3x Case Plans - Maria, Matthew and April PDF

Title 3x Case Plans - Maria, Matthew and April
Author Yana YR
Course Community Services - Case Management
Institution TAFE New South Wales
Pages 8
File Size 274.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 525
Total Views 889


Assessment 5 – Case Plan’sAPRILShort term goals:Issues/Goal Strengths/AbilitiesAction Purpose ResponsibilitiesTime-frame Monitoring Review date1) Been in apast abusiverelationshipApril has pride and resilience. She needs to use her strengths to heal and feel wholeCounselling / therapyIdentify possib...


Assessment 5 – Case Plan’s APRIL Short term goals: Issues/Goal

Strengths/Abili Action ties

1) Been in a past abusive relationship

April has pride and resilience. She needs to use her strengths to heal and feel whole Communication and trust from both are essential to implementing action

Counselling / therapy

April will already be aware of her skills, experience, talents and contributions April is artistic, creative, has attention to detail and passionate about art

2) Open up & disclose her feelings with sister, Lyn

3) Update resume, skills and experience

4) Identify interests and hobbies that are relevant to Bright Visions programs on offer


Responsibilitie s



Review date

Identify possible triggers, weaknesses, heal and move on

Caseworker: to make referral contact and set appointment for April

Caseworker set appointment within a week

Caseworker to monitor April’s attendance sessions over next 2 months


Address and talk about her depression and unhappiness

Explore and strengthen their relationship

1 week

Caseworker to monitor and facilitate meeting with April and Lyn


Update resume and evaluate her current skills, experience and knowledge

Confident in applying for jobs and meets requirements

Caseworker: to set appointments. Meetings will be at Bright Vision or a home visit April: to use her laptop, printer and internet resources at home

Monitor April’s progress so far


Talk with workers and research available classes

Explore new programs she can participate in

Caseworker: collaborate with Bright Vision’s program facilitators

To take 2-4 days to evaluate and refurbish resume, CV and/or Cover Letter 2 weeks to explore new programs on offer at Bright Vision

Monitor progress and interaction at Bright Vision



Responsibilitie s



Finish & Review

Finish and complete: 04/01/19

Finish and complete: 04/01/19

Finish and complete: 04/02/19

Finish and complete: 04/02/19

Medium term goals: Issues/Goal

Strengths/Abili Action ties

5) Job search/explore career growth or change

Will utilise her strengths of motivation and determination

Research job roles online and apply to those that she is interested in

To obtain employment in a career she is passionate about

April - to stay proactive and positive

1-2 months

6) Build confidence at service

Passionate about arts, crafts and anything artistic and creative

Volunteer as an assistant in the arts program (available at Bright Vision)

Feel a sense of enjoyment and belonging

April: attend new classes that are different to one’s she is familiar with

1 month and ongoing/long term

7) Maintain commitments to any meetings (counselling/ther apy)

Dedication to improving her thoughts, feelings and journey to recovery Work on budgeting, delegation and self-discipline

Keep attending appointments

To further explore her feelings and progress

Caseworker: monitor April’s attendance April: Commit to appointments April: Set budgets and a target savings balance to work towards

2-3 months and ongoing/long term

8) Save money

Put a certain amount of money away in saving account each week and budget

Gain independence and move out of Lyn’s house

2 months to get into habit and ongoing/long term

Can take up to 1 month to find and secure a job role she is satisfied and confident in Encourage and support April with building her confidence whenever meeting with her Caseworker to monitor April’s attendance sessions from start to finish (or ongoing) Regularly check in with April to see how she is progressing

28/01/19 Finish and complete: 04/02/19 29/01/19 Finish and complete: 04/02/19

29/01/19 Finish and complete: 04/02/19 29/01/19 Finish and complete: 04/02/19

Long term goal: Issues/Goal

Strengths/Abili Action ties


Responsibilitie s



Finish & Review

9) Move into an apartment / flat

Basic household management, financial skills and responsibility

Find a suitable place for April, finalise documents with real estate

Gain back her independence and have her own space

2-3 weeks from finalising documents/leas e details

Check in progress with April and arrange moving truck service for support


10) Financially independent

Self-reliant and autonomous with her money

Become savvy with her income and

Will be on top of her finances and financially

April: Change address contact details, organise -insurance, rent payments, internet etc April: Pay bills and rent on time while also

1 month to get into habit and ongoing/long

Regularly check in with April to see how she is

Finish and complete: 04/02/19 with ongoing check up’s 29/01/19 Finish and

11) Confident in her new job role

12) Live a healthy, positive life


eliminate any debt


putting money away in her savings



Be prepared for tasks, know job role responsibilities and build strong connections and networks Optimism, taking control of decisions and exploring her passions and interests

Cut out negativity and focus on doing her role to the best of her ability

Focus on her success, strengths and skills

April: Dress confidently, speak with assurance and maintain an optimistic attitude

