3rd Case Study (Building a Customer Service Culture - The Case of Nordstrom) PDF

Title 3rd Case Study (Building a Customer Service Culture - The Case of Nordstrom)
Author Key Amor Torres Olivar
Course Marketing Management
Institution University of Cebu
Pages 4
File Size 59.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Download 3rd Case Study (Building a Customer Service Culture - The Case of Nordstrom) PDF




CASETTI LE:Bui l di ngaCust omerSer vi ceCul t ur e:TheCaseofNor dst r om


Under st andt hei mpor t anceofcust omerser vi ce,par t i cul ar l yi nt her et ai li ndust r y .

St udyt heposi t i v eel ement si nt hecompany’ scul t ur eandhow i thadcont r i but edt ocr eat i ng hi ghl ev el sofcust omerser vi ce.

Anal yz et he chal l enges Nor dst r om i sl i k el yt of ace wi t ht he gr owi ng popul ar i t y ofecommer ce. Nor dst r om hasbeensl ow t oi nv esti nt heecommer cesi deofi t soffpr i ceNor dst r om Rack busi ness,asbyand l ar ge mos toft he chai n’ ssal esst i l lcome f r om i t sphy si cals t or es. Nor dst r om’ sear ni ngshi ghl i ghtj usthow manysal est he companypot ent i al l yl ostouton dur i ngt hepandemi cbynoti nv est i ngi nNor dst r om Rack’ secommer cesi t esooner .

PARTI IBACKGROUND Backgr oundI nf or mat i on Nor dst r om,I nc .i s an Amer i can l uxur y depar t ments t or e chai n.Founded i n 1901 by John W. Nor dst r om andCar lF.Wal l i n,i tor i gi nat edasashoest or eandev ol vedi nt oaf ul l l i ner et ai l erwi t h depar t ment sf orcl ot hi ng,f oot wear ,handbags ,j ewel r y ,accessor i es ,cosmet i cs ,and f r agr ances . Somest or esf eat ur ehomef ur ni shi ngsandweddi ngdepar t ment s,andsev er alhav ei nhousecaf es , r est aur ant s,andespr essobar s. Asof2021,Nor ds t r om oper at es100st or esi n32U. S.st at esandt hr eeCanadi anpr ovi ncessi nce ent er i ngt hemar k eti n2014. Ani ncr edi bl eey ef orwhat ' snex ti nf ashi on.A passi onat edr i v et oex ceedexpect at i ons.Formor e t han100y ear s,Nor ds t r om wor k edt odel i v ert hebestpossi bl eshoppi ngexper i ence,hel pi ngt hei r cust omer sexpr esst hei rst yl e—notj ustbuyf ashi on. Nor dst r om,I nc.i sal eadi ngf ashi onr et ai l eroffer i ngcompel l i ngcl ot hi ng,shoesandaccessor i esf or men,womenandki ds .Si nce1901,t hey' v ebeenc ommi t t edt opr ov i di ngourcust omer swi t ht hebest possi bl eser vi ce—andt oi mpr ov i ngi tev er yday .


Under st andt hei mpor t anceofcust omerser vi ce,par t i cul ar l yi nt her et ai li ndust r y.

Pl acev al uei ncust omerser vi ceasi tr et ai nscust omer sandext r act smor ev al uef r om t hem.

St udyt heposi t i veel ement si nt hecompany’ scul t ur eandhow i thadcont r i but edt ocr eat i ng hi ghl evel sofcust omerser vi ce. 

Company ’ sc ul t ur e posi t i ons t he busi ness t o cr eat e val ue wi t h why t hey do busi ness . Busi nessesshoul dadoptacul t ur et hatf ocusesondel i v er i ngval uedr i v engoal s.Pr i mar i l y , goi ngabov eandbey ondorcr eat i ngex cept i onal cust omerser vi ce.

Anal yze t he chal l enges Nor dst r om i sl i kel yt of ace wi t ht he gr owi ng popul ar i t y ofecommer ce. 

Thi si sasent i mentf el tbymanyr et ai l er s .Whi l est or eswer eor der edshuti nt heU. S.dur i ng l ockdownbecauseoft hegl obalpandemi c,compani est hathadn’ ti nv est edi necommer ce wer ehur tt hemos t .Thati ncl udedmanyoffpr i cer et ai l er s .Andasmor eAmer i cansar el i k el y t oc ont i nueshoppi ngonl i ne,atl easti nt henear t er m,offpr i cer et ai l er sl i k eNor dst r om Rack ar egoi ngt ohav et oi nv es tmor ei nt hei recommer cebusi ness .


I nv est i ngi ncus t omerser vi cehel psact i v at ey ourflywheelbecausel oy alcust omer swi l lhel p y ouacqui r enew cust omer s ,f r eeofchar ge,byconvi nci ngpr ospect st oi nt er actwi t hyour br and.And,t hei rposi t i v et es t i moni al s wi l lbe mor e effect i ve t han any ofy ourcur r ent mar k et i ngeffor t s— andcheaper ,t oo.

