50 Pharmacology Mnemonics for exit exam PDF

Title 50 Pharmacology Mnemonics for exit exam
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Institution Triton College
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50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

Aminoglycoside Toxicity The main concerns with the use of aminoglycoside antibiotics are nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity.

Nephrotoxicity is one of the most important side effects and therapeutical limitations of aminoglycoside antib iotics, especially gentamicin.

Aminoglycosides Nephrotoxicity induced by aminoglycosides manifests clinically as nonoliguric renal failure, with a slow rise in serum creatinine and a hypoosmolar urinary output developing after several days of treatment.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

Nephrotoxicity: A wide variation in the incidence. Usually reversib le. Increase in serum creatinine and BUN. Ototoxicity: Cochle and vestib ular. Bilateral and permanent.

Aminoglycosides – Serum Peak and Trough In view of reduced renal excretion, aminoglycosides require dosage modification in patients with renal failure.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

Regular monitoring of serum level and adjustm ent of doses accordingly is necessary, and this is particularly relevant in patients undergoing continuous renal replacem ent therapy to maintain optimum b actericidal efficacy.

Amoxicillin (Amoxil) Amoxil (amoxicillin) is a penicillin antibiotic. It fights bacteria in your body. It is used to treat many different types of infections caused by bacteria, such as ear infections, bladder infections, pneumonia, gonorrhea, and E. coli or salmone infection.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

Amoxil is also sometimes used together with another antib iotic called clarithromycin (Biaxin) to treat stomach ulcers caused b y Helicob acter pylori infection. This com b ination is sometimes used with a stomach acid reducer called lansoprazole (Prevacid).

Ancef and Kefzol (Cefazolin) Cefazolin is a cephalosporin (SEF a low spor in) antibiotic. It works by fighting bacteria in your body. Cefazolin is use treat many kinds of bacterial infections, including severe or life-threatening forms.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

Cefaz olin is a cephalosporin (SEF a low spor in) antib iotic. It works by fighting bacteria in your body. Cefazolin is used to treat many kinds of b acterial infections, including severe or life-threatening forms.

Metronidazole (Flagyl) Metronidazole is an antibiotic. It fights bacteria in your body. Metronidazole is used to treat bacterial infections of the vagina, stomach, skin, joints, and respiratory tract. This medication will not treat a vaginal yeast infection.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

This antib iotic only treats b acterial and protozoal infections. It will not work for viral infections (e.g. common cold, flu). Unnecess use or overuse of any antib iotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness.

Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic in a group of drugs called fluoroquinolones (flor-o-KWIN-o-lones). It fights bacteria in th body. It is also used to treat different types of bacterial infections.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

Cipro is also used to treat people who have b een exposed to anthrax.

Cephalosporins Cephalosporins are a group of broad spectrum, semi-synthetic beta-lactam antibiotics derived from the mould Cephalosporium. They are divided into three groups: Cephalosporin N and C are chemically related to penicillins and Cephalosporin P a steroid antibiotic resembles fusidic acid.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

The mechanism of action of cephalosporins is the same as penicillins. They interfere with bacterial cell wall synthesis.

Antiretrovirals This is the main type of treatment for HIV or AIDS. It is not a cure, but it can stop people from becoming ill for many years. The treatment consists of drugs that have to be taken every day for the rest of someone’s life.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

Antiretroviral drugs are medications for the treatment of infection b y retroviruses, primarily HIV.

Antibiotic Tree Antibiotics are powerful medicines that fight bacterial infections. Used properly, antibiotics can save lives. They either bacteria or keep them from reproducing. Your body’s natural defenses can usually take it from there.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

If a virus is making you sick, taking antib iotics may do more harm than good. Each time you take antib iotics, you increase the chances that b acteria in your b ody will b e ab le to resist them.

Isoniazid (INH) Isoniazid is an antibiotic. It prevents tuberculous bacteria from multiplying in the body. Isoniazidis used to treat and to prevent tuberculosis (TB).




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

The mechanism of action of Isoniazid is not known, b ut it is thought to work through its effects on lipids (fats) and DNA within the tub erculosis bacterium .

Clotrimazole (Lotrimin) Clotrimazole topical is an antifungal antibiotic that fights infections caused by fungus. It is used to treat skin infections such as athlete’s foot, jock itch, ringworm, and yeast infections.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

Lotrim in is used topically on the skin, inserted vaginally or allowed to dissolve in the mouth for local fungal infections.

