2020 Assignment 7 Clinical Measurements Form PDF

Title 2020 Assignment 7 Clinical Measurements Form
Author LaWanda Miller
Course Evidence Based Medicine
Institution St. Cloud State University
Pages 18
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ACR 626/RAS 643 Assignment 7 – Clinical Performance and Patient Reported Outcomes LaWanda M. Page Student Name _______________________ What do the Numerical

Is the What Is Measured? How Measurement/Outcome

Measurement Description


Values Tell Us?

is it Measured? What is (Acronym)

Patientthe Calculation? Reported? (Y/N)

What are the limitations, if any?

Eight Pre-Selected Measurements/Outcomes Visual Analog Scale (VAS)


Adhitya and Harini. (2019)

Numerical values on the VAS

A VAS is a measurement tool that

noted that the ends

tell the measure of severity of

measures the frequency or intensity of

measure parameters such

the symptom. It also monitors

different symptoms (Sampath &

as symptoms, pain, and

pain and disease progression

Harshavardhan, 2019). The extent of pain


—the VAS documents AR and

felt is recorded from the patient's

The scores are determined

treatment effectiveness.


using a ruler through

The use of VAS is limited to

measurements of the

some age groups. For

distance between the

instance, older patients will

patient's mark and the "no

find difficulties in completing

pain" anchor, marked in a

it because of motor skills

range of 0–100.

issues and cognitive

The calculation is indicated


What do the Numerical

Is the What Is Measured? How Measurement/Outcome

Measurement Description

Values Tell Us?

Measurement is it Measured? What is



What are the limitations, if

the Calculation? Reported? (Y/N)

any? on the score distribution as

Oswestry Disability Index (ODI)


described by the patient to

Administration of VAS over

show intensity between

the telephone is impossible,

none, mild, moderate, and

limiting its efficacy.

severe cut points.


Walton et al. (2016)

The ODI numerical values tell

patients, which provides an individual

reported that the concept

use if the disability has

score in the percentage of functional or

behind ODI addresses the

occurred or not, monitors the

disability levels in daily life activities.

broader idea around

effects of a given therapy, and

disability, unlike being

also help choose the best

directly associated with

management approach. The

pain intensity.

choice of the most

The questionnaire

Administering and scoring

evaluates the perceived

may be challenging for some

ODI is a questionnaire completed by


What do the Numerical

Is the What Is Measured? How Measurement/Outcome

Measurement Description

Values Tell Us?

Measurement is it Measured? What is


Patientthe Calculation?

What are the limitations, if

Reported? (Y/N)

any? disability levels out of 10 for daily living activities. The measurements run through 6 statements often scored between 0 to 5. The ODI index is calculated clients. by the patient completing all the ten sections and is scored as a percentage. The outcome is the off as a whole number to provide convenience.

Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index

The items PSQI describes entails creating



With a total of 19 items

The PSQI numerical values

an ultimate score for measuring overall

included, Al Maqbali et al.

create a standard measure for

sleep quality in three dimensions,

(2020) noted that the PSQI

gathering continuous


What do the Numerical

Is the What Is Measured? How Measurement/Outcome

Measurement Description


Values Tell Us?

is it Measured? What is (Acronym)

Patientthe Calculation?

What are the limitations, if

Reported? (Y/N)


including sleep efficiency, perceived

tool measures various

information regarding the e

sleep quality, and daily disturbances.

aspects of sleep, including

weighed nature of an

subjective quality, latency,

individual's sleep habits, thus

duration, habitual

providing the right index used

efficiency, sleep

by both patients and

disturbances, daytime


dysfunction, and sleeping medication use.

The PSQI inventories suffer the problems of scoring

All items are subjected to

because the person

the 0to3 interval scales.

completing it may minimize or

The score then gets

exaggerate every response.

calculated by summing the


seven-factor scores, giving

Similar to other

the overall scores at a

questionnaires, how this

range from 0 through 21,

instrument gets administered

What do the Numerical

Is the What Is Measured? How Measurement/Outcome

Measurement Description


Values Tell Us?

is it Measured? What is (Acronym)

Patientthe Calculation? Reported? (Y/N)

What are the limitations, if any?

with low scores representing good sleep may impact its final scores. quality.

