6 Health Teacher's Guide PDF

Title 6 Health Teacher's Guide
Author Goldie Paraz
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6 Health Teacher’s Guide This Teaching Guide is a work in progress. Despite several rounds of revision and evaluation, this material may still contain some mistakes, errors, duplications or omissions that can be revised and updated to correct learning. DepEd Region VIII welcomes corrections, feedbac...


6 Health Teacher’s Guide This Teaching Guide is a work in progress. Despite several rounds of revision and evaluation, this material may still contain some mistakes, errors, duplications or omissions that can be revised and updated to correct learning. DepEd Region VIII welcomes corrections, feedback and recommendations to further improve this Teaching Guide. We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education – Regional Office No.8 Republic of the Philippines

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I. OBJECTIVES: Describes personal health issues and concerns. (H6PH-Iab-18) II. SUBJECT MATTER A. Topic: Personal Health Issues and Concerns B. Values : Stay Healthy C. Reference: MAPEH IN ACTION 6, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki, American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery. Earwax Accessed 12/18/2013. D. Materials: pictures, word strips BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF TEACHERS STUNTED GROWTH – is a reduced growth rate in human development. It is a primary manifestation of malnutrition (or more precisely under nutrition) and recurrent infections, such as diarrhea and helminthiasis, in early childhood and even before birth, due to malnutrition during fetal development brought on by a malnourished mother. UNDERWEIGHT- is a term describing a person whose body weight is considered too low to be healthy. OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY- are defined as ''abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health'' IMPACTED CERUMEN - Ear wax, also called cerumen, is made by the body to protect the ears. The ear wax has both lubricating and antibacterial properties. Most of the time, the old ear wax is moved through the ear canal by motions from chewing and other jaw movements and as the skin of the ear canal grows from the inside out. At that time, it reaches the outside of the ear and flakes off. Ear wax is produced in the outer part of the ear canal, not deep inside the ear. SWIMMER’S EAR- Otitis externa, also known as swimmer's ear, [1] is an inflammation of the ear canal.[2] It often presents with ear pain, swelling of the ear canal, and occasionally decreased hearing.[2] Typically there is pain with movement of the outer ear. A high fever is typically not present except in severe cases. OTITIS MEDIA- is a group of inflammatory diseases of the middle ear.[2] The two main types are acute otitis media (AOM) and otitis media with effusion (OME).[6] AOM is an infection of abrupt onset that usually presents with ear pain. In young children this may result in pulling at the ear, increased crying, and poor sleep. Decreased eating and a fever may also be present. OME is typically not associated with symptoms.[1] Occasionally a feeling of fullness is described. It is defined as the presence of non-infectious fluid in the middle ear for more than three months. BLURRED VISION- refers to eye movement control and eye coordination. Something that is hazy and indistinct to the sight. ASTIGMATISM- is a type of refractive error in which the eye does not focus light evenly on the retina.[1] This results in distorted or blurred vision at all distances. MYOPIA - Near-sightedness, also known as short-sightedness and myopia, is a condition of the eye where light focuses in front of, instead of on, the retina.[1] This causes distant objects to be blurry while close objects appear normal. 2 All rights reserved. No part of this materials may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by means – electronics or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from DepEd Regional Office VIII.

HYPEROPIA- Far-sightedness, also known as long-sightedness and hyperopia, is a condition of the eye in which light is focused behind, instead of on, the retina.[2] This causes close objects to be blurry, while far objects may appear normal. XEROPHTHALMIA- is a medical condition in which the eye fails to produce tears. It may be caused by vitamin A deficiency, which is sometimes used to describe that condition, although there may be other causes. STRABISMUS- also called crossed eyes is a condition in which the eyes do not properly align with each other when looking at an object. SUNBURN- is a form of radiation burn that affects living tissue, such as skin, that results from an overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, commonly from the sun. CORNS- an in growing callus often on the foot BLISTERS- is a small pocket of body fluid (lymph, serum, plasma, blood, or pus) within the upper layers of the skin, typically caused by forceful rubbing (friction), burning, freezing, chemical exposure or infection SCOLIOSIS - is a medical condition in which a person's spine has a sideways curve. LORDOSIS- refers to the normal inward lordotic curvature of the lumbar and cervical regions of the human spine KYPHOSIS- is an abnormally excessive convex kyphotic curvature of the spine as it occurs in the cervical, thoracic and sacral regions. CAVITIES- are damage to the structure of a tooth. GINGIVITIS- "inflammation of the gum tissue") is a non-destructive disease that occurs around the teeth. PERIODONTITIS- also known as gum disease and pyorrhea, is a set of inflammatory diseases affecting the tissues surrounding the teeth. MALOCCLUSION-is a misalignment or incorrect relation between the teeth of the two dental arches when they approach each other as the jaws close. HALITOSIS- also known as bad breath is a symptom in which a noticeably unpleasant odor is present on the breath. III. Learning Procedure: A. Preliminary Activities 1. Review: What will you do to have a good health? What activities/practices you are doing every day to obtain good health or maintain good health? 2. Motivation: Put the picture in the basket if it shows good health practices and put the picture in the trash bin if it does not.