2 months from starting date to get into habit and ongoing/long term

Regularly check in with April to see how she is progressing

Take preventative measures when in a depressive phase and turn to her support systems for comfort

Manage her bipolar to prevent episodes and decrease its intensity and frequency

April: Take medication, build a strong relationship with her doctors and counsellors

1 month to create a habitual lifestyle and is an ongoing commitment

Regularly check in with April to see how she is progressing


complete: 04/02/19 with ongoing check up’s 29/01/19 Finish and complete: 04/02/19 with ongoing check up’s

Finish and complete: 04/02/19 with ongoing check up’s

MARIA Short term goals: Issues/Goal

Strengths/Abili Action ties

1) Support with her diagnosis of clinical depression

Commit to a health plan: taking medication and communicating with Bright Vision on medical needs Communicate effectively, open up, confidence, trust

2) Counselling / therapy for Maria


Responsibilitie s



Finish & Review

Collaborate and contact Maria’s GP/ health service for information required

So Bright Vision is aware of her medical needs, can support her needs appropriately

Caseworker: gather relevant info Maria: Take required medication

2 weeks to get into routine/habit and ongoing/long term

Support any medical needs she may require and collaborate with her GP, doctor etc

10/12/18 Finish and complete: 11/02/19 with ongoing check up’s

Attend an appropriate service catered for Domestic Violence

Talk openly to discover strengths, emotions, beliefs, heal

Caseworker: Monitor progress Maria: Attend appointments

1 month to get into routine/habit and ongoing/long

Regularly check in with Maria to see how she is progressing

12/12/18 Finish and complete: 11/02/19 with ongoing check

3) Counselling / therapy for Maria’s 3 young children who witnessed events 4) Explore AVO options

counsellors and Caseworkers Communicate effectively, open up, confidence, trust counsellors and Caseworkers Critical evaluation processing for Maria to follow through and apply for an AVO

support Attend an appropriate service catered for Domestic Violence support Collaborate with police to provide suitable information on an AVO

and achieve goals Talk openly to discover strengths, emotions, beliefs, heal and achieve goals Protect Maria & children, take cautious measures and prevent a repetitive cycle



Caseworker: Monitor progress Maria to make sure children attend appointments Caseworker: provide information Maria: Make decision

1 month to get into routine/habit and ongoing/long term

Regularly check in with Maria to see how her children are progressing

12/12/18 Finish and complete: 11/02/19 with ongoing check up’s

2 weeks to get into routine/habit and ongoing/long term

Regularly check in with Maria to evaluate progression and show support

10/12/18 Finish and complete: 11/02/19 with ongoing check up’s

Medium term goals: Issues/Goal

Strengths/Abili Action ties


Responsibilitie s



Finish & Review

5) Find temporary accommodation

Sister is a strong and reliable support system for Maria and children

For Maria to take a step towards independence & move into their own home

Caseworker: Home visit to Maria’s sister to check progress?

1-2 weeks to move into sister’s home

Monitor Maria’s progress whilst she and her children stay with her sister

17/12/18 Finish and complete: 11/02/19 with ongoing check up’s

6) Commit to counselling for both herself and her children

Communicate effectively, open up, confidence, trust counsellors and Caseworkers Maria already aware of her current strengths & what needs to

A strong support system is Maria’s sister who can provide temporary settlement Attend required appointments

Commit to healing and achieving dreams, hopes and goals

Maria and children: attend appointments regularly to improve health & happiness

1 month to get into routine/habit and ongoing/long term

Regularly check in with Maria to see how herself and her family are progressing

17/12/18 Finish and complete: 11/02/19 with ongoing check up’s

Update skills and/or undertake relevant training,

To attend job interviews and secure suitable employment

Maria: update resume and undertake relevant steps (i.e. training)

2-4 days to a week to work on resume, CV, skills, Cover Letter

Check in with Maria to see how she is refreshing her skills and

17/12/18 Finish and complete: 11/02/19 with ongoing check

7) Work on resume

be improved

8) Attend Domestic Violence support program

Trust support program, engage with facilitators and attendees when comfortable/rea dy

studying, classes, work placement etc Attend a first meeting to gain exposure on program and sign up



To know that she is not alone in a supportive environment with experienced help

Caseworker: provide information April: Attend support group

1 month to get into routine/habit and ongoing/long term

Regularly check in with Maria to see how she is getting along

17/12/18 Finish and complete: 11/02/19 with ongoing check up’s


Responsibilitie s



Finish & Review

Maria & children: commit to goals, plans and improve health, happiness and confidence Maria: Report any incidents asap, check in with police regularly for AVO updates/info Maria: Manage money effectively

Ongoing/long term

Regularly check in with Maria to see how herself and her children are healing

17/12/18 Finish and complete: 11/02/19 with ongoing check up’s

1 month to get into habit and ongoing/long term

Monitor progress and if within control provide assistance with any critical incidents Regularly check in with April to see how she is progressing