Peak and Trough Ideally, peak and trough levels are drawn after the patient has received at least three scheduled maintenance doses. Exceptions may be made by the practitioner.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

Peak and trough levels are drawn after the patient has received at least three scheduled maintenance doses. Exceptions may b made b y the practitioner or pharmacist.

Penicillin (PCN) Penicillin V is an antibiotic in the penicillin group of drugs. It fights bacteria in your body.Penicillin V is used to treat m different types of infections caused by bacteria, such as ear infections.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

Today, many derivatives of penicillin have been developed which inhib it more types of b acteria than the original, life-saving dru

2 QTS Say No to OBs Tetracyclines cause fetal tooth discoloration and inhibition of bone growth if used in the second and third trimesters. Quinolones may cause arthropathies in children, and so are currently not recommended for use in pregnanc




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

The only antib iotics which may be of concern in nursing infants are sulfonam ides and quinolones, and possib ly metronidazole

Respigam Respiratory syncytial virus immune globulin (RSV IG) is a sterilized solution obtained from pooled human blood. It contains the immunoglobulins (or antibodies) to protect against infection from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a viru that can cause serious illness in children.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

RSV IG is used to help prevent or reduce the severity of lower respiratory tract (lung) disease caused b y respiratory syncytial vir children who are at increased risk.

Rocephin Rocephin (ceftriaxone) is a cephalosporin (SEF a low spor in) antibiotic. It works by fighting bacteria in your body. Rocephin is used to treat many kinds of bacterial infections, including severe or life-threatening forms such as meningitis.

To reduce the development of drug-resistant bacteria and maintain the effectiveness of Rocephin (ceftriaxone) and other antib acterial drugs, Rocephin (ceftriaxone) should be used only to treat or prevent infections that are proven or strongly suspec to be caused b y b acteria.

Tequin (Gatifloxacin) Tequin is an antibiotic in a group of drugs called fluoroquinolones. It fights bacteria in the body.Tequin is used to treat bacterial infections of the lungs, sinuses, skin, and urinary tract. It is also used to treat certain sexually transmitted diseases. http://nurseslabs.com/pharmacology-mnemonics-tips-1/



50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

Do not give this drug to Diab etic patients.

Tetracycline Uses Tetracycline, is used to treat bacterial infections, including pneumonia and other respiratory tract infections; acne; infections of skin, genital and urinary systems; and the infection that causes stomach ulcers (Helicobacter pylori). It al may be used as an alternative to other medications for the treatment of Lyme disease and for the treatment and prevention of anthrax (after inhalational exposure).

Tetracycline is in a class of medications called tetracycline antib iotics. It works b y preventing the growth and spread of b acteria Antib iotics will not work for colds, flu, or other viral infections.

Azithromycin (Zithromax) Azithromycin is used to treat certain bacterial infections, such as bronchitis; pneumonia; sexually transmitted diseases (STD); and infections of the ears, lungs, sinuses, skin, throat, and reproductive organs. Azithromycin also is used to tre http://nurseslabs.com/pharmacology-mnemonics-tips-1/



50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

people with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)].

Azithromycin is in a class of m edications called macrolide antib iotics. It works by stopping the growth of b acteria. Antib iotics wi kill viruses that can cause colds, flu, or other infections.

Antifibrinolytics Antifibrinolytics are used in menorrhagia and bleeding tendency due to various causes. Their application may be benef in patients with hyperfibrinolysis because they arrest bleeding rapidly if the other components of the haemostatic syste are not severely affected. This may help to avoid the use of blood products such as fresh frozen plasma (FFP) with its associated risks of infections or anaphylactic reactions.

These drugs b lock the b inding sites of the enzymes or plasminogen respectively and thus stop plasm in formation.

Warfarin Sodium (Coumadin) Coumadin is a prescription medicine used to treat blood clots and to lower the chance of blood clots forming in your bo Blood clots can cause a stroke, heart attack, or other serious conditions if they form in the legs or lungs. http://nurseslabs.com/pharmacology-mnemonics-tips-1/



50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

To help warfarin (Coumadin) work effectively, it is important to keep your vitamin K intake as consistent as possib le. Sudden increases in vitamin K intake may decrease the effect of warfarin (Coum adin). On the other hand, greatly lowering your vitamin intak e could increase the effect of warfarin (Coum adin).

Heparin Heparin is an anticoagulant (blood thinner) that prevents the formation of blood clots. Heparin is used to treat and prev blood clots in the veins, arteries, or lung.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

Heparin is also used b efore surgery to reduce the risk of b lood clots.

