2019 0822221115 what is unix PDF

Title 2019 0822221115 what is unix
Author Maxmillian katuta
Course Marketing Managment
Institution University of Nairobi
Pages 4
File Size 64.6 KB
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UNIX and Windows Operating System Student’s Name Course Date of Submission



The first electronic computers were being operated without operating systems. As a result, every program required a complete set of hardware to perform the anticipated tasks. In the 1950s, due do advancement in Technology, special-purpose software, Operating Systems (OS) were developed to support the operation of various types of programs, that to run on a single computer. UNIX was developed, and later windows, among other operating systems. This paper, thus major on UNIX machines, why they mostly preferred for programming and also windows and what it is made for. First and foremost, UNIX is an interactive time-sharing operating system that was invented by Dennis Ritch and Ken Thompson at Bells lab in 1969. It was then the first operating system to be developed using C programming language. Since then, UNIX has advanced gradually as an open-source product with various plugins as result of the different learning organization, companies and individuals play a key role in its development (Silberschatz, Gagne & Galvin, 2018). UNIX machines better for programming because of their nature of design; its operations are based on the command line. UNIX machines support multitasking UNIX based operating systems are free. Most UNIX machines support most of programming languages, without the need to install extra programming software. Also, UNIX grants programmers an opportunity to get access to the source code to nearly every component of your operating system, from the graphical user interface down to the kernel (Silberschatz et al., 2018) Like UNIX, windows is also an operating system. However, unlike UNIX systems, which use the command line to execute instructions, windows-based systems heavily rely on Graphical User Interfaces to execute its functions.

UNIX AND WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM Nonetheless, individuals with advanced computer skills can also use windows command line. Therefore, windows operating system was developed to be user-friendly, especially to the people with less computer and programming skills. As a result, people with little knowledge about computer can operate windows based operating system like a computer wizard (Tanenbaum & Bos, 2015). However, Windows operating systems can nearly perform all tasks that are performed by UNIX based systems.


UNIX AND WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM References Silberschatz, A., Gagne, G., & Galvin, P. B. (2018). Operating system concepts. Wiley. Tanenbaum, A. S., & Bos, H. (2015). Modern operating systems. Pearson.


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