210563 Farabi - sjjsjss PDF

Title 210563 Farabi - sjjsjss
Author Shahriar Khan
Course Brand Management
Institution University of Dhaka
Pages 11
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Contemporary Management (CORP2165)

Words Count: 1910

Introduction Johnson & Johnson has been successfully one of the largest organisations in health care business systems throughout the world. The organisation manages to keep high ground with their such contemporary management practices. Leadership and management, leadership principles and leadership styles will be discussed in the given essay as a part of contemporary management. In the argument of leadership and management, leadership presents as one of the essential critical roles than management. Leadership approaches go beyond the responsibilities of a management team toward their employees encouraging, motivating and succeeding. J&J practising a more leadership approach contains their continuous development and sustainable growth within the company. Along with the leaders consider many leadership principles, such two leadership principles including transformational leadership principle and share leadership principle will be applied as these principles coordinate with organisational values of J&J's. J&J's values should be carried away with such contemporary leadership principles among all other principles. Leadership styles have specific impacts on the organisation that can evaluate and support organisation goals to achieve their organisational values and goals in mixing a good relation with their leadership styles. Participative or democratic leadership and delegate leadership styles among many leadership styles can fully comprehend the organisational goals of J&J's, which was first set in 1990 and updated their latest organisational goals for 2030.

Discussions Management and Leadership The mechanism by which an executive can steer, guide, and influence the behaviour and efforts of others toward the achievement of specific organisational goals in a given situation is known as leadership. Leadership is such an integral part of directing the function of the management. Johnson & Johnson has been the most significant pharmaceuticals, medical devices and consumer packed goods provider in the UK and the whole world for the last 130 years through unique leadership and management culture in their organisation. Leadership is attributed to success in the company, so everyone will also have to reflect on that. Therefore, leadership is not intrinsically linked to the profit maximisation of the organisation; leadership performance increases the company's bottom line (Jones and George, 2016). Management defines getting employees and staff together to achieve desired goals and objectives while using available resources efficiently and effectively (Certo and Certo, 2019). Koontz and Weihrich stated that management defines and maintains an environment in which individuals work together to accomplish selected aims efficiently (Koontz and Weihrich, 1990). Henri Fayol has described management through forecasting, planning, organising, controlling, commanding, coordinating and maintaining activities of others. Managers primarily inspire their employees to meet the desired goals through motivation while following company rules and regulations (Fayol and Gray, 1987). J&J remains one of the giant multinational corporations worldwide that has successfully developed and covered the UK consumers' needs. Their leadership styles and management team play a pivotal factor to be successful and sustainable over the years. Certain traits and qualities can help people stepping into leadership without having any priors in relation to leadership. But leaders must have these particular traits and characteristics to be continued as a leader for the organisation. Though leadership and management terms are used in business interchangeably, the positions are not entirely similar and possess similar attributes to the organisation—leadership traits that make their role extend beyond the management duties. But managers have to do by the chain of management rules and regulators. Many managers can be leaders and vice versa. But all managers cannot be leaders. Another contrast is that leaders focus primarily on innovation while

managers seek to inspire employees to achieve the desired organisational goals (LUNENBURG, 2020). Abraham Zaleznik, in 1977 argued first in Harvard Business Review that leadership and management both have essential roles in the organisation, but their organisational impacts, functionality and structures are not identical (Mintzberg, 1980). However, in 1990, John Kotter has offered his view on leadership and management and dictated that the leadership process is mainly focused on developing the organisation's vision while management is occupied with planning, budgeting, organising, staffing, and problem-solving (Kotter, 2014). J&J is thriving on unique leadership styles and the structured management of the organisation over the years. Their CEO, Alex Gorsky being one of the valiant leaders, has performed more sustainability and profit development for the company with a structural management team. J&J's leadership and leadership approach categorised in three ways- management team, board of directors and corporate governance (Johnson & Johnson, 2021). Therefore, leadership and managerial skills around the whole company have made J&J the most extensive medical service provider worldwide.

Leadership Principles Leadership principles define as the set of guiding values or actions that leaders can input to move the employees forward to success. There happen to be many leadership styles that are not suitable to one leader from another. Therefore, every leader with leadership styles must have principles that follow the organisations to bring organisational growth and sustainability. Organisational values play an element factor for the employees to achieve their organisational goals and objectives. Leaders have specific vital roles to perform regarding employees, which makes them successful. Johnson & Johnson has specific organisational values that imply growth and innovation, investing in future, citizenship and sustainability, global diversity and supply base. As employees, they are bound to positively impact by achieving their core values, impacting people, the planet, and business (Henderson and Jien, 2011). Besides, outside of work, J&J employees have always been involved in community's works globally and locally through their resources and valuable time. As J&J serves the healthcare business system worldwide, the company is categorised with numerous departments and professional groups. Leadership has particular valuation to utilise diversity in the organisation and efficiency in the workforce with proper motivation. Transformational Leadership Principle Transformational leadership supervises that employees work more efficiently and effectively if they vigorously pursue its core values. The transformational principle requires leaders to make the vision meaningful and communicate with employees to create a sense of empowerment to the follower (Weller, Süß, Evanschitzky and von Wangenheim, 2019). Therefore, transformational leadership applies a by-product of a healthy relationship between leaders and their followers. Shared Leadership Principle The principle of shared leadership applies through empowering the employees to make confident decisions on processes within their confines of work. The leadership sharing views satisfaction and morale improvement for the employees, which should be the first attribute of a champion leader. A common goal, respect for everyone, diversity development, and effective communication can place specific roles in the shared leadership principle to apply (Daft, Benson and Henry, 2020).

