300+ TOP Cloud Computing Objective Questions-Answers MCQs PDF

Title 300+ TOP Cloud Computing Objective Questions-Answers MCQs
Author Arunachalam Vijayakumar
Course Cloud computing CS8791
Institution Anna University
Pages 13
File Size 280.4 KB
File Type PDF
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CLOUD COMPUTING Multiple Choice Questions :1. What is Cloud Computing replacing? A.  Corporate data centers B.  Expensive personal computer hardware C.  Expensive software upgrades D.  All of the above Ans:D 2. What is the number one concern about cloud computing? A.  Too expensive

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B.  Security concerns C.  Too many platforms D.  Accessability

ANS:B 3. Which of these companies is not a leader in cloud computing? A.  Google B.  Amazon C.  Blackboard D.  Microsoft

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ANS:C 4. Google Docs is a type of cloud computing. A.  True B.  False ANS:A 5. Which one of these is not a cloud computing pricing model? A.  Free B.  Pay Per Use C.  Subscription D.  Ladder E.  Perpetual License ANS:D 6. Which of these is not a major type of cloud computing usage? A.  Hardware as a Service B.  Platform as a Service C.  Software as a Service D.  Infrastructure as a Service ANS:A

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7. An Internet connection is neccessary for cloud computing interaction. A.  True B.  False ANS:A 8. Which is not a major cloud computing platform? A.  Google 101 B.  IBM Deep blue C.  Microsoft Azure D.  Amazon EC2 ANS:B 9. “Cloud” in cloud computing represents what? A.  Wireless B.  Hard drives C.  People D.  Internet ANS:D 10. Which of these should a company consider before implementing cloud computing technology? A.  Employee satisfaction B.  Potential cost reduction

C.  Information sensitivity D.  All of the above



11. What exactly is cloud computing? A. A way to organize desktop computers B. Lightweight software that takes up little space on a hard drive C. Computing resources that can be accessed on demand, like electricity from a utility D. The World Wide Web Answer: C. 12. What widely used service is built on cloud-computing technology? A. Twitter B. Skype C. GmailD. YouTube E. All of the above Answer: E 13. Which of these techniques is vital for creating cloudcomputing centers? A. Virtualization B. Transubstantiation C. Cannibalization D. Insubordination Answer: A 14. An internal cloud is… A. An overhanging threat B. A career risk for a CIO

C. A cloud that sits behind a corporate firewall D. The group of knowledge workers who use a social network for water-cooler gossip

Answer: C.

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15. Match the provider with the cloud-based service. A. Amazon1. Azure B. IBM2. Elastic Compute Cloud C. EMC3. Decho D. Microsoft4. Cloudburst ANSWER: A 16. Cloud computing embraces many concepts that were previously touted as the next big thing in information technology. Which of these is not an antecedent of the cloud? A. Software as a service B. Utility computing C. Remote hosted services D. Grid computing E. Desktop computing Answer: E 17. IBM, EMC and Boeing Co. were among the companies signing what document whose title is reminiscent of a famous political statement? A. Declaration of Cloud Computing

B. The Rights of Cloud C. Mein Cloud D. Open Cloud Manifesto

Answer: D. 18. The term “cloud computing” is a metaphor that originated in what? A. Graphical depiction of computer architectures B. Meteorological symbolism C. Worries about an unclear future for computing architectures D. The idea that computer users trust in magic Answer: A 19. Link the cloud-based service on the left with the desktop or server application it is designed to displace on the right. A. Google Docs1. Intel servers B. Salesforce.com2. Microsoft Office C. Mozy.com3. Oracle customer-relationship management D. Amazon EC24. Backup disk Answer: A 20. What August event was widely seen as an example of the risky nature of cloud computing? A. Spread of Conficker virus B. Gmail outage for more than an hour C. Theft of identities over the Internet D. Power outages in the Midwest Answer: B 21. Which of the following is true of cloud computing? A. It’s always going to be less expensive and more secure than local computing. B. You can access your data from any computer in the world, as long as you have an Internet connection. C. Only a few small companies are investing in the technology, making it a risky venture. Ans:B

22. What is private cloud? A. A standard cloud service offered via the Internet B. A cloud architecture maintained within an enterprise data center. C. A cloud service inaccessible to anyone but the cultural elite Ans:B

