3012EHR Topic 6 - applied human resource management PDF

Title 3012EHR Topic 6 - applied human resource management
Course Government-Business Relations
Institution Griffith University
Pages 12
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applied human resource management...


3012EHR Topic 6 Power and Resistance to Change Overview: You are currently in Module 3 of this course, which contains Topics 5 & 6: •

Topic 5: HR Managers as Leaders for Change 1

Topic 6: Power and Resistance to Change

Course Analytical Framework

1 https://sway.office.com/fc8mhoAHSGPGuusA?ref=Link&loc=play

Change Enactors assist or impede the change initiative •

Leadership and change: Consider how the type of leadership style will impact the success of the change.

The role of power - Consider the use of power in the change process; positive power may include charisma, negative power many include coercion.

Resistance and change - Consider why people resist change and how we can manage this resistance.

Introduction to the Topic What?

In this topic we explore the nature of power and review how power affects responses to change. We examine some of the techniques for changing power relationships. Furthermore we discuss models of resistance, and strategies for HR managers to reduce resistance. We examine the role of change theory and organisational culture, concluding with an examination of methods for ‘overcoming’ resistance.

Why? Knowledge of some of the theories and principles of change that deal with power and resistance to change are important ideas for understanding the way that people respond to change. Given the rate of constant change in the workplace, it is becoming increasingly important for HR and managers generally to know how to manage emotions around change.

Learning Objectives At the end of this Topic, you will be able to: •

Differentiate between the role of power, politics and control in the change process

Identify the key principles of empowerment and change

Distinguish between the different types of resistance to change and HR strategies to overcome resistance

Explore the roles of emotions in ongoing change

Lecture Watch the following video/s for the key learning for this Topic. This is important preparation for the workshop as we will be building on these concepts through your contribution to a range of activit ies.

Topic video 1: Power This video outlines the role of power and politics in managing change. You will also learn about the different types of power that can be used to manage the change process.

Key Concepts

Listen out for the following key points: •

Power is about influence.

Change is often political.

Bases of power.

Dependency is the key to power.


Download the Powerpoint slides here2 Download the Powerpoint with audio recordings here 3

Topic video 2: Resistance The video discusses the different ways that people in organisations resist change. You wil l also learn about some practice methods for overcoming resistance which can be used in the workplace to manage change successfully.

Key concepts

2 https://griffitheduau.sharepoint.com/:p:/s/CourseSiteFoldersGBS/EeKmORk6RphEpBispqepHokBHMX1_O0Zt3z0

H8DS2gwMgA?e=X74Thn 3 https://griffitheduau.sharepoint.com/:p:/s/CourseSiteFoldersGBS/EcC4kiBGR7ZLhhku0fuMSGEB41sNaztGy6TxXv9


Listen out for the following key points: •

Active and passive resistance.

Psychological model of resistance.

Methods for overcoming resistance.


Download the Powerpoint slides here4 Download the Powerpoint with audio recordings here 5

Topic video 3: Emotions and Change This video reviews how change can fuel both positive and negative emotions. Given the rate of constant change in the workplace, it is becoming increasingly important for HR and managers generally to know how to manage these emotions.

Key Concepts

Listen out for the following key points: •

Change can trigger positive and negative emotions.


Download the Powerpoint slides here6

4 https://griffitheduau.sharepoint.com/:p:/s/CourseSiteFoldersGBS/EdSeUyqOUaBBgWM8bInubfIBAIyc6c1NxWBaC

tNr08wSEw?e=O28PYM 5 https://griffitheduau.sharepoint.com/:p:/s/CourseSiteFoldersGBS/EUN2PERt8xVBl7W_lnshoyoB-

v2fXU1X4K1afoSxUA-WbA?e=4e2xNf 6 https://griffitheduau.sharepoint.com/:p:/s/CourseSiteFoldersGBS/EZ0rKJy3gtlPi nSDDc25WLgBzmHUf7qL4vksl hxF


Download the Powerpoint with audio recordings here 7


The recommended textbook chapter for this topic is: •

Graetz, F., Rimmer, M., Smith, A., & Lawrence, A. (2011). Managing Organisational Change (3rd Edition) . Milton, QLD, John Wiley & Sons.

Chapter 8 Power and resistance to change. This chapter outlines two important features of enacting change. First, the different bases and dimensions of power and how power can be both positively and negatively used to influence the change management process. Second, the different models of resistance to change and what techniques can be used to over this resistance.

Details on where you can acquire the textbook are available under the Announcements tab and also on the 'Getting Started' tab.

To further broaden your understanding, you may also like to read the following articles, (note: all readings are available via the ‘Readings’ tab at the course site as well as via this link 8 ). •

Kiefer, T. (2005). Feeling Bad: Antecedents and Consequences of Negative Emotions in Ongoing Change. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26(8), 875-897. This article presents a framework for understanding how negative emotions impact the outcomes of the change management process. Working conditions, personal status and organisational treatment can create negative emotions, which may then lead to negative outcomes, such as reduce trust and the decision to leave the organisation.

Smollan, R. K., & Sayers, J. G. (2009). Organizational Culture, Change and Emotions: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Change Management, 9(4), 435-457. This article looks at how the culture of the organisation influences emotions throughout times of change. A key message in this article

7 https://griffitheduau.sharepoint.com/:p:/s/CourseSiteFoldersGBS/EaIHsozSptpJscAIWqcl28UBudPMAA262FO4Jml

8oSgwnw?e=nodHYn 8 https://griffitheduau.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/CourseSi teFoldersGBS/Shared Documents/EHR/3012EHR

EHR301/PowerPoint (LIVE TO STUDENTS)/Readings/Topic 6?csf=1&web=1&e=kJDcwG

is that is the values of the individual are congruent with the values of the organisation then change was viewed more positively.

