335SQN Recruit Training Manual - Part 3 (TTR) PDF

Title 335SQN Recruit Training Manual - Part 3 (TTR)
Course Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies
Institution Solusi University
Pages 12
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Download 335SQN Recruit Training Manual - Part 3 (TTR) PDF





INTRODUCTION TO TEAMBUILDING Objective 1.1 For cadets to give a brief outline of their background for approx. one minute. The reason for this exercise is to “break the ice” so to speak, as many in the group will not have known each other before joining the Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC). 1.2 Another objective is to start cadets getting used to talking in front of each other. Some may be shy or embarrassed, while others will be confident and bold. As each cadet has the opportunity in the future of being an NCO, this exercise is the beginning of building his or her confidence in themselves. 1.3 Cadets only need to detail items such as these examples: their school, career hopes, their interests and why they joined the AAFC. 1.4 It is important that each cadet be recognized as individuals and being made welcome and start the team spirit from the beginning.



ICE BREAKER AND ACQUAINTANCE ACTIVITIES Objective 2.1 To provide opportunities for group members to get to know each other and to begin to feel comfortable with each other through activities, Initiatives and games that are primarily fun, non-threatening and group based. Features 2.2

The features of Icebreaker activities are:


Fun is a major component.


Group members interact in a non-threatening manner.


Success-oriented tasks can easily be accomplished with minimal amount of frustration.


Requires minimal verbal interaction and decision making skills.

2.3 The following six pages outline various ‘ice breaker’ exercises. Any of these may be used. However, instructors can use any other ‘ice breaker’ exercise/s.


Venue: Indoors/Outdoors

2.5 Equipment: One very big bag of large party balloons (Your group will want to do this one a lot) 2.6

Objective: Break down barriers and laughter.


Time: Nil


Safety Issues: None


Rules: None

Play: 2.10

Pair group members off

2.11 size.

Issue a balloon per person and have the group inflate the balloons to full

2.12 When all balloons are suitably inflated, have each pair face each other and place a balloon at mid-torso level. 2.13 Have the group put their arms around their partner’s bodies in a Bear Hug position and prepare to squeeze on your signal. 2.14 When the signal is given, all groups shout, “Fire in the Hole” to warn bystanders of the impending explosions. Variations: 2.15 On a summer’s day, part-fill the balloons with water and do the above exercise. 2.16 Have the pairs turn back to back and place a balloon between their derrieres and push.

HOME TRAINING MANUAL - RECRUIT 2–4 2.17 Have the group form a circle so that each person is facing the person’s back in front of them. Have each person place an inflated balloon between him/her and that person – initiate a group squeeze. Note: Just stand back and watch your group roll about in hysterical laughter 2.18

Placing balloons on foreheads is definitely not a smart thing to do.

Debriefing Points: 2.19 During the activity observe the group for body language, communication, reluctance to do the activity, apprehension etc.; discuss these points using open ended questions, have each member describe their feelings about doing this activity using a word or short statement. Give praise for overcoming fears.

MOONBALL 2.20 Indoors/Outdoors – an area the size of a basketball court Venue: is fine. Bigger for larger groups. 2.21

Equipment: One very large beach ball To develop cooperation, and fast reactions, fun and

2.22 Objective: laughter. 2.23



2.24 Safety Issues: may cause injury.

Ensure that the playing surface is free of all objects that




A player cannot hit the ball twice in succession.


Count one point for each hit.


If the ball touches the ground the count starts again.

Play: 2.26 Scatter the group around the playing area (any number, but use 2 or more balls as the group size demands). 2.27 The group’s objective is to hit the ball aloft as many times as possible before the ball strikes the ground. Variations:

All Hit Moon ball.

2.28 All players must hit the ball at least once or the group score doesn’t count. All Hit Moonball begins to focus the group on the benefit of teamwork. 2.29 Another variation is to number each player and the Moonball is hit sequentially or by odd and even numbers called out by the leader. Debriefing Points: 2.30 Observe the group for body language, verbal communication, members left out of the activity, reluctance to play by others, discussion points include their description of the activity in a short statement, how the saw the group working together, could they have done the activity better and if so how?


Venue: Outdoors on a large field.


Equipment: Foam rubber swords


Objective: Develop teamwork, have fun, get to know each other.


Time: Nil

2.35 Safety Issues: Ensure that the playing surface is free of all objects that may cause injury. Do not allow pairs/teams to run through or under a catching line. a.

Opposition may only be struck with tusks on the torso.


No head or neck hits.




Players are to remain inside the boundary.


Opponents may be struck only on the torso with Tuskers.


Only members on the end of a catching line have Tuskers.


If in the process of tagging a pair of runners a catching line breaks grip, the catch is disallowed.