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What will happen to us if we will follow the practices in the basket? What will happen to us if we will follow the practices in the trash bin? If we will not follow the practices, these personal health issues will occur. Discuss the different health issues and concerns. 2. Developmental Activities Guessing Game Guess the name of the pictures of personal health issues in the board. Choose the names in the word strips and paste it below the picture.

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1. Discuss the answers of the pupils. Also the other personal health concerns and issues. 2. In their own opinion, ask how they can avoid these health concerns. Post Activity: 1. Application (Find a partner) The partner will pick a name of a health issues. They are going to describe and tell how to prevent it. Value Integration: How can you take care of your body? Generalization: Ask: What are the different health issues and concerns? (Let the pupils describe it) IV. Assessment: Choose the correct answer from the box that describes the personal health issues. Write your answer on the blank. Otitis media Stunted growth Obesity Vision Scoliosis Blisters Underweight _______________1. It is a medical condition in which a person's spine has a sideways curve. _______________2.It is a reduced growth rate in human development. _______________3.It is a small pocket of body fluid (lymph, serum, plasma, blood, or pus) within the upper layers of the skin. _______________4.It is defined as ''abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health'' _______________5.It refers to eye movement control and eye coordination. V. Assignment: List down at least 5 personal health issues common in your community/family.

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I. OBJECTIVES Demonstrates self-management skills in the prevention and management of personal health issues and concerns (H6PH Iab-I9) II. SUBJECT MATTER A. Topic: Developing self-management skills B. Values: Stay Healthy C. Reference: MAPEH IN ACTION 6, http://www.childrensheartcenter.org/ D. Materials: pictures, cardboard BACKGROUND INFORMATION FOR TEACHERS Nutrition is very important for everyone, but it is especially important for children because it is directly linked to all aspects of their growth and development; factors which will have direct ties to their level of health as adults. For example, a child with the right balance of omega fatty acids in their daily diet has a much better chance at creating a more solid foundation for their brain activity and capabilities later on. Likewise, a child who practices a low fat and cholesterol diet on a daily basis significantly improves their chances of preventing a heart attack; even if heart disease tends to be hereditary within your family. We are surrounded by microbes that affect us in various ways and varying degrees. Maintaining personal hygiene is of utmost importance for children and needs to be approached with the right teaching tools and methods. Personal hygiene is much more than just keeping your hands clean. It is also about keeping your entire self clean and taking care of not infecting others around you. III. Learning Procedure: A. Preliminary Activities 1. Review: I have here pictures of health issues, pick one and describe. 2. Motivation: (Sung to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat) Wash, wash, wash your hands Be sure to use the soap! Rub and scrub and scrub and rub Germs go down the drain. HEY! Ask the following questions: 1. Do you like the song? 2. How will you wash your hands according to the song? 3. Did you wash your hands the same manner in the song? 6 All rights reserved. No part of this materials may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by means – electronics or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from DepEd Regional Office VIII.

B. Activity Proper Let the pupils see different pictures of self-management skills.

Discuss each picture. What does each picture for? What health issues can be prevented on each picture?

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2. Developmental Activities (Group activity) What will you do to prevent the health issues? Accomplish the Semantic web below.

Self-Management Skills

C. Post Activity 1. Display their work. 2. Let the leader of the group discuss their answer. 3. Ask: Is it important to follow the different self-management skills? Why or why not? 4. Application: Role Playing demonstrating the self-management skills to prevent the personal health issues.

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5. Generalization: What are the different self-management skills to prevent from personal health issues? Do you think these are important? Why or why not? IV. Assessment Create a poster showing self-management skills to prevent the personal health issues. V. Assignment Write 2 to 3 sentences on what self-management skills in your family applies or demonstrates.

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Lesson Plan in Health 6 1st Quarter Lesson 5 I.OBJECTIVE: 1. Regularly undergoes health appraisal procedures (H6 PH-Id-f-22) II.SUBJECT MATTER: Topic: Health Appraisal Procedure Value: Proper care ot the conduct of Health Appraisal Procedure References: Health 6 Curriculum Guide p.55 w.w.w.google.com.phsearch Materials: pictures, activity materials, power-point, video-clip BACKGROUND INFORMATION FOR TEACHER

Health Appraisal Procedure - is the procedure to determine the health statue of the student.  HEIGHT@WEIGHT MEASUREMENT- is important whe o itori g a i fa t or hild’s health. It is used to calculate your body mass index, or BMI, a measure of healthy versus unhealthy weight. The are also i porta t he tra ki g a hild’s gro th.  BREAST SELF-EXAMINATION- Breast self-examination helps doctor check that everything is or al. Do tors do ’t usuall start doi g reast exams until a girl is in her 20s.During breast exam a doctor or nurse practitioner will feel a o a ’s reast to heck any lumps and bumps and see if there are changes.  HEARING TEST - A hearing (audiometric) test is part of an ear exam that tests how well a person is able to hear. It is done by measuring how well sound can reach the brain.  VISION SCREENING- is an efficient and cost –effective method to identify children with visual impairment or eye conditions that are likely to lead to vision loss so that a referral can be made to an appropriate eye care professional for further evaluations and treatment.  SCOLIOSIS TEST- This is a simple screening test that can detect potential problems. If you notice any unevenness, you should contact your doctor for an exam. Using a scoliometer can help determine the severity of the curve. Scoliosis is usually confirmed by taking X-ray of the entire spine looking from front to back.