The WOMAC can be

Dung (2018) suggested that

include daily living activities, gait,

administered over the

higher numerical scores on

functional mobility, quality of life, and

phone, on paper, or on a

the WOMAC show functional

general health.


limitations, worse pain, and

The scores of the test

severe stiffness.

Western Ontario and McMaster

The questionnaires' areas of assessment

University Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC)


questions can be measured


on a scale running from 0

The potential limitations of

to 4, which matches: (0) for

the WOMAC include the low

None, (1) for Mild, (2) for

reliability of the test-retest

Moderate, (3) for Severe,

stiffness subscale and

and (4) for Extreme.

measurement properties.

What do the Numerical

Is the What Is Measured? How Measurement/Outcome

Measurement Description


Values Tell Us?

is it Measured? What is (Acronym)

Patientthe Calculation? Reported? (Y/N)

What are the limitations, if any? Also, the physical function

The scores from every

and pain subscales may show

subscale are calculated by

inadequacy in factorial

summing up, and

validity. Therefore, the ability

combining with the

of the subscale to detect

possible range of scores

changes gets limited if the

between 0-68, to show

relation between function

Pain, Stiffness, and Physical

and pain is weaker.

Functions. Short-Form 36 (SF-36)


The SF-36 subscales,

The SF-36 numerical values

measure of the patient's health status

according to Bártlová et al.

show the accurate evaluation

and mostly helps in correcting

(2020), measures the

of bodily pain through the

deficiencies identified in the form of

patient's health status, the

patient's general health

bodily pain or health status.

comparative burden of

status. Used at the dimension

various diseases, such as

of patient care provision, it

rheumatic diseases, and

tells the disease-specific

The SF-36 questionnaire is a general


What do the Numerical

Is the What Is Measured? How Measurement/Outcome

Measurement Description


Values Tell Us?

is it Measured? What is (Acronym)

Patientthe Calculation? Reported? (Y/N)

any? distinguishing the benefits

measure by differentiating the

of multiple treatments to

pain severity levels and thus


the response to therapy.

The health outcomes can

The primary limitation is the

be measured through self-

fact that it needs the training


to achieve efficient

administration over the

administration, scores, and

telephone, in person by a

also interpret the results.

trained interviewer, or computerized administration.

The calculations of the scoring are done based on the responses from every recorded SF-36 items. The 7

What are the limitations, if

What do the Numerical

Is the What Is Measured? How Measurement/Outcome

Measurement Description


Values Tell Us?

is it Measured? What is (Acronym)

Patientthe Calculation? Reported? (Y/N)

What are the limitations, if any?

scale scoring is computed like an algebraic summation of the values, then changed to the 0 through 100 scales.

Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)

Clinicians use BDI to

The inventory measures how

question measuring the depression

determine the treatment

much severe different

symptoms of an individual.

level someone needs to

statements or insights from

deal with depression.

patients are (Hailu, 2018). So

BDI is a self-report rating with 21-


the score helps in


Taking the BDI is

determining how much the

straightforward as it only

mood disorders or depression

requires reading and

symptoms are affecting the

understanding the

patient's lives.

questions, as well as the

Some patients with difficulty

What do the Numerical

Is the What Is Measured? How Measurement/Outcome

Measurement Description


Values Tell Us?

is it Measured? What is (Acronym)

Patientthe Calculation?

What are the limitations, if

Reported? (Y/N)

any? multiple answers

in concentration or lower


reading levels may require

For the evaluation, the

assistance when filling out the

patient is asked to relate to

BDI questionnaire, or else the

how these questions to the

process may take longer than

activities undertaken within


the past two weeks. The calculation for the scoring of the BDI is given the point value ranging from 0 through 3. After completing the assessment, the patient adds up the points based on the selected answers for the 21 questions. 9

What do the Numerical

Is the What Is Measured? How Measurement/Outcome

Measurement Description

Values Tell Us?

Measurement is it Measured? What is


Patientthe Calculation?

