CYPOP 6 - Health and Social PDF

Title CYPOP 6 - Health and Social
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CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce

CYPOP 6 Support disabled children and young people and those with specific requirements Unit aim:The unit is designed to assess competence in supporting disabled children or young people and those with specific needs in partnership with their carers. It also includes partnership working with other agencies and professionals.

Credit 6 Level 3

Candidate Name: Nosheen Ashraf

Signature: N.Ashraf Date: 31st July 2020


Assessor Name:



©Mediprospects 2012-13



CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce


LO1: 1. Understand the principles of working inclusively with disabled children and young people and those with specific requirements.

QUESTION – 1 . 1 . Ou t l i n et h el e g a l e n t i t l e me n t so f d i s a b l e dc h i l d r e na n dy o u n gp e o p l ef o r e q u a l i t yo f t r e a t me n t a n dt h ep r i n c i p l e so f wo r k i n gi n c l u s i v e l yp l a c i n gt h ec h i l d / y o u n gp e r s o ni nt h ec e n t r e .


There are many legal entitlements of disabled children and young people for equal treatment and the principles of working inclusively placing the child or young person in the centre. The principles and values of equality and diversity and inclusion should underpin all work with children and young people. This is important as all children must be treated fairly. As a practitioner you need to be aware of the articles of the United Nations Convention on the Right of the Child, Article 23 refers specifically for disabled children they say ‘‘Children who have any kind of disability should have special care and support so that they can lead full and independent lives.’. This means that the practitioner needs to ensure that disabled children are being taught independence rather than having someone do everything for them, only thus way they will be able to pick up skills and do them for themselves this will also make them feel empowered. Disabled children and young people are legally entitled to equal treatment of children and their families have a legal right to expect support from different services such as health and education, there are many pieces of legislation which support this such as the Education Act 1996, The Equality Act 2010 and The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001. All these acts highlight how important it is for disabled children and young children to be treated with respect and no different from other children, they have the right to receive all support to help them be the most independent they possibly can be, ready for the world when the leave the education system.


©Mediprospects 2012-13


CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce


Continue on a separate page if necessary... QUESTION – 1 . 2 . Co mp a r es e r v i c el e da n dc h i l da n dy o u n gp e r s o nl e dmo d e l so f p r o v i s i o nf o r d i s a b l e dc h i l d r e na n dy o u n gp e o p l e .

Being a child or young person led is a service that offers children and young children many different types of ways to participate and make informed choices that means it will result in making services child centred. There is a various led model of provision for disabled children and young people. Normally the service led models for children focus more on professional needs of the service user meaning the children, young people and the cares and parents. However, the model is now changing from traditional service led model of service delivery, traditional roles supported that models are now changing to adapt to the service users’ needs instead of doing what they think is best for them. This is because this allows the service user to be in control and make decisions for themselves and let people know that they are comfortable with and the type of support they require. This is extremely important a this allows the service user to be freer and more independent with the decisions they choose to make and doesn’t feel like they are not in control of their own lives.


©Mediprospects 2012-13


CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce

QUESTION – 1 . 3 . Cr i t i c a l l ya n a l y s et h ed i ff e r e n c eb e t we e nt h es o c i a l mo d e l a n dme d i c a l mo d e l o f d i s a b i l i t ya n dh o we a c hmo d e l a ff e c t sp r o v i s i o n . CCL1CFC1V1.0

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CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce


ANSWER The medical model of disability empathises the individual’s impairment and provides support for stereotypical views towards disabled people that encourage pity, dear and patronising attitudes towards them. The medical model suggests that having a disability is negative as it is an impairment, they also believe that the disability is within yourself meaning it is your own problem. The medical model attempts to make a remedy for disability through a cure or by trying to make the individual seem more ‘normal’. Lastly, the medical model suggests that the best remedy is found through professionals therefore agreeing with the traditional way. However, this can be seen as a disadvantage and many people would disagree with this model as it does not look at the individuals needs and doesn’t believe they have potential to make the own decisions. However, the social model is the view that disability is just a difference, just as different genders, age or even race. The social model suggest that disabled people are disadvantaged by a complex form of institutional discrimination. The social model also says that a disability is neutral and part of life and an apart of who you are which makes an individual unique. The social model believes that the remedy is change in the integration between society and the individual, when society becomes more accepting and doesn’t care whether a person is disabled as they know they are capable just as they are. The social model believes that its about what the individual wants, and they should be treated as normal ins society as everyone does. Overall, I believe the social model is a lot effective as it allows the individual to be freer and feel more empowered rather than feel isolated and not feel in control of their own life which I believe the medical model believes.