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III.PROCEDURE: A. Preliminary Activities 1. Health Inspection 2. Review (ask the importance of health appraisal procedure) B. Developmental Activities

1. Show pictures of the different health appraisal procedures. 2. Present video clip a. What does the pictures/ video clip all about? b. What are the steps and the procedures to appraise our health? c. How often do we have this health appraisal procedures? d. Why is there a need to undergo these procedures? 3. Discuss each procedure. C. Post Activity Give each group an activity that cites the different health procedures. Let the group perform with the guidance of the teacher. D. Valuing: Why do we need to follow carefully the different health appraisal procedure? Why is there a need to undergo these procedures? IV. ASSESSMENT Fill in the blanks the undergoing health appraisal procedures. 1. It is a e a i atio that the do tor or urse pra titio er he k the o e ’s breast to check any lumps and bumps and see if there are changes since the last exam. 2. is part of an ear exam that test how well a person is able to hear. 3. is an efficient and cost effective method to identify children with visual impairment or eye conditions. 4. is a simple screening test that can detect potential problem or unevenness of the spinal colon. 5. is an instrument used to determine the severity of the curve of the spinal colon. V. ASSIGNMENT Practice at home some of this health appraisal procedure. 11 All rights reserved. No part of this materials may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by means – electronics or mechanical including photocopying without written permission from DepEd Regional Office VIII.

Lesson Plan in Health 6 1st Quarter Lesson 6 I.OBJECTIVE: Identifies community health resources and facilities that may be utilized to address a variety of personal health issues and concerns. H6 PH-Igh-23 II. Subject Matter Topic : Community health resources and facilities Value : Respects community health resources References: Health 6 curriculum guide p.55 w.w.w.google.com.phsearch Mapeh in Action 6, p 302 Materials: Pictures, activity materials, power-point, video-clip BACKGROUND INFORMATION FOR TEACHER A health professional is a qualified person who delivers proper health care in a systematic and professional way to any individual in need of health care services. A health care provider may refer to a health professional or an organization that provides professional health services. Professionals are regulated by their body and/or the state. Below are some of the health specialist you could check on: 1. Obstetrician – specialist in caring for the mother before during and immediately after birth. 2. Gynecologist-spe ialist i o e ’s o ditio a d diseases, espe iall of the fe ale reprodu ti e system. 3. Pediatrician-specialist in health and illness of children. 4. Opthalmologist-specialist in treating eye conditions and diseases. 5. Neurologist- specialist in diagnosing and treating disorders of the nervous system. 6. Psychiatrist-specialist in the treatment of mental and emotional condition and disorders. 7. Gerontologist- specialist for the aged and elderly 8. Surgeon-performs surgical related cases. 9. Nephrologist-specialist to the disorder of the kidney. 10. Podiatrist- specialist various feet related diseases. III. Procedure A. Preliminary activities 1. Health inspection 2. Review (Cites some health appraisal procedures)

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B. Developmental Activities

1. Based from the picture shown,what are the services rendered by the health professionals? 2. What are the key roles they can play in supporting people and delivering care? 3. Is it important that we have to visit and consult this entire health practitioner? Why? 4. How do they help us to protect and prevent our illness? C. Post activity: Identify the best health resources for each situation. 1. Myrna is a week pregnant and must consult a medical professional already. What kind of doctor Should she seek?_________________ 2. While playing, Jerome accidentally hit his head on the floor due to a bad fall. He was unconscious and was rushed to the hospital where it was found that he suffered a blood clot in a part of his brain. Who should attend to him?________________ 3. At birth, Baby Mica must already have her own medical specialist to monitor her growth and development. Who should her parents consult?________________________ 4. Miguel broke his leg after a vehicular accident. An emergency operation is need. Who must work on his case? ___________________________ 5. Lucio is having difficulties urinating. He is starting to experience edema (swelling limbs or face) too. Whom must he consult?______________________________ D. Valuing: How do we show respect and value our health professionals?

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IV.ASSESSMENT: Match the description in Column A with the community health resources. A


1. Treats persons with cardiac problems

a. Nephrologist

2. Treats persons with urinary kidney disorder

b. physical therapist

3. Treats persons with dental problems

c. cardiologist

4. Treats persons with problems in the skin

d. dentist

5. Rehabilitates persons with strength mobility

e. dermatologist

and other muscular disorder V. Assignment Do you have a Pediatrician? Family Doc...

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