Title 2020 S2 ON NUT1112 UNIT PLAN
Course Nutrition and Public Health
Institution Edith Cowan University
Pages 13
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Unit Plan...


Unit Plan Unit Details Unit Name:

Nutrition and Public Health

Unit Code:



2, 2020

Campus and mode:

ON campus (SW) and OFF campus



Lecturer Details Name:

Dr Stephanie Godrich

Office location:



(08) 6304 4600


[email protected]

Consultation time:

Arrange appointment via email

Welcome Congratulations on taking the initiative to choose a truly life changing unit as part of your study at Edith Cowan University. Nutrition and Public Health will change the way you think about the foods you eat and give you preliminary understanding of concepts and skills to improve the state of health at a local, state, national and international level. This unit examines the relationship between nutrition and population health. Students are provided with an overview of public health nutrition in Australia and are introduced to the scope of nutritionrelated morbidity and mortality, the links between diet and health status, and methods used to promote healthy eating. Target groups for public health nutrition interventions within the Australian population are identified and sources of data from which nutrition status can be obtained are also investigated. I also teach: • • •

NUT3231: Food Habits and Trends; NUT3221: Community Nutrition; NUT1111 Food and Nutrients;

• •

NUT6110: Food Vision; NUT1121: Human Nutrition

I am currently working on several research and community projects as outlined on the following page and I am happy to discuss these topics with you if you are interested in possible volunteer/cadetship/research opportunities which would add to your employability skills.

NUT1112 ON CAMPUS, Nutrition and Public Health, Semester 2, 2020


Research Projects and Engagement Activities Social, economic, environmental sustainability analysis of regionally grown fresh fruit and vegetables in South West WA (collaboration between School of Medical and Health Sciences, School of Science, School of Business and Law) Food Community: A website to support healthy food availability, access and use in rural and remote WA (collaboration with Public Health Advocacy Institute of Western Australia); Regionally-grown Fresh Fruit and Veg study (collaboration with University of Tasmania); The Right to Food in Australia (collaboration with Deakin and Monash universities); Relationship between household food security, food skills, mental health (University of Alberta, Canada). Pathway to healthy food environments: a framework for local governments in Western Australia (ECU) HEALTHY SOILS, HEALTHY COMMUNITIES: Pathways for regeneration from farm to fork (Collaboration with Commonland, UWA, University of Fraser Valley, Canada) Work Integrated Learning – increasing employability skills for university students (ECU). How healthy (or unhealthy) is the food environment around Perth schools? (collaboration with Telethon Kids Institute, University of Western Australia) Identifying effective and safe evidence-based interventions to increase ecologically sustainable protein consumption: systematic review (collaboration with Macquarie University, Deakin University, University of Canberra, Johns Hopkins University, USA) Increasing fruit and vegetable intake among urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (ECU, collaboration with Curtin University) Social enterprise, food security and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (collaboration with Deakin University) Parenting Program Evaluation, GP Down South Ltd

Community/Committee Engagement Activities Public Health Consultant/Evaluation Consultant, Foodbank WA (2015-current) Member, former Vice President, Public Health Association of Australia WA Remote stores and takeaway working group (National) Free nutrition presentations for community groups and local government (i.e. City of Bunbury, Cancer Council) Food Community project – Project Coordinator

NUT1112 ON CAMPUS, Nutrition and Public Health, Semester 2, 2020


Table of Contents Unit Plan ................................................................................................................................................ 1 Unit Details................................................................................................................................................. 1 Lecturer Details .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Welcome ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 Research Projects and Engagement Activities ............................................................................................ 2 Community/Committee Engagement Activities .......................................................................................... 2 Communication ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Contacting your lecturer ........................................................................................................................... 4 ECU email etiquette .................................................................................................................................. 4 Online communication expectations ...................................................................................................... 4 Teaching and Learning ........................................................................................................................... 5 Learning outcomes ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Key activities ................................................................................................................................................ 5 On-campus students ................................................................................................................................. 6 Online students ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Live tutorials ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Unit and Teaching Evaluation (UTEI) ....................................................................................................... 6 Readings ................................................................................................................................................. 7 Key Dates ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Assessment Information .......................................................................................................................... 7 Assessment 1 – Quiz.................................................................................................................................... 8 Assessment 2 – Advocacy Letter ................................................................................................................. 8 Assessment 3 –End of Semester Test .......................................................................................................... 9 Requesting an assessment extension .......................................................................................................... 9 Valid and invalid grounds for extensions .................................................................................................... 9 Academic Conduct ...............................................................................................................................10 Academic integrity ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Referencing ................................................................................................................................................ 10 ECU student charter .................................................................................................................................. 10 Occupational safety and health ................................................................................................................. 10 ECU is a smoke free campus ...................................................................................................................... 11 Getting started ...................................................................................................................................... 11