Play: 2.37 The object of this running game for 10-30 players is for one IT pair of hand-in hand runners to catch a fleeing pair and become a quartet (hands joined to form a line) then catch another pair and become a sextet, etc. 2.38 Only the two people on the ends of the catching line are permitted to tag a fleeing pair. If a line breaks at any point the catch is disallowed. Only the end members of a catching line have the Tuskers. The catching sequence continues and only one pair is left and, as undisputed champions of speed and chicanery, become exempt from further chase and harassment. 2.39 If a running pair breaks grip or runs out of bounds then they become automatically caught. 2.40 Allow the catching line to break apart after a predetermined number of players join the line. 2.41 Issue extra Tuskers as required. For example when a catching line gets to 8 players they then become 2 groups of four. This halving continues until the game is over. Debriefing Points: 2.42 Observe the group for body language, verbal communication, teamwork, and discuss issues raised by group members. Emphasis on team work. Obtains simple descriptions of how the group members feel after this activity.


Venue: Indoors Gym/Outdoors Grass Area.


Equipment: None


Objective: Get to know others, cooperation, planning, teamwork.


Time: Nil

2.47 Safety Issues: cause injury.

Ensure that playing surface is free of all objects likely to


Rules: No lateral movement.

Play: 2.49

Pair off group members.

2.50 Members sit on the ground facing each other. Inch forward until they are sitting on the feet of their partner. Big feet are an advantage, or at least a certain comfort factor. 2.51

People then grasp their partner’s elbows or upper arms with each hand.


Now decide on which direction to travel.

2.53 Partner in whose direction the pair is to move lifts her/his derriere off the ground and moves 13-15 cm or so towards the direction chosen. The second partner now lifts off the ground and in a cooperative 1-2, 1-2 bug like movement moves towards his/her partner. A natural exercise for impromptu and disjointed competition. Variations: 2.54


Debriefing Points: 2.55 Observe body language, verbal communication between pairs, reluctance to do activity, frustration etc. Discuss any points raised by group.




Equipment: None

Indoor Gym/Outdoor grassed area.

Develop teamwork, cooperation, communication, and a 2.58 Objective: feeling of belonging to the group. 2.59



2.60 Safety Issues: cause injury.

Ensure that playing surface is free of all objects likely to

Only team captains are allowed to have foot and hand contact 2.61 Rules: with the ground: everyone else must have only glute contact. Play: 2.62 It’s programmatically useful to have an activity that begins as a simple canyou-do this stunt and progress humorously to a full group bash. The Python Pentathlon provides both the stunt and the humor – it goes like this. 2.63 With the group seated on the ground demonstrate a coccyx balance position which is accomplished by picking your feet up off the ground and leaning back onto your coccygeal ares (that balance point just distal to the sacrum; i.e. the Altered Spinal Site – ASS). Most people can do this, so the next step is to try and make forward progress from this “L” shaped balance position. This is done by alternating positions on your Gluteus Maximus (refer to ASS above) in a 1-2, 1-2 manner. This means of locomotion is certainly not swift, but most people can do it. Now demonstrate this movement to your group and have them practice the movement.

TEAMBUILDING TRAINING 2–7 2.64 Now that everyone is familiar with this movement (called a Glute Walk) ask for three or four volunteers to sit facing you so that they are shoulder to shoulder with about 60 cm between. These intrepid volunteers are the captains of your teams. 2.65 Everyone else on the field chooses a captain to sit behind. Even numbered teams please. Each person sits with his/her feet in the lap of the person in front (like a toboggan). 2.66 Team members then grasp the shoulders of the person in front. On your signal each team attempts to cover a nominated distance without losing contact with the person in front/behind. 2.67

This activity will generate a great deal of laughter and mayhem.

Debriefing Points: 2.68 Observe body language, verbal communication, teamwork, looks of frustration reluctance to be involved. Discuss issues with group. Possible other areas of discussion include trust; some members may not have liked someone else touching them and other issues raised by the group.




Equipment: None

Indoor Gym/outdoor grass area.

2.71 Objective: your teammates. 2.72


To develop teamwork, cooperation and to get to know Nil

2.73 Safety Issues: Ensure that the playing surface to be used is free of all objects likely to cause injury. 2.74



Play: 2.75 Pairs of players sit on the ground facing each other and place the bottom of their feet against the bottom of their partner’s feet. Legs should be bent, feet held high and posteriors fairly close to one another. Hands comfortably placed on the ground to the rear. 2.76 Players then try to push against their partner’s feet and at the same time put their weight on their arms and raise derrieres off the ground. There will be a noticeable tightening of tricep muscles, considerable laughter and not much vertical movement in the first couple of tries. Debriefing Points: 2.77 Observe body language, verbal communication, frustration, lack of cooperation and discuss along with points raised by the group.

