3012EHR Topic 3 - lecture and workshop activities applied HRM PDF

Title 3012EHR Topic 3 - lecture and workshop activities applied HRM
Course Government-Business Relations
Institution Griffith University
Pages 13
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lecture and workshop activities applied HRM...


3012EHR Topic 3 New Forms of Organising Overview: You are currently in Module 2 of this course, which contains Topics 2,3 & 4: •

Topic 2: HRM Strategy and Change1

Topic 3: HRM and New Forms of Organising

Topic 4: HRM Change Management Tools

Course Analytical Framework

1 https://sway.office.com/UNIhhC7bEUfU7wlQ?ref=Link

Change Levers are tools, techniques and practices to facilitate planned change. Pivot points applied to maximise success include; •

Strategy - changes that are made to the core values and mission of the organisation. Strategic and cultural tools can be used to assist the change.

New forms of organising - changes that are made to the work design and structure of the organisation to enhance the flexibility and adaptability of the organisation.

Change tools - a variety of change tools; some can be used more generally for all types of change, while others are used for more specific types of change.

Introduction to the Topic What?

In this topic you will learn about the difference between traditional and more contemporary types of organisational structures and how the type of structure can influence the management of change. You will also learn about how change influences structures, processes, boundaries in organisations.

Why? In this topic we examine different external and internal factors that are compelling organisations to experiment with different forms of organising. Given the rapid increase in competition at both the local and global levels there is greater need for increased responsiveness and flexibility, and continuous improvement and innovation in order to meet and satisfy consumer demand. Faced with turbulent pressures, traditional bureaucracies and divisional structures lack the flexibility and often the capability to respond swiftly and effectively to changes in the marketplace. We consider the ways in which various forces for change have radically reshaped industries and have had a resounding effect on the structures, processes and boundaries that shape organisations.

Learning Objectives At the end of this Topic, you will be able to: •

Differentiate between the traditional and new forms of organising

Explore the different types of organisational structures that exist

Examine how change influences structures, process and boundaries

Examine the importance of HRM practices used to organise work

Lecture Watch the following video/s for the key learning for this Topic. This is important preparation for the workshop as we will be building on these concepts through your contribution to a range of activities.

Topic video 1: New forms of organising In this video you will learn about the how organisations were traditionally structured and some of the key elements of organisational structure.

Key Concepts

Listen out for the following key points: •

Traditional forms of organisation.

Key elements of organisational structure.


Download the Powerpoint slides here2 Download the Powerpoint with audio recordings here 3

Topic video 2: Reasons structures differ You will learn about the different types of structure and the advantages and disadvantages of each of the structures in relation to change.

Key Concepts

Listen out for the following key points:

2 https://griffitheduau.sharepoint.com/:p:/s/CourseSiteFol dersGBS/EXvpWAtpzl1Er8Zc7c -L3FMBR2qxYmmrqVdV3k_StLG3A?e=r7UD8R 3 https://griffitheduau.sharepoint.com/:p:/s/CourseSiteFoldersGBS/Edb8JNLA9KpDqtJCR9tQy MB0Qk2xN3VMvbG3y_8xnpYnQ?e=ptBHhb

Simple and bureaucratic structures.

Matrix and team based structures.

Boundarlyless organisations.

Network and Virtual structures.


Download the Powerpoint slides here4 Download the Powerpoint with audio recordings here 5

Topic video 3: Traditional forms of organising and change In this video you will learn some of the reasons why structures are different for each organisation

Key Concepts

Listen out for the following key points: •






Download the Powerpoint slides here6

4 https://griffitheduau.sharepoint.com/:p:/s/CourseSiteFoldersGBS/ETbQ5uD4VpxMsghK95c3viIBYoCiL8KTozOZIQQ

YWjCcfQ?e=oCRLfG 5 https://griffitheduau.sharepoint.com/:p:/s/CourseSiteFoldersGBS/EbbHMcIKjMVCsqLeDJ__7xIB1VgapvhqTAFQIg9 Ol7Y_4A?e=ReQuQQ 6 https://griffitheduau.sharepoint.com/:p:/s/CourseSiteFoldersGBS/ESRhf9KtwM1NsND5y B7OwwBaKkqj6sYyxFom7DF7_xYmQ?e=3wJcqK

Download the Powerpoint with audio recordings here 7


The recommended textbook chapter for this topic is: •

Graetz, F., Rimmer, M., Smith, A., & Lawrence, A. (2011). Managing Organisational Change (3rd Edition). Milton, QLD, John Wiley & Sons.

Chapter 5 - New forms of organising. This chapter discusses different ways that organisations can be designed and how the design (structure, processes, and boundaries) can influence the way in which change is managed in organisations.

Details on where you can acquire the textbook are available under the Announcements tab and also on the 'Getting Started' tab.

To further broaden your understanding, you may also like to read the following articles, (note: all readings are available via the ‘Readings ’ tab at the course site as well as via this link 8 ). •

Král, P., & Králová, V. (2016). Approaches to changing organizational structure: The effect of drivers and communication. Journal of business research, 69(11), 5169-5174. This article examines the relationship between the process of changing organisational structure and various change management factors (drivers, communication and outcomes).

Dunford, R., Cuganesan, S., Grant, D., Palmer, I., Beaumont, R., & Steele, C. (2013). "Flexibility ” as the rationale for organizational change: a discourse perspective. Journal of organizational change management, 26(1), 83-97. This article highlights the importance of ‘flexibility’ in being able to manage change in organisations successfully. Of particular importance is the reference to having flexible organisational structures and design.