NUT1112 ON CAMPUS, Nutrition and Public Health, Semester 2, 2020


Communication Contacting your lecturer Email is the most efficient way to keep in touch with your lecturer. All emails should be sent from your ECU student email account; otherwise anti-spam filters may prevent it from being delivered. Your Lecturer’s contact details are available on the first page of this document. Please refer to ‘ECU email etiquette’ (below) to guide your communication. Questions of a personal nature, such as notification of illness, sharing personal learning requirements or issues, should be emailed to your lecturer, from your ECU student email account. All other questions should be posted on Blackboard > Discussion Board.

ECU email etiquette At ECU, we only communicate with you via your ECU student email account. If you wish to email your Lecturer, you must use your ECU student email account. Please make sure you check this email account regularly (at least once a week) or consider forwarding your student emails to an account you access regularly. Your lecturer receives many emails each day and teaches more than one unit, so please ensure your message contains the following: 1. A subject that contains the unit code, and identifies the nature of your query or request. 2. Any previous messages, if your email is part of an ongoing email exchange. 3. Address your lecturer professionally, by name and title. 4. Use concise and polite language. 5. Insert a signature at the end of your email that contains: a. Your name in full as it appears in SIMO; b. Your student number; and c. The campus you attend, or indicate if you are an off-campus student. In normal circumstance your lecturer will reply within two working days.

Online communication expectations Networking with other students; asking questions to clarify understanding; responding to questions asked by other students all important parts of learning. To enable you to ‘discuss’ the unit content with other students or to ask questions about the assessments, etc., an electronic Discussion Board is available on the Blackboard site for this unit. It is your responsibility to check the discussion board at least once a week via Blackboard > Discussion Board. If you are not sure how to find, or how to use the Discussion Board, ask (or email) your lecturer for help. When using the discussion boards, you must display the normal courtesies of professional communication. Please refer to ‘ECU Discussion Board Etiquette’ (below) to guide your communication with other students. The discussion boards are monitored, and postings deemed unprofessional, inappropriate and/or unrelated to the unit content will be removed. Please ensure your online communications follow these guidelines: • • •

Be polite; Use correct spelling and grammar; Do not write using capital letters (this can be interpreted as SHOUTING);

NUT1112 ON CAMPUS, Nutrition and Public Health, Semester 2, 2020


• • • • • •

Avoid exotic fonts or colours; Be concise; Be respectful of different perspectives; Avoid responding when you are feeling angry; Do not disclose personal contact details; and Take the plunge and get involved in the discussions.

Teaching and Learning Learning outcomes Students who successfully complete this unit will be able to: 1. explain the nature and prevalence of food and nutrition-related problems in Australia; 2. describe the principles of effective public health nutrition interventions; 3. identify data sets that describe the nutritional status of the Australian population; 4. explain priority target groups for public health nutrition interventions; 5. discuss emerging challenges for public health nutrition initiatives in Australia. The overall course learning outcomes associated with this unit are: • • •

Think critically to analyse, interpret and conceptualise complex health and nutrition problems. (AQF Bach: 2, 3, 4) Communicate health and nutrition science knowledge and uphold values in a range of community and professional contexts. (AQF Bach: 5) Demonstrate autonomy and accountability for own learning and self-reflective professional practice. (AQF Bach: 1, 8)

Key activities • • • • •

Lecture (1 hour per week) Lecture Pre-reading (1 hour per week) Tutorial (2 hours per week) Online Discussion (30 minutes per week) Assignment work and quiz revision (2- 3 hours per week)

To assist you with planning your time, please consider the following: 1. This unit will require a study commitment from you of approximately 10 hours per week; 2. Use the Study Schedule to guide your progress through the learning activities and assessment tasks this semester; 3. Check your ECU student email regularly; 4. Stay in touch with your classmates regularly, via Blackboard > Discussion Board; 5. Plan ‘rigid’ study times in your weekly schedule and consider allocating separate times for reading, learning activities, assignment research and discussion.