FROZEN BEANBAG 2.78 Objectives: To build up trust and communication skills between group members. 2.79

Location: Preferably Outside


Equipment: Beanbags

HOME TRAINING MANUAL - RECRUIT 2–8 2.81 Safety: Ensure that there is nothing on the floor that could be classed as a tripping hazard. 2.82 Rules: If you drop the beanbag you must freeze where you are as best as you can 2.83

Size of Groups Formed: Two people per group (multiple groups)

Game: 2.84

Everyone gets a beanbag and puts it on their heads

2.85 The game starts and the players must move around(at their own pace) without dropping the beanbag 2.86 If one of the two drops their beanbag the other must attempt to pick it up without dropping theirs 2.87

They have to put it back on their teammates head

2.88 They game can increase in difficulty by changing the speed or movement, i.e. skipping or hopping. Debrief: 2.89 Observe the body language and communication between pairs, frustrations etc. Afterwards ask the group members how many times they helped each other.


Objectives: To build up communication and teamwork skills between cadets.


Location: Outdoors


Equipment: Tennis ball

2.93 Safety: ensure the ground is clear of obstacles which may cause a trip hazard. Ensure that the cadets don’t get to unruly and thus keep the ball throws to an underarm throw. 2.94

Rules: Don’t drop the ball


Size of Groups Formed: Single group of 2-20

Game: 2.96

Get everyone in a circle

2.97 One person starts with the ball and throws it to another person(anyone but either person next to them) 2.98

That person then throws it to another and so on


The person that started should get the ball at the end


If the ball is dropped the person that dropped it can sit down till next round

2.101 To increase difficulty speed can be increased (just make sure it doesn’t get out of control) Debrief: 2.102 Observe communication and their ability to solve problems. Ask them questions after on how the game can be improved and their recommendations.



Objectives: To get cadets to work in a team and build communications skills.


Location: Outdoors


Equipment: Balloons (two distinctive colours)


Safety: Ensure that the area has no obstacles that could be trip hazards.


Rules: First team over the finish line wins


Size of Groups Formed: 2 large groups

Game: 2.109

After separating the cadets into two teams get them into pairs in that team


Mark a start and finish zone


Then get each pair to be evenly spaced apart


Have the pairs link arms


Put one balloon in each hand of the starting pairs


Call start

2.115 The cadets will have to communicate to one another to pass the balloons along the line Debrief: 2.116 Observe communication and their ability to solve problems. Ask them questions after on how the game can be improved and their recommendations.


Objectives: To get cadets to work in a team and build communications skills.


Location: Outside


Equipment: One blanket


Safety: Ensure there are no obstacles that could be regarded as trip hazards


Rules: NIL


Size of Groups Formed: One large group activity

Game: 2.123

Lay blanket out over the ground

2.124 Get everyone sitting on the blanket (while not going over the edges of the blanket) 2.125 Have everyone slowly stand and while not pushing each other over (they should communicate to each other as they stand so that no one fails the activity) 2.126

If they succeed then fold the blanket in half

Debrief: 2.127 Discuss possible better solutions to the task and how the game can be increased in difficulty or changed to make it more interesting. This extra involvement allows them to build up talking in groups



Objectives: To get cadets to work in a team and build communications skills.


Location: Outside


Equipment: A few blankets or towels and a tennis ball.


Safety: Ensure that there are no trip hazards.


Rules: Don’t let the ball fall


Size of Groups Formed: One big group in a line

Game: 2.134

Pair people up, each pair having a towel


Get them to line up side by side, holding the towel between the pairs

2.136 Drop the ball at one end and get them to travel the ball to the other end of the line without it falling through the cracks 2.137

If they drop the ball have them start again

Debrief: 2.138 Observe and discuss their mistakes and how they overcame them. Let them put forward possible ways to improve the game


Objectives: To build teamwork and communication skills


Location: Outside


Equipment: Beanbags

2.142 Safety: Ensure that the ground doesn’t have any obstacles that could cause trop hazards and that the beanbag isn’t kicked excessively hard. 2.143

Rules: Don’t let the beanbag tough the floor


Size of Groups Formed: 2-6 people per group (multiple group)

Game: 2.145

Someone starts with the beanbag on the top of their foot


They have to flick it up into the air towards another individual

2.147 on

That person has to tap it up into the air and towards another person and so

2.148 The goal is not to eliminate people. It is to work together to get the highest score possible Debrief: 2.149 Observe the groups communication during the activity and how they adapt. Get groups to compare scores and discuss how they went and how they could improve.



OVERNIGHT EXERCISE 3.1 This exercise can be conducted at the Squadron facilities, or in the field. It should include exercises that allow the recruits to enjoy and learn more about teamwork, communication and leadership and how it fits into AAFC philosophy. It could be in the form of a social evening, but should include living away from home and at least three meals. Cadets can be involved in the planning, organization and conducting the activity. 3.2 Cadets pass this subject by attending and being involved in the activities. The aim of the subject is to break down any barriers, build an u...

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