Workshop session

Throughout this course, you will have the opportunity to participate in a number of 'live' virtual classroom discussions using the online tool called Workshop. Workshop will allow you to interact with a member of the teaching team and other students.  The weekly workshops allow you to interact with a member of the teaching team  and other students. The content covered in each week will be different but generally we will review a selection of the key points raised during lectures and we will discuss  the assessment items.  

It is expected that you will prepare before coming to the workshop by watching the lectures, as well as completing the readings and activities provided to you each week under the 'Course Content' tab. Following your preparation you will then participate by

attending the live workshop sessions each week OR •

watching the recordings.

Workshop sessions add important elements of additional knowledge and examples in order to better clarify theoretical and practical aspects of this course. Several parts of the assessment are directly covered during these sessions and you will find most value in being able to attend live in order to seek answers to questions. If you can't attend the live workshop sessions then you must watch the recording.

Please review the study planner under the 'Course Content' tab to guide your study for each topic and the associated readings, assessments and Workshop/Collaborate sessions.

If you are unable to make all of the sessions listed then you will have the opportunity to view these recordings at your own pace and have the option to download them to your computer or a mobile device.

Assessment 1: Weekly learning activities Your responses to the activities in this section will be discussed in the workshop session as part of Assessment 1: Weekly learning activities. Please ensure that you completed the activities prior to the scheduled workshop session. If you are unable to attend the scheduled workshop session for this topic then you must still complete the learning activities in this section before the workshop ses sion each week and then watch the Workshop recording. If you have any questions regarding this topic please post it to the Discussion Board forum. As per the Subject Outline and Assessment tab, the next 1% of Assessment 1: Weekly learning activities will be awarded. To earn full marks you must: •

Prior to coming to the workshop session, prepare responses to video questions

Attend your scheduled workshop session and discuss your results or simply watch the recording

Failure to complete the activity and failure to either attend the workshop session or watch the recording will result in a nil mark being awarded for this week.

Activity 1: Interactive Scale of Change This interactive diagram presents information about the Scale of Change. Simply review the diagram and click on the various information to peruse. Other than viewing this there is nothing further you need to do.

Launch 9 Scale of Change10

Workshop Preparation In the following videos you will learn about how we can use organisational cultural elements, such as those discussed in the cultural web to facilitate change. You will also learn about strategy and change and how certain tools, such as scenario planning and strategic thinking aids change.

Watch the videos and prepare answers to the questions.

Video activity A Carly Fiorina: The Dynamics of Change and Fear (3:53)



Video activity B Overcoming Resistance to Change - Isn't It Obvious? (6:13)

9 http://go.gudev.net/interactives/scale-of-change-diagram/index.html 10 http://go.gudev.net/interactives/scale-of-change-diagram/index.html


Embed:// You can access and download as a word document all your Assessment 1 activity responses via the link below: Link to activity responses11 .

If you experience an IT issues please contact Griffith IT https://www.griffith.edu.au/digital-solutions/itservice-centre

Peer Discussion Forums

The Discussion Board will be used to connect and communicate with the teaching team and your fellow students. Within the Discussion Board you will find that various forums have been setup which relate to the various topics and assessments covered in this course. You can use the relevant forum to ask

11 https://app.secure.griffith.edu.au/journal/includes/services/viewAll.php?q=15416&s=a7136c89a419899ffedff6e


questions, discuss ideas, and respond to questions from your peers. Select the link in the left hand menu to open the Discussion Board to view the instructions and get started.

Review: Check your understanding Completing the following activities will provide you with a good indication of whether you have successfully developed the knowledge and skills relevant to this topic. You have unlimited attempts at these activities.

Activity: Resistance to Change In the following activity your objective is to distinguish between the different types of resistance to change and HR strategies to overcome resistance. RtC The Resistance to Change activity provides an opportunity for you to check your understanding of the materials covered in Topic 6. This activity is a drag and drop exercise where you will be presented with a variety of terms related to resistance to change. Your goal is to classify each of the terms as either a type of resistance, or a possible method of overcoming resistance.



Resistance to Change13

Activity: Organisational Change, Power and Politics In the following activity your objective is to: •

differentiate between the role of power, politics and control in the change process

identify the key principles of empowerment and change

The Organisational Change, Power and Politics activity provides an opportunity for you to check your understanding of the materials covered in Topic 6. This activity is a crossword exercise.



Organisational Change, Power and Politics15

12 http://go.gudev.net/interactives/resistance-to-change-drag-drop/ 13 http://go.gudev.net/interactives/resistance-to-change-drag-drop/ 14 http://business.gudev.net/crossword/organisational-change/ 15 http://business.gudev.net/crossword/organisational-change/


Now that you have prepared and participated in class it is time to review the readings to further develop your understanding of the content. This is a good opportunity to review the key points raised in the readings. You may also wish to review any the relevant case study or chapter questions within the textbook.

Your achievements Take a moment to reflect on what you've achieved for this Topic. You may want to create a mindmap or visual representation of the key concepts, ideas and learning for the Topic which summarises your notes from reading, participation in the workshops etc. You have: •

Differentiated between the role of power, politics and control in the change process

Identified the key principles of empowerment and change

Distinguished between the different types of resistance to change and HR strategies to overcome resistance

Explored the roles of emotions in ongoing change

Where to from here?

Topic 6 looked at the second of the change enactors next time we move on to Topic 7: Human resource management and organisational change.

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