Wi t ht hesur geoft hegl obal pandemi c ,r et ai lbusi nesssuchasNor dst r om shoul dadaptand expandi ngi t sbusi nessonl i ne.Asmaj or i t yoft hepeopl efindconveni encewi t ht hev astshi f t oft echnol ogy .Theyneedt oi ncr easet hei ri nv ent or i esonl i net omak ei teasi erf orcust omer s t oshopandpur chasei t emseasi l y .


Toi mpr ov et hecust omerex per i enceandcust omerser vi ceatyourbusi ness–what ev ery our si z e,what ev ert henat ur eofy ourbusi ness–Isuggestbenchmar ki ngt hegr eat sofcust omer ser vi cewher ev ery oucanfindt hem.

Thi si deaofasi ngl el i neempl oy eedi r ect i v et o“ usey ourownbestj udgment ”doesr eflectt he r i ghtway t o succeed as a c ust omer f ocused busi ness:Hi r et he r i ghtpeopl e and t hen empowert hem t obecr eat i v ei nsuppor toft hei rcompanyandt hei rcust omer s,r at hert han moni t or i ngev er ymoment .

Tocont i nuet ol ev er agedi gi t ali nt egr at i onf orr et ai lbusi nesssuchasNor dst r om.Rev ampi ng t hewebsi t emeansnotonl yaddi ngmor ei t emsbutal somaki ngi teasi erf orcust omer st o sear chf orwhatt heywant .

PARTVIANSWERSFROM THECASESTUDYQUESTI ONS DI SCUSSI ONQUESTI ONS 1.Descr i beNor dst r om’ sor gani zat i onalcul t ur e. Nor dst r om i sanupscal ecompanyt hatpr omi sesex cel l entcust omerser vi cet oev er ycust omer .The or gani zat i onalcul t ur eofNor dst r om i sbui l toncust omerser vi ce,andt hec ompany' ssuccessi sbui l t oni t sempl oy ees.

2.Despi t et hel ow wagesandl onghour st hatar et ypi calofr et ai lempl oyment ,Nor dst r om st i l l hast heabi l i t yt omot i vat ei t sst afft oexhi bi texempl ar ycust omerser vi ce.How mi ghtt hi sbe expl ai ned? Al lt heempl oyeesatNor dst r om wer eempower edt omaket hei rowndeci si ons,andwer egi v ent he aut hor i t yt oi mpl ementt hem.Theywer eencour agedt obehav el i k eent r epr eneur sr unni ngt hei rown busi nesses.Theywer ef r eet ot akedeci si onst opr ovi det hebestser vi cet ot hec ust omer sandcr eat e sat i sfiedcust omer s .Theycoul dt ak et hei ni t i at i v eandactoni tt oaddval uet ot hecust omer s.The empl oy eeswer enevercr i t i ci z edf orpr ovi di ngser vi cet ot hecust omer s .I twasnotnecessar yf ort he sal esassoci at est ot ak et heper mi ssi onoft hei rsuper i or st omak eadeci si ont hatwasi nf avoroft he cust omer s .

3. What suggest i ons woul d you gi ve Nor dst r om f or mai nt ai ni ng and evol vi ng t he or gani zat i onalcul t ur et hathascont r i but edt oi t ssuccess? Nor dst r om caneffect i v el ymai nt ai nandev ol v et heor gani z at i onalcul t ur et hatl eadst oi t ssuccess t hr oughpr opermot i vat i onofi t sempl oy ees.

4.Whatt ypeofor gani zat i onalcul t ur edoyouvi ew asmosti mpor t ant ? Onewher ei tgi v esv al uet odi v er si t yandi ncl usi on.Acul t ur eoft hatcont i nuest ot hr i v et oex cel .

5.Whatat t r i but esofNor dst r om’ scul t ur edoyoufindmostappeal i ng?

Weknow t hatgr eatser vi cest ar t swi t hourpeopl e,whi chi swhywel ookf orpeopl ewhoval uehar d wor k,cr eat i vi t y ,ent r epr eneur i al i sm,col l abor at i onandcompet i t i on.Wefindt hatt hesequal i t i eseach enabl eourpeopl eandourbusi nesst oachi evesuccess .

6.Wi t hyourOJTCompany,whatt ypeofor gani zat i onalcul t ur edoyouobser veorpr act i ce? Doesi thel pi ni nspi r i ngandmot i vat i ngyouast r ai nees?Whyorwhynot ? I ncl usi onanddi ver si t y .Tot r eatouri nt er nal( empl oy eesandempl oy er s)andext er nal( cl i ent sand cust omer s)equal l yandf ai r l y .Yesi tdoes,becausepeopl eatourwor kpl acear emor emot i v at edand i nspi r edt oexcel ,cont r i but eandi nnovat et hei rpl at f or mst ot hecompany’ ssuccess ....

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