The chosen principles are given above certifiably contains support towards the organisational values of Johnson & Johnson. J&J's core values support global diversity, diversity development, growth and innovation, which can be applied through the shared leadership principle. The employees can feel empowered to have decision power in the organisational process. Importantly, transformational leadership can implement these organisational core values to set for the employees as their motivation and employment (Bass, 1997). Transformational leadership principle can employees believe the organisational values, which can enormously help them follow their leaders and organisational vision. Transformational leadership with shared leadership principles applying to leadership management can grow organisational sustainability and a core base worldwide for J&J (Mullins and Christy, 2016).

Leadership Styles Leadership styles can refer to the behavioural patterns that a leader should practise while leading the employees and influencing them. Great leaders can always motivate the employees to perform, create and innovate with their leadership styles. Therefore, leadership style presents leaders with the behavioural approach and manners of learning direction, performance engagement and motivating people (Paauwe, Guest and Wright, 2013). It requires the overall pattern of overt and implied behaviour taken by their chief, as shown by the employees. Johnson & Johnson has a long legacy of goal setting towards their organisation. In 1990, J&J established their first public goals. Continuing with goal setting, their newly named "Johnson & Johnson Health for Humanity 2020 Goals" have expanded through 2030. The organisation's goal is to ensure people having access to better care around the world, make the places by living, working and playing healthier by cultivating fewer resources. They also team up with their partners, employees and staffs around the whole organisation to further advance our culture and well-being. They have recently started on their "2030 promises," which will improve human health by connecting our partners, engaging our employees in decision making through teams and individuals, and committing more to the communities. The leadership styles can be certain parts of achieving the organisation goals, Johnson & Johnson. Participative or Democratic Leadership This leadership style entails the leader involving one or more personnel in decision-making (considering what to do and how to do it). The chief, on the other hand, retains final decisionmaking power. This approach benefits all parties because it encourages employees to become a part of the team while also allowing them to make better decisions. Participative leadership contains one of the practising leadership principles from all leadership styles within the organisation based on the basis. Delegative or Laissez-Faire Leadership The style follows as the leaders allow the employees to make a definitive decision in their absences. The style primarily applies to highly professional personnel who set the actions by analysing and estimating the situations (Al-Malki and Juan, 2018). The leaders must delegate

their tasks and priorities in handling giant corporations around the business world. However, the leader in applying this leadership style will be held responsible for the decision made ultimately. J&J, as one of the largest medical healthcare providers, has certain influential factors within the organisation for their leaders and leadership. Therefore, the leaders within the organisation thoroughly practice participative or democratic style, which motion to focus on achieving the organisational goals as J&J engages their partners, employees and staffs within the organisation to the proper decision-making segments while achieving their organisational goals. The situation implicates the participative style of their leaders to move the organisation forward to achieve their organisational goals (Johnson & Johnson, 2021). The delegating leadership style is also practised because J&J is a giant corporation; leaders must put aside their priorities and tasks and delegate them to more professional personnel to handle such a global corporation worldwide. As saying that, a good leader uses three leadership styles regarding the situation analysis of the organisation. So, J&J's leadership styles can be more based on Kurt Lewin's three leadership styles.

Conclusion Johnson & Johnson has been one of the most significant medical supplement and consumer goods providers in the UK for many years. Their organisational performance has repeatedly been growing through such unique leadership skills and management teams. The essay contains such analysis and discussion on the confident leadership and management behaviour, leadership principles and leadership style concerning organisational values and goals of J&J's. The arguments between leadership and management have insight specific impacts that leadership contains powerful aspects to behold in encouraging and engaging the employees with organisational goals and values. Leadership is much essential factors to be considered a comparatively within the organisation. Such leadership has distinctive principles to follow as differing each leadership principle based on leadership styles. Transformational leadership and shared leadership can be followed in a giant corporation like J&J as they have such phenomenon leaders worldwide in specific segments. Also, leadership styles have definite empowerment in all the principles and leadership values. Therefore, J&J's leaders practise three leadership styles of Kurt Lewin's as per the situation's analysis regarding achieving organisational values and goals. Considering leadership skills, principles, and styles, Johnson & Johnson should practice such a big way of the given approaches above to thrive in the present leadership and management team.

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