5 M - week 5 notes PDF

Title 5 M - week 5 notes
Author Anonymous User
Course Principles of Marketing
Institution Ryerson University
Pages 5
File Size 182.7 KB
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week 5 notes...


The Role of Marketing Research 

Marketing research should be used to bring clarity to unknown aspects of the marketplace. o To better understand the connections between marketing actions and consumer needs. It is used to help make decisions but it is not only basis for a decision.

Three Functional Roles 

Descriptive o Presenting factual statements o What are historical sales trends? Diagnostic o Explaining relationships within data o What is the impact on sales if…? Predictive o Predicting the results

The Marketing Research Process 

Step 1 – Identify the Problem o The most important step in the process  “garbage in – garbage out” o Must differentiate between a management decision and a research problem  A management decision is often a big-picture dilemma – what do they need to do?  A research problem identifies what information needs to be gathered  What do they need to know? o Market Research Objective  The specific information needed to solve a marketing research issue.  Developed as a series of questions that decisions markers needed to know to make a marketing decision.  Guide the overall approach necessary to meet the objectives and answer the research questions. Step 2 – Design the Research o Creation of the road map that specifies how to go about answering the question and achieving the objectives.

o The Research Process

Step 3 – Collecting the data o Primary data vs. secondary data  Advantages of secondary data  Inexpensive  Classifies problem  Fast to collect  Advantages of primary data  Focuses on solving a specific problem  Sources are known  Results more accurate  Disadvantages of secondary data  Collected for another purpose  Questionable sources  Quickly outdated  Disadvantages of primary data  Expensive  Time-consuming  Requires specific skills sets o Secondary Data Collection

Inside the organization  Annual reports  Reports to shareholders  Product testing data  Company’s own marketing data  House periodicals  Outside the organization  Statistics Canada  Online journals  Research studies conducted by others/other organizations (CIM and MRIA) o Primary Data Collection 

o Qualitative Data Collection Methods  Depth Interviews  One to one  Costly  Time consuming  Focus Groups  Small groups of people with different characteristics  Guided discussions o Quantitative Data collection Survey  Survey research  In home personal interviews  Mail intercept interviews  Telephone interviews  Mail surveys o Questionnaire design  All surveys require a questionnaire (three types of questions)  Open ended (qualitative)  Close (quantitative)  Scaled response (quantitative) o Quantitative Data Collection Observation

Instead of asking questions to collect descriptive quantitative data, the respondent’s behaviour is observed.  Often used as a means to supplement and supplement a quantitative research program. o Observational Methods o Ethnographic Research  Watching people in a natural setting to gain a deeper understanding of what makes people do what they do. o Experiments  Casual method of research to collect primary data  One or more variable is altered  Observe the impact of the altered variables on another – generally sales  Laboratory or field o Specifying the Sampling Procedure  Sample – subset of a larger population  Population of interests?  Representative of the population? o Probability sample is necessary o Nonprobability Sample  Little or no attempt to create a representative cross section in the sample  Most common is a convenience sample o Types of errors  Measurement error  Sampling error  Frame error  Random error Step 4 – Analyze the Data o Analyze Step 5 – Present the Repot o Clear, concise statement of the research objectives o Simple but brief description of methodology o Summary of major findings o Conclusions o Recommendations Step 6 – Provide Follow-up o The Impact of Technology  Two key areas  Online and mobile devices  Public’s reduced use of and reliance on traditional research tools  Telephone surveys  Mail surveys 

 

 Secondary data collection is much easier o Online Surveys  Significant increase in penetration of this method  Advantages  Rapid development, real time reporting  Reduced costs  Improved respondent participation  Ability to reach hard to contact o Online Panels  A group of respondents who agree to be polled on a more regular basis over longer periods of time  They can respond quickly  The numbers in the online panels are high o Online Focus Groups  Much like a traditional focus group  Much less expensive o Mobile Marketing Research  Huge penetration and usage of mobile devices has organically made them useful tools for online research  Dynamic and almost instant connection which respondent  Key issue – privacy and security o Social Media Marketing Research  Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram etc. Rise of Big Data o Volume o Velocity o Variety When to Conduct Market Research o The first step in the process is key to success  Understand the problem o Be willing to admit you don’t have the answers o Competitive intelligence can create a more efficient and effective company...

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