17/12/18 Finish and complete: 11/02/19 with ongoing check up’s

Long term goals: Issues/Goal

Strengths/Abili Action ties

9) Strong relationship with counsellors

Communicate effectively, open up, confidence, trust

Talk openly, commit to goals and implement choices with confidence

Communication is effective and relationships are strong and trustworthy

10) Follow and commit to AVO

Confidentiality, following rules, reporting to police or Caseworker for incidents

Follow AVO rules and information

Protect Maria & children. Also prevent a repetitive cycle

11) Financially stable and secure

Self-reliant and smart with money management

12) Live in own house with children

Money management, caring,

Budget, save an amount of money each week, be smart and savvy with income Financially stable and holistically

Maria is independent and won’t have to rely on anyone financially Free from an abusive household

Maria responsible for providing safe

1 month to get into routine/habit and ongoing/long term 1 month to get into routine and

Home visits to see how Maria is settling in

03/01/18 Finish and complete: 11/02/19 with ongoing check up’s 03/01/18 Finish and complete:

household management, budgeting, cooking etc

ready to move into own home with children

environment and create a safe, healthy life

and loving environment for herself and children

ongoing/long term

11/02/19 with ongoing check up’s

MATTHEW Short term goals: Issues/Goal

Strengths/Abili Action ties


Responsibilitie s



Review date

1) Identify key issues that Matthew faces at school

Able to identify and understand why Matthew has aggressive attitudes towards school/peers Matthew engages in activities to stimulate his social, educational and psychological needs Identify psychological and medical needs recognised by paediatrician Matthew builds his confidence to speak on his own and express his interests/hobbi es

Meeting with school teachers, counsellors and others involved

Recognise issues, barriers and causes of Matthews recent suspension

Caseworker set appointment within a week

Caseworker to monitor correspondenc e and discussions with school


Research services and activity centres nearby (easy to access, meet his needs)

Matthew participates in activities instead of staying home with zero engagement

Caseworker: to get in contact with Matthews school & appropriate individuals involved Caseworker: to set research appropriate services

1 week

Caseworker to monitor Matthew’s current daily activities/routin e at home


Contact paediatrician or medical service involved

Deeper understanding of Matthews diagnosis

Caseworker: Contact paediatrician or medical service involved

1 week

Monitor medical documents/info


Engage with Matthew to understand his own views/thoughts

Explore new services/activiti es he can participate in

Matthew: engage with Case worker and express his interests/hobbi es and passions

1 week

Monitor progress and interaction during the week/ shared discussions


2) Find suitable activities for Matthew while he is suspended

3) Contact paediatrician involved with Matthew 4) Identify Matthews interests and hobbies

Finish and complete: 04/01/19

Finish and complete: 04/01/19

Finish and complete: 04/02/19

Finish and complete: 04/02/19

Medium goals: goals in class term or coping skills etc)

classroom and with peers

7) Matthew work on relationship with mum & dad

Family discussions, build a stronger family connection

All 3 family members attend activity bonding services

8) Look into ‘Family Counselling’ options

Effective method to unpack emotions and issues individually as well together/as a family

Attend appropriate group counselling meetings or individual counselling

To strengthen relationship with all family members in an environment Matthew is comfortable in Provide support for all family members as a group and individually

current school about issues and concerns Peter, Sophia: Participate in activities with Matthew

others involved

2 months and ongoing

Caseworker: refer to appropriate counselling service (could be internal or external)

2 months and ongoing

Responsibilitie s


Regularly check in with Family to monitor and assess progress


Gain appropriate feedback from service (without breaking confidentiality policies)



Finish & Review

Finish and complete: 04/02/19

Finish and complete: 04/02/19

Long term goal: Issues/Goal

Strengths/Abili Action ties


9) Peter attend Anger/Violence support programs

work on his coping skills & wellbeing. Utilise existing skills & knowledge

10) Attend new school / learning environment

New change of environment for Matthew

11) Build healthier relationship with dad (Peter)

Strengthen relationship between Matthew and Peter

12) Build healthier relationship with mum (Sophia)

Strengthen relationship between Matthew and Sophia

Peter learns new coping skills and realises the impact his actions have on his family Attend new learning environment with optimism and eagerness

Change Peter’s behaviours and actions towards his family positively

attend sports events, head to the gym/recreation al hall to bond over fun ‘boy’ activities undertake relaxing & calming activities such as painting or crafts that require focus

Matthew and Peter have a strong, healthy and loving connection

New change of environment for Matthew

Matthew and Sophia have a strong, healthy and loving connection

Peter: Attend all Anger/Violence support program meetings weekly Matthew: Put 100% effort into his new school and try his best to cope with negative behaviours Peter: Take the lead and engage...

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