7 https://griffitheduau.sharepoint.com/:p:/s/CourseSiteFoldersGBS/EQbG550F1lFKtDKkXJP5wlsBQwm5X2b2HNi RSf vfmAamJg?e=tfI6qc 8 https://griffitheduau.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/CourseSiteFoldersGBS/Shared Documents/EHR/3012EHR EHR301/PowerPoint (LIVE TO STUDENTS)/Readings/Topic 3?csf=1&web=1&e=RdXGDN

Workshop session

Throughout this course, you will have the opportunity to participate in a number of 'live' virtual classroom discussions using the online tool called Workshop. Workshop will allow you to interact with a member of the teaching team and other students.  The weekly workshops allow you to interact with a member of the teaching team  and other students. The content covered in each week will be different but generally we will review a selection of the key points raised during lectures and we will discuss  the assessment items. 

It is expected that you will prepare before coming to the workshop by watching the lectures, as well as completing the readings and activities provided to you each week under the 'Course Content' tab. Following your preparation you will then participate by

attending the live workshop sessions each week OR •

watching the recordings.

Workshop sessions add important elements of additional knowledge and examples in order to better clarify theoretical and practical aspects of this course. Several parts of the assessment are directly covered during these sessions and you will find most val ue in being able to attend live in order to seek

answers to questions. If you can't attend the live workshop sessions then you must watch the recording.

Please review the study planner under the 'Course Content' tab to guide your study for each topic and the associated readings, assessments and Workshop/Collaborate sessions.

If you are unable to make all of the sessions listed then you will have the opportunity to view these recordings at your own pace and have the option to download them to your computer or a mobile device.

Assessment 1: Weekly learning activities Your responses to the activities in this section will be discussed in the workshop session as part of Assessment 1: Weekly learning activities. Please ensure that you completed the activities prior to the scheduled workshop session. If you are unable to attend the scheduled workshop session for this topic then you must still complete the learning activities in this section before the workshop session each week and then watch the Workshop recording. If you have any questions regarding this topic please post it to the Discussion Board forum. As per the Subject Outline and Assessment tab, the next 1% of Assessment 1: Weekly learning activities will be awarded. To earn full marks you must: •

Prior to coming to the workshop session, prepare responses to video questions

Attend your scheduled workshop session and discuss your results or simply watch the recording

Failure to complete the activity and failure to either attend the workshop session or watch the recording will result in a nil mark being awarded for this week

Workshop Preparation Watch the videos and prepare answers to the questions

Video Activity A Matrix Teams in Healthcare (3:41)



Video activity B Mark Thompson with Michael Dell-Restructuring the Top of an Organization (3:10)



Video activity C Beyond efficiency: Trevor and Tojeiro describe the new, network-based organisation (8:00)



Video Activity D Apple's Structure (2:46)



Video Activity E Huge benefits in getting organization design right (4:49)


Embed:// You can access and download as a word document all your Assessment 1 activity responses via the link below: Link to activity responses9 .

If you experience an IT issues please contact Griffith IT https://www.griffith.edu.au/digital-solutions/itservice-centre

Review: Check your understanding Reflective exercises provide an opportunity for you to consider what you have learnt and relate this material to the other concepts and theories you have studied both in this course, and throughout your degree. In the following activity your objective is to differentiate between the traditional and new forms of organising.

Quiz and Reflect This activity provides an opportunity for you to check your understanding of the materials covered in Topic 3. This activity is a self-evaluation exercise where you will be asked to respond to a number of questions relating to a provided stimulus.



Quiz and Reflect11

http://go.gudev.net/interactives/ehr-activties/m2t3.html This is a reflective activity is a self-development exercise which gets you to start thinking about your key values and beliefs.

9 https://app.secure.griffith.edu.au/journal/includes/services/viewAll.php?q=15416&s=a7136c89a419899ffedff6e0

4d5c0c88&i=s2620621 10 http://go.gudev.net/interactives/ehr-activties/m2t3.html 11 http://go.gudev.net/interactives/ehr-activties/m2t3.html

Peer Discussion Forums

The Discussion Board will be used to connect and Workshop with the teaching team and your fellow students. Within the Discussion Board you will find that various forums have been setup which relate to the various topics and assessments covered in this course. You can use the relevant forum to ask questions, discuss ideas, and respond to questions from your peers. Select the link in the left hand menu to open the Discussion Board to view the instructions and get started. Once this is done do the following: 1. If you have not already, please briefly introduce yourself by writing a post which includes: your name; the major you are studying; your career aspirations and a link to your LinkedIn or other professional profile (if you have one). A lot of you come from a broad range of backgrounds knowledge skills and abilities and I look forward to you sharing those with us. This is an important activity because it helps you get used to using the discussion forum tool itself, and to get to know others you are studying with.


Now that you have prepared and participated in class it is time to review the readings to further develop your understanding of the content. This is a good opportunity to review the key points raised in the readings. You may also wish to review any the relevant case study or chapter questions within the textbook. Activity: Related post workshop activity

Consider what action you need to take following the workshop

Based on the discussions in class, do you want to update the responses you ente red into the video questions?

Are there any assessment items you need to commence planning?

Your achievements Take a moment to reflect on what you've achieved for this Topic. You may want to create a mindmap or visual representation of the key concepts, ideas and learning for the Topic which summarises your notes from reading, participation in the workshops etc. You have: •

Differentiated between the traditional and new forms of organising

Explored the different types of organisational structures that exist

Examined how change influences structures, process and boundaries

Examined the importance of HRM practices used to organise work

Where to from here

Topic 3 looked at the second of the levers of change. In the next topic we move on to the third lever of change - Topic 4: HRM Change management tools.

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