24 hour recall PDF

Title 24 hour recall
Author Ashlynn Chung
Course Food Science
Institution Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Pages 4
File Size 119.2 KB
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24 hour recall...


Reflective report 1. Two advantages and disadvantages of the interview 24 hours recalls interview require to capture detailed information of food and drinks that consumed over the past 24 hours by the participants as well as their physical conditions. During this interview, a computer is provided to participants in helping them to recognise the most appropriate brand of the ingredient that has been used. To do this, respondents are to open the webpage of the shop they often purchase groceries, search the type of food and ingredients and choose the most appropriate brand. Each food company has distinct formula and techniques for the food products, therefore nutrients in products with different brands are different. To identify the brand of ingredient is critical allowing food records to be more accurate. Whereas, remembering the brand names of all ingredients used may be difficult, especially for complex dishes, providing visual images can help respondents for better verification. In this interview, most of the answers are repeated by interviewer to ensure that the correct datas are collected. It eliminates the potential errors of mistaken information and increase the accuracy of the records. Whereas, there are things that needed to be improved in this interview. According to the recording audio, questions of occupation and physical activity level was asked at the end of the interview instead of the start where all the background questions of interviewee are asked. These questions are almost forgotten. This is because all the questions are not written down in a seperate paper and is asked by looking at the nutrition consolation forms. Therefore, a question sheet is necessary to be prepared to avoid omitting information. In addition, household measuring tools such as teaspoon, cup and other equipments can be provided during the interview. The application of these tools help both interviewer and respondents in understanding and describing the quantities of the foods and beverages. Thus, more accurate datas are collected.

2. Comparison of the two dietary method Two dietary recording methods, 24 hours diet recalls and weighed food records, were used in this course. Each of the method have it’s strength and limitations. 24 hours dietary recalls is an retrospective, shorter method to captures all food and beverages that were consumed in the past 24 hours, which usually start from the midnight to midnight to the next day. A face to face or phone interviewed, and an online self-administered program is involved for data collections. The respondent is asked to provide detailed information for meals, including the brand of ingredient used, preparation method and portion of each meal consumed. Flexible food and nutrients are analysed to examine numerous dietary related research questions. The advantages of applying 24 hours recall is that it contains less participants burden and high compliance. The recalls last for 24 hours and the interview normally within 60 minutes. Comparing to food records that operating for numbers of consecutive days, 24 hours recalls require less time and is more convenient to clients. The dietary information is easily to be obtained as there is no other nutritional data, which is friendly to the new patients. However, 24 hours recall is extensive dependance on the ability to memorise of the subject study, which can lead to potential bias such as intrusions and incorrect serving portion of food. ("24-Hour Dietary Recall (24HR) At A Glance | Dietary Assessment Primer" 2019) ("Strengths And Weaknesses - Nutritools" 2019) Weighed food record is a self-record where the details of all foods and beverages are recorded by the respondents as the time of consumption, usually over one or more days. A recording form and instructions are provided to help participants in recording details of food and drinks consumed, including the brand of ingredients, preparation method and the place they consumed. The portion of food and beverages consumption can be either estimated by images, food models and other

household measures, or weight by respondent using weight scales. The main advantage of this method is it’s ability to capture the accurate amount of food and beverage consumption during the registration period. This is because food record is not rely on respondent’s memory, the detailed information are to be recored when the food are consumed. However, food record method could be complex for some individuals, especially for those that lacking of cooking experience and weighing skill. Children, older people and immigrants with poor language skill is not recommend for participation as they are not literate or motivated. Therefore it limits some types of respondents from participating. ("Food Record At A Glance | Dietary Assessment Primer" 2019) ("Strengths And Weaknesses - Nutritools" 2019) If food records are used large population studies, manual coding of an open-ended format has a high burden to health professions. Each food records are to be carefully reviewed by trained researcher. All food and beverages consumed requires to code and match with the most appropriate food in the provided food database, according to the description from the participants. The portion size as well as the amount of ingredient used is also needed to be converted into actual weight. These processes are time-consuming and labor intensive. (Dietary Assessment Methods: Dietary Records 2015) 3. State the compulsory changes on clients’ diet The quality of diet quantifying the extent of adequacy between the actual quantity consumption of nutrients or food groups within respondents, and the recommended intake established by scientific factors to ensure consumer’s health while decreasing the risks of chronic health diseases. The comparison table of food groups between actual and reference intake (in the consultation form) indicates that the diet quality of consumer is respectively low due to the inadequate intake of basic food groups which provides essential nutrients, and the excessive intake of discretionary foods, which provides little nutritional value and may have negative impact on health. A low-quality-diet is associated with growth retardation, reduce learning capacity and the increase risk of chronic heart diseases, thus improvement of the diet is necessary in order to maintain health and satisfy the goal of reducing weight and blood pressure. The actual intake of fruits is 0.3 serves for client, which is insufficient to the recommendation of 2 serves per day, allowing an increase in consumption of fruit. Bread and cereals intake is calculated to be 5.7 serves, 0.3 serves lower than the recommended value, improvement on this consumption is also promoted. The daily intake of dairy food is 1.6 serves, showing a significant difference with the expected value of 2.5 serves. Therefore, the consumption of this food group is needed to be improved. Meat consumption indicates 1.7 serves per day, lower than recommended 3 serves, thus it is necessary for an increase. Whereas, the consumption of discretionary food is 14 serves, which is significant higher than the recommendation of between 0-3 serves. It suggested that client should decrease the intake of these food. ("Diet quality assessment with stable isotopes | IAEA", 2019) 4. Advices of improving the diet i. Increase fruits intake! Fruits are recognized as a major source of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. Vitamins such as vitamin C and E contributes to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Potassium in fruits also proved to have a significant impact on reducing blood pressure and the risk of heart diseases as well as reducing the risk of developing kidney stone. Most fruits have low energy density and high in fiber and water contents, which contribute to increase satiety and reduce the risk of overeating. According to consultation form, actual intake of fruit is lower than the recommendation. It has been reported that inadequate intake of fruits and vegetables causes 14% gastrointestinal cancer death, 11% of ischaemic heart disease deaths as well as around 9%

