5nur112.LAB Blood Administration worksheet PDF

Title 5nur112.LAB Blood Administration worksheet
Course Nursing Science Ii
Institution Dutchess Community College
Pages 4
File Size 90.9 KB
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Blood administration assignment, hope it's helpful...


Worksheet for Blood Administration 1. What is the difference between the types of blood products? Define each with any notable information important for nurses to know. a. PRBC- Packed Red Blood Cells, the plasma (liquid portion of the blood) is taken out for this transfusion. Possible times of use; trauma, blood loss, surgery, anemic. Given to treat anemia ( blood loss (severe hemorrhage, hypovolemic shock) Contains clotting factors, RBC, WBC, plasma, platelets, and plasma proteins. *Compatibility testing is required One unit increases Hgb by 1gm/dL and Hct by 3-4% Infuse as fast as can tolerate.

2. What is blood type? Who is the universal donor? Which blood products must be ABO tested? Blood type: A, B, AB, O UNIVERSAL DONOR: Oàcan give to: O, A, B, AB-------àcan receive from: 0 UNIVERSAL RECIPIENT: ABàcan give AB-----------------àcan receive from: A, B, AB, O Aàcan give: A, AB--------------àcan receive from A, O Bàcan give: B, AB--------------àcan receive from B, O Packed RBCs, Plasma, and whole blood must be ABO tested. Platelets, albumin, cryoprecipitate do not need to be ABO tested 3. What is Rh? Why is it important? Which blood products must be Rh matched? Rh is a protein on RBCs and is Rh+ or if they don’t have the protein Rh-. This is important to know because: Rh + can receive + or – Rh- can only receive – If mother and baby have different Rh factors in pregnancy risk of mother sustaining life threatening anemia and baby is looked at like a foreign body and may die. Mother will receive Rogan to prevent. Packed RBCs, plasma, and whole blood need to be Rh matched. 4. What is hemolysis? What are five ways to prevent it? Hemolysis is the destruction of RBCs, the result of ABO incompatibility. Five ways to prevent hemolysis is: cross-matching to test compatibility between donor’s blood and recipient’s blood, 2nd RN will witness

to verify blood type before transfusion, blood bank will do their own verification of the blood type and labeling, use of 18-gauge needle, and identification is checked from order to blood bank to 2 RN witness. 5. What are three ways to prevent contamination of the blood products? Three ways to prevent contamination of blood products are by: giving blood within 20-30minutes of receiving from the blood bank, run for no more than 4hours to prevent bacterial growth, and check the bag for sediment or cloudiness before administration. 6. Who checks the blood products before administration? What information must be verified and checked? Before administration of the product, blood bank checks with the RN or Tech/Aide who receive the product from the blood bank, then the blood is given to the RN who will be administering and will check/verify the blood with a 2nd RN as witness. Information to be verified and checked: Order for blood administration, consent, patient identification: name, DOB, MRN, Blood bank info: Lot number, Expiration date, Blood type and Rh factor of donor and patient. 7. Describe the two types of immediate immunologic reactions. Two types of immediate immunologic reactions that can occur: Acute Hemolytic: ABO incompatibility, immune system is killing the donor's RBCs. S+SX= fever, chest pain, chills, back pain, increased heart rate, hypotension, diaphoresis, anxiety, hemoglobinuria. Allergic can lead to Anaphylactic: Occurs rarely, caused by recipient antibody to donor IgA globulin or other plasma proteins. Immune system reacts to the proteins found in the donor. S+SX= severe hypotension, dyspnea, LOC, N/V, SOB, hives, pruritis, bronchospasm. 8. Describe steps about managing transfusion reactions. To manage transfusion reactions the nurse must STOP the transfusion, immediately DISCONNECT the IV tubing and run 0.9% normal saline. Notify provider and blood bank, check vitals every 5minutes and monitor patient closely never leaving them. The blood product along with tubing must be sent to the blood bank to be checked. Lab to draw blood patients' blood. DOCUMENT. 9. Describe at least three other complications that can occur with blood transfusions. Three other problems that can occur with blood transfusions are: Acute bacteremia- contamination from donor or introduction of bacteria during process or prolonged warming. S+SX: Fever, chills, N/V, sudden severe hypotension Transfusion related Acute lung injury- possible that the antibodies and leukocytes react leading the alveolar edema which can cause death.

S+SX: SOB, hypotension, O2sat...

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