6.1 - Learning - Professor Justin Kim Part of Exam 3 PDF

Title 6.1 - Learning - Professor Justin Kim Part of Exam 3
Author kylie
Course Survey of Psychology
Institution University of Hawaii at Manoa
Pages 3
File Size 122.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 54
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Professor Justin Kim
Part of Exam 3...


6.1 - Learning Monday, February 11, 2019

9:50 AM

Relatively consistent change in behavior due to experience. Nonassociative learning: one cue - Habituation: decrease in behavioral response after repeated exposure to a nonthreatening stimulus - Sensitization: increase in behavioral response after exposure to a threatening stimulus Associative Learning: at least two cues - Classical conditioning ○ Ex: sight of significant other: smiling - Operant conditioning - Cognitive and social learning Pavlov's Observation: - Studies digestion in dogs - Presented meat powder and measured salivation - Dogs started salivating before food was presented Classical Conditioning: - Discovered (accidentally) by Ivan Pavlov - Components ○ Unconditioned Stimulus (US): any stimulus that will always and naturally elicit a response ○ Unconditioned Response (UR): any response that always and naturally occurs at the presentation of the US § Reflexive response ○ Conditioned Stimulus (CS): originally NS that after pairing with an US become meaningful and elicits the CR § Repeatedly paired with the US ○ Conditioned Response (CR): the learned physical response to a previous NS § Eventually the CS elicits a new CR


§ Eventually, the CS elicits a new CR ○ Neutral Stimulus (NS): any stimulus that does not naturally elicit a response associated with the UR Recipe: US->UR->NS->US->UR->CS->CR



Stimulus Generalization: tendency for the CR to be elicited by neutral stimuli that are like, but not identical to, the CS Stimulus Discrimination: ability to distinguish, or discriminate, among stimuli similar to the CS and to respond only to the actual stimuli

Not All Associations Are Created Equal: - Biological Preparedness: animals programmed to fear certain stimuli - Contrapreparedness: inability for certain stimuli to serve as conditioned stimuli that elicit certain responses Conditioning in the Brain: - Learning to be Afraid: ○ Information registers in the brain ○ Amygdala reacts ○ Hippocampus helps store associations with context ○ Amygdala triggers fear response ○ Sets of neurons become linked...

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