202 study guide 2 - Professor: Jeff Henriques PDF

Title 202 study guide 2 - Professor: Jeff Henriques
Course Introduction To Psychology
Institution University of Wisconsin-Madison
Pages 5
File Size 52.5 KB
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Professor: Jeff Henriques...


gestalt psychology A psychological approach that emphasizes that we often perceive the whole rather than the sum of the parts cognitive psychology The scientific study of mental processes, including perception, thought, memory, and reasoning behavioral neuroscience An approach to psychology that links psychological processes to activities in the nervous system and other bodily processes cognitive neuroscience A field that attempts to understand the links between cognitive processes and brain activity evolutionary psychology A psychological approach that explains mind and behavior in terms of the adaptive value of abilities that are preserved over time by natural selection illusions Errors of perception, memory, or judgment in which subjective experience differs from objective reality cultural psychology The study of how cultures reflect and shape the psychological processes of their members social psychology A subfield of psychology that studies the causes and consequences of interpersonal behavior What early philosopher believed that the mind is a blank slate before environmental experiences write their story? John Locke Dualism is the belief that the mind and body are two separate entities. Which pioneer demonstrated through research that our mental processes could be studied with the same scientific methods used in other areas of science? Hermann von Helmholtz Which view of psychology emphasized the study of mental processes alone? structuralism Which psychologist helped bring together the views of psychology as a science of behavior and a science of mental processes?

B. F. Skinner Which process allows us to recognize our families, recognize predators, and successfully avoid traffic? perception Your friend Tony tells you that the only way you can know something is through experience. Tony is probably a philosophical empiricist. Although the body has a physical form, our memories, thoughts, and feelings do not, which creates the problem of dualism. Dr. Speck is interested in understanding the normal operations of the mind. A patient with dissociative identity disorder is referred to his clinic. Would this patient provide insight into the normal function of the mind? Yes, because studying the mental disruptions associated with the disorder reveal important differences between these processes and those of a normal state. The _____ influences people's thoughts, feelings, and actions without them being aware of it. unconscious Tobias is a therapist who tells his clients that all of their behaviors are a product of their environment and that they don't have free will. His views are in opposition to which psychological theory? humanistic psychology Wilhelm Wundt's brand of psychology focused on the study of _____ , while John Watson's brand of psychology focused on the study of _____ . consciousness; behavior

Upgrade to remove ads Only $2.99/month The classic "Little Albert" experiment by _____ demonstrated that the environment can control behavior of human beings at very young ages. Watson According to Pavlov, a _____ is an action or physiological change elicited by a stimulus. response Lyndsey is a cognitive psychologist interesting in studying errors in perception and memory, especially when these things don't match reality. Said differently, Lyndsey is interested in:

illusions. Moviemakers were already using the illusion of motion explained by: Wertheimer. _____ study the link between brain and behavior, sometimes by observing an organism on a specific task after performing surgery to remove certain parts of the brain. Behavioral neuroscientists A psychologist develops a new treatment for depression in the United States which involves teaching people techniques to increase their self-esteem. Assuming that the treatment is successful in the United States, should the same treatment be used to treat depression in Japan? No, depressed people in Eastern cultures do not devalue themselves like depressed people in Western cultures. Psychologists and _____ often exchange ideas to further the field of cultural psychology. anthropologists Psychological states and experiences that occur most commonly across the world are usually _____ based, whereas those that are the least universal are rooted in _____ . biologically; culture Most psychologists today work: in clinical or health-related fields. A _____ treats individuals with psychological problems and is allowed to prescribe medication. psychiatrist This type of psychologist deals with workplace issues. industrial-organizational psychologist The word psychology is derived from the Greek words psyche and logos. Which combination of definitions is correct for these words? soul; to study Which of the following is not done by the mind? eating Elizabeth believes that no matter how hard someone practices, he or she will never be a professional athlete or expert musician without innate ability. Elizabeth believes in: nativism.

Mary was afflicted by a brief spell in which she was unaware who she was. Freud would have believed that she was suffering from: hysteria. Although William James and Sigmund Freud employed two very different theoretical approaches to psychology, what is the common thread between their views? By studying the errors in mental processes, we gain a better understanding of the normal functioning mind. Freud's study of patients with hysteria was most useful for understanding which part of the mind? conscious The stimulus-response method of behaviorism demonstrated the important influence of _____ on human and animal behavior. the environment Which of the following statements is NOT true about B. F. Skinner? A. He developed a specialized chamber in which rats could press levers to earn food. B. He taught "Little Albert" to fear rats. C. He denied the existence of free will. D. He developed the principle of reinforcement. b. He taught "Little Albert" to fear rats. In a popular media study of influence, which psychologist was ranked 39 points below Jesus Christ because of his controversial ideas? A. Freud B. Watson C. Pavlov D. Skinner D. Skinner What three developments led psychologists away from behaviorism? A. interest in mental events, the brain, and evolution B. interest in the brain, introspection, and evolution C. interest in mental events, the brain, and stimulus-response D. interest in the brain, mental events, and philosophical empiricism A. interest in mental events, the brain, and evolution Why was the advent of the computer so important for the development of cognitive psychology? A. Psychologists could now use the computer to analyze large amounts of data. B. Computers provided a model for studying the mind scientifically. C. Computer technology allowed psychologists to develop useful tools and software programs to run complex experiments that were not previously possible without computers.

D. The computer supported the behaviorists' claim of a "black box," where information goes in and a specific behavior is output with no need to study mental events. B. Computers provided a model for studying the mind scientifically. The field of _____ links cognitive processes and brain activity. A. cognitive psychology B. behavior analysis C. cognitive neuroscience D. behavioral neuroscience C. cognitive neuroscience Historical events such as the rise of Nazism, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Holocaust helped to shape which subdiscipline of psychology? A. behaviorism B. cultural psychology C. social psychology D. evolutionary psychology C. social psychology A city planner is finalizing plans for a new park in Chicago. A friend of hers is developing plans for a city park in Osaka, Japan. Should the same plan be used in both cities without further research? A. No, the plan was based on a park in the United States, and there are cultural differences that should be accounted for when considering the usefulness and design elements for each park. B. No, unless both parks are the same size, then it would be appropriate to use the same plan. C. Yes, the relativism of cultural differences is only relevant for mental events like perception and stereotype formation. D. Yes, if we follow the principle of absolutism, city parks are always the same wherever they are located. A. No, the plan was based on a park in the United States, and there are cultural differences that should be accounted for when considering the usefulness and design elements for each park....

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