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23. Amazon Web Services is which type of cloud computing distribution model? A. Software as a Service (SAAS) B. Platform as a Service (PAAS) C. Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) Ans:C 24. Google Docs is a type of cloud computing. A. True B. False Ans: A 25. What is Cloud Foundry? A. A factory that produces cloud components B. An industry wide PaaS initiative C. VMware-led open source PaaS. Ans: C 26 This is a software distribution model in which applications are hosted by a vendor or service provider and

made available to customers over a network, typically the Internet. A. Platform as a Service (PaaS) B. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) C. Software as a Service (SaaS). Ans:C 27. Which of the following statements about Google App Engine (GAE) is INCORRECT. A. It’s a Platform as a Service (PaaS) model. B. Automatic Scalability is built in with GAE. As a developer you don’t need to worry about application scalability C. You can decide on how many physical servers required for hosting your application. D. The applications deployed on GAE have the same security, privacy and data protection policies as that of Google’s applications. So, applications can take advantage of reliability, performance and security of Google’s infrastructure. Ans:C 28. I’ve a website containing all static pages. Now I want to provide a simple Feedback form for end users. I don’t have software developers, and would like to spend minimum time and money. What should I do? A. Hire software developers, and build dynamic page. B. Use ZOHO creator to build the required form, and embed in html page. C. Use Google App Engine (GAE) to build and deploy dynamic page. Ans:B 29. What is the name of the organization helping to foster security standards for cloud computing? A. Cloud Security Standards Working. B. Cloud Security Alliance. C. Cloud Security WatchDog. D. Security in the Cloud Alliance. Ans:B

30. “Cloud” in cloud computing represents what? A. Wireless B. Hard drives C. People D. Internet Ans:D 31. What second programming language did Google add for App Engine development? A. C++ B. Flash C. Java D. Visual Basic Ans:C 32. What facet of cloud computing helps to guard against downtime and determines costs? A. Service-level agreements B. Application programming interfaces C. Virtual private networks D. Bandwidth fees ANS:A 33. Which of these is not a major type of cloud computing usage? A. Hardware as a Service B. Platform as a Service C. Software as a Service D. Infrastructure as a Service ANS:A 34. Cloud Services have a________ relationship with their customers. A. Many-to-many B. One-to-many C. One-to-one

ANS:B 35. What is the name of Rackspace’s cloud service? A. Cloud On-Demand B. Cloud Servers C. EC2 ANS:B 36. What is the name of the organization helping to foster security standards for cloud computing? A. Cloud Security Standards Working Group B. Cloud Security Alliance C. Cloud Security WatchDog D. Security in the Cloud Alliance ANS:B 37. Which of these companies specializes in cloud computing management tools and services? A. RightScale B. Google C. Salesforce.com D. Savis ANS:A 38. What’s the most popular use case for public cloud computing today? A. Test and development B. Website hosting C. Disaster recovery D. Business analytics ANS:A 39. Virtual Machine Ware (VMware) is an example of A. Infrastructure Service

B. Platform Service C. Software Service

ANS:A 30. Cloud Service consists of A. Platform, Software, Infrastructure B. Software, Hardware, Infrastructure C. Platform, Hardware, Infrastructure ANS:A 41. Google Apps Engine is a type of A. SaaS B. PaaS C. IaaS D. NA ANS:D 42. Which vendor recently launched a cloud-based test and development service for enterprises? A. HP B. Cisco C. IBM D. Oracle ANS:C 43. Geographic distribution of data across a cloud provider’s network is a problem for many enterprises because it: A. Breaks compliance regulations B. Adds latency C. Raises security concerns D. Makes data recovery harder ANS:A

44. Amazon Web Services is which type of cloud computing distribution model? A. Software as a Service B. Platform as a Service C. Infrastructure as a Service ANS:C 45. Cloud computing networks are designed to support only private or hybrid clouds. A. True B. False Ans: B 46. A good cloud computing network can be adjusted to provide bandwidth on demand. A. True B. False Ans: A 47. A larger cloud network can be built as either a layer 3 or layer 4 network. A. True B. False Ans: B 48. The typical three-layer switching topology will not create latency within a cloud network. A. True B. False Ans: B 49. The term ‘Cloud’ in cloud-computing refers to ______. A. The Internet B. Cumulus Clouds

C. A Computer D. Thin Clients

Ans: A 50. In order to participate in cloud-computing, you must be using the following OS _______ . A. Windows B. Mac OS C. Linux D. All of the above Ans: D

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