282-Chapter 7 textbook Pdfsd PDF

Title 282-Chapter 7 textbook Pdfsd
Course Behavior Modification
Institution University of Alberta
Pages 4
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These are highly detailed chapter notes for Dr. Pisklak's PSYCO 282 class - he tests a lot on textbook specific details, so these notes will definitely help anyone using them to achieve a higher grade - and if they have already read the textbook this will be perfect for them to review with, as they ...


Chapter 7 Consequence: action / response that follows a behaviour Recap: operant bhv is strengthened when it is followed by a reinforcing consequence ; its weakened when the reinforcing consequence no longer follows the bhv (extinction) Antecedents: stimuli or events that precede (come before) an operant response. ^important to understand in bmod

Examples of stimulus control -when jake asks dad for $, he doesnt give it to him. -when jake asks mom for $, she gives it to him As a result, he usually asks his mom for money instead of his dad The bhv of asking for $ was reinforced by mom, but not with dad -Therefore, the bhv continues to occur in the situation where it was reinforced and no longer occurs in the situation where it is not reinforced -His mom’s presence is an ANTECEDENT for Jake’s bhv of asking for cash -We would say his mom’s presence has STIMULUS CONTROL over jake’s bhv of asking for money Picking a red strawberry (from experience of eating sour green one) - is an antecedent stimulus

Stimulus control: occurs when an organism behaves a certain way in the presence of a given stimulus and another way in its absence (when the presence or absence of an Sd or S-delta controls the performance of a particular behavior) Stimulus class: (ex. Red strawberries are a stimulus class ; any one specific red strawberry is a member of this stimulus class) Check p.130 for good examples

Discriminative Stimulus: the antecedent that is present when a bhv is reinforced Stimulus discrimination training: the process of reinforcing a bhv only when a specific antecedent stimulus is presented

2 steps in stimulus discrimination training: When the discriminative stimulus is present, the bhv is reinforced

When any other antecedent stimuli EXCEPT the discriminative stimulus are present, the bhv is not reinforced. During discrimination training, any antecedent stimulus that is present when the bhv is not reinforced is called an S-delta

^as a result of discrimination training, a bhv is more likely to occur in the future when a DS is present, BUT is less likely to occur when a S-delta is present. (this is the definition of stimulus control) Important to remember that the presence of a DS doesnt cause a bhv to occur: it does not strengthen a bhv RATHER, a DS increases the likelihood of the bhv in the past (reinforcement is what causes the bhv to occur when the DS is present)

a DS evokes a behaviour (for a DS to evoke a bhv, an EO must be present)

Discrimination Training in the Laboratory: Skinner experiment ; a hungry pigeon stands in small chamber. The wall in front of the pigeon features a round disk (called a key) and two lights, green and red. Pigeon has a natural tendency to peck at stuff. When it pecks at key, small amt of food is delivered to an opening in the chamber. - food reinforces the bhv of pecking the key

Stimulus Discrimination Training and Punishment: p.134 -stimulus discrimination training can also occur with punishment -if a bhv is punished in the presence of one antecedent stimulus, the bhv will decrease / stop occurring in the future when the antecedent stimulus is present Ex. ur soup is boiling, u put a spoonful in ur mouth to taste it and burn ur mouth - as a result ur less likely to put a spoonful of boiling soul in ur mouth in the future - BUT u might still put soup in ur mouth before it is boiling (or after it cools off), without burning urself Boiling soup is a DS - signalling the soup will be punished Stimulus control has developed when u no longer try to taste the soup thats boiling

Another ex.

When u talk and laugh loudly in a library, librarian will tell u to shut up (or as u to leave) - BUT u can be loud at a party or in other situations and will not be punished - therefore the bhv of talking & laughing loud is less likely to occur in the library but continues to occur in other situations Library is a DS for punishment - that signals that loud talking & laughing will be punished -ur bhv is under stimulus control when u no longer laugh & talk loudly in the library

Stimulus discrimination training involves a ... Three-term contingency: when the consequence (reinforcer/punisher) is contingent on the occurrence of a bhv only in the presence of specific antecedent stimulus (S-delta) ^involves relationship among an antecedent stimulus, a behaviour, and the consequence of the behaviour SD - R - SP Stimulus Control Research: Research has established the principle of stimulus control & explored its application to help ppl change their bhv Generalization: takes place when a bhv occurs in the presence of stimuli that are similar to the DS that was present during stimulus discrimination training

^the more similar another stimulus is to the DS, the more likely that the bhv will occur in the presence of that stimulus (called generalization gradient)

Child reads the word MEN and teacher praises him - the kid continues to read it out when hes at the mall with his parents - or on the washroom door - he reads it anywhere he sees it (we can say that generalization has occurred to all relevant stimuli) (stimulus generalization in this case - the desirable outcome of training - kid has learned to discriminate all the different ways that the word MEN may be written) ^stimulus generalization has also occurred when a response occurs in different circumstances in a different context, at a different time, or with different ppl - from those in which it was originally learned)

Stimulus Class: antecedent stimuli that share similar features and have the same functional effect on a particular behaviour

Stimulus control - can be broad or specific

When bmod procedures are used, they are concerned with the bhv change to generalize to all relevant stimulus situations...

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