Heparin – Coumadin (Responding Lab Tests) Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) are used to test for the same functions; however, in aPTT, an activator is added that speeds up the clotting time and results in a narrower reference range. The aPTT is considered a more sensitive version of the PTT and is used to monitor the patient’s response to heparin therapy.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

The reference range of the aPTT is 30-40 seconds. The reference range of the PTT is 60-70 seconds. Critical values that should prom pt a clinical alert are as follows: aPTT: More than 70 seconds (signifies spontaneous bleeding) PTT: More than 100 second (signifies spontaneous bleeding)

Albumin Albumin helps move many small molecules through the blood, including bilirubin, calcium, progesterone, and medicatio It plays an important role in keeping the fluid from the blood from leaking out into the tissues.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

Alb umin is used in the treatment of shock, burns or low b lood protein to temporarily correct or prevent a blood volume deficien

Iron Supplements Iron supplements are dietary supplements containing iron that can be prescribed by a doctor for a medical reason, or purchased from a vitamin shop, drug store etc. They are primarily used to treat anemia or other iron deficiencies.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

The patient may notice that his/her stools become black. This is completely harmless, b ut patients must b e warned ab out this t avoid unnecessary concern. When iron supplements are given in a liquid form, teeth may reversib ly discolor (this can b e avoid through the use of a straw). Intramuscular injection can b e painful, and b rown discoloration may be noticed.

Clopidogrel (Plavix) Clopidogrel is used to prevent heart attacks and strokes in persons with heart disease (recent heart attack), recent stro or blood circulation disease (peripheral vascular disease). It is also used with aspirin to treat new/worsening chest pain (new heart attack, unstable angina) and to keep blood vessels open and prevent blood clots after certain procedures (s as cardiac stent). It works by blocking certain blood cells called platelets and prevents them from forming harmful blo clots. This “anti-platelet” effect helps keep blood flowing smoothly in your body.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

It might take longer than normal to stop b leeding if you cut yourself while taking clopidogrel.

Epoetin Alfa (Procrit) Epoetin alfa injection is used to treat anemia (a lower than normal number of red blood cells) in people with chronic ki failure (condition in which the kidneys slowly and permanently stop working over a period of time). Epoetin alfa inject is also used to treat anemia caused by chemotherapy in people with certain types of cancer or caused by zidovudine (AZT, Retrovir, in Trizivir, in Combivir), a medication used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Epoetin alfa injection is also used before and after certain types of surgery to decrease the chance that blood transfusions (transfe one person’s blood to another person’s body) will be needed because of blood loss during surgery.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

Epoetin alfa is in a class of medications called erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs). It works by causing the b one marrow ( tissue inside the b ones where b lood is made) to make more red b lood cells.

Thrombolytics Thrombolytic medications are approved for the immediate treatment of stroke and heart attack. The most commonly u drug for thrombolytic therapy is tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), but other drugs can do the same thing.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

Thromb olytics work b y dissolving a major clot quickly. This helps restart b lood flow to the heart and helps prevent damage to th heart muscle. Thromb olytics can stop a heart attack that would otherwise be deadly.

Anticancer Drugs The available anticancer drugs have distinct mechanisms of action which may vary in their effects on different types o normal and cancer cells. A single “cure” for cancer has proved elusive since there is not a single type of cancer but a many as 100 different types of cancer. In addition, there are very few demonstrable biochemical differences between cancerous cells and normal cells. For this reason the effectiveness of many anticancer drugs is limited by their toxicity normal rapidly growing cells in the intestinal and bone marrow areas. A final problem is that cancerous cells which are initially suppressed by a specific drug may develop a resistance to that drug. For this reason cancer chemotherapy ma consist of using several drugs in combination for varying lengths of time.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

Chemotherapy drugs, are sometimes feared because of a patient’s concern ab out toxic effects. Their role is to slow and hopefu halt the growth and spread of a cancer.

Leukeran (Chlorambucil) Chlorambucil is a chemotherapy drug that has been mainly used in the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. It i a nitrogen mustard alkylating agent and can be given orally. current use is mainly in chronic lymphocytic leukemia, as well tolerated by most patients, though chlorambucil has been largely replaced by fludarabine as first-line treatment in younger patients.




50 Pharmacology Mnemonics and Tips 1 - Nurseslabs

Bone marrow suppression (anem ia, neutropenia, thromb ocytopenia) is the most commonly occurring side effect of chloramb uc Withdrawn from the drug, this side effect is typically reversib le. Like m any alkylating agents, chloram b ucil has b een associated the development of other forms of cancer.

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