2:28 - Lecture notes 22 PDF

Title 2:28 - Lecture notes 22
Author Gabrielle Gonzalez
Course Principles of Advertising
Institution Florida State University
Pages 5
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Take Notes  Broadcast media o Combo of media used to deliver message to target audience o Network tv strengths  Broad reach  Large reach in short period of time  Not segmented  Cost effective (cpm)  Powerful  Combo of sound sight and movement o Tv weaknesses  Expensive  Like Costco: you spend more money bc you buy in bulk but individually you’re saving money  Low involvement medium o People aren’t actively engaged w content  Ad skipping  Time shifting o If the sale is over today but the ad doesn’t air until Tuesday  Clutter; competing w other messages for attention o Network tv reach  High reach  Not segmented  Frequency  Low involvement medium means needing high frequency schedule

o Radio  strengths  Segmented audience based on stations  Low cost  Easily accessible  Local  Image transfer  Listener loyalty  Weakness  Limited reach o By the time you pay to put it on EVERY genre channel you were better off putting it on ABC tv  Low involvement o Just background noise, nobody is sitting heavily listening  Clutter  Low reach, high frequency  Secondary medium in most media plans o Cable tv  strengths  Hybrid  Cost structure is more similar to radio than network tv bc the audience is smaller  Sight/sound/motion  Cost variables o Audience size o Negotiating on cost; buying in bulk causes better deals o Supply and demand o What time of day is it, what time of year is it  4th quarter of year prices are highest  Around Christmas prices go up bc everywhere wants to ad their products


 In October prices go up bc of election ads and Halloween rd  3 quarter (June july august) is lowest cost bc less viewers  on radio 3rd quarter cost the most o Geographic coverage o Content of programming o Length of message  Youre paying for the time

 Print media o Magazines o Magazine categories  General interest  Broad audience  TIME magazine  Usually cover a lot of things  Special interest groups  Fashion mag, tennis mag, video game mag, etc  Business publications  Catered to specific groups of professionals  Ad week, nations restaurant news, variety entertainment o Magazine strengths  Specific reach  Narrow target market  Long life; mags also get archived  Good production quality  High involvement  Detailed info o Magazine weakness  Deadlines


 No control of timing of delivery  Some people might see ad right away, some might see it in a doctors office 3 years later  Clutter o Magazine reach  Minimal wasted coverage  “Wasted coverage” o Paying for audience that aren’t in target market o Mag frequency  Difficult to build o Newspapers  Weakness  Wasted coverage o Main ads are grocery and dept stores bc everyone needs their supplie  Poor production quality  Short life  Declining readers  Clutter  Print costs o Variables  Audience size  Ny times cost more than Tallahassee dem bc more readers  Position  Outside back cover is most expensive space in mag  Size of ad  Color ink  Quantity  Buying 10ads a year at once so getting 5-10% off for volume


 Special paper  Scented ads, foldable (swinging gates)  Out of Home (OOH) o Out of home strengths (OOH)  Billboards, transit ads, subway stations, ads at airports, stadiums, kiosks at malls  Long life  Billboards are up fpr months, stadiums are up whole seasons  High reach  You can get as much as you pay for; as segmented as you want  Minimal wasted coverage  If you want college students only put billboards on Tennessee st not bradfordville o Out of home weaknesses  When driving youre not rlly looking at billboards o Most effective have limited copy w strong visual support o OOH Reach  Long life  Broad  Geographic segmentation  Frequency  Long life, repetitive traffic patterns cause high freq  Emerging media o Target market selectivity


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