©Mediprospects 2012-13


CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce


QUESTION – 1 . 4 . Ex p l a i nt h ei mp o r t a n c eo f : •a d v o c a c y •f a c i l i t a t e da d v o c a c yf o rc h i l d r e na n dy o u n gp e o p l ewh or e q u i r ei t •t h ep e r s o n a l a s s i s t a n t r o l e .

The importance of advocacy is that it’s important that you know that young people and some children may need an adult to help them represent their viewpoint and by putting forward ideas they have and to help them communicate what they are feeling and believe. It’s important you understand their views and make them feel involved in the class and discussion as this will help them grow as a person when they are involved such as helping their selfesteem, confidence. An advoke will listen and interoperate and talk to ensure everyone is aware of children’s rights. They can also be useful for parents to help them through the process and also involve them on their child’s development. A facilitated advocacy is also important as it allows groups to work with the decision makers to help make changes in the local services run, they voice what they believe what is the best idea for change of benefit everyone. Lastly, a personal assistant role may be used to help with support them and help them with stuff they make find difficult, the main reason is to help them do things they need help with and also for confidence to make decisions and feel empowered so they can be independent as possible. It is important not to rush them and help them through the journey also when personal space or different views are shared. The main aim is to help them grow for their own benefit not for you to do everything for them but to teach them.


©Mediprospects 2012-13


CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce


Qu e s t i o n s :1. 5 .Ex p l a i nt h ei mp o r t a n c eo fe n c o u r a g i n gt h ep a r t i c i p a t i o no fd i s a b l e dc h i l d r e na n dy o u n g p e o p l e . CCL1CFC1V1.0

©Mediprospects 2012-13


CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce


An s we r : It is very important to encourage disabled children and young people to participate in everything too. It is important that they feel involved and feel comfortable sharing their views and opinions within the class and everyday life. To do this in a childcare setting you need to present opportunities for the children and young people to participate in all discussions you should also talk to them about issues that may affect them from doing so. To help disabled children and young people to overcome barriers and challenges, there are three broad areas, training, support and resources, knowledge and understanding and attitudes. You need to be able to identify and recognise the barriers they face to help them face it. To help the children participate it should be an ongoing and flexible process not an end in itself. There should be a set routine that helps understand disabled children’s views about themselves, service and how to make strategic decisions. Lastly, it is very important to comply with the UN convention, as everyone needs to know that disabled and young children have the same rights as everyone else and if something affects them, they need the same if not extra support. This is outlined in the UN convention and the Rights of the Child.


©Mediprospects 2012-13


CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce


LO2. Be able to work in partnership with families with disabled children or young people and those with specific requirements QUESTION – 2.1. Explain the concepts and principles of partnership with carers of disabled children and young people and those with specific requirements.


It is important to know that parents normally know what is best for their children about their special needs, it is very important to listen to what the parents have to stay to provide the best care for them. Information that is shared with parents must be discussed with the relevant staff such as the child’s key worker. When you are sharing information with the parents or carer you need to make sure it is accurate and up to date lastly you need to make sure tis relevant. You need to also ensure you also take into consideration about the family’s background and culture. Lastly, you should follow your settings policies and procedures to how they approach special educational needs and the practices they follow.


©Mediprospects 2012-13


CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce


Continue on a separate page if necessary... QUESTION – 2.2. Explain the types of support and information carers may require. ANSWER

There are many different types of support and information that carers require. For example, the carers or parents should have information about their child’s condition and how they can support them and help them with their development at home. They should also be aware of different types of communication aids such as how to learn how to use sign language, speech board. Families must also receive social and emotional support as it can be tough for them understanding the condition and depending on where there child is on the spectrum it could be very hard for them to have control and may feel like they are hopeless to reaching there children’s needs, support groups can CCL1CFC1V1.0

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CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce


offer a lot of assistance too. They should also receive how to overcome problems they may be going though such as financial support such as claiming benefits, information about services or housing adaptations, and the rights the family has. They can also receive support such as learning how to do activities together as a family so they can feel closer and develop altogether as a family, lastly, they should have access to appropriate play and leisure services for their child’s specific needs.

LO 4: Bea b l et oe v a l u a t e , s u p p o r t a n dd e v e l o pe x i s t i n gp r a c t i c ewi t hd i s a b l e dc h i l d r e na n dy o u n gp e o p l ea n dt h o s ewi t h CCL1CFC1V1.0

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CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce


s p e c i fi cr e q u i r e me n t s .