Active learning Studying a university-level course requires you to take an active role in what you are learning. To get the most out of your time at ECU, you should engage with and actively participate in your units and also to take responsibility for your own learning. NUT1112 ON CAMPUS, Nutrition and Public Health, Semester 2, 2020


On-campus students If you are enrolled as an on-campus student you will need to attend a weekly lecture and a tutorial class. It is important that you attend class every week, arrive punctually and participate constructively and professionally. You will find it beneficial to complete the associated reading prior to attending class, to give you some understanding of the topic and improve your confidence with sharing your ideas during class. Learning materials and resources will be available on the Blackboard site for this unit, to assist you with your studies.

Online students If you are enrolled as an online (off-campus) student you will find your learning materials on Blackboard and you can progress through the modules at your own pace. It is important that you are proactive and selfmotivated with your learning as an online student, making sure you commit to your studies at regular times every week to ensure success. You are encouraged to engage with other students via Blackboard > Discussion forums, asking and answering one another’s questions, and sharing different perspectives and engaging in your studies.

Live tutorials Many online units offer ‘Live’ tutorial sessions via Blackboard Collaborate or Zoom, where you can ask questions in real-time. You will need a headset with microphone, preferably with a USB connection, plus a reliable Internet connection, to participate in these sessions.

Unit and Teaching Evaluation (UTEI) At the end of the semester, you will be requested to complete the UTEI online survey. This survey will ask questions about your level of satisfaction with the unit, your lecturer and tutor. Your feedback is needed to help us ensure the quality of our courses. We endeavour to use the feedback from UTEI surveys to refine the quality of the unit when it is next run. In fact, the unit as it is running this semester, has been modified in the following ways: • • • • •

Students requested more detail on the lecture slides as a result of the short lecture time, as a result more links and additional supporting information has been added to the slides. Students requested the peer review for the advocacy letter be the tutorial session prior to due date, this has now been shifted. Students requested that the quiz be before the mid semester break – this has been changed More students felt there should be more cooking and fewer students thought there should be less cooking – cooking frequency has been left unchanged. Students have requested less reading – As a result all readings have been added to a reading list and can be utilised at the discretion of the student. Please be advised that pre-reading for this unit is often critical to put the weekly content into context of the global significance and it is strongly advised that readings are completed.

Participation and your feedback are anonymous and confidential.

NUT1112 ON CAMPUS, Nutrition and Public Health, Semester 2, 2020


Readings Textbook NIL Weekly pre-readings will be available within each learning module on Blackboard > Learning Modules. Readings and resources are available within the Blackboard site for this unit, via the Reading List link. In addition, the ECU library holds a large range of resources on this subject. You may wish to view the ECU Library Guides by Subject (opens in new window) for additional library materials available to assist you with your studies.

Key Dates •

Census and academic penalty withdrawal dates (opens in new window) are available via the ECU Student Portal > Dates & Events > Withdrawal Dates.

UTEI feedback opens during Week 12 of the study semester.

Assessment Information Assessment

Mandatory Time to pass sensitive

Due date and time


Assessment 1 (Quiz)

ON campus students will complete in class in Week 4 Monday 17th August 2020 at 2:30pm OFF campus students will complete by Close of Business (5pm AWST), Friday 21st August, 2020. The quiz link will be active under the Blackboard ‘Assessments’ tab and will be conducted in tutorial time.



Yes – 25 minutes

Assessment 2 (Advocacy Letter)

Due Close of Business (5pm AWST) in Week 10 Friday 9th October, 2020.




Assessment 3 (End of semester test)

Timed test (2 hours) to be conducted in Week 13 of semester, week commencing 26 October. The test will be conducted in class (ON campus students) OR available from 9am Monday 26 October until Friday 30th October 2020 for OFF campus students.



Yes – 2 hours

NUT1112 ON CAMPUS, Nutrition and Public Health, Semester 2, 2020


Assessment 1 – Quiz Weighting



One quiz this will consist of 16 multiple choice and 2 short answer questions covering weeks 1-3 content in lectures, tutorials and/or readings, based on the weekly learning outcomes.

Due Date and time

ON campus students will complete in class in Week 4 (Monday 17th August 2020) at 2:30pm OFF campus students will complete by Close of Business (5pm AWST), Friday 21st August, 2020. This quiz is a reflection of your individual knowledge for all content for weeks 1-3 and collaboration with other students before or after the quizzes is considered cheating.

How to submit

Electronically via Blackboard > Assessment folder 1. Explain the nature and prevalence of food and nutriti...

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