Learning - Professor Ross Thompson PDF

Title Learning - Professor Ross Thompson
Course Intro to Psychology
Institution University of California Davis
Pages 2
File Size 35.3 KB
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Professor Ross Thompson...


Learning 10/31 Spooky ●

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3 types of learning ○ Learning by association/classical conditioning ■ The process by which one associates a neutral stimulus with a meaningful one, and you then respond to the neutral stimulus as if it was meaningful ■ Stimulus = any environmental event ■ Pavlov’s dogs - the tone alone had no drooling, food brought drooling; tone and food together drooling; conditioning then caused the tone to produce salivation ○ Learning by consequences/operant conditioning ■ Frequency of behavior changes according to its consequences ■ Reinforcers = any stimulus that increases the frequency of a behavior ● Primary reinforcers - stimulus whose reinforcing value is unlearned (food, sleep, etc) ● Secondary reinforcers - stimulus whose reinforcing value is learned through its association with primary reinforcers (money, grades, etc) ● Extrinsic reinforcers - reinforcer provided by someone or something else (promotion, hugs, trick or treaters lol) ● Intrinsic reinforcer - a reinforcer provided by the individual who is reinforced (naps after work/exercise) ● Overjustification effect - use of extrinsic rewards decreases a person's intrinsic rewards for doing something ● Positive reinforcer - increases the frequency of a behavior by following it with a reward ● Negative reinforcer - increases the frequency of a behavior by ending an unpleasant event ● Punishment - an unpleasant event that decreases the frequency of a behavior; punishment is NOT negative reinforcement ■ Psychologists prefer reinforcement over punishment because ● Reinforcement provides clearer info about desired behavior ● Reinforcement provides more enduring cooperation (vs short term compliance) ● Reinforcement has more positive emotional effects ○ Learning by example/cognitive social learning ■ Characteristics of attractive models (people we want to take after) ● We respect and admire them ● We regard them as similar to ourselves ● We see that they benefit from their actions ■ Unconditioned stimulus - produces a natural response that does not have to be learned Unconditioned response - a natural response that does not have to be learned

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Conditioned stimulus - a stimulus whose meaning has been learned Conditioned response - learned response to a conditioned stimulus Extinction - the conditioned response fails to occur because the UCS does not accompany the CS Systematic desensitization - desentizing conditioned stimulus so it no longer elicits the conditioned response; form of therapy...

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