteem needs include the need for self-respect, self-confidence, and

A. status. B. fame. C. recognition. D. independence. E. attention.

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50. The top level in Maslow's hierarchy of needs is

A. esteem. B. physiological. C. self-actualization. D. love/belonging. E. safety.

51. The U.S. Army slogan Be All You Can Be appeals to which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

A. esteem B. physiological C. safety D. love/belonging E. self-actualization

52. The ABC model regarding attitudes is comprised of which three components?

A. affective, behavioral, and cognitive B. advanced, basic, and core C. attitudes, beliefs, and consideration D. attentive, behavioral, and communicative

53. Which dimension of attitudes is made up of feelings or emotional reactions to the attitude object?

A. cognitive component B. affective component C. core component D. behavioral component E. attentive component

54. If a person responds toward an attitude object based on his or her past experiences that person is exhibiting which dimension of attitudes?

A. cognitive component B. attentive component C. affective component D. behavioral component E. core component

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55. Influencing the cognitive component of someone's attitude depends upon altering that person's

A. perception. B. personality. C. motivation. D. beliefs.

56. Which of the following statements regarding the concept of learning is not true?

A. Reinforcement of the learning process occurs when the response reduces the need. B. Almost all consumer behavior is learned. C. Learning typically begins with a stimulus that encourages consumers to act to reduce a need or want. D. Marketers have no effect on consumer learning. E. Learning refers to the modification of behavior that occurs over time due to experiences and other external stimuli.

57. Marketers can capitalize on consumer learning by designing marketing strategies that

A. stimulate problem recognition. B. reduce ritual consumption. C. complicate information searches. D. encourage cognitive dissonance. E. promote reinforcement.

58. Factors like time and involvement that serve as an interface between consumers and their decision-making process are ______ influences.

A. situational B. social C. cultural D. individual E. psychological

59. How consumers make choices is influenced by the personal, financial, and social significance of the decision being made, in other words, their level of

A. cognitive dissonance. B. perception. C. involvement. D. motivation. E. self-actualization.

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60. Which of the following sets of characteristics is representative of a low-involvement purchase?

A. The item to be purchased is expensive, seldom purchased, and risky, and requires research. B. The item to be purchased is inexpensive, seldom purchased, and risky, and requires little research. C. The item to be purchased is expensive and seldom purchased, but carries little risk and requires little research. D. The item to be purchased is inexpensive and frequently...

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