What are the limitations, if

Reported? (Y/N)

any? Guarch et al. (2016)

The numerical values of this

system that facilitates efficient evaluation

emphasized that the

system show if the MSTS is

of surgery results of extreme sarcoma.

measurements of MSTS

the necessary tool to develop

comprise of six items, such

for patients having extremity

as function, pain, function,

of sarcoma thus helps in

waling ability, emotional

determining the patients'

acceptance, gait alteration,

perceived mental and physical

and use of any external


Musculoskeletal Tumor Society

The MSTS questionnaire is a rating score

Score (MSTS)


support. Whether the MSTS can be The items are measured

utilized in evaluating the

through rating from a scale

patients' functional outcome.

running from 0 to 5. Second, the instrument is The overall score varies 10

physician-reported, making it

What do the Numerical

Is the What Is Measured? How Measurement/Outcome

Measurement Description


Values Tell Us?

is it Measured? What is (Acronym)

Patientthe Calculation? Reported? (Y/N)

What are the limitations, if any?

from 0 through 30,

challenging to determine the

whereby the highest ratings

validity of the results.

indicate better functions of the patient. Knee Society Score (KSS)


The reviewed score tool

The Knee Society Score tool

patient's functional ability and the knee

includes a different

has no numerical value, but

prosthesis function and patients'

postoperative and pre-

the results tell a mixture of

technical abilities.

operative section (Sampath

measures that is both

& Harshavardhan, 2019).

subjective based on the

Pre-operatively, the patient

patient input and objective

answers the questions

due to the physician input.

associated with the

The new score highlights the

person's current symptoms,

patient's perspective for

inclusive of the knee

better tracking of patient

function, satisfaction levels

satisfaction, activity, and

with the pre-op

expectations levels.

This scoring system rates both the


What do the Numerical

Is the What Is Measured? How Measurement/Outcome

Measurement Description


Values Tell Us?

is it Measured? What is (Acronym)

Patientthe Calculation?

What are the limitations, if

Reported? (Y/N)

any? functionality, and patient

As a point of note, the old

expectations following the

version of the Knee Society

surgery planned. Then, the

Score doesn't directly

surgeon completes the

translate to the new 2011 KSS

information based on

survey, and no conversion

objective measures,

algorithm has been

including symptoms, joint

developed. This may hinder

alignment, and instability,

the ability of researchers to


adopt the new KSS while still maintaining their


The calculation entails

historical/longitudinal original

generating the scores

KSS data [1].

independently for every

The new Knee Society Score

category as well as the fact

can be us

that the tool is flexible and

The KSS is one clumsy and

in-depth to capture various

complicated measurement

What do the Numerical

Is the What Is Measured? How Measurement/Outcome

Measurement Description

Values Tell Us?

Measurement is it Measured? What is


Patientthe Calculation?

What are the limitations, if

Reported? (Y/N)

any? aspects of the young

tool during the

patient's lifestyles in the

administration. Every interval


contains many questions to be completed by both the patient and the clinician. Entering such an amount of data is unreasonable because it needs a lot of effort and time.

Furthermore, any blank answer can nullify results since the measure is suggested; it is impossible to get valid score estimates for domains with missing 13

What do the Numerical

Is the What Is Measured? How Measurement/Outcome

Measurement Description


Values Tell Us?

is it Measured? What is (Acronym)

Patientthe Calculation? Reported? (Y/N)

What are the limitations, if any? responses. This aspect causes spending more time following patients to finish the administration.

Three Measurements/Outcomes Specific to Selected Disease Process Mortality as an outcome

The numerical values help in

every death, including name, age, and

was measured by

predicting the impact of the


comparing the numbers

selected technique on

during admission to after

patients' health.

discharge and especially

One limitation of this

the number of patients

measurement outcome is that

alive by the end of the

sometimes the numbers given


are not accurate. In the case

Mortality rates after LAAC

The system records information about





What do the Numerical

Is the What Is Measured? How Measurement/Outcome

Measurement Description


Values Tell Us?

is it Measured? What is (Acronym)

Patientthe Calculation? Reported? (Y/N)

What are the limitations, if any? of comorbidities, it is hard to tell if the diseases being monitored are the leading cause of death.

The numerical values

The outcome is measured in terms of economic analysis for all medical costs

LAAC proced...

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