of stroke deaths. Therefore, the amount of fruits consumption is needed to be increase. To do this, fruits such as apple and banana can be used to substitute the consumption of snacks. ("Fruit | Eat For Health", 2019) ii. Decrease sodium intake As shown in both consultation form and 24 hour food recall, the sodium intake is 197% higher than the SDT values. However, too much sodium can cause blood pressure which is the major risk factor of heart diseases and stroke. Kidney problem is another effect of having too much sodium. This is because the increase amount of sodium reduce the kidney’s capacity of removing water. Manual food is the main source of sodium. The dietary assessment and the discretionary food intake, indicates that most of the energy intake comes from discretionary food which is nutrient poor and contains a high amount of artificial salt. To improve this situation, it is important to reduce or eliminate the amount of ‘junk food’ consumed. For example, the chips and cheesecake before dinner can be substituted with nuts and fruits which provide more essential nutrients while lacking of sodium. The cheesy beef pie consumed in dinner can be substituted with homemade meals such as salad where the amount of sodium is controllable. In addition, sauces of client used during the day can change with the low sodium sources. (Foundation 2019) iii. Increase the consumption of dietary fibre Dietary fibre is the carbohydrates that is indigestible to body enzyme. It is an essential nutrient to maintain the health of digestive system and mainly found in plant foods such as vegetables, legumes and fruits. Adequate amount of dietary fibre is also related to lower risk of chronic disease, including diabetes, heart diseases and stroke. Dietary fibre are also known as a tool to promote weight loss due to its ability to increase satiety which prevent consumer from overeating. The amount of dietary fibre intake in 24 hour recalls is slightly lower than the recommendation of 38g per pay, therefore, it is to be increased. To increase this level, fibre enrich food such as carrots, beans and corns can be included in daily consumption. Involve more whole grains foods such as rice and cereals. Cooked cereal can be a choice of breakfast and rice can be consumed during dinner instead of beef pie. ("Fibre | Nutrition Australia" 2019) iv. Decrease the amount of added sugar intake Added sugars, also refer as ‘free sugar’, is the sugar that added by manufacturer during food processing, or by consumer. It contributes contributes to increase the energy intake while providing limiting amount of nutrients. Having too much added sugar can crowed nutritious food from diet, thereby causes series of life style diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and chronic diseases. For this reason, the World Health Organization (WHO) made a clear guideline that the consumption of ‘free sugar’ should account for less than 9 teaspoons for men. Referring to the 24 hour recalls, the consumption of added sugar is 14 teaspoons, which is respectively high. To reduce the added sugar level for client, it is important to have less manual food products, where according to research, 90% of added sugars are from. For example, the amount of Nutella paste used in the breakfast can be reduce, or eliminated. The coca-cola consumed during lunch can be changed into the diet coke, which claim for no artificial sugar. ("WHO Sugar Recommendations" 2019) v. Decrease the total energy intake Energy intake refers as the total energy content of the foods consumed. It is necessary for human in basal metabolism. However, the excessive amount of energy intake is related to obesity, type 2 diabetes, chronic diseases and other diet related diseases. The excessive intake of energy is

due to many reasons, such as large portion of high-calories food consumed or lack of physical activities. According to this study energy intake is 3805.4 calories, which above the recommended dietary intake. However, in order to satisfying the goal of weight loss, the energy intake of client in normal weight loss program is 2131 calories per day (calculated according to metabolic rate and BMI). To do this, the high-calories food products such as cheesecakes, chips and beef pie where most of the energy comes from, should not be included in the diet, or reduce their amount of intake. For example, client can have one to two serves of chips instead of consuming the whole pack. Substituting dinner with cooked chicken breast, tuna, or salmon which provided a high quality of proteins. ("Balancing Energy In And Out | Nutrition Australia" 2019), ("Dietary Energy | Nutrient Reference Values" 2019) Reference: "24-Hour Dietary Recall (24HR) At A Glance | Dietary Assessment Primer". 2019. Dietassessmentprimer.Cancer.Gov. https://dietassessmentprimer.cancer.gov/profiles/recall/. "Balancing Energy In And Out | Nutrition Australia". 2019. Nutritionaustralia.Org. http:// www.nutritionaustralia.org/national/resource/balancing-energy-and-out. Dietary Assessment Methods: Dietary Records. 2015. Ebook. Spain: Rosa M Ortega. http:// www.aulamedica.es/nh/pdf/8749.pdf. "Dietary Energy | Nutrient Reference Values". 2019. Nrv.Gov.Au. https://www.nrv.gov.au/dietaryenergy. "Fibre | Nutrition Australia". 2019. Nutritionaustralia.Org. http://www.nutritionaustralia.org/ national/resource/fibre. "Food Record At A Glance | Dietary Assessment Primer". 2019. Dietassessmentprimer.Cancer.Gov. https://dietassessmentprimer.cancer.gov/profiles/record/. Foundation, The. 2019. "Salt". The Heart Foundation. https://www.heartfoundation.org.au/healthyeating/food-and-nutrition/salt. "Strengths And Weaknesses - Nutritools". 2019. Nutritools.Org. https://www.nutritools.org/ strengths-and-weaknesses. "WHO Sugar Recommendations". 2019. AGES - Austrian Agency For Health And Food Safety. https://www.ages.at/en/topics/nutrition/who-sugar-recommendations/....

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