Question: 4 . 2 . Ex p l a i nt h ei mp o r t a n c eo f e v a l u a t i n ga n dc h a l l e n g i n ge x i s t i n gp r a c t i c ea n db e c o mi n ga na g e n t o f c h a n g e .


When explaining the importance of evaluating and challenging existing practice and becoming an agent of change, practitioners must convey that this: 

 

 Leads to the development of links with families and service providers.  Encourages reflection on practice and then adapting it, and this can lead to improved practice.  Allows practitioners to examine the impact of their own attitudes.  Highlights any training needs.  Identifies the specific support required by individual children /young people.  Promotes the use of positive language and preferred terminology.

 Encourages empathy.

 Leads to positive outcomes.


©Mediprospects 2012-13


CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce


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QUESTION 4 . 3 . Ex p l a i nh o wa n dwh e nt ou s ep o l i c i e sa n dp r o c e d u r e st oc h a l l e n g ed i s c r i mi n a t o r y , a b u s i v eo ro p p r e s s i v eb e h a v i o u r .


Firstly, it is very important to know that as a practitioner you are responsible to recognise discrimination from staff, other adults and children, as a professional it is essential that you understand that discrimination I unlawful under The Equality Act 2010. If you find that there is discrimination taking place you should report it straight away and try to deal with the issue whilst doing this you need to be calm, assertive and confident to know what is the best way to act quickly as possible to protect children’s rights and by using an anti-discriminatory approach. After doing this you need to understand why this has happened in the first place, and why this may be occurring. You should then do the best to prevent this from happening again, to do this you should try to learn about the situation and talk to any child or adult involved and speak to them about their feelings and why the situation was created in the CCL1CFC1V1.0

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CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce

first place and help them understand how their behaviour was wrong and inappropriate. The child or adult needs to understand that what they have done is not tolerated. You should also provide support to anyone that experiences discrimination as they probably need reassurance and may struggle with self-esteem issues. You should always report and follow the correct procedure needed to challenge discrimination. To promote change you should change people’s attitudes towards race, age, sexuality and religious discrimination and help people know that even though we are different, it is not something that is bad and needs to be discriminated against.


©Mediprospects 2012-13



CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce


QUESTION – 4 . 4 . De s c r i b et h ei mp a c t o f d i s a b i l i t ywi t h i nd i ff e r e n t c u l t u r e sa n dt h ei mp o r t a n c eo f c u l t u r a l l ys e n s i t i v ep r a c t i c e .


A practitioner must respect all cultures and must accept and respect all the differences of family life within each culture family and class. Every family is run in different ways so what one family agree with another family may not, if this is the case this is fine, and you need to adapt to the situation or try and give good suggestions to cater to their culture. It is very important that a practitioner know and understands the different types of family life for children and young people within the work setting. Children of Asian, African or Caribbean origin, or children of any other mixed heritage an assessment should be done to address the impact racism has on a child or family and make sure that the procedure of assessment doesn’t enforce racism through stereotypes for example, through racial or cultural stereotyping.


©Mediprospects 2012-13


CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce


Continue on a separate page if necessary… QUESTION – 4 . 5 . Ex p l a i nt h ei mp o r t a n c eo f s y s t e mso f mo n i t o r i n g , r e v i e wi n ga n de v a l u a t i n gs e r v i c e sf o rd i s a b l e dc h i l d r e na n dy o u n g p e o p l e .

ANSWER It is very important to use the systems of monitoring, reviewing and evaluating services for disabled children and young people. This is could be essential to the child’s development and you are able to track their progress and see if the help the child is getting is good for them and effective. A practitioner normally collects relevant background information such as age, needs and abilities, and also get information from there family and the NHS and social services. They also should collect information according to the settings agreed formats and procedures, they should also make sure that the are regularly updated to and make sure they are following the data protection requirements as well as the right to confidentiality.


©Mediprospects 2012-13


CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce


Continue on a separate page if necessary… LO5: Understand how to work in partnership with other agencies and professionals to support provision for disabled children and young people and those with specific requirements

Question: 5 . 1 . Ex p l a i nt h er o l e sa n dr e s p o n s i b i l i t i e so f p a r t n e r st h a t a r et y p i c a l l yi n v o l v e dwi t hd i s a b l e dc h i l d r e na n dy o u n gp e o p l e a n dt h o s ewi t hs p e c i fi cr e q u i r e me n t s .

ANSWER There are a number of partners that are involved with disabled children and young people and they have many responsibilities and come together to ensure families and children ...

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