5 band Standard Resistor Values and Color PDF

Title 5 band Standard Resistor Values and Color
Author Ahmed Chowdhury
Course  DC Electrical Circuits
Institution Erie Community College
Pages 4
File Size 193.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 80
Total Views 145


chart of the color resistors ...


St andar dResi st orVal uesandCol or Component sandwi r esar ecodedwi t hcol or st oi dent i f yt hei rv al ueandf unct i on.

Thecol or sbr own,r ed,gr een,bl ue,andv i ol etar eus edast ol er ancecodeson5band r es i st or sonl y .Al l5bandr es i st or suseacol or edt ol er anceband.Thebl ank( 20%) “ band”i sonl yusedwi t ht he“ 4band”code( 3col or edbands+abl ank“ band” ) .

Ex ampl e#1

Ar esi st orcol or edYel l owVi ol et Or angeGol dwoul dbe47KΩ wi t hat ol er anceof+/ 5%.

Ex ampl e#2

Ar esi st orcol or edGr eenRedGol dSi l v erwoul dbe5. 2Ω wi t hat ol er anceof+/ -10%.

ampl e#3 Ex

Ar esi st orcol or edWhi t eVi ol et Bl ackwoul dbe97Ω wi t hat ol er anceof+/ -20%.When y ouseeonl yt hr eecol orbandsonar esi st or ,y ouknowt hati ti sact ual l ya4band codewi t habl ank( 20%)t ol er anceband.

ampl e#4 Ex

Ar esi st orcol or edOr angeOr angeBl ack Br ownVi ol etwoul dbe3. 3KΩ wi t ha t ol er anceof+/ -0. 1%.

Ex ampl e#5

Ar esi st orcol or edBr ownGr eenGr ey Si l v er Redwoul dbe1. 58Ω wi t hat ol er anceof +/ -2%.

Ex ampl e#6

Ar esi st orcol or edBl ueBr ownGr eenSi l v er Bl uewoul dbe6. 15Ω wi t hat ol er anceof +/ -0. 25%....

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