%22The body%22 - yoi knge PDF

Title %22The body%22 - yoi knge
Author Benjamin Hornick
Course Media & Education Capstone
Institution Syracuse University
Pages 1
File Size 35.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 20
Total Views 130


yoi knge...


Only a Dream (372) As I stood there, I could smell the blood dripping down my face and chest. It had a strong, powerful smell, so much that it felt like it captivated the entire room as they all stood there, staring at me, completely in shock. My hair felt slimy and wet, but it took me a while to understand that the blood was coming from a hole in my head, and not somewhere else. My body felt completely numb and paralized, I couldn’t move and couldn’t process what was happening to me. I wasn’t feeling pain, but at the same time, it felt like I was outside my body looking in, and because of that I couldn’t actually feel anything. I was in shock. Confused. My palms were sweating and my eyes were watering, but I couldn’t cry, and I couldn’t scream. I just stood there, head open wide, bleeding, and not being able to do anything about it. The people around me kept staring, but not in a “I want to help you” kind of way, instead they looked at me with their empty expressions and hollow eyes as if they were thankful it happened to me and not them. The children around me reacted quicklier, however. Some cried at the top of their lungs, completely scarred by what they had just seen, a 5 year old drenched in blood. Others screamed and pointed and rushed to tell their parents to look my way. After a while, I became aware of my surroundings, but it was too late to comprehend what was happening. My parents took care of it for me. They didn’t explain, nor did they discuss what had happened in front of me. They didn’t even look worried. At that moment, they were the most rational people in the world, even though my mother was terrified and dying inside. They didn’t show that side of them to me at that moment. They grabbed me by the arm and rushed me to the hospital. The doctors took my vein and put me to sleep, that is all I remember. And then I woke up: stitched and feeling normal again, as if everything that had just happened had been nothing but a dream.

Author’s memo: In this short text, I tried to appeal to the senses as much as possible. In order to do that, I made use of vivid language that was meant to draw an image of what was happening at the moment. Also, by telling the story in the first person point of view, I am placing the reader inside my body and head at that exact moment, allowing them to imagine exactly what I was feeling. With this text I was able to tell a story that discusses a mix of feelings, while it doesn’t necessarily expand on context. A couple difficulties I encountered while writing this piece were finding ways to add dialogue, and trying to create visual